Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
The New Republic MC-80 Star Cruiser, Ranger (NRS-67) a flying city of Mon Calamari Steal, Measuring in at 1,550 meters long, this Cruiser servers as both Cruiser and Carrier, housing squadrons of A, X, and Y Wing Star Fighters. This ship serves as a flying home for 10,200 Officers, Pilots, Engineers and Crew members. This ship is formidable on and off the Battlefield. Now a new threat is lurking in the fringes of the galaxy. The Rangerâs enemies can be lurking anywhere and everywhere, there is nowhere to hide when the battle is all around you, follow its path and the path of herâs allies as they fight not only for victory, but for survival.
Coordinates D-18
Hyper Space
NRS Witch Hunt
05:20 hrs
When Falco woke up he was still, haggard and tired as he has been for the last four weeks, but to keep up appearances he shuffled out of the room and found his way to the mess hall. His grumbling stomach was the only motivation he needed to open the door and enter the chow line. When he got to the front of the line he looked at the breakfast item of the day. The sign originally read Plat Eggs and Rancor Sausage, or atleast the military ration flavoring of Plat Eggs and Rancor Sausage, but it was crossed out and a hand written sign that said, Bervine Hash took its place, and well it wasn't his favorite food but at the moment he did not care of the new variety.
âGood morning Captain!,â L.T Commander Zosimo said cheerfully, noting the captainâs confusion as to why his second in command is cooking breakfast.
âCommander?â Falco asked questioningly.
âOh you're probably wondering why Iâm here, well I was in my bunk then my commed pinged but it was on the table across from my bunk so I fell out of my bunk, hit my head, crawled over to my comm answers it, and long story shortâ Zosimo started
âI highly doubt itâ Falco said
âWell as it turns out it was the quartermaster and he said that when he was checking in the crew when we were at Raysho, well one person did not check in, Ensign Rodney Kaleb, our favorite four armed cook,â Zosimo said
âWhy wasnât I notified?â Falco said
âWell we only found out nowâ Zosimo said
âHmm that's rough for the teamâ Falco said
âWell so after I took that call, I looked through the crewâf files and as it turns out no one here has any cooking experience but then I remembered, the cooking class I took in secondary school so I got up and broke out my mama's old Bervine Hash recipe and as it turns out we have all the ingredients necessary.â Zosimo explained excitedly
âWe are going behind enemy lines, I donât need you cooking breakfast, I need you at your action stationâ Falco said in a low voice.
âI know, I know Captain but there is no one that can keep the Hash, Hashingâ Zosimo said
âWe have a crew of 50 with an addition 15 technicians, engineers and pilots, find someoneâ Falco said more seriously
âUnderstood sir, Iâll find someone immediately, but in the meantime, you scoupe or two?â Zosimo said defeated
âTwoâ Falco said
He grabbed his chow, exited the line and found a seat at an empty table and began to eat his food, despite the over enthusiasm of his executive officer he had to admit, the Hash was good, Falco found that though more disturbing than the normal naval rations, but he finally reconciled by thinking that Zosimo could make a half decent Hash, but hunger made it good. Falco finished his hash and disposed of his tray and plate, then retook his seat and pulled out his data pad feeling the horns that circled his head he began to read the night shifts status and condition report. Falco was briefly distracted as Zosimo grabbed a crewman from out of the line, he said
âPrivate Eli Otera,sirâ the crew man said
âAnd what position do you do here?â Zosimo asked
âIâm a Marine sir?â Private Otera said confused
âAnd do you know what this is?â Zosimo asked, holding up his kitchen utensil.
âA serving spoon, sirâ Otera answered?
âCorrect, congratulations you passed the test, you're now the temporary chef for todayâ Zosimo said handing Otera the serving spoon and untying his apron and handing that over.
âBut, um sir? I need to report to my station in fifteen minutesâ Private Otera said
âUGH, fine!â Zosimo then asked âone scoop of two?â
It took Falco ten minutes to finish reading the report, so he closed his data pad stood up and began to walk out of the mess hall, when he passed the serving station, Zosimo was absent and in his stead was the serving spoon and another handwritten sign,
âChef out, self serveâ smirking at the sign Falco walked out of the mess hall after taking a few steps the jumped as he heard the feline voice of the Bothan intelligence officer assigned to the Witch Hunt
âCaptain...may I speak to you in private?â L.T Commander Felic Thrash.
âSureâ Falco said and led the way to his office where he was heading anyway. L.T commander Thrash did not attempt to fill the time with idle conversation and small talk, an action or inaction that Falco appreciated and admired. His philosophy was if you had nothing worthwhile to say, say nothing. When they arrived at Falcoâs office, Thrash stayed outside while Falco went in to clear his desk of all âfor his eyes onlyâ documentation and files, while it was rare that he ever got a highly classified file or that he would leave it out, even in a locked room Falco never really liked taking chances. To keep up appearance and to show his intel officer that he had his full attention he cleared his desk by shoving the data pad full of course projections and astrogation charts into his desk. He took a quick look around then said
L.T Commander Thrash keyed the door open and stepped through the knee kicker.
âNow what do you want to talk to me about?â Falco asked fully knowing that it was critical, if the Bothan would take time out of both their schedules.
âI have heard intell that is most disturbingâ Thrash said âwe have a spy aboardâ Thrash let his words hang in the air, as he gouged Capitan Falcoâs reaction, it was a mixture of shock, disbelief and furry. To break the silence Falco uttered one word.
âAs of yet I do not know,â Thrash said âbut the information is reliable.â
âWhatâs itâs source?â Falco asked
âEnsign Rodney Kalebâ Thrash admitted.
âThe cook?â Falco said questionly
âYes, for some time he has been my eyes and ears in the mess hall hearing the skuttlebutt and reporting back to me, after our mission to retrieve General Rex he was tipped off by a suspicious conversation one of your crew was having with an unknown agent regarding possible classified information.â
âWho?â Falco demanded
âBefore I accuse a member of your crew I would like to present all the evidenceâ Thrash said
âGo onâ Falco said clenching his fist but listening intently
âAfter he reported that conversation I had him tail the crew man to see if he could learn more for the week we were at Raysho. He discovered very little, but he lost track of the crewman many times for hours on end, I tried, and even I lost him multiple times. In the subsequent missions I have monitored every communication sent to an external source. This is where I discovered my first piece of hard evidence, eight times in the past nine weeks eight different stations have hailed this external comm unit, the analystâs at Raysho tracked back to First Order sympathisers on Corellia. I went to the security tapes, but the security tapes were scrubbed, only three people on the Witch Hunt have the authority to do this, the man we have been tailing was one of them so before we left for this mission Ensign Kaleb talked to the crewman and posing as a blackmailer, to get an extra 2 week leave he confronted the crewman and I have just received the message that it is been confirmed, we know who the spy isâ
âWHOâ Falco said, smashing his fist against the table, fully knowing the three people who could erase security footage, and two of them were in the same room.
âL.T Commander Zosimoâ Thrash said like a judge passing a sentence of execution.
âAs my intel officer, can I kill him?â Falco demanded standing up and going to the wall locker and retrieving his commander's blaster pistol.
âFor the time being we need him aliveâ Thrash said uncomfortably.
âWhy!â Falco said removing the drained power pack and replacing it with a fresh one.
âBefore we left Raysho, our Intelligence service intercepted a communication, and while we can not read the fully message due to the encryption our analyst have been able to read about 30% of it, and it appears to be mission details, and ETAâs of when we will arrive in system to retrieve the cloaking device.â Thrash continued.
âOk, what is your suggestion?â
âIt is probable that they will attack, when we are at our most vulnerable, when the analysts go EV any earlier than that or any later than that we can escape, so my suggestion is when we exit hyperspace and before we jump into the system, we unplug the hyperdrive so it looks like we suffer a hyperdrive malfunction, that would require, five hours to fix, we wait until Zosimo makes his call, then shut down all external communications,plug the hyperdrive back in and jump into the system. It would be around this time that Zosimo would figure out he has been found out so I will take Captain Gavin to arrest Zosimo.â
Falco let the silence drag on for a bit as he stared into the bothanâs eyes as he mulled over the plan, again and again trying to find a flaw in it, weighing the risks and rewards.
