numrous · 4 years
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“ Hanako-chan, Hanako-chan ~ Are you there ? Knock three times to get a good scare ~ ! ! ! “
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numrous · 4 years
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Golden Trio Cooking Together (◠‿◠✿)
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numrous · 4 years
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make me choose : asked by anon
↪   yashiro nene or kamado nezuko
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numrous · 4 years
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numrous · 4 years
Do you like Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ? Are you part of the rpc and would like a space to make friends, discuss plots and events happening on the dash ? A safe area to relax and talk about the manga or events happening in it without worrying about accidentally spoiling it ?
I’ve made a server for JSHK to meet those needs ! the server is called Hanako’s Haven, it’s a safe space for fan’s of JSHK to gather and discuss whatever they like and make new friends ! If you’re interested in joining please like this post and i’ll send you an invite !
Please feel free to share this post around with friends you think would be interested in joining as well !
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numrous · 4 years
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“ Mitsuba-kun ! I’ve been looking for you everywhere ! “ 
It usually wasn’t hard to find the other, but today she’d been having difficulty - though perhaps she hadn’t been looking in the right places recently. 
She approached him with a smile, hands hidden behind her back with what could possibly be a surprise for the other. “ I want you to close your eyes, okay ? No peeking or I’ll be very mad ! “
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numrous · 4 years
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Mutuals like for a starter from Yashiro Nene ! ! !
Multi’s please specify who you want it for !
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numrous · 4 years
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I wish i had more B.eastar friends, i wanna scream about a fandom opinion that drives me nuts but i have no one to scream about it with.
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numrous · 4 years
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archeracrosstime said: “People are going to think we’re a couple if you don’t stop following me around.” (To Inuyasha or Koga please!)
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He couldn’t see why that would be such a problem, if word that they were together became gossip and spread like wildfire demon’s would leave her alone.
If the mutt overheard maybe he’d finally leave Kagome alone and she’d join his pack officially as his woman, either way he seen no downfall’s to people assuming they were a couple. Did it bother her that much ? Was he not a worthy enough mate in her eyes ?
“ Do you really dislike the idea of us being a couple, Kagome ? “
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numrous · 4 years
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quirkborne said: ...Hugs seem a little dangerous to give to Bakugou, so he approaches from a distance. "Good job on your training, Kacchan! You're doing great!" And he runs off.
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Satisfied grin spread across his lips, wholly accepting the praise Deku gave him.
“ Fuck yeah i am ! That training was a piece of- Hey ! Where do you think you’re going, nerd ! “ 
A confused look spread across his face when he seen the other take off running, before he glared and took chase after him.
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numrous · 4 years
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Do you enjoy multifandom blogs ? what about someone who’s kind of all over the place but cares deeply about their friends and muses ? are you interested in only one or more specific muses on this blog ? if you answered yes, congratulations ! Hello, i’m HADES && this is my MULTI-FANDOM MULTIMUSE; LIKE/REBLOG if you want to interact/follow.
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numrous · 4 years
                                      ANGST sentence starters
❛ you don’t even love her. ❜
❛ don’t say you love him. ❜
❛ i’m not a monster. ❜
❛ how many times do i have to say it until you understand? ❜
❛ i would have done anything for you. ❜
❛ you were everything. ❜
❛ i don’t ever want to see you again. ❜
❛ it’s not my baby? ❜
❛ you knew this whole time? ❜
❛ this is goodbye… isn’t it? ❜
❛ don’t push me away. ❜
❛ i need you, please. ❜
❛ you never meant anything to me. ❜
❛ i lied. ❜
❛ i’m not in love with you. ❜
❛ i killed him. ❜
❛ ___ , is not your baby. ❜
❛ you were the only one i loved. ❜
❛ how am i supposed to trust you again? ❜
❛ you fucking betrayed me! ❜
❛ you should leave. ❜
❛ you’ve been lying this whole time. ❜
❛ for once, i wish you’d choose me. ❜
❛ please, don’t go. ❜
❛ i promise, it meant nothing. ❜
❛ it was just sex. ❜
❛ you’re throwing everything we have away. ❜
❛ this was all a fucking game to you. ❜
❛ you were never the one i thought you were. ❜
❛ whose idea was it to let anyone believe love could ever have a happy ending? ❜
❛ i can’t—knowing you touched him the same way. ❜
❛ i’m so fucking tired of being lied to. ❜
❛ are we gonna talk about last night? ❜
❛ i should never have said i loved you. ❜
❛ you left without a word. ❜
❛ how am i supposed to forgive someone like you? ❜
❛ i should never have kissed you. ❜
❛ is it too much to say, i miss you. ❜
❛ you can keep the shirt. ❜
❛ i’m going to kill you, so you better run far away. ❜
❛ you won’t last long. ❜
❛ you never even gave me a chance. ❜
❛ you stole everything from me! ❜
❛ all i wanted was for you to love me! ❜
❛ it was too much to ask of you. ❜
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numrous · 4 years
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HER VOICE MAKES HIM TENSE , it sends a shiver down his spine , makes him more uncomfortable than he feels he’s ever been .  izuku doesn’t have to turn around to know who it is , but he knows he has to . keeping his back turned on someone like her won’t end well for him , he’s aware . carefully , he sidesteps a few paces , turning to face her ;   ‘ — it’s not nice to sneak up on people like that . ’
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“ It’s not nice to talk to a girl like that, izu-kun ~ you might hurt my feelings. “
He was so cute when he squirmed away from her, her word’s were a clear warning to watch how he spoke without giving it away to anybody that may be near. Hand’s clasping together in front of her to mask the disappointment of not getting to hold his hand. She missed this one-on-one time they occasionally got to have together, they hadn’t been able to have it in so long thanks to the bozo’s in the Liberation Front Army taking up so much of their time.
She flashed him a pretty smile and immediately followed him, keeping barely an arms length away in case she had to grab him. Oh how she wished she could hold his hand and go for a walk ... take him away from all these prying eyes.
“ Did you miss me ? It’s been so long since i seen you i thought you’d forgotten about me ! “
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numrous · 4 years
mcgicianman liked for a starter from this cutie ~ ♥
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“ Let’s go shopping ~ ! “ 
She was sick of waiting around for Tomura’s orders, she wanted to go have some fun, who was better to drag out than the old man that practically did nothing besides work around the base ?
“ C’mon !  “
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numrous · 4 years
chosentm liked for a starter from this cutie ~ ♥
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She’d found him, impulse whispering in her ear to wrap her arm’s around him and squeeze. Desire made her want to squeeze so hard his head popped off and made a fountain...
She’d be good though, Tomura told her to be good if she went out today. She smiled and leaned in close behind him, her presence gently threatening him that if he didn’t move she’d grab his wrist.
“ Izu-kun ! I found you ~ ♥ ! “
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numrous · 4 years
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Like for a starter from this cutie ~ ♥
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numrous · 4 years
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She leans over to smell its contents and winces a bit with the unfamiliarity of it and potent aroma. Sango wasn’t the most trusting of foreign substances but being that this came from Kagome, it wouldn’t hurt to try…?
“ You like it then, good Monk? ”
Her nose crinkles, and with slight curiosity does she request to try it.
“ May.. I? “
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“ Of course you may ! Be warned; it’s bitter. “
He’ll smile and gently place the can in her hand, he had always enjoyed bitter tasting things and was very guilty of brewing his tea for too long just so it would be especially bitter.
His opinion may be biased when it came to this strange new drink he was introduced to, he’d never tasted anything like it in his journey’s.
He wondered if Sango would enjoy it as well ? Perhaps it would be something they could share in common if she did !    
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