numbersthunder-blog · 5 years
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Studying tips for Ana’s
Studying can be difficult if you don’t eat enough, everyone knows that. It’s hard to focus and pay attention to the people talking
Here’s some things that I’ve learned this week that help me study effectively
Eat a snack of your choice before or while you study🍎 it gives your brain some fuel to work with and you are less likely to get a headache
Coffee☕️ this is self explanatory, your more awake and have more energy (if you over drink coffee this won’t work)
Schedule your study times around the times you eat🕒 doing this will kill 2 birds with one stone and you dont have to feel guilty about eating a snack (if guilt’s something you struggle with)
Your teacher/professor’s website👔 if you can’t focus in class or your missing stuff, behind etc. Your teacher’s website is your best advantage to relearn what you didn’t process or continue missed notes/ work
I personally love eating fruits while studying:) I struggle to eat in general so this gives me a time to enjoy food, get things done, and not feel guilty because I need it.
My study snack today was a container with strawberries, raspberries, and grapes🍇🍓
This isn’t a “you can starve now bc u have tricks” type of post I don’t post nor support those, I’m posting this for the people who are having a difficult time right now and are struggling to bring themselves to eat, your probably already feel it, if you do this applies to you. I’m in a phase of my life rn where things are difficult all around and these things I’ve learned this past week have helped me do good in school, get homework done, as well as making sure I eat at least something. (Bring coffee to school) I know it’s hard to bring yourself to eat but if you pair it with an activity you have to do it gets easier:)
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numbersthunder-blog · 5 years
we’re going on a date, maybe he is into me after all.
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numbersthunder-blog · 5 years
I know I said I’d go to sleep but before I pass out I just thought of something that’s been helping me for the last few days
That pizza is always going to be there. Those cookies are always going to be there. That cake, candy, or whatever you’re thinking of eating will always be there. But you have right now to change. You have right now to get to your goal weight. You have right now to finally get skinny. You can eat that pizza, or that cake or whatever once you’re thin, because it will always be there. But if you eat it now, you’ll always be fat. You don’t want to ruin your progress over a few minutes of satisfaction followed by hours of regret. Never give up.
Okay now goodnight~
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numbersthunder-blog · 5 years
I thought I would be happy/satisfied if people ever told me i was getting too skinny...
but it couldn’t be further from reality i now hear a lot of people telling me i’m skinny or getting too skinny but it just aggravates me.
i get so frustrated and angry because i know as a matter of fact i’m not “too skinny” i’m still at a healthy bmi.I would know, I check everyday so when people tell me “i’m too skinny” it just makes me really angry because it’s like they don’t want me to drop the weight, they don’t want me to be beautiful. I get so defensive because I feel like they’re only trying to sabotage me, because most of the people that say those things are the ones who have been on a diet for as long as i know them but have never actually lost any weight due to them
never following through/caring enough so when i do suddenly they want me to eat fast food all the time and stop going to the gym. Stop that.
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numbersthunder-blog · 5 years
2019 goals
consistency over perfection
make kindness the most beautiful thing about you
love yourself enough that no one can hurt you
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
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I stepped on the scale after breaking my fast with 4 cookies and 2 oranges and i weighted at 63,6 kg (139 lbs) !!
I can’t wait to weight myself tomorrow morning omg this is so exciting i was stuck on 65kg (143lbs) for so long and now it’s finally going down and really fast as well i’m so happy I’m so close to hitting my next goal weight !!
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
now i’m so amazing
one taught me love
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one taught me patience
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one taught me pain
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
shit i just binged fuck fuck fuck
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
starting this tomorrow, holy shit it would be really cool if people sent update fotos or food fotos every once in a whole to keep each other motivated and in check and also when the month is over we’ll have comparisons. We should start a hashtag.
🎄December Rules🎄
(I absolutely do not reccomend or in any way condone eating disorders)
🌟500 cals a day (we’re not playing this month boys and girls, new year new body)
🌟Drinks must be less than 50 cals, no wasting calories on liquids
🌟Walk as much as possible!! it’s cold outside so that’s extra cals burned
🌟Fifty jumping jacks and sixty crunches a day!
🌟If food is offered, always say no. always.
🌟Be strong!
🌟Candy canes are only fifty cals but that doesn’t mean you can eat as many as you want just because it’s christmas time
🌟In the mood for hot coco? Keurig k-cups are only 79 cals :)))
🌟If you’re about to binge just remember; it’s the start of a new year soon, and if you want 2019 to be a good ass year you better step the hell up and put that food down.
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
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Fall is finally approaching!!
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
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**I do not own this recipe **
This is the chocolate mug cake that I use and it’s absolutely wonderful! I sometimes use PB2 chocolate instead of the cocoa powder but it’s ups the calories but still it’s a lifesaver!
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
skinny by 2019
who’s with me?