âOk, do it your way, we have approximately 15 minutes before we exit hyperspace, can you be ready by then?â Flaco said
âYes, sir!â Thrash said confidently.
At 06:00 Falco walked on to the bridge, well he called it a bridge but the Corellian designers must have thought of it as a cockpit because it was set up more akin to a light freighters cockpit than a large capital ships bridge. The first thing you see when walking on is the two large view ports that give any onlooker a perfect view of the ship's target. Sitting just under the viewport and aligned to the center left was the pilot or helmsman, and aligned to the center right was the co-pilot or cohelmsmen. Facing the right side was the sensor array/navigator /astrogator/extra set of hands when things got into a pinch. Facing the left wall was another chair and another display that served as a secondary sensor array and mirrored its sibling on the right.
âMornin, bossâ The Helmsman said
âMornin Sanchez, how was the night shift?'' Captain Falco asked.
âBoring, still a little confused, as to where we're goingâ The co-helman saif
âNo worries, Avciil, Iâll wait for the others to roll in and Iâll explain everything.â Captain Falco said, checking his crono.
Captain Falco took the seat on the chair opposing the navigator's chair and checked his crono, he sighed and gazed out the view port into hyperspace to ponder his place in the universe, but he got distracted by the hatred and enmity he felt for his tratorius executive officer, the way he was raised, betrayal was a fate worse than death,this is something his âbest friendâ knows full well. Falco rarely hated anyone sure he disliked people but rarely hated he only reserved his hatred was those who betray their friends and family, He has served with Zosimo for a long time and he knew that Zosimo knew where he stood on betrayal, Falco then decided that the next time he saw his âfriendâ and if it was convenient he would without a moments hesitation murder his on the spot He checked his crono again, and saw it was 6:36, when he looked up the door slid open, and the three day shift bridge crew walked in. The three night shift crew stood up and began to move to the back of the bridge and the day shift took their places. Before the night shift got comfortable leaning against the walls the doors opened again and two A-wing pilots walked in.
âOk, Captain, we're here!â Squad leader Grey said
âNext, time when I call a meeting at 6:00 we meet at 6:00 not at 6:07, understood?â Captain Falco reprimanded
âUnderstood,â The eight crewmen said crisply
âOk, now that we're all here Iâll let you in on our mission, three weeks ago, the NRS Ranger briefly engaged and destroyed a stealth ship, Bothan intelligence indicates the cloaking device is still intact. And the First Order has made no move to recover itâs ship or so they want us to think.â Falco began
He paused and surveyed the faces in the room then continued âbut it is a trap and the First Order will try to ambush us when we will try to recover it that is why we have these A-Wing pilots, Intelligence L.T Commander Thrash and I have created a planâ Falco then went on to explain the plan he and Thrash came up with after he was finished he looked at the day shift pilot âyour the better pilot, so I want you to fly when we go in, Tribb'' he looked at the day shift co pilot âyou work well with Yarj so I want you to co-pilot, Rajj and Tripp'' Falco looked at both sensors operators âtime is of the essence so I need both of you on sensors to triangulate the position of the cloaking device, when we return to Raysho,â Falco paused clearly tired of talking, and to his credit this was the most any of the crew ever heard him say at you time âwe will be outfitted with the cloaking device and the ventral anti star fighter cannon with torpedo launchers. Any last comments?â Falco paused for a moment âGood, pilots get to your ships and brief your pilots, night shift, go get some sleep, day shift we should be exiting hyperspace any moment now.
Falco stood aside as the pilots rushed out to get to their ships and inform their pilots of the situation, the night shift groggily walked out in search of their bunks.
Falco again lost himself in his own hatred and anger, the one man he trusted, the one man he thought he could have faced the world against betrayed him, as he continued to think and ponder he came to the conclusion that, the biggest thing that made him angry was that the only person he could have called friend was working for a organization that was bent on the destruction of everything he holds dear, and Falco was going to
âSir, weâll be exiting hyperspace, in ten seconds,â Yarj said interrupting Falcoâs thought process,
âGood,â Falco said, startled out of thought.
L.t Yarj counted them down Falco stared straight ahead as the rush of the constant hyperspace sky thinned into star lines and shrunk into stars.
âExit of hyperspace complete, all stations reading normalâ L.t Tribb said consulting his board
âMedium range scan is in progress, considering that we are not being shot at, I think we're relatively safeâ Rajj, the sensors office said.
âShields up just incaseâ Falco ordered
âYes sir, I will have the shields up in thirty more secondsâ Tribb said
âScans have come back, negative, we are in the middle of dead space, right exactly where we need to beâ L.t Rajj said.
âIâll check with the A-Wings before we jumpâ L.t Yarj said keying the comm âFlight Leader, Grey what is your status?â
âGrey here bridge, my pilots and I are standing by and ready to launchâ Flight Leader Grey said.
âYou have clearance to Launch, we will count you down for the jump to hyperspaceâ Lt, Rajj said.
âUn-docking now sir,â F.L Grey said
An instant later their view port showed four A-Wing Star Fighters buzzing the Bridge of the Corvette and flying just ahead of it.
âLetâs prep for the jump into hyperspaceâ L.t Rajj said
âCoordinates have been imputed and a Course laid in sirâ L.t Rajj said typing her keyboard.
âHold, jump, repeat hold jumpâ L.t Tribb said unsurprised âship is reporting a critical failure??? , the hyperdrive is offlineâ
âOh no,â L.t Yarj said sarcastically âCaptain, what are your orders?â
âIt seems like we have very little options, get an engineering team on it, and I think we should delay the mission for three hours?â Falco said as if to continue a charade that everyone knows is a charade.
The bridge was filled with L.t Yarjâs voice as he made two communications, one was to return the A-Wings so they are not there the entire time like Braccan death flies buzzing around an animal's carcass. The second was made over the intercom informing the crew of the mission delay.
âAnd now we wait until we hear from Thrash '' Captain Falco said. âL.t Rajj, please monitor all outgoing communications''
âYes, sirâ L.t Rajj said and then turned back to her board, and keying for the appropriate system display,
They waited a very long 15 minutes as each member of the bridge crew figgested or keyed up a random display.
