nurseydereks · 4 years
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based on this post
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nurseydereks · 5 years
Kidnapper: We have your boyfriend.
Nursey: I don’t have a boyfriend.
Kidnapper: He’s been fixing our refrigerator for the last hour.
Nursey: Oh my god. They have Dex.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
132 for christmas writing ask thing?
ahhh you sent this in a bit ago and now i can’t find the post you’re referring to but i’m pretty sure the prompt was “Yes, I’m drunk in a club on New Year’s, just come pick me up.” sooo i’m gonna pretend that’s the right one and give you a lil new year’s fic?? happy 2020 y’all
“Yes, I’m drunk in a club on New Year’s Eve, just come pick me up. Please.”
Of all the ways to spend the last day of the decade, Dex hadn’t exactly wanted this. When he thought how he actually wanted to spend it, though, he mostly just wanted to sleep, which wasn’t “fun” or “festive.” In Nursey’s words, it was “totally boring and completely unchill and now who am I going to drink in the Roaring Twenties Part 2 (this time with a different kind of racism!) with?”
It wasn’t Dex’s fault he was so tired, he thought grumpily to himself as he struggled to push through the stupidly large crowds in the city. He had a giant deadline at work that morning, and yeah it was kind of a dick move for them to set a deadline on New Year’s Eve, but Dex likes his job and it was his first time heading a project and he wanted to do well, so he maybe kind of went into his “zombie mode.”
“Zombie mode,” as Nursey kindly explained to the Baby Frogs their senior year, “is when our dear captain forgets he has a human body that needs food and sleep and socialization.” At this point, Dex grunted, but didn’t dislodge Nursey’s hand from the top of his head because he was trying to find an error in his code and he’d been doing so for half an hour. “When Dex is in zombie mode, it’s up to those who care about him to make sure he doesn’t die. I will demonstrate.” Nursey bent down to Dex’s level then. “Dexy?”
Dex grunted.
“Dexington, it’s time to eat.”
Dex grunted again.
Nursey then put a muffin on top of Dex’s keyboard, forcing him to eat or get crumbs everywhere. Dex doesn’t remember, now, as he squishes between a loud family looking for the ball drop (several blocks away), he doesn’t remember what the error ended up being in his code, but he remembers that blueberry muffin. Damn. It had been a good muffin.
Dex shakes off his glove and pulls out his phone so he can recheck the address for whatever stupid club Nursey is stuck in.
Usually, Dex’s deadlines aren’t a problem for Nursey. He’s even said a couple of times that he likes making sure Dex doesn’t die when he’s in zombie mode. “It’s like knowing another language,” he said, when Dex apologized after finals week their junior year. “I understand you, even when you’re all like– that.”
Why this week, of all weeks, is different, Dex has no clue. But he’s outside the right club, so he steels himself and goes inside.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
post script poetry
okay i’m going to preface this with a lot of rambling so buckle up my dudes
i started this i don’t know how long ago when i saw a post about how fun it would be if dex ended up being the one to wax poetic about nursey and i saw it and thought the only way that would happen would be by accident, like if he was complaining and started getting mushy
so i wrote this. like, half of this. and then tonight i found it and i liked it and finished it. so here you go. and yes, i did this instead of fulfilling the hozier prompts. sorry not sorry?
Hey Lardo,
I attached my schedule for the week of the 15th. Depending on how long you need me, I can also work this week. I know the sculpture doesn’t have to be done until the end of the month, but I also know how you get close to a deadline. Let me know if any of the free times work for you– if not, we’ll figure something out.
P.S. I was going to text this, but since I’m typing I might as well tell you that there’s a horrifying new regular at the café. Every time he comes in he orders something so convoluted and complicated that he has to be fucking with me, and the drinks are so damn sweet he must need to see a dentist every weekend. He walks in with this stupid fucking smirk on his face too, like he derives joy from ruining a perfectly nice–okay well not nice but I’m perfectly civil to customers at least– barista’s day.
He’s come in consistently for three weeks now. Pray for me.
P.P.S. Did I mention that he’s taken to sitting at a table with nothing but his stupid sweet drinks and a journal for hours on end? Sometimes he’ll buy a muffin and try to talk to me, like I’m not fucking working. Asshole.
Hey Lardo,
5 on Wednesday works for me. Should I bring anything aside from the regular tools?
P.S. It doesn’t matter if he’s attractive but since you asked, yes, but only in the way that statues are attractive. They’re carved and perfected and gorgeous, yeah, but when you look at them you’re admiring it, idolizing it– your own inferiority is entangled in the attraction.
