nullclass · 6 years
// So, TCW is coming back for a short run? 👀
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nullclass · 6 years
// Just to make another post. But I'm effectively on hiatus here for an indeterminate period of time. You can find me over at @freckledmccree, where I mostly blog about Overwatch and McCree these days. I would start an RP blog for him, but my relationship to the fandom is contentious already so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Point is, I'm not here. You can catch me at my personal, or on Discord, which I'll hand out to mutuals if you don't got it already, just hmu
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nullclass · 6 years
Cryptic message. B')
Considerate of you to put Pr’ika’s mind at ease and make him feel less singled out.
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nullclass · 6 years
// I would totally go into Overwatch RP if I had the time, but I also sense from my experience in the broader fandom that it is a flaming mess, so...
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nullclass · 6 years
// I’ve said before that I would absolutely, definitely write Gabe if I was writing an Overwatch character, but I’d like to make an amendment in light of recent content that treats my close second favorite character like a fully realized person: I would write Jesse, actually.
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nullclass · 6 years
"The cost of preparedness measured now in creds, later in blood."
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nullclass · 6 years
"Like weeds, some people are. Just when you think you’ve ripped them out, they sprout up again from the mud.”
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nullclass · 7 years
I demand a divorce.
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nullclass · 7 years
// I guess I ought to make it official: but I’m on unplanned hiatus, or semi hiatus, here due to class. Because whoever designed the curriculum decided we can TOTALLY a mange writing six scripts at once, even though nobody sane in the industry actually DOES that.
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nullclass · 7 years
starters from the 179th episode of the jenna & julien podcast ! feel free to change names/pronouns/etc.! more j&j
“I broke them both.”
“I missed you so much last week.”
“Thank you so much for covering me last week.”
“I had to deal with some unfortunate stuff.”
“You really held my weight.”
“I have a question, though. Do you like my outfit?”
“Tell them what you said to me before we came in here.”
“I think I took comfortable to another level.”
“Can I just wear a blanket over my whole head and body?”
“You’re gonna be hot in, like, twenty minutes.”
“I just thought that sounded cool.”
“Forget about the whole eating thing, I’m very uncomfortable.”
“We’re launching them off of a trampoline into space.”
“Mars is not like that.”
“How does one prime themselves for the weather?”
“I keep changing the rules, here.”
“How long are we in space for? Fifteen years?”
“Get prepared for lots of spontaneous plans and things caught on fire.”
“Is he going to live?”
“This is a problem.”
“They’re a national treasure.”
“He’s just out here trying to rediscover himself.”
“He’s like a full of himself, old Batman.”
“Every night is hell, pretty much.”
“If you’re gonna sleep-yell, you’ve gotta do it in Dothraki.”
“How are we gonna get any sleep?”
“How far in the future is this? We’re gonna be dead…!”
“He’s literally 103 degrees. Exactly. On the dot.”
“He misses his mom so much.”
“That’s fine, it’s fine. I take it back, it’s not fine.”
“You’re gonna fight me all day on this one.”
“They’re cinema legends in-character.”
“This is like teasing me with a sequel.”
“I didn’t agree to any of that.”
“Consult your drug dealer, it’ll be a case-by-case basis.”
“Do not consult your drug dealer.”
“What the hell? What the hell is going on?”
“After the first five minutes, I can’t stand that.”
“They don’t need a sex doctor…”
“The show’s not that long.”
“He’s pure. He misses his mom, and he wants to talk about Jesus Christ.”
“I don’t think any of that’s true.”
“Oh, I fucked up.”
“I’m not sure where this idea of them being on bicycles came from.”
“Neither of those people are on a bicycle…!”
“Is that a stereotype I just made up in my head?”
“We’re too deep in this; we need to back away.”
“There is no need to get any further in this conversation.”
“I’m having a hard time understanding a religious stereotype that involves a bicycle.”
“I’ve already dug myself pretty deep and I don’t know how I got here.”
“However he’s got one, he’s got one.”
“Anyone at any point needs brain surgery, we are fucked.”
“Get the fuck off the planet.”
“First of all, we don’t have that. Second of all, stop hitting on everyone.”
“He’s looking at me weird and I don’t like him.”
“We don’t need an orchestra conductor in space.”
“Nobody needs an orchestra conductor anyways, unless you’re an orchestra.”
“He’s probably just really pretentious.”
“I can’t even follow this conversation.”
“You’re the most useless AI in the world.”
“I literally got hives listening to this conversation.”
“That’s a bad characteristic.”
“It’s like jet lag but on steroids.”
“I feel terrible for them, but I can’t just have you forgetting how gravity works every night.”
“That is my blanket…!”
“Alright, this person sucks.”
“I like that guy, I like him through and through, I think he’s a fantastic — he’s a model, model human.”
“Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.”
“I just want to know if a lavender candle hurts me more than an orange spring candle.”
“You know what? Challenge accepted.”
“This person needs to stop it.”
“They’re gonna form an alliance. A fire-based alliance that we can’t handle.”
“It’s starting to get a little annoying.”
“What makes you think he’s sleeping with everyone?”
“Am I the only girl right now?”
“He’s providing nothing.”
“We all miss our mom.”
“I know that you want them to win.”
“I don’t want any more parmesan cheese.”
“Oh, you let me win?”
“She sees not only a working relationship, but a sexual one, as well.”
“I don’t know how we funded a trip to space, but we did.”
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nullclass · 7 years
// I guess I ought to make it official: but I'm on unplanned hiatus, or semi hiatus, here due to class. Because whoever designed the curriculum decided we can TOTALLY a mange writing six scripts at once, even though nobody sane in the industry actually DOES that.
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nullclass · 7 years
the whole “fiction doesn’t affect reality” argument is actually kinda racist…
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nullclass · 7 years
// There really are individuals out there deciding their Star Wars alien OC slave kept to fight in gladiator pits and is a savage who acts like a feral animal, complete with animal and pet behaviors, has literally black skin.
And they don’t see all the deeply harmful and still active stereotypes and caricatures of black people that directly plays into.
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nullclass · 7 years
i know there’s like this rp trend to blow out your role playing graphics but please be mindful of doing this with characters of color. if your original looks like this:
Tumblr media
your finished product should not look like this:
Tumblr media
do not use role playing trends to whitewash characters. find poc friendly PSDs or work to make sure your own PSD doesn’t lighten their skin. thanks. 
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nullclass · 7 years
// I know Ordo is absolutely perfect and can basically do anything, but he really has zero taste for being a fighter pilot. He will be your escape pilot, he'll fly a bomber, he'll pilot while someone else shoots folks out of the sky, but he cannot be a fighter pilot. He has the mechanical skill for it, but not the temperament nor the taste.
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nullclass · 7 years
“Came by it honestly, I swear.”
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nullclass · 7 years
there’s nothing cute about whitewashing for the #aesthetic. not in your icons. not in your graphics. remember that colorism is a very real thing that all POC deal with. be conscious of it when you make your graphics, icons and fanart or don’t make them at all. 
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