âI got something sir, an encrypted transmission, running it through the Witch Huntâs decryption process it will take some time to get the results back, IF we get anything back, this code looks very advancedâ L.t Rajj said
âL.t Tribb, shut down all external communications and prepare to jumpâ Falco said
âYes, sirâ L.t Tribb responded
âThrashâ Falco said into his comm. âhave we gotten what we needed?â
âYes sirâ the feline Bothan voice hissed over Falcoâs comm âhe made a transmission, Captain Gavin and I are on our way to arrest Zosimo, and the hyperdrive has been restored.â
Falco looked over at L.t Tribb who confirmed that the Witch Hunt was ready to jump to hyperspace,
âHelm, jump us as soon as we are ableâ Falco ordered
âYes, sirâ L.t Rajj said
Three minutes later Falcoâs comm pinged
âFalcoâ Captain Falco said
âCaptainâ a voice weazed on the other end âhe is headed your way, Zosimo knew we were coming, he is armed with a vibro knife and making his way to the bridge, Gavin is dead, I have been seriously wounded, I wish I could do moreâ
âDonât worry, a medic is on their way,â Falco said, nodding to L.t Rajj who overheard the conversation. âAs for Zosimo, I will deal with him,â Falco said, cracking his neck and stretching his arms. âThis fight is mine, do not interfere, just fly the ship, the Witch Hunt can survive this mission without her Captain but not without her control crew, so you let me handle thisâ
The terrified nods gave Falco the assurance he needed as he faced the door to the bridge. He waited for what felt like an eternity but then heard footsteps outside the door, when the door slid open Falco dropped into his combat stance Zosimo stood there mirroring his stance with a virbo knife in his right hand with a reverse grip as he walked through the door he closed it and engaged the emergency lock, which could only be disengaged from the bridge side, it was supposed to be used incase of a boarding action and the bridge crew had to keep all borders on the other side. Zosimo stare was fixed on Falco as he fainted with a left jab and swiped with his blade, Falco was half a foot out of range but nonetheless leaned back, Zosimo closed the distance and struck out two more times Falco doged both strikes and kicked Zosimo in the ribs causing his him to stumble back, when he recovered, he flipped his grib from reverse to a standard grip. Zosimo seized forward this time he fainted with the vibro knife and threw a right hook. Falcoâs muscular Zabrak face absorbed the blow and a cracking noise emanated from Zosimoâs fist. He quickly recovered as Falco opened with a flurry of punches, the first two right jabs pummeled Zosimo back two or three feet, with his left he connected with Zosimoâs ribs, before Falco could retract his fist, Zosimo lowered his virbo blade in an delayed perry, but it was still was able to slice Falcoâs arm. Leaving a deep slice on the rear side of his arm three inches below the elbow extending about two inches from the wrist bone. Falco halted his attack and did a once over of his arm, it was in a substantial amount of pain but he could still fight. Zosimo seeing an opportunity charged forward, and smashed his left elbow into Falcoâs face, before Falco could react Zosimo plunged the knife tword Falcoâs heart, but Falco had more constitution to be stunned more than a few milliseconds, Falco grabbed the Zosimoâs right arm, it was a struggle of muscles and wills, usually Falcoâs zabrak build could overpower Zosimoâs less bulky human physic, between the angle of the attack and his injured arm he was losing too many centimeters to quickly. Instead of fighting head on he guided his attackers vibro knife toward his shoulder, where he let Zosimoâs blade sink in to his muscle, he gritted his teeth and reformed his grip on Zosimoâs hand, Falcoâs first instinct was to bend Zosimoâs wrist where the angle required more strength getting out than going in. Falco with his left hand reached up to the top of his head and grabbed one of his five inch head spikes and broke it off with a grunt, he brought it down and jammed it up into Zosimoâs right bicep which caused his tratoris friend wail in pain and agony, and he still did not let go of his right hand as he slid his own head spike across the entire length of Zosimos bicep, he then yanked it out and threw Zosimo toward the door of the bridge.
Falco groggle stumbled to the door and disengaged the emergency lock. The Marine Zosimo tried recruiting as the temporary chef was standing one side of the doorway Falcoâs mind tried to remember the name, his mind was slowly coming out of shock and being replace with the pain in his arm and shoulder, despite all that he remembered the young marines name Private Eli Otera. He also saw another Marine flanking the other side of the doorway.
âPrivate, Oteraâ Falco said weekly trying not to move his arm âarrest L.T Zosimo as a traitor and for the murder of Captian Gavin.â
âYes, sir it would be my pleasureâ Private Otera said, switching his blaser to stund and shooting the already knocked out prisoner.
Falco could no longer stand as his mind faded in and out of focus as the emotional and physical shock of the last month or so began to get to him, and he found it hard to stay on his feet, Falco put a wall to his back and slowly slid down until he reached the bottom, two seconds later a medic arrived and began to administer several painkillers and stims designed to knock him out, his vision became blurred and then tunneled it faded to a pinprick and disappeared entirely, and Falco lost consciousness.
He came to not knowing where he was, how he got there or who he was, he used his arms to help him prop himself up against the bed, but instantly regretted it as a sharp jolt of pain washed over him, his grunt of pain caught the attention of Doc. Uitly, the Todarian physician was one of the best in the navy, well at least that's what he said, it had yet to be proven in any measurable medical variable.
âCarefully Captain,â His thick todarian accent cautioned him âIt took me almost three hours to repair all the muscles in your shoulder and arm, it's a miracle you can still move it, let alone put weight on itâ
âHow, long?â Falco began to ask
âIt has been about three hours and thirty minutes since your altercation with the traitor, and I know you want to know being captain and all that, but the Techs and engineers have successfully retrieved the cloaking device and we are enroute to return to Rayshoe stationâ The doctor check his crono âwe should almost be there about nowâ
âGoodâ Falco said, he was tired of laying on his back so he rolled over to his uninjured side and saw Felic Thrash in the med bed next to him
âHowsâ Falco started again
âHeâs in worse shape than you, he took the virbo blade to his abdomen, unlike you it messed up more than just muscles, but I expect him to live, heâs a tough old cat . He had to sedate him twice during the operation.â Dr. Uitly said and true to his words Thrash began to stir and wake up. âA few weeks of bed rest at Rayshoe should get you two back on your feet.â
âGood,â Falco said, using his uninjured hand to sit up. He let the blood rush back into his head before standing up,
âWith that concussion you got, I donât recommend going anywhere until we arrive, so just stay put.â Dr. Uitly said, hovering over Falcoâs way. âYou should limit your actions and duties to just desk work, you should not lift more than five pounds with your right hand, and for the next two weeks you will be seeing a medical officer every day, for treatment and P.Tâ
Falco attempted to add humor to his coversatinal pallet âoh good, pain and tortureâ he Todarian wansât as pleased as Falco had anticipated but then again humor was never part of the Zabrakk culture.
Just then the door to the medical bay slid open and Private Otera and L.t Yarj entered,
âCaptainâ they saluted. Returning the salute, Falco put his feet on the ground and stood up.
âAnd how are you sir?â Yarj asked.
âWell he tried to make a joke, so Iâm not sure if he is feeling better or having an identity crisis.â Dr. Uitly said minding his own business. The two Junior officers were puzzled as to how they should take that, but they shoke in off and Private Otera said
âWe just jumped out of hyperspace, and there is something you need to seeâ
âOh no your not taking him anywhereâ Dr Uitly said, but one look from Falco made him fall back to his second line âOk, fine but Iâm going with youâ
As Falco grabbed a medical robe and slipped into his standard issue boots the Todarian doctor grabbed up an emergency medical kit and left orders with the 2-1B Surgical droid to alert him and to treat Thrash if he gained full consciousness. As the four personnel left the medical bay they winded their way through the bright white walls of the Corellian Corvette Falco could really feel that concussion the Doc tried to warn him about. Soon enough they reached a room with a front view port, as Private Otera entered, he flipped on the light control, which revealed the room and one of the three multipurpose rooms that the original specs had as consular offices. As Falco walked in he turned off the light controls, when he got to the view port to stare out with curiosity.
Raysho station stood out as a beacon of light and hope as it always has this past month, or at least that's what Falco thought of Raysho as. Ever prominent was the still under construction Star Hawk Jawook, every time Falco saw it he always thought it looked the same, surrounding the station was, but he was sure that if he saw a timelapse from the past month he could notice has fast she was coming along, but it was not Raysho herself nor the Star Hawk that was the cause of such a hubbub two Galactic Alliance Task Forces and at the center of the formations was two Mon Calamari cruisers. Falco immediately knew that some big operation was about to go down. For the past month the new Galactic Alliance has spread out their cruisers if in the event of a First Order attack, the Galactic Alliance would not lose their entire Fighter Carrying Force so Thadmin ordered all Galactic Alliance task forces to stay well clear of each other, usually the Witch hunt would be temporarily assigned to one for a quick recon or light skirmishing mission but he only saw each cruiser one at a time, so when he saw two cruisers he knew that the Galactic Alliance was about to launch a major operation.
âWhich cruiser do you think they are?â Private Otera asked
âI think it's the Torrent and Rangerâ L.t Yarj said.
âNo, neither one of those cruiser is the Ranger, the Ranger has more of a bulker build to it, if I had to guess, the one of the right is the Theed, and the left I have not seen before, but I could be the Scariff, New Alderan, or Ring of Daq, but those Cruisers aren't finished yetâ Falco said. All four men in the room looked at him in awe, as it was the first time they had heard him, outside a briefing, say more than five words at a time.