P.P.S. And no, I’m not telling you his name.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
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nurseydex + their honeymoon phase: boyfriend sweater (”Gay Rights!” - B. Shitty Knight), being gay on main, coding as a love language, feminism by chowder, & realizing things. (part 1) (my ko-fi)
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nurseydereks · 5 years
dex’s favourite i love yous: nursey mouthing it obviously across the room when he meets dex’s gaze, nursey finishing his sentences with “... and that’s why i love you”, nursey yelling it across the ice when they win a game, nursey artfully lacing it into a poem using words dex has never even heard of
nursey’s favourite i love yous: dex mumbling it half-asleep first thing in the morning, dex shouting it easily over his shoulder in parting, dex saying it softly as his cheeks dust over pink, a blush in an intimate moment, dex mumbling it into his shoulder as they drift off to sleep
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nurseydereks · 5 years
“What’s the deal with you and Nurse?”
The rapid exchange of indecipherable gifs occurring on Dex’s phone ceases at Bully’s question. Dex looks up from the screen to see Bully tapping his pencil against his open notebook, a somewhat bored look on his face.
“What do you mean?”
Bully nods at Dex’s phone. 
A quick look down tells Dex that Nursey’s taken his pause in reply as defeat. He sends three gifs in quick succession to celebrate his victory: a series of puppies dressed as Avengers, an Elmo burning gif, and a minion that does not look right.
Dex tilts his head. “I don’t know,” he says, and Bully snorts. Dex frowns. “What?”
Bully shakes his head, turning his attention back to his homework. “Nothing.”
“Hey.” Dex nudges Bully’s ankle with his shoe under the table. “You’re my waffle, you can’t sass me.”
Bully pauses reading long enough to appraise Dex with the sassiest eyebrows ever seen before completely ignoring Dex all together.
Dex huffs and ignores him back, which doesn’t exactly work but it’s the point of the thing. He texts Nursey back that he didn’t win, Dex just went back to being productive, which makes him a winner in the end. makes you a poindorkster in the end, Nursey replies, which is really, just, terrible. Wholly, completely awful.
Which is why it’s rather distressing that Dex grins at it like a loon.
Dex looks up. Bully’s boredom has shifted into amusement. His lips quirk vaguely.
“That’s what I mean.” He gestures with his pencil. “You’ve been doing whatever it is you’ve been doing with Nurse for like an hour now and you’re still not bored. What’s up with that?”
“I don’t–” Dex runs his thumb along the edge of his phone. “I don’t get bored of Nursey.”
Bully hums. “So that’s it, then?”
“So it’s what?” Dex asks, but Bully’s back to his school work with no indication of being pulled from it. Dex looks back down at his phone. Nursey’s switched to emojis now. The X girl, a dolphin, the heart-eyes one. It could be annoying. It could be amusing. But never, ever boring.
Huh. Dex wonders what that means for a minute before sending back two lobsters and a random flag. No time to decipher that, now.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
my favorite, oddly specific trope is when both the hero and the villain know each other’s secret identities and they wind up bumping into each other when they’re in civilian mode, but they can’t throw down (even though they both REALLY want to) because surprise! they have a mutual friend. so they’re just sitting across from each other at the dinner table awkwardly avoiding eye contact and desperately trying to dodge Oblivious Friend’s questions about what they did over the weekend because they can’t very well sit there and be like “oh yeah this weekend was fun, i went to the movies and then i threw a truck at this asshole’s head” or “not great, there was an issue at the bank and before i could make off with the money, THIS asshole threw a truck at my head”
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nurseydereks · 5 years
maybe some Nursey dex ? for ur requests
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nurseydereks · 5 years
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Dex is maybe sort of nervous about his junior year at Samwell.
This has a lot to do with the fact that he’ll be spending the year rooming with Nursey.
or, nursey and dex figure their shit out.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
nurseydex and 50 binch!!!!!!
50. “People are staring.” from this list
um this one got LONGER THAN I MEANT FOR IT TO so …. enjoy 1k :))
The Haus is practically on fire after their win tonight.
Okay—maybe that’s not the best comparison to make, since the Haus literally caught on fire one time after a big win. Like, there’s still char marks on the porch where Dex hasn’t replaced the wood yet.
The point still stands. The Haus is hopping, and Nursey for one is feeling it.
He finds Dex in the kitchen, escorting some drunk freshmen out of there and fixing the caution tape. Nursey isn’t drunk, not by a long shot, but something about how Dex looks tonight sets his skin on fire.
