nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
dimensions of executive function issues
(different reasons that i might not be able to focus, how to tell them apart, and [maybe] how to solve them. work in progress.)
low energy - feeling tired and sleepy - yawning a lot  - working feels like it takes way too much energy; I’d rather just sleep - feels effortful even to think - seek low-mental-effort activities like tumblr solutions: stimulants (incl. caffeine), listening to energetic music, getting up and going for a 20+ minute walk
lack of self-monitoring - feel like i’m running on autopilot - can’t easily recall the last 3 things I did - get up and walk around a lot; get lost in daydreams and thoughts - difficulty verbalizing thoughts - can respond to prompts, but hard to generate new plans/thoughts - often goes along with low energy solutions: not getting up and going for a walk, sitting at my desk and listening to happy-energetic music while looking at the task. talking through the problem with someone else – it’ll be hard at first but having to converse will bring my self-monitoring system back online.
restlessness - feeling bored, wanting stimulation - feeling frustrated - changing sitting position often, feeling uncomfortable, fidgeting a lot - seek tasty food but almost all food is not tasty enough solutions: try working with loud energetic music and a fidget toy. if this doesn’t work, go outside and run around for a bit until you’re breathing hard, then try again. let yourself have sugar after the run if you still want it. compulsion for something else - pulled towards other, more interesting thoughts/activities - if i start working, i get sidetracked by the more interesting things without noticing - easy to enter flow state on other tasks, just not this one solutions: this one is hard. write down the more exciting thoughts and promise yourself you’ll come back to them? (you may not come back to them.)
task aversion - feeling stressed when i think about the task - or, thoughts slip off the task easily (ugh field) - feeling scared or self-hatey when i think about the task solutions: try working on the task for just two minutes. if you still hate it / feel scared after two minutes, you can stop. try talking through the task with someone else and figuring out small first actions. try listening to happy-calm-forward-motion music. query your brain about other small things that would make you feel happy to be at your desk (tea? wearing your jacket if it’s cold? moving to a conference room with better lighting?) and if they’re easy, do those, and take the time to appreciate them as you’re doing them. but mostly, talk through the task and get help from others.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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Photos of women of color from the Victorian era are hard to come by.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
Really? It’d be a shame if everyone kept circulated this story and reminded people until he leaves.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
Um just so we're clear, reblog if you support self-dx because you're a critically-thinking and generally kind human being who actually knows how self-dx works
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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the Drake and Millie situation? why is this being allowed to happen. I know it happens all over the world but here - right in the public eye it’s happening and nobody is thinking anything of it??? Or are turning a blind fucking eye??
https://www.facebook.com/1885503711697761/posts/2146402772274519/ ))
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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All rise for the female characters without sexualized outfits
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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How is that renowned Republican brand working for you? The pictures above are a reminder of past and ongoing Republican actions and inaction so that people will remember them when they get ready to vote.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
I find the twilight renaissance funny, and I’m all for eliminating cringe culture, but let’s remember that smeyer changed Quileute legends and beliefs to fit her narrative, gave animalistic/abusive traits to her Native characters, reinforcing the uncontrollable “savage” stereotype, made the “pure”, pale vampires constantly insult and antagonize the werewolves (whose land they were living on) for no reason, and overall wrote some pretty racist stuff about her Native characters
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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Tired: Autistic people are ~just like you~! We have more in common than we do differences! Wired: Autistic people can be super weird and you might feel like you can’t relate to our experiences, but you don’t need to have things in common with someone to respect their existence.
— Amythest/gemythest (@neurowonderful)
July 15, 2018
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
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This is my favorite form of entertainment.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
Voting should not be a privilege that can be revoked as a punishment for a crime. Voting should be a civic obligation, a compulsory and expected duty of all citizens within a democracy. It’s not a treat reserved for the best, smartest, or most law-abiding of us, but a responsibility of all of us- like paying taxes. 
That means that, yes, felons should have the right to vote. It means that yes, voting should me mandatory. 
Anyone who argues that it is a GOOD thing that certain groups of people don’t vote or are under-represented in voting for any reason does not properly value the function that voting serves in a healthy democracy. 
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
If any of my followers are photosensitive, please be careful when watching The Incredibles 2
I just finished seeing the movie, and while I do not have a history of epilepsy or light-induced seizures, the movie had quite a few scenes where super intense strobe lights covered at least half of the screen for minutes at a time (I even had to close my eyes for some of it).
These scenes occur with no warning at all, and I highly advise against going to see the film in theaters if you are sensitive to intense strobe lights and I advise those who aren’t to still be cautious when seeing the film.
I did thoroughly enjoy the film and have an amazing time when watching it, but I still have a headache from the really intense scenes.
Please be careful!
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
Full offense but if you do things to autistics like confiscate their fidgets or loved items, touch them in any way without their consent, make fun of their special interests, try and teach them to act neurotypical, etc. even if you’ve been told to stop, then you’re a horrible person.
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
Have you been PURGED? Georgia voters check NOW!!!
In response to a Greg Palast threat of a federal law suit, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp has coughed up the names and addresses of every one of the half million voters he cancelled off the registration rolls in 2017.
One in ten voters – disappeared WITHOUT NOTICE.
Look up your name or those you know, with the zip code. We’ll send back you entire registration address. If that’s you (or a former address of yours) re-register today – the October 9 deadline is almost here.
Kemp’s purge list includes those wrongly tagged as having left Georgia by Kris Kobach of Kansas, using Kobach’s racially poisonous, long discredited Interstate Crosscheck list.
Especially if your name is Jackson or Hernandes or Kim, check for your name now!
Note: We will be adding another dozen states’ purge lists – they are falling like drunken rats as our lawsuit deadlines near. …more
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nuttyhamster5 · 6 years
[Image: ink and paint illustration of a patient describing a pain in their hand to their doctor. The two people stand on either side of a pictoral representation of the pain, which is a vivid jumble of reds, oranges, yellows, and blacks that incorporates squiggles, radiating shaking lines, knives, lightning, and several numbers followed by question marks.]
Folks, this article is really fantastic: it lays out the issue of using the pain scale and then offers alternatives.
Essentially, the best thing you can do when working with your doctor is to explain what the pain feels like, what it does to you emotionally, and how it impacts your function.
Working within the pain scale can still be helpful, so be sure to pop over to our Pain Scale tag for some additional advice.
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