0 notes
Message to the Crew
Hey Crew,
I know no one is going to read this, but incase anyone comes arcoss this in the future. I hate to inform ya'll but this is going to be a temporary end of the NRS RANGER. I am going to serve a mission for my church; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dat Saints, by the time you are reading this I am a month or two in, (Thank heavens for the scheduel post button!) I hate to leave yall on such a clifhanger but I will return in 2 years. I will try to contiue writting in my free time, but I will not be able to post it. So come back in 2023 for an exiting resolution of the Battle of Bemorsby.
The Captain
0 notes
Bemorsby System
NSR Theed
11:48 hrs
Captain Violet always prided herself on never refusing a mission, when her orders came, she would see that they were always carried out. Even though she sometimes had a bad feeling before every mission where her people got hurt, the most recent experience was before the war when a suicidal pirated gunship crashed into the Theed, killing four and injuring 19 more but that feeling did not hold a candle to what she was feeling now. She went over her mission details again and again. Seek and destroy any and all First Order targets before they strengthen their position. Thadmin, made it clear how pivotal this sector here was, from here the First Order had a clear hyper lane straight to Raysho station and the Midpoint Moon Base and station. She agreed to the mission excited to be part of the first major offensive action of the war. It was only after she left Thadminâs briefing that the bad feeling washed over her and began to drown her. The only confort she dared use to sooth her fear was that she had the NRS Scariff, straight out of the dry docks of Mon Calamari. There was little time to out fit it with a fully trained academy crew, so most if not all of the ship's crew were Mon Calamari civilian crew volunteers.
The bridge was mostly silent except for a few low whispers exchanged by the on duty crew. Captain Violet walked over to the bridge view port and squinted off the Theedâs starboard bow, she tried spotting the the Scariffâs task force in the great darkness if she squinted really hard she could just barely make out the outline of the Mon Calamarian Corvettes and light cruisers, prudence had each task force to separate but still be within range to lend aid in a pinch.
Commander Yash Valk walked up to Captain Violet and said âCaptain, we have received word that Alroc has fallen, Bemorsby is now the only other planet in the system, they would be heading hereâ
âGood commander, the enemy does not know we are here, but now we know approximately where they areâ As she said this she began to walk out of the bridge and into the Command Information Center or C.I.C. When she reached the C.I.C she entered and addressed the holo map that was commonly referred to as the threat board.
âCaptain on deckâ A crew mate shouted causing all the crew to come to attention
She waited one second to look around the room and admire the duty and excellence of her crew, then she said âAt easeâ
The officer who monitored the threat board then addressed her in a low toned voice.
âOur fighters have been flying recon flights, for the last hour and have not seen anythingâ
âI have just received word that the First Order has taken Alrocâ Violet said motioning to one of the outer planets in the system ânow this will be their next targetâ she said pointing out the prime planet in the system and the system's name sake Bemorsby.
âInteresting,â The Threat board office said âit is odd, how they attack the outer planets first, this shows a break from Imperial Military Doctrine,â he said under his breath but loud enough for Captain Violet and Commander Valk to hear. But then louder he said âthere are only three corridors that provide access from the outer system to the inner system, my suggestion would be to retask our recon flights to patrol these three corridorsâ he said highlight three lines that lead from the eighth planet of the system to the second planet of the system. âThen when we know which corridor they are coming from, we can send the rest of our fighters to knock it out,â The officer said.
âVery well, C.A.Gâ she addressed a tall slender man in a Star Fighter corp uniform âreturn your fighters to the Theed to be outfitted with anti-ship weaponry, then send the Berrling Star, Haagâs Flame and The Slicer to the three corridors, and when they have the enemy ships on scanners have them report back and we will send in our bombersâ Captain Violet politely ordered.
After brief exchanges over the comm Violet observed the threat board, many of the smaller groups of blue arrow wedges, began to return to the Theed and three corvette analog keys which had the basic outline of a CR-90 left the circle of the task force, as they moved further away from the Theed the names began to pop up under the wedge. The Berrling Star was a standard CR-90 which had better sensors than most other ships currently on the market or in service it was assigned to the furthest port side corridor. The Haagâs Flame a Marauder Mrk IV-class corvette was assigned to watch the center corridor the Mark IV was the newest generation of light corvette in service, it had the basic shape of the original Marauder but it was 50 meters longer had two point defence cannons symmetrically laid out every 60 meters and it had the newest sensor array commissioned by the New Republic. Watching over the Starboard side corridor was The Slicer, a Sphyrna-II class Hammerhead corvette, it was one of the older support ships the Theedâs task force used but it had a black market sensor system that outmatched the military grade sensors of the New Republic and First Order. Besides the three Corvettes watching the possible incoming vectors the Theedâs task force also had two other standard CR-90âs and Nebulon B, B2 and C frigates. The complementing task force centered by the Scariff was smaller, as it only had three MC40D Light Cruisers the D varied from the A, by removing itâs hanger and shortening it to 400 meters. While the Scariffâs task force had fewer ships, the quality of the ships and Mon Calamari engineering made it stronger than the Theedâs task force.
Several minutes passed, the low C.I.C ambiance only making Violetâs bad feelings worse then one of the technicians said
âEnemy spotted, central corridor, 7 to 8 medium transport ships, Haagâs Flame is keeping distance and staying outside of Terickâs rangeâ
Violet looked up on the threat board displaying the scene now the Haagâs Flame began to pull back slowly as the 8 Tericks, which referred to any craft that is not friendly, lit up and advanced slowly but surely in their direction.
âCommander, launch fighters and go to red alert, â Captain Violet said firmly.
Commander Valk nodded and gave the order to launch fighters then picked up the intercom system and said âAttention, Attention, this is Commander Valk Enemy spotted, go to red alert, set battle condition throughout the shipâ
The siren blared and the red alert lights spun up their red tinted lights. Violet disregarded the distractions and only paid attention to the small fighter marks appearing on the threat board heading toward the eight Tericks.
âAny sign of the Star Destroyer?â Commander Valk asked the Threat Board officer.
âNot yet, but we have intercepted some chatter that it was still engaged with the local System Defence Force. The defence force is composed of six cruisers and one Clone Wars era Grand Cruiser. We donât expect them to last longâ L.t Dashin, the Threat Board officer said.
âLetâs knock out their support ships before they can engage their Star Destroyers.â Captain Violet said feeling her Togruta lekku nervously.
As the fighter line extended out from the Theed every eye in the C.I.C looked toward the Threat Board, the eight red analogs began to blink out, one by one. Two or Three X-wings disappeared as well as their last screams were broadcasted on the C.I.Câs comm unit.
Violet bowed her head as each pilot made their last transmissions. Violet kept a silent count of each pilot. Jamming, Roger and Utilli. The next time she lifted her head only two transport remained, they both fizzled out at the same time, in exchange Pudding and Wrenslayerâs Y-wing disappeared.
Violet thought that the best part of being in the C.I.C durring combat is that she never had to see any of the people she is responsible for die. But she could still hear them scream. She could not think about this right now, her first priority is to minimise casualty then mourn.
âSquad leader, to CAGâ A Pilot said
The CAG tapped his head set, âGo for CAGâ
âOur scanners are picking up, incoming cruisersâ The Squad Leader informed
âWhatâs the ETA and Threat level?â The CAG asked
â4 cruisers, coming in at top speed, ETA 2 minutesâ the Squad Leader said.
âSurvivors from the Defence Force?â Commander Valk asked
âI doubt it, a Star Destroyer wouldn't leave any aliveâ The Threat Board analyst.
âTrue but, if those cruisers are looking for allies, the Galactic Alliance could certainly use them, even if they are battered old Clone War wrecksâ Captain Violet said âCAG, have your fighters make contact with the cruisers, then letâs start hunting for that Star Destroyer, I want to find it before it finds usâ
âCaptain, I highly discourage this course of action, I believe it to be a decoyâ the Threat Board Officer said.