He slips under the caution tape and grabs Dex by the collar of his shirt, pressing him against a wall where they’re mostly hidden from sight.
“You’ve been away from me too long,” Nursey whines. He’s close enough that he knows Dex can feel Nursey’s breath against his face. He also knows that it drives Dex crazy. Sure enough, Dex arches forward. There’s a smirk on his face that Nursey can’t wait to kiss off.
“We played, like, twenty minutes of ice time together tonight,” Dex reminds him. Nursey tightens his grip on Dex’s shirt.
“Not enough,” he whispers. He leans in until his lips brush against Dex’s, a barely-there pressure that makes them both shiver. “Besides, if you start talking about ice time, I’m going to have to drag you upstairs.”
Nursey is so close to him that he can feel Dex’s lips curl into a smile. “Oh, yeah?” he asks.
“Fuck yes,” Nursey breathes. “A goddamn hatty? From a d-man? That’s mad sexy. I almost kissed you right there on center fucking ice.”
“Pulling a Zimmermann, I see.”
Nursey kisses him, just to shut him up. He loves Dex like this, cocky and confident and teasing. It’s a rare version. Maybe Nursey just loves him in general. Maybe it’s about damn time he said it out loud.
Dex’s mouth is pliant against his, moving lazily and with purpose. Nursey can feel this kiss in his toes. He puts his free hand on Dex’s hip and squeezes.
Dex laughs and breaks the kiss. “You gonna give these party-goers a show, babe?”
“They’re not watching,” Nursey insists. He leans forward and kisses Dex again and again. Dex wraps his arms around Nursey’s neck and pulls him impossibly closer.
“What are you going to do when Bitty walks in and yells at us for defiling his kitchen?” Dex asks. Nursey groans and drops his head to the crook of Dex’s neck.
“Why are you determined to stop me from kissing you right now?” he demands.
“We’re literally in the middle of a crowded Haus during a kegster. You really that sure you want people to see you with me?”
Dex’s voice is light but Nursey recognizes the edge of insecurity hiding behind it. He lifts his head and catches Dex’s gaze with his own. It’s hard, sometimes, to remember that they used to hate one another. Things are going so well. But insecurities like that don’t fade easy.
Nursey raises a hand to Dex’s cheek, cupping it gently. He smiles when Dex leans into it. “Baby, I want to stand on a table and announce to everyone that my boyfriend won us a game today,” Nursey says honestly.
Dex blushes. He’s beautiful. Nursey is, almost devastatingly, in love with him. “Don’t embarrass yourself,” Dex mutters.
That’s not the right answer.
In an instant, Nursey drops his hands and steps back. He almost gets distracted by the way Dex’s body instinctively follows him, like it’s ingrained in him. Like they’re magnets for one another. But—he’s a man on a mission. He grabs Dex’s hand and twines their fingers and tugs him out of the kitchen.
Panic rises in Dex’s voice as he hisses, “What are you doing?”
It’s louder out of the kitchen, so Nursey tugs him close. “Tell me you don’t want me to do it and I won’t,” he says.
“Nurse, what are you talking about—”
Nursey puts his free hand on Dex’s neck. “I’m telling everyone how proud I am of you. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t.”
Dex has a myriad of different blushes, and Nursey has spent a long time cataloging them. His favorite, he thinks, is the happy pink his skin turns when he’s surprised. “You were serious?”
“I’m serious,” Nursey confirms. Then he adds, “I’m serious about you.”
Dex laughs. It sounds half-maniacal. “Derek,” he says, and it sounds like an ‘I love you’ to Nursey’s ears. Nursey grins.
He kisses Dex’s forehead then clambers on top of the coffee table. He thanks God or whoever is up there that Bitty brought in a table sturdy enough for hockey players to horse around on. He’s not drunk—not by a long shot—but Nursey doesn’t think he’s ever felt this good.
“People are staring,” Dex warns him mildly.
“I don’t care,” Nursey tells him. Then he cups his hands around his mouth and says for the whole kegster to hear, “HEY! Let’s give it up for Number 24 and that gorgeous hatty that won us a game!”
Around them, the crowd cheers jubilantly. Dex is bright red and grinning from ear to ear. He doesn’t look away from Nursey, even as people whoop and holler for him.
“Hey, hey!” Nursey continues. He whistles until he has almost everyone’s attention again. “I just want to make sure every single one of you knows that my boyfriend is a fucking beast on that ice, and that he’s taking us all to the fucking Final Four!”
