❦ Nicholas Jacob Thropoid, at your service! ❦ I hunt animals for a living with my pal Beatrice Von Hedd! (@bhedd) ❦ My specialty is building and setting traps! ❦ Yes I AM half monkey! ❦ I love shiny things! ❦
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hey changuito, what's the least crowded place you know? I need a recharge and I have two rodent babies to feed, my mask dull on me at a bad moment and my cans of food are either going bad or are already rotten
-Nelly P. Cortex
Hola mi buena amiga! I very much enjoy the name "changuito"! If I were to give you a nickname it would be Lady Burlap. We will see what sticks!
The least crowded place depends on what crowd you want to avoid. There are the temples, but they are full of skeletons and snakes. That would be problematic if you plan on keeping the rodents for yourself. What kind of rodent are they? Are they a pair? What size? Color?
You could always hang out in my old cave! I made a nest there after a little oopsie of mine. I will show you the way, my good pal! You can admire the cave paintings. There should be some food lying around! I remember seeing some boxes of cereal and I could always toss you a couple of coconuts!
What are you planing to make out of your animals?
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Sketched an idea for how Odious' house would look since I haven't before.
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Full video here!
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Sounds to me like they just initiated a fun game for the two of you to play!
See what else you can introduce them to and make note of their reactions. Soon enough you will have an extensive catalogue of the intricacies of their mind!
That is when my favorite part comes into play.
Give yourself points for all the behaviors you can predict. Get very specific.
Happy hunting, ‘Dido!
Hello, lemondrops! This time I'm in need of advice.
Once, I sent someone I like a meme that made me think of them. They didn't answer, but that's fine. But later... I saw that they had posted the same meme on their blog, taking the time to write in the tags that they had found the meme themselves.
Does this mean he likes me? What should I do? Thank you! :)
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I think it was very straightforward, Odie!
If anyone needs anything from me, don't ask me for it because I am going to be napping for three days straight and if anyone wakes me up I will not be happy with you. Goodbye.
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It was an all-out sale! We were going under!
Good times!
where did you find your henchman Jacob?
I bought my cute little monkey from a traveling circus. One of the best purchases I've made, I must admit.
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I remember peeling it! Definitely alien. Their offspring starts as tadpoles, can you believe it?
I would issue a guess they are more amphibian than reptilian- but you were close, Bea!
Dr. beatrice tell us, what do you know of Nancy's "husband's" species, as an ethologist & minor zoologist you must know more. See Nancy's husband recently shed skin...
My, this is an old one. Nancy... Oh, that music teacher? Hm. I wonder if she's still around. And her husband... I have no idea what his name was. I hope you don't expect me to remember this. He was supposed to be some sort of alien, wasn't he? So as to why he shed skin, perhaps he was a reptile. I never got to make his aquaintance.
It was pleasant to be addressed as "Doctor" for once, though. If you're still out there, anonymous sender, you are welcome to write again.
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I can count to 21! On all my fingers and my tail.
exactly how rich are you?
That's not really a polite question to ask a lady, is it? Like asking about age. What you see is what you get, darling. No need to get so specific.
Either way, I would grow bored before I can type all of the zeros out, and it'll spare you the trouble of googling what kind of "-illion" it is.
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Do you ever get tired? I swear, it's like you constantly have energy to burn at all hours...
The trick is a steady, rich diet, rigorous routine and exercise!
I have a bed time!
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HEEEEEYYYY I did the Meatgrinder animation meme!!
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Very interesting! You always have something curious to say!
Back in “blank”! Do not hold out on me, Odinsky! I want to know all about that funny past life of yours! The dust, the caves, the feral survival instincts..! Especially if they have that technology I am after.
When you do decide to die, know that you will be well taken care of! One way or another!
Or hey- why not both!
Hello Odie! Do you think we will be able to develop technology that makes it possible for one’s consciousness to be uploaded digitally?
Also, do you think a person would lose their anatomy to reject being uploaded once they are dead?
Also also, do you think there is a time window between living and dying large enough to complete an upload of sorts?
Just spitballing!
/Jakey <3
This is...a rather disturbing hypothetical you've presented to me. Philosophers would surely have a field day laying out the potential ethical concerns of such an action.
Firstly, according to the multiverse theory, there should be a dimension that exists in which this technology does exist and functions as intended. In fact I believe I've heard of such technology. Back in...
Let's just say years ago before I arrived here, I've heard tale of a rogue A.I that kept charge of an underground library. I've never seen it with my own two eyes, but word of mouth claimed that before the collapse of society someone was used as the basis for such a machine. I dread to imagine such a scenario. Nothing I can confirm personally, however, but it's a very likely statistic. I should hope to never find myself in such a scenario. When I die, I would prefer to remain dead. I've lived long enough. I've been ready for death to claim me for years now and it's a wonder I've managed to persist. I know not why I've decided to stick around, yet here I am.
I dread to imagine what you've thought in that fuzzy head of yours, but whatever it is the answer is no.
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If you dyed your hair, what colour would you pick? And would you colour all of it or just your head?
Blue, blue, blue! Like my favourite Odie-Poo! I would go for all of my hair. There are no half measures to devotion, dear asker!
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What's up funky monkey? Show us your latest art project!
As of now I am working on a little something with meat!
I always make sure to stock up on props so that I never run out during production! It really does pay off to plan ahead and be diligent!
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... version 4.... is here... and his face... is rigged...
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✨ Welcome to Fluerin ✨
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I have to make some calls about canceling a certain event I was spontaneously on my way to host.
I will not get into details, but know this! A school choir somewhere out there will be mighty disappointed that the rug was pulled on their big break!
I even had pyrotechnics planned! For added effect I considered keeping it a surprise for the kids. If anyone has ‘fire safety’ fresh in their minds it should be children!
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Monkeys are very popular for testing propellants and launching! Just tossing that out there!
…Goodness. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?
I've been holed up in my lab for a few weeks, working on a new project - one that isn't related to diseases for a change.
You see, I have all these pairs of rocket boots, yet I never end up using them. That may be because I never really had anything suitable to wear for their use - but that's about to change.
I think it's about time we took a little flight. What do you think?
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