âL.t Dashinâ she said reading the Threat Board Officerâs name tag âthank you for your adviceâ Captain Violet then returned to the CAG and said âand CAG, have your fighter approach with extreme cautionâ
âYes, maâamâ the CAG said.
âThunder, please be advised, approach with extreme cautionâ the CAG said
âPossible Tericks, sir?â Thunder asked.
âUnknownâ The CAG said
âUnderstoodâ Thunder said âBlade, 4, Blade 7 Blade 8, Womp Rats, 3, 6, 11 follow my lead, approach cruisers with extreme cautionâ
The Four X-wings from Blade Squadron and the three Y-Wings from Womp Rat squadron blazed a trail to intercept the cruisers.
âCaptain, I think this is a bad idea, we destroyed the force headed, toward Bemorsby our mission is complete, letâs recall our fighters and return homeâ L.t Dashin said more fervently, only causing Violets bad feelings to intensify but she pushed them off and said
âItâs not very often that we can fight a Star Destroyer on even ground, let alone outnumber them two to one, we have to take this opportunity now!â Captain Violet said. Then as an after thought she added âif we are going to win this war, we need to start neutralising, these Destroyersâ
âUnderstood, Captain,â L.T Dashin said and went back to the threat board just in time for all hell to break loose.
âBlade 7 to Blade 8; that's gotta be the weirdest ship profile I have ever seenâ
âRoger Blade 7; what are those little humps?â
âRat, 6 to Blade 8, probably some sort of solar farmsâ
âNegative Rat 6; they seem to be too small to power the whole shipâ
âBlade Leader to Blade 7, Igloo follow me for a close pass, rest of flight, hold position hereâ
âRoger Blade Leader; take the leadâ
Silence then followed for a few seconds.
âWhat are thos---Blade 7 break off!!!!â Blade Leader shouted âFlight Fall back, FALL BACK!!!!!â
âCAG to Blade Leader, please advise, what is the threat?â
âCAGâ Blade Leaderâs voice came in shaky âFighters!, they docked TIE Fighterâs to their hullâ
Then if on cue, each two dozen TIE fighters lights powered on next to the four cruisers.
âDang Farrik!â Commander Valk said. But before he could get the last syllable out, a technitin shouted.
âIncoming Terick out of hyperspace, vector 90. Mark 00, Itâs a Star Destroyer! It is engaging the Scariffâs task force!â
Just to confirm what she was saying a large red triangle appeared a few kilometers from the Scariff and her task force. Then the same technicians voice shouted
âThey're launching fighters!â
0 notes
Coordinates F-17
NSR Ranger
Senior Staff Conference Room
10:26 hrs
Every chair in the Conference Room was filled save two, at the head of the table and one next to the CAG Alek Mauz. The Captain faced the Door as it slid open and Tripper walked in, in his dress uniform the first thing he noticed was the large rectangular glossy black table with a mug of Caf in front of every member of the Senior Staff the second thing he noticed was the Tall Pantorian standing next to him.
âWhatâs your name son?â Captain Eggos Namin said
âFlight Lieutenant, Taus Maic Call Sign âTripperâ Sir!â Taus said
âYou are now, Squad Leader, Taus âTripperâ Maicâ Captain Namin promoted.
âCongratulations Tripperâ Alek congratulated
âNo offence sir, but Joker is my squad leaderâ Taus said seeing a potential way out of command
âThe Ranger is headed to Midpoint station to undergo a retrofit. We are also taking on three extra squadrons: one X-wing, another Y-Wing and a B-Wing squad. I saw what you did out there, we need more squad leaders, who are bold, ready for action, and willing to take the fight to the enemy. I want you to lead the new X-Wing Squadron. and I think you gave it the perfect name Squad Leader Taus Maic will you lead Slayer Squadron?â
Taus paused a moment realizing that it was more of an order than a question then said âSir, Yes, sirâ
âGood, after the meeting Alek will fill you in on your duties and to assemble your command staffâ Captain Namin said
Taus nodded and headed for the empty chair and sat down. Then the real briefing began.
âAt this moment we are headed to Midpoint Station. It is a large moon station, which from now on will be our base of operations, we will receive additional repairs, men and supplies from Midpoint. Waiting there already are replacement pilots and ships, along with the new fighters for Slayer Squadron, the New Y-wing Squadron and B-wing squadron. The Squad leader for the Y-wing staff will be selected from the night owls, while the B-Wing Squad leader will come with the squad, now Captain Mauz has some businessâ
âI have received the personnel files for our replacements after the briefing. I want to talk with all the squad leaders, and assign our new pilots to squadrons.â Mauz said
All the squad leaders nodded in acknowledgement. Tripper hesitated realizing that it meant him now and nodded as well. The rest of the meeting turned to supply and logistics, Tripper got bored and zoned out. Then he thought how terrible a squad leader he would make, if he could not pay attention to basic logistics. Tripper then tried taking notes but at the end of the meeting, he looked over his notes and they were filled with things that never a) he did not understand b) did not care about. c) does not understand. Nevertheless his data pad had a solid four scroll section of supply requisitions for uniforms and cronos.
Captain Namin, then dismissed the Senior Staff; while the majority of the room stood up stretched and left, the Carrier Air Group, which included, Alek Mauz, Joker, Otis Tik, the A-wing Squad Leader, and Natalia Gee the Y-wing Squadron leader as always they were seated next to each other, each Squad leader only show one hand, Tripper knew that the hidden hands were holding each other under the table, desperately trying to keep a secret that everyone knew like trying to bail out a sinking yacht with a spoon. The only other person in the room was the Hanger Chief Marcus Canton, whose head was down and was fast asleep.
âBefore we begin, Tripper, you need to select your Squadron command. You need a Flight L.t, and Flight Officer, do you have your picks yet?â Alek asked
âI have my pick for Flight L.t and with Jokers permission, I would like Sabbac, as for my Flight Officer, I do not have any picks yetâ Tripper said
âSure you can have him, just about every pilot in my squad owes him money.â Joker said
âIncluding you? Natalia asked
âMaybe?â Joker said coyly
He head kept down, but Chief Canton said groggily âI own the Rodian close to 1,500 credits,â
âOk! In other news we are receiving, 14 new pilots, their files should be on your data pads by nowâ Alek said, cutting off the off topic discussion and trying to refocus the group.
Tripper looked down at his data pad and saw the new personnel files.
âPlease review the personnel files and bring two candidates for each open position you have but with the new Slayer Squad, I want the more experienced pilots starting thereâ Alek commanded.
Everyone nodded and began to scan their data pads. It was silent for several minutes when Joker suddenly said âI donât believe it!â
âWhatâs up?â Alek said
âAlek do you remember, Greg Dashwood?â Joker asked excitedly.
âYeah he was our old squadron leader back when I first traspherd here.â Alek said
âDidnât he get court martialed?â Ots Tik asked âRight after Akbarâs fall from grace?â
âLast thing I heard from him is that he joined the Resistance with Akbarâ Natalia Gee said.
âHe sent me a holo message a couple months ago, saying he was setting up a farm on Concord Dawn, Eh, whatever the reason, heâs back now!â Alek said he paused a moment then said to Tripper âWiat, Tripper, with your permission I think I found your new Flight Officer.â
âHow could I forget old Dashwoodâ Tripper said âI would be disappointed if he wasnât my Flight Officerâ
The rest of the meeting floated by silently, as the other squad leader poked through personnel files, but in the end the majority of the pilots were going to Slayer Squadron, except for four, two went to the Firebirds and another two went to the Blue Birds A-Wing âAcesâ. Tripper checked his crono and sighed, it was time for lunch and he was ready to make a mad dash to the mess hall. Alek then dismissed the meeting and everyone got up and left, Chief Canton stayed where he was, the squad leaders debated if they should wake him up or tie his boot laces together, but Alek convinced everyone to just leave him where he was. As Tripper exited the door, Joker ran up to him when Joker reached him he almost split his Caf on Tripperâs dress uniform he made a face that seem to say âAHHHHâ then said,
âHey Tripper, round up the Firebirds we have a few things to talk about,â Joker said
âYeah sure thing,â Tripper noticed that Joker stopped and walked back into the conference room âhey wait, where are you going?â
âIâll catch up laterâ Joker whispered and slipped back in the conference room.