The cheers that rock the Haus this time are even louder. Logically, Nursey knows it’s more in celebration of moving on to the next round and not for his near-declaration of love, but logic doesn’t matter right now.
Dex grabs his waist as Nursey clambers back down and immediately pulls him in for a kiss. “That was super hot,” Dex says. He sounds kind of breathless.
“As hot as a hat trick in a playoff game?” Nursey teases.
Dex contemplates. For the second time that night, Nursey thinks about how he can’t wait to kiss that smug look away. “Not quite,” Dex tells him. Nursey laughs into his kiss.
“Still care of people are staring?” Nursey asks. Dex’s eyes are still closed, and he lets out a small hum.
“No,” he says decisively.
Nursey kisses him again.
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nurseydereks · 5 years
ummm soft nurseydex headcanons?
dex decides he wants to be the first one to say ‘i love you’ but he thinks he has to make it a big romantic moment because he knows that’s what nursey deserves
he buys a notebook where he brainstorms ideas but he literally only fills out two lines before the whole thing is useless
(nursey is standing outside his classroom one day and he’s wearing dex’s jacket and his eyes go so damn soft when he looks up and sees dex and dex’s heart is pounding out his chest and he just blurts out “i love you” and nursey looks shocked but he says it back and — )
he finds another use for the notebook tho don’t worry. a few years down the road after he’s finally found the perfect ring
um they’ve probably definitely slow-danced in the haus kitchen at like 3am and to this day nursey still swoons when he thinks about it
the refrigerator door was the only light in the room and everyone was asleep and dex’s heart was pounding when he took nursey’s hand and there wasn’t any music except for nursey trying to hum quietly and someone makes a comment like “bitty will kill us if we spoil his food” and then there’s just giggling and not as much dancing as holding onto one another and it’s one of their best nights ever
fun fact chowder probably lowkey caught them and instead of chirping them he just recorded the whole thing he may or may not plan to use it in his best man’s speech
nursey buys dex a pair of blue light glasses for when he’s working on coding
dex isn’t great at Big Nice Gifts but he is really good at always bringing nursey coffees even though they’re expensive and there’s coffee at home. also pastries and food pretty often and keychains from literally everywhere and a stuffed animal and small little things that he doesn’t think mean anything
SURPRISE DEX it’s actually one of nursey’s favorite things in the whole entire universe
they like to read together
nursey is really good at making different character voices but dex’s voice was practically made for reading poetry
nursey plays the piano and dex has like major heart eyes for it so sometimes when nursey’s playing dex will just lay on the floor next to the piano and alternate between looking up at his boyfriend in awe or closing his eyes and letting the music wash over him
these boys are ALL ABOUT CASUAL TOUCH!! THEYRE SO TACTILE!!!! arms around shoulders and waists and hand holding and pinky holding and laying in one another’s laps and cuddling literally everywhere they go and their ankles bump together under tables and dex’s fingers will drum against nursey’s thighs when they’re sitting on the couch and nursey is always playing with dex’s hair. just like honestly any excuse they can find to be touching one another they’ve probably found it
nursey sucks at tying ties so dex does it for him
nursey lowkey knows he could figure it out if he just watched a youtube tutorial but he loves dex’s focused eyes and the way that the tip of dex’s tongue pokes out and he LOVES the way dex smooths out his collar when he’s done then hooks his arms around nursey’s neck to pull him in for a kiss
speaking of kisses some of nursey’s favorite are first thing in the morning when they wake up curled around one another and he leans forward and it’s a gentle kiss with no real heat. dex’s nose always crinkles and he complains about morning breath and nursey will kiss his nose until dex is laughing and it’s just. nursey thinks it’s beautiful
dex’s favorite kisses are all of them the ones after winning games in the hallways of faber when they think they’re alone and they’re still riding the high of the game and they’re giggling breathlessly
anyway they’re in love
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nurseydereks · 5 years
hi, i made a nurseydex fic rec list thread on twitter and figured i’d go ahead and post it here as well!! you can find the thread here!!
