Feeling our way through February 2025
“February is the worst month of the year, but it’s an honest month! It’s a month that doesn’t hold up life any better than it really is.” – Kevin Killeen via Austin Kleon February 2025 (11 + 9 =20/ 2) Two Universal Month Here, encapsulated within the boundaries of these two quotes is the paradox of February…the second month of the year, past the embryonic inception point but very much still…
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The Summit - November 2024
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com So this is the part in the story, the tale of the year, that speaks of culmination, of estactic realization. In an eight year, we as itinerant seekers find ourselves at the top of a very specific and particular hill. The journey has not been easy. WE have doubted ourselves many times, but reaching this clear-cut summit is an accomplished task. Huzzah for…

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September is a doorway...October is the new territory
September is real. September doesn’t lie. September comes to play. However you slice it, we’re talking about a 30-31 day period where certain ambiguities, inevitabilities and personal facts are laid out. Sure, there are lots of unknowns. With Neptune, the great obscurer in his dominion and at the last degree and retrograde to boot… laying it on rather thick Universe…there are oodles of issues…
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Libra Season and an 8 month
Greetings after a very long time away. Numerologically, October is a dynamo, public and proactive. Eight universal months, especially months falling in the very insular space of a Seven year are revealing, visible. You are rousting yourself from a recuperative hiatus, and so may feel a bit on display at first. Give yourself some space to find your footing. Steps taken now are formative, they…

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Packing it in.
Arguably, the best part of a birthday is the giddy hope of presents, the generous gifting of special things on the day we landed on earth. In a very real way, a present is an offset…a concrete manifestation of a thing that we might find attractive or enticing to compensate for the loss of something else…namely, a year of our lives. Society plugs birthday’s as things to be excited about…but not…

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An Allegory of Numbers This is a brief and non-exhaustive meditation on the nature of numbers One through Nine. One is the wake up, the strike of consciousness, a spark.
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Shifting Gears
Humans have many of characteristics innate of all animals: we sleep, we breathe, we mate, we reproduce and we are inherently instinctual. We know, even unconsciously at the cellular level, when danger is approaching, though modern society tells us that hunches aren’t logical, that our gut sense can’t be trusted and that dreams are nothing but random electrical effluent in the brain.
Yet, when…
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March 2020 - The learning curve is steep.
March 2020 – The learning curve is steep.
When the visible center does not hold, we turn inward to create our own scaffolding.
March is a seven month in a four ( it can read as a 13 or a 22) year. We’re called to look inward, assess our inner strength and do what it takes to shore it up.
A seven month, brings us up short though, forces us to catch our breath in disbelief, momentarily frozen by our new realities. Yes, life has…
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Compassionate Humanity
Dear Ones,
On the cusp of the some very significant numerology and astrology, I’ve come out of hiatus…
The energy of the year ahead is exponentially bumpy and abrasive. Please understand that you are in no way to be faulted for feeling exceptionally crazy…in fact, crazy will serve as normal for at least the next couple days (not to mention, weeks, months or years, but, I’m getting…
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November 2018 - The Wheel of the Year
November 2018 – The Wheel of the Year
Written in the spirit of Tikkun Olam…repairing the world.November ushers in the thinning of the membrane that is the fall…as we travel round the circle of life, we encounter such familiar positions, annually. But this month, beginning significantly with the cross-quarter Samhain / Day of the Dead, we find ourselves at an entry point to some of the strongest riptides imaginable, and that’s…
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Be the patience you wish to see in the world.
Be the patience you wish to see in the world.
(Ed. –I’m trying to get this on the site as close to the July 27 Lunar Eclipse as I can . I had the best of intentions to try and post August’s missive before Mercury turned retrograde on the 26th but, oh well… that just didn’t pan out. I am officially forgiving myself.) Have you ever witnessed a baby’s birth? It’s not exactly a tranquil affair. Ask any mother. Birth, in all it’s forms takes…
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Endings illuminated - July 2018
Endings illuminated – July 2018
I conceived of July as the sound of doors closing. So many, many bad things are happening. So many treasured institutions have been corrupted, turned on their heads, pissed upon.
It’s overwhelming, it’s defeating and soul-defying…pushing people to limits they really never knew they had. Collectively, we are in agony, as one way of being expires, as ways of life as we knew it, are…
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It's Time - June 2018
It’s Time – June 2018
In anticipation of the month of June, I spent a good deal of time reading about how an 8 year is achievement around a goal manifested. 8 shows you, to date, what you’ve wrought and founded your life upon. During my last 8 Personal Year, I left my job and career with a lot of help from my wife. I woke up and accepted the fact that I was achieving things in my life that I didn’t want and the…
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May 2018 - The Shadowlands
May 2018 – The Shadowlands
May is a 7 month…so we’re definitely analyzing where we fit in the hierarchy of alliances and associations. Eleven, the overarching year when operating as a Two, sets us aside… gives us lots of opportunities to see, clearly, who and what we are allied with, and to. Who we will defer to …what we will sacrifice for? Where do we see where we stand in all our various liaisons …the how, when, where…
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April 2018 - Settling In
April 2018 – Settling In
Wisdom’s not an easy thing to master. To truly accept the grace of knowledge, sometimes one must drop everything they know in favor of new paradigms..we have to let go before we can move forward. April asks us not to dig in but to settle down…to understand that we’re in this for the long haul …and that evolution is anything but an easy walk in the park.
In a March 2018 post on the Mountain…
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March 2018 - Unbound
March 2018 – Unbound
The March winds blow as they often do in the direction of change in 2018. March suggests agitation, a re-jiggering, a jostling. The month of the spring equinox, March advocates motion. *** Often when we get stuck, we feel we have to press on in the same dogged way, sticking to our course of action because our feet are absurdly promised to a path set in concrete. When we’re like this, our jaw…
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