Tripper stood still looking toward the door more interested than confused. A few seconds passed then Joker slipped back out.
âWhat did you do?â Tripper grilled
âI forgot somethingâ Joker said faking innocents
âTell, me you didnâtâ Tripper said âI swear Joker if you tied Cantonâs boot laces together, I throw you out the nearest airlockâ
âOh please, give me some credit!â Joker said, Tripper felt relieved for two seconds then Joker finished âI just put two spoonfuls of Cinnamon in Cantonâs Cafâ
Tripperâs eyes went wide. âno, No, No! Grands are overly sensitive to Cinnamonâ he lamented
Joker tried keeping a straight face as he said âI know I know!â
They stopped walking as they heard an overly loud spit take from the Conference room, they looked at eachother and read each other's mind by the time Chief Canton shouted âJOKER!!!!!!!â
Joker and Tripper were already running full tilt down the hall shouting to âMake a hole Make a hole!!â
Eventually they made it to the Firebirdâs crew quarters when they opened the door they heard Sabbac chips being shuffled around.
âHa, Ha, Ha Itâs all skill no luckâ they heard Drip say
âHey, Drip, you know you're losing right?â Sabacc Rodianâs voice pointed out.
âMy point still standsâ A faux humiliated Drip said causing Book, and 11 to chuckle.
Joker and Tripper passed the few bunks and had an unobstructed view of the whole game.
âSabbac, do you remember rule one?â Joker asked like an annoyed parent catching their child getting in some mischief.
âYes, Joker, everyone is going home with what they came withâ Sabbac answered annoyed .
âGood!â Joker said sitting down on one of the bunks closes to the sabbac game âcause, two Squad Leaders walked right in and caught you, playing an illegal game of Sabbacâ
âWait, what do you mean by two squad leaders?â Sabbac said interested, the other pilots in the room disengaged from their activities, reading datapads, writing letters home, etc and sat up and listened.
âTripper! Take it away!â Joker said using his hands to showcase Tripper
âBefore we begin, are we all here?â Tripper asked looking around the room and doing a headcount, Sabbac, Drip Book and 9 were playing Sabbac, the other newcomer Mally Vos (10) was in a top bunk staring at the ceiling, but now she slid her legs over the side so she was sitting and looking directly at Tripper. Root put away his datapad and looked more confused than intrigued. Both the Weequay Rash Tacknor call sign Mob and Mac Ran known as Brawl were the only two surviving Firebird Pilots not in attendance.
âWhereâs Mob and Brawl?â Tripper asked
âThey hit the gym, they said theâll be back around 1200,â Root said not surprising anyone
The door slid open and Mob and Brawl walked in, doing the mental math of the chance of this coincidence was pointless as the third person entered the room.
âCAG on Deck!â Book shouted standing up from his game and going to full attention every other pilot followed his example.
âAt ease,â Alek said ârelax, Iâm just here with my old squad to support them in the coming changes.â Then he nodded at Tripper and Joker to let them know he could continue.
âI was called in to the Captain.â he paused still in shock of the past hour âI am now promoted to Squad Leaderâ he paused again âI am to lead, the new Slayer Squadron. Sabbac?â Tripper asked.
âYes??â Sabbac answered questionly
âI want you to be my squadronâs X.O, can you do that?â Tripper asked.
âYes, sir I can!â Sabbac said cheerfully.
âMy Flight L.T will be Greg Dashwood, he was Firebirds old squadron leader, before we were known as the Firebirds.â Tripper said this for the benefit of the new pilots back in those days it was Dashwood, Firebird, Joker, Sabbac Brawl Squid, Noodles and him and a couple other pilot who rotated in and out periodically, Tripper then thought of where each of the original Birds were, Firebird got promoted to CAG, Sabbac is now the new Slayer Squadron Flight L.t Brawl, is the Firebirds Flight L.t, Squid was K.I.A trying to destroy a TIE Bomber base. Noodles became the BlueBirds Squad leader and Dashwood was court martialed, after Akbar's fall from grace. In hindsight they should have listened to Akbar, who warned the New Republic about the First Order threat for years, but no one listened to him. After he sent a task force to intercept a First Order kyber shipment. His political enemies had all the leverage they needed to out him as Supreme Commander. Dashwood agreed with Akbarâs assessment of the First Order, and he said that voicaly many times in many meetings and gatherings, many of the younger pilots Tripper included, were persuaded by his arguments. Six months before the war Dashwood in secret tried to desert, with the majority of the Rangerâs pilots they headed to the Hanger where they were going to take as many X, Y and A Wings and join the Resistance until Chief Canton figured out what they were doing and locked down the hanger. The Wookie Marine team arrived soon after while Dashwood was considered an extremist, he was not willing to cause a shootout so he surrendered. The Tribunal could not replace half the pilots so all the blame was placed on Dashwood, who humbly accepted it, this would have been grounds for execution, but the Resistance still had many allies left in the senate, so he was only kicked out. Now as Tripper thought of it, he realized that Dashwood had been correct from the beginning.
âOk! That switches up our squad leadership a bit,â Joker said âIâm still Squad leader, Brawl, you're the new X.O and Drip you're the new Flight Officer, everyone cool with that?... Good, cause there's nothing you can do about it.â
Alek smirked his heart missing Jokerâs banter and the Squad as a whole,
âI want all Squad Leaders, and Staff in my office, 10 minutes before we arrive at Midpoint which is inâ Alek checked his crono âtwo hours, but until then, what's the buy in?â
Firebird 10 didn't say a word, she just sat on her bunk and looked over the Sabbac game brewing. Root went back to his reading. Sabbac began to deal out the cards to Alek, Joker Tripper, Drip Book, 11, Brawl and Mob, with that the banter insued with many jokes and ribbing.
0 notes
Coordinates F-16
NSR Ranger
Main Hanger
09:45 hrs
Taus Maic call sign Tripper and Duc Melbun temporary callsign 9 walked through the hanger doors. As the expanse of engineers fiddling with energy coils, power converter and weapons systems trying to improve efficiency the hanger deck crew were rushing around refueling and recharging and mix of X-Wings, A-Wings and B-Wings, for Duc Melbun his was his first on a real MC-80 Star Cruiser and his head swam with questions and adrenalinn and what he is able to see. As he took in the large room he had to grab onto the wall for stability he was in shock.
Ever since he was a little kid it has always been his dream to be right where he was now, he studied every battle from the Bacta War, the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, his original plan was to be an A-wing pilot but he kept crashing into things when he was at his secondary schoolâs simulator, which earned him a spot off the schoolâs recommendation list and and comfortable seat into the History program. He stole out of History class every chance he could to run more simms, but the teacher in charge of the flight program refused him every chance he got to retake the recommendation test. Then his worst nightmare came true, and he got a pilot's spot on the NRS Ranger.
He began to think of the events that directly lead him to this hanger, before the Hosnian Cataclysm he lived in a medium sized city on the third planet of the Hosnian system, the History program received a grant from the Galactic Historic Core to tour old Clone War battle sites, they were at their final destination and were touring Ryloth when they first heard the news, the teachers and shuttle driver dismissed it as all to common pranks from edgy youths. When they jumped into the Hosnian system nothing remained, it was there when everyone learned that it was no prank. The shuttle briefly poked through the wreckage before they came across Raysho station, a dozen or so civilian transports were already docked and survivors were attempting to find family and friends. When they finally disembarked the port was crowded by too many adults, just not enough parents and there were too many kids walking out not enough children. When it was all sorted, only three kids out of the 100 kid program had at least one parent. Even though the late hour Duc could not sleep so we followed the line, the other older kids and most adults were taken into the recruitment center. When the officer asked if he had any flight experience, he admitted the little training he had, next thing he knew he was on the NRS Ranger as an over romanticized X-Wing pilot. For the last month his squadmates took turns teaching him and his fellow refugee turn pilot Mally Vos how to fly and adjust to Navy life. Todayâs lesson was a tour of the ship, followed by simulations, simulations and more simulations.