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nurseydereks · 5 years
I’VE DONE IT!! i’ve finally been through all 84 pages of works tagged derek “nursey” nurse/william “dex” poindexter on ao3!!!!
it took me a little while, and there were a fair amount of things i skipped over based on personal preferences and completion status, but i did read a ton of amazing fics, which i will finish linking in this post.
i have another post with more recs, but it was getting long so i started a new one. (i think this one is actually longer oops)
Towards the Moon or to the Sun by farseersfool - (not really content related but i love the colored dots as dividers) i will never get tired of nursey writing poetry about/inspired by dex. this fic is super cute, but it is somewhat long
things you said by quidhitch - this reminds me of the 5+1 things style, even though that is not the style of the fic. i really like the style of it, and it is very well written
ployglot by shellybelle - this takes me back to my middle school days, where i was like “i want to marry someone who is multilingual and/or has an accent” lol. dex, i’m with you man. people who speak other languages are v attractive
mouth full of permissions by whimsicalimages - i love this fic!! i love how it kind of jumps around chronologically but it’s not too confusing or difficult to follow. i love the relationship development and i remember when i read this i wanted to scream because it was so sweet. 
How to Say ‘I Love You’: A Guide by Derek Malik Nurse by nightswatch - i swear to god this one almost killed me. it is so fluffy and sickeningly sweet in the best way possible, and the love gestures are so adorable. i cannot get over this one, and it’s a 5+1 things fic, which i live for
in the details by chillwhiskey (payneclinic) - dex is a demon. also, nursey would accidentally summon a demon while trying to google something for an assignment. 
the most room in our hearts by shellybelle - feat. embarrassed-but-very-in-love dex and his cousin who gives him hell for it. good stuff. lots of fluff and not too long
just your heart beating close to mine by shellybelle - dex takes care of drunk nursey + bedsharing! two very important things
and I could travel just by folding a map by fadeastride - guys. this fic is incredible. the european backpacking au is so beautifully done and the dynamic and its development is amazing. 
need a loving hand (to help you fall asleep tonight) by sinbindos - again, dex being a good boyfriend literally restores my will to live. dex is a softie for nursey and anyone who says differently is a liar 
hold my heart by DizzyRedhead - very soft and sweet. i like the two POVs and the use of some of the same lines but with the different perspectives
5 Times Dex Didn’t Realize He was Being Hit on + 1 Time He Did by 42hrb - dex is an oblivious fool and nursey is both incredulous and frustrated with him. that’s really the summary of this entire fic. 5+1 things fic!
continental drift by tiptoe39 - dex is and always should be nursey’s muse. super cute!!
you and me and me and you by ahausonfire (thisiswherethefishlives) - the style of this fic is so wonderful. give me all of the friends to lovers/enemies to friends to lovers fics please
The Potential for Everything by alocalband - character development and personal growth !! i just really love reading their interactions and it’s fics like these that reinforce why i love this ship so much
illumine by miastree - the summary for this fic is “It’s more like the way that Dex looks when the sun sets and casts orange light through the Haus kitchen windows, how the light threads itself through Dex’s red hair and sets it on fire. It makes Nursey’s chest throb, and Nursey knows exactly what that means.” is that not one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever read? so is the rest of the fic 
kiss it better by miastree - i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: dex taking care of nursey is one of the most important things i’ve discovered
I Could Find My Place To Be by anniebibananie (alindy) - the tags on this fic say it all. also, the confessing of feelings is great 
secretly, between the shadow and the soul by actualbluesargent - i know some people are into soulmate aus, some aren’t, but this is one of my favorite ones i’ve ever read. for those of you who like soulmate-identifying marks, this one’s for you
in front of the same small bathroom mirror by shellybelle - i really really love this one. dex and nursey have heart-to-hearts and it’s really precious and vulnerable and lovely. (also it’s a 5+1things fic :D )
i wanna go (where the lights burn low) by ofhobbitsandwomen (litvirg) - god bless nursey as mercutio. the notes at the beginning almost made me laugh out loud. the drama performance reminds me of the books Just One Day and Just One Year by gayle forman, if any of you have read those. either way, it’s really good
already won me over by shellybelle - this fic is hilarious and also dex is so gay and i love him so much
and i’m so furious (at you for making me feel this way) by dharmainitiative - hogwarts au!! something that i notice and appreciate a lot is the development and the stages of the relationship between dex and nursey. i also loved the way the love confession was set up. this is, without a doubt, one of my favorite dex/nursey fics
Petals and Thorns series by rhysiana - this au is so freaking adorable, and it was the last one i had on my reading list, so it was a great way to end my deep dive in the dex/nursey tag on ao3
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nurseydereks · 5 years
Quick Question!
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Are Caitlin and Chad related?
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nurseydereks · 5 years
the nurseydex content in huddle 3…..ngozi ur sick for doing this to me
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nurseydereks · 5 years
nursey: do you think i look good in plaid
dex, absently, turning a page of his book without looking up: you look good in anything
nursey, blushing: um
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