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
— Ana Game —
I made one of these ages back on a different account that got terminated and I really miss having a point system to stick to so I’m making a new one.
Please stay safe and don’t push yourself too hard.
General Rules:
If its difficult for you to be consistent in tracking, choose specific days of the week that you will dedicate yourself to track on and stick to your commitment. Consistency is key to weight loss.
Write down your points for everyday and weigh yourself at least once a week.
Count EVERYTHING, even if you feel ashamed or guilty about how you did that day, in a book, journal, the notes app on your phone or on your blog (it can be as basic or pretty as you like). Please tag me if you do track on your blog I’d love to see it.
Please eat if you feel like fainting you want to be skinny not dead from falling down a flight of stairs (or maybe you do in which case hmu we should talk).
Lose 1 kg/2 lbs +10 pts
Gain 1kg/2 lbs -10 pts
Under 300 kcal +25 points
< 500 kcal +20 pts
< 750 kcal +15 pts
< 1000 kcal +10 pts
< 1250 kcal +5 pts
Over 1250 kcal -10 pts
> 1500 kcal -15 pts
> 1750 kcal -20 pts
> 2000 kcal -25 pts
1L +5 pts
2L +10 pts
3L +15 pts
Eating all calories as veggies, fruits, legumes or whole grains +15 pts
Eating all calories as unhealthy and non-nutritious foods -15 pts
Tracking all food for a week +15 pts
Not tracking for 2 days -5 pts
Fasting 16 hours +5 pts
Fasting 24 hours +10 pts and +5 pts for every 12 hours extra
Breaking a fast with a binge -10 pts
Binging -10 pts for every 100 calories
Purging -25 pts its so bad for you please don’t do that to yourself ily.
Turning down calorific/unhealthy food when offered +5 pts
Accepting the unhealthy food -5 pts
Sticking to water when out +5 pts
Taking a multi or iron supplement +5 pts
Please don’t force yourself to exercise if you’re dizzy. If you’re feeling dizzy, weak or nauseous you’re already doing enough.
Yoga +5 pts for every 15 minutes
Running +10 pts for every km or +15 for every mile
Crossfit, HIIT or anything that really gets your heartrate up +10 pts for every 10 minutes
Over 6000 steps a day +5 pts
You don’t have to take away points if you felt bad and physically couldn’t.
Under 6000 steps -5 pts
No exercise for a week -15 pts
Other Important Shit™ that you should definitely do:
Getting at least 6 hours of sleep +5 pts
Taking your meds (if you have any you need to take) +1
Getting out of bed +1
Taking a shower +1
Brushing your teeth +1
Not cutting yourself (if that’s something you do or used to do) +1
Doing something creative or that you enjoy +1
Having a pleasant conversation with someone you like talking to +1
Set yourself a treat that you can have when you reach 100 pts, 250 pts, 500 pts, etc.
Could be a night out getting wasted and not tracking or a pamper day with facemasks and a hot bath and tea (with sugar in it! Wow, look at you being so rambunctious!). Whatever it is, enjoy it. You’ve earned it.
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
Starting this Monday I’m doing everything I can to drop a min of 5kgs by the end of the week.
I currently weight 65,9kg and I’d like to weight at least 60,0kg by the end of the week so that when school restarts the following week I’ll be thinner.
If you’d like to join me just message me or like this post I guess I’d love to have someone to do this with so that we can keep each other motivated! You don’t have to weight the same as me or anything just have similar goals.
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
7 most adhd moods
–the Only Mood everyone else knows about: i  wanna do THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and–SQUIRREL
–galaxy brain: i was listening to the lecture but the prof said something that reminded me of something else and now i’m not sure how much time i was lost in thought
–the tutorial only comes in video format: i’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove *hurls product & its tutorial video into the sun*
–damn you hyperfocus: i went to bed intending to wake up and write but this morning i was possessed by a cleanliness spirit and spent the next 14 hours organizing the apartment
–i dont think u tried at all.jpg: did i seriously spend an entire free day refreshing twitter b/c i didn’t want to spend 10 minutes finishing my hw but wouldn’t let myself do anything else until i finished it???? (yes)
–patrick star: *unlocks phone* time to check the weather. *opens twitter* the weather. *opens messenger* the weather. *opens mobage game* the weather. *opens facebook* the weather. *opens twitter again* THE WEA–
–smells like depression: literally everything is too boring. i’m going back to sleep
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numbersthunder-blog · 6 years
Weight check:
I just weighted myself fully clothed, after drinking & eating an orange and I was 66,2 kg which means I must be a little bit less than that!! More importantly I’m rlly close to 65kg which was always my first GW and I’m soooo excited for it!! But it’s also very anticlimactic I must say I still feel enormous, I mean I can see the difference sometimes but most of the times I still feel fat fat fat and only fat but I guess it’s normal I still do have a long way to go.
By the 5th of November I wanna be 60kg AT LEAST. I am going to be less than that. I know it.
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