âOk, History nerd, riddle me this, how many launch bays does an MC-80 have?â Taus asked
âThe Home one type MC-80 had 4 hangersâ Duc said still in awe
âOk, so how many launch bays does the Ranger have?â Taus asked next
âIf I am not mistaken this is a Home one type so four?â Duc said confused why this is a question, if the answer was too obvious.
âWrong, the Ranger has two, it originally had four, but the two rear launch bays were turned into makeshift multi-purpose rooms to quoteâ Taus said putting up air quote âexpand the MC-80âs mission profile beyond that of a warship, unquoteâ Taus finished and lowered his hands
âNext question, how many fighter squadrons does the Big R carry?â Taus asked
âCurrently 3, The Firebirdsâ Duc squinted his eyes trying to remember the other squadrons names âTheâŚâŚ.Blue Birds and Theeee Night owlsâ
âCorrecet, ok nerd, next question, how many fighter squadrons, Could the NSR Ranger carry?â
âUh, I donât know?â Duc said puzzled, he never read anything in the manuels that gave a answers to that question
âMarcusâ Taus shouted, catching the attention of a Grand who was directing a technician driving a hoverlift, that was lifting the back half of a Y-Wing toward the Hanger one
âWhat do you need, Tripper?â he asked disenganging himself from his work.
âThis is our Deck Chief Marcus Canton but you will always call him chief, and he can tell the damage from a ship just by looking at it. Chief the question I have is, how many squads could we fit in the Ranger?â Taus asked again
âYou see the Ranger originally had four launch bays to forward one on each side and two rear one on each side connected by a single hanger, as you are standing in here, since the Military disarmament act limited the amount of fighters a ship could carry, the brass ordered that the rear launched bays be turned into multi-purpose storage rooms there are a lot of useless thing in there and that ticks me off but we are scheduled to undergo a refit to clear them out and unseal the doors we are also reported to get three more squads, but to answer your question, currently three, until we under the refit, and get those doors openâ he said pointed to the two large doors that lead to the rear launch bay,âthen six, but I am willing to wager, that we could probably fit 10 in an emergency but that would fill up the hanger with no room and each launch bay with no room to spare, there were many times during the rebellion when that happened, and the problem they faced was that they had to launch what was in the launch bay before they could bring out what was in the hanger, even if it was a bay full of unarmed U-Wingsâ the Grand Deck Chief finished âanymore questions?â
âNo, I donât have anyâ Taus said âDo you,â he asked looking at his junior who was still in awe and look around at all the busy hustle and bustle
âhm? What no, not yet I think Iâm goodâ Duc said
âOk, why donât you look around for a bit, get familiar with a crew working on an X-wing, because if you are ever in a pinch we fill in for them, or if you have to make emergency repairs it might be helpful to know a thing or two, but just stay out of the wayâ Taus said
âOk, yes sirâ Duc said. He walked through and past the noses and laser cannons of X-wings until he found a crew working on one.
âOh heâs a good kidâ Taus said
âEh, heâs alright, just make sure he doesnât return any of my letterbirds damagedâ The deck chief said then added, âso why do you like doing this, most squadron X.O hate the new guysâ
âYeah, sometimes it's a chore, but everyone comes from a different background and they all bring a new skill or piece of knowledge to the table and who knows maybe it will be useful later onâ Taus said âit also helps with patience, especially when the deck crew needed to fix an X-wing but forgot to add the fuel injectorâ Taus said this and threw a glance at Chief Canton
âIt was only one time, and you have enough life support to survive forâŚâ Canton started to defend
â18 hoursâ Taus finished.
Chief Canton, did not have time for a snarky reply as the red alert clackson began to blare, and the signal box on the wall flashed the tradinatl red color.
âRed alert, set combat conditions throughout the shipâ A voice from the ship's intercom system rang out.
Chiefâs voice then rang out in alarm âCLEAR THE DECK of Any and Everything that is flammable, or explosive, lets go, lets go, if were hit by anything stronger than a stund blast this thing will go like a coaxisum on a train.â
The hanger exploded into dozens of technicians grabbing fuel canisters and star ship blaster power packs and dashing for a storage locker.
âHey new guy,â a technician shouted at Duc who was still confused as to what he should be doing, âgrab the other end of this' ' indicating a proton torpedo about to be loaded in an X-wing. Duc dashed over to the technician and lifted one end of the torpedo and they began to speed walk over to an ammunition locker. Taus and the Chief stood on large boxes and directed the traffic. Taus paused and looked through the starboard launch bay, the only two things in the launch bay was the back half of a Y-wing that was half gutted by shrapnel that was about to be ejected into space and the standard fighter recovery tug. He then looked outside of the ship, his eyes adjusted for the blue tint of the launch bay shield and saw two Corellian Corvettes and a Nebulon-B frigate open fire with their stark red point defence cannons. If Taus was upside down, it would look like red rain falling upon his enemies. He kept looking at the trajectory of the point defence cannons as the laser bolts slowly climbed higher and higher, when he guess, whatever they were firing at was right on top of the Ranger, a silence fell over the hanger as each pilot, technician and engineer, held his breath Taus noticed that he was not the only person look out side.
He flinched as five noiseless First Order TIE Bombers pasted over the Ranger
âAre we hit?â a crewmate asked
âNo, we would have felt it if we got hit,â Chief Canton said.
A collective sigh fell over the hanger as the five bombers slowly shunk as they were chased off by soundless blaster bolts. Just as the five bombers reached the outer ring of Corvettes a CR-90 scored a hit against one. Black smoak and gas leaked from one of the bombers. Then with four flickers of pseudo motion four of the five bombers disappeared. The fifth bomber did not jump.
âTheir hyperdrive has been damaged, they're not going nowhereâ Chief Canton observed.
âUmmm, we have a problem.â Duc said pointing. The damaged TIE Bomber made a 180 degree turn and began to head back toward the Ranger.
âAw Crift!â Chief Canton shouted. He looked out and saw the Bomber drawing a bead on the Ranger, âHe;s coming right for the Hanger!, CLEAR THE DECK!!!!!!â Canton shouted.
The gathered technicians scrambled dashing to the nearest door.
âChief!I have an idea!â Taus shouted toward the Deck Chief as he ran toward the back half of the Y-Wing. In an instant Canton knew and understood what Taus was getting at.
âJackson, Daniels! Grab that power pack and bring it hereâ Canton shouted running toward the damaged Y-Wing in the launch bay.
Two technicians who stood their ground, waiting for Canton to leave. Jackson and Daniels did not want to leave until they knew for a fact that the hanger was lost when Canton gave up the hanger so would they. Today their determination paid off as they ran toward a Star Fighter power pack and lifted toward the crippled Y-Wing turret.
Taus jumped in the Ball Turret, while Canton, Jackson and Daniel wired the power pack to the turret. After thirty seconds Taus lights on the dashboard lit up and he gave thumbs up. Canton activated the hover lift and lifted the Y-Wing off the ground and swinged it out of the hanger bay.
Taus in the turret slowly rotated in a circle, when acclimated to the off sensation of having ones surrounds slowly orbit around him, he targeted the doomed TIE bomber coming in for a suicede run on the Rangerâs Hanger. He rotated his cannon and lined up his shot just as he heard the Y-Wing gunners talk about so often in bars and social gatherings. He took a quick breath and let loose with the cannon. The TIE bomber was only 100 meters away from the Ranger when their port side wing and accompanying engine unit. With the starboard engine the only propulsion, the TIE bomber began into a hard port side spiral. Ten seconds later the Bomber exploded. The only damage Taus saw was a CR-90 gently rocked as the bomber exploded a few hundred yards from its port side.
Taus breathed a sigh of relief. No one was hurt and no one died.
