
Some scarameow standees I finally released after 3 years. So proud of how they turned out.
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Komiket 02.08~09.2025
Last February 08~09, 2025 was my first time tabling since 2019. I am thankful for my friend, Toya, for inviting me and also joining the green yuri stamp rally. It was a fresh experience as as a 20+ year old who can financially support themselves from the rent, display, merchandise, transportation, and food. I am looking forward to future conventions with my friends and meet new artists and people.
Day 1 - 02.08.2025
Day 1 started at 5:00 AM or so in the morning. Miraculously, I secured a leave at work and I worked all day and received the merchandises from Friday morning until 2:00 AM of Saturday ( D1. )
I slept for a good amount ( I think ) but admittedly was grinning with the pubmats and panels I chose this time. This was the first long-time planned display that I was preparing for and was glad that this year, I was able to put them to good use.
Was also so proud of the storage / drawing / rest area I planned. 35x35" was a good size and the color variant of the panel was a good choice ( in my opinion. ) Light passes through nicely while still looking sleek, which suits my taste.
D1 overall was nice, and being with my college batchmate and friend, Toya, made me feel comfortable. She was helpful in so many ways and was understanding with my struggles as tabling after a long time. ( I'm sorry and thank you!! ) Also met our tablemate Czari last weekend who was lovely and has the cutest art with cool art prints!
Day 2 - 02.09.2025
From D1, I ran out of Scara prints and had some labels reprinted as well. Got to the con 10 minutes early, thankfully it was a cold morning but it felt nice being early. I was able to get a feel of the place and prepare properly, which is what I actually like. D2 was a bit more chill and was able to chat more with customers and go around and check what other artists are up to, and catch up with the trends.
D2 also was just hanging around with friends, taking pictures of whatever and just enjoying the last hours of the event.
Enjoyed some lunch as well !!
And had dinner and chit chat with Toya before going home
Looking forward to selling at more conventions in the future!
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I mainly just post whatever I find interesting, some serious some are not. Basically a record of my life for anyone to view if they so happen to stumble upon this online collection of mine.
Here's a little guide on navigating the contents:
- Photography. Almost, if not all, will have photos attached to each post. This is just a general all rounder tag.
- Midnight / night / daily rambles. It means what it says, just any ramblings I might have that night / day / any time of the day. Might be cringe but who cares.
- Travels. Basically the same, or more or less a combination of the photography or rambles tag. Used for out of the country travels, or local if it's far away from where I reside.
- Convention posts. Similar to the tr.vl tag but more on convention photos and stuff. Will mostly be used together with the tr.vl tag.
- Art. I have a separate art account but art posted here are mostly personal ones or progress pieces which are not in-line with my artist accounts.
Thank you for visiting, please enjoy your stay,
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