âWhoâs in that thing just shot down that bomber?â Alek Mauz voice crackled over the comm, not recognizing the turret portion of the Y-wing
âUh-ah, this is Bomber Slayer One?â Taus said hesitantly
âTripper?â Alek asked, puzzled.
âWhatâs up CAG?â Taus asked the same way heroes attempt to deflect the attention from themselves by saying, something like âoh anyone would have done thatâ
âWhen you get back, report to the Senior Staff Conference Roomâ Alek ordered
âYes Sir,â Taus said then under his breath âeither Iâm getting fired or promoted, both are equally terrifying.â
âHey Chief, can I come home now?â Taus said reengaging the comm
âYeah sure thing, letâs see if I can fire up the old tugâ Chief Canton said referring to the Fighter Recovery Craft or (FRC) âETA, 20 minutesâ
âPlease hurry, I only have 15 minutes of Life Support leftâ
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Remains of Hosnian System
Raysho Station
Medical bay
0800 hrs
General Rex holo chair sat next to the bed of the Young Duros soldier a bacta rap covered his injured shoulder. Occupying the surrounding beds was several dozen other injured soldiers from the Fourth Regiment that the Witch Hunt was able to evacuate in the short window of time they had, many were passed out while others were moaning in silence.
The Duros opened his eyes âGeneral?â he said groggy and puzzled
âPrivate Sandfeld, how are you doing?â General Rex asked
âEverything hurts but Iâm doing alright sir!â Sandfeld said
âThatâs good my son, that is very good, is there anything I can get you?â Rex asked
âNot yet sir, but thank you for asking, '' Sandfeld said gratefully.
âUnfortunately, I have to leave you, I must address our forces. I have to give them a powerful weaponâ General Rex said.
âAnd what would that be?â Sandfeld asked
âHope, I have fought in many a war, and hope is bigger and more powerful than any blaster.â General Rex said âIs it ok if I take my leave?â
âItâs ok sir, Iâll make it through alrightâ Sandfeld said weakly.
General Rex gave a weak smile and turned his hover chair toward the exit. General Rex hoverd through Raysho Stationâs hallways and corridors until he arrived at the Comm station.
âGeneral!â the officer manning the consol said
âLieutenant, please broadcast a message to the Corregamar Systemâ Rex said
âYes sir, you may record your message when you are ready.â the L.t said
Rex took a moment to compose himself.
âWhen I left your soil, I said to the people of Corregamar and the fourth Regiment, I shall return. Tonight, I repeat those words: I shall return. Nothing is more certain than the ultimate reconquest and liberation from the enemy of those and adjacent lands. I have fought in many wars, and I know for a fact that the Light side will always triumph over the Dark. So fight on my sons, fight knowing that I will return no matter the odds no matter the time, I will return and if the First Order will try to stop me I hope they find more firepower than the Sepretist and the Empire, cause they tried and Iâm still here..â As General Rex finished he nodded toward the Comm officer who cut the transmission. Rex smiled and began to leave the Comm room.
âUh excuse me sir, I regret to inform you that I disobeyed orders, I did not send it to CorregamarâŚ..I sent it out to the entire Galaxy.â the L.t said
âGood Soldiers follow order, but the best ones know when to disobey them, Thank you L.tâ Rex paused to look and the comms officers name tag âShakra, your a good officerâ.
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Kathmarine system
Kathmarine Moon
Firebird Squad
1040 hrs
Joker said that and oriented his X-Wing to the desolate moon, as Tripper, Gungan, and Bookâs X-Wings followed him.
âOk hold on, were entering the gravity well of the moon things might get a little bumpyâ Joker said âSo hold on to your cockpit ornaments, we donât want any stuffed loth cats flying aroundâ
The turbulence, intensive and each pilot struggled to keep their X-wing in formation, a few seconds later, Joker leveled out his dive and flew 200 feet above the surface.
âWhereâs the TIE base?â Tripper asked.
âFirebirds, intel indicates it is over that ridge, about 400 kilometers away, Gungan stay low, we donât want to appear on their sensors, or this mission will be over quicker than Hutt developing a pulmonary condition.â
Gungan did not reply, he dipped his nose below the horizon and returned to the elevation the others were at.
âHow much resistance will we face?â Book asked
âHeck if I know?â Joker said âbut it is a TIE base so prepare to bug out fast becauseI think that were going to be chased out so fly and fly fastâ
âNah, 15 credits to each of you that we will knock it out so fast that the second stage pilots wonât even get to their ships let alone get off he rockâ Tripper bet
âIâll take thatâ Joker said
âMesa toâ Gungan joined in
âIâll get in on this action,â Book said.
âAlright your son, weâll find out in a minute or two. Tripper returned as the ridge Joker pointed out earlier grew steadily closer and taller. Tripper flipped the switch that armed his proton torpedo, he heard the beep that signified that it was armed. He looked up and focused on the ridge he saw two jutting stalagmites that were just wide enough to fit his X-wing if he turned sideways. He decided on his course of action three seconds before he needed to act.
He slammed his stick sideways rotating his X-wing 90 degrees sliding through the stalagmites with three meters on each side to spare. He corrected himself and took in the situation. The TIE base was a large circular dome with a 100 meter radius, four GH-27 anti starfighter cannons surrounded the base of the dome. There was one large hangar door and six small doors that could launch a single TIE fighters faced the 3 oâclock position, if the X-wings were coming in on the 12 o'clock vector. Tripper leveled his X-wing to half the height of the dome, he checked his targeting computer and fired his proton torpedo, which scored a direct hit dead center of the side of the dome. He checks his wingman accuracy before pulling up. Gungan hit just off center of the dome, Book took his vector around the side and his torpedo hit a smaller launch door, Joker took his shot high on top of the dome, leaving a total of four large holes in the dome,
âTarget hit, repeat, Target hit!â Joker said
âDid we knock it out?â Book asked in an green optimistic voice
âNegative!Five TIEs are launching,â Tripper said, checking his rear sensor.
âHow many proton torpedoes do we have left?â Joker asked
â0â Book said
â1 torpedoâ Gungan said
âI got 2 leftâ Tipper said
âOk, Iâm out too.â Joker said âBook and I will engage the TIEâs, Gungan Tripper fire all ordinance, I want to return to chief with empty maginse.
âRoger SLâ Tripper said pulling his X-wing around, into the jaws of the oncoming TIEsâ
The TIE fighters deployed in a two row formation three in front and two in back, centering themselves between the space of the three.
âWe could use some A-Wings right about nowâ Book said
âQuite a new guy, all comm chatter is recorded, and you donât want to be caught saying that.â Joker said âGungan, Tripper, super playbook super ascendâ
âWhat, I donât know that one?â Book said
âOk when I give the mark, Gungan and Tripper will ascend, our job is to fire indiscriminately and knock out as many TIEâs as we canâ Joker filled in
âOkâ Book said
âWe're almost in range!â Tripper said
âOk, 5..4..3..2..1, MARKâ Joker said
Tripper pulled his stick back hard, a warning light flashed on his console indicating his internal compensators were maxed out, he and Gungan mentaly counted to ten, when they reached ten they leveled out, and put all power to the engines.
After Gungan and Tripper pulled up Joker and Book, opened fire two TIE fighters in the front row went down, all three remaining TIEs open fired one TIE fighter in the front row scored four hits on Jokers X-wing
âJoker your hit, you alright?â Book asked
âYes, but my shields are down,â Joker said back.
The TIE fighters' formation Joker and Bookâs formation passed through each other, two TIE fighters pulled a 360 while the last remaining TIE looped up and matched Gungan and Tripper's elevation.
Joker and Book swung around in a wide arc in opposing directions. Each TIE fighter picked their target and followed their arcs Joker straightened out, and pulled an inverted spin, and in a few seconds his quad laser cannons pointed at the incoming TIE fighter, with two full cycles of his cannons the TIE fighter exploded with a nonexistent fireball.
Tripper checks his rear sensor array.
âDang Farrik, we go one on us, Gungan, invasive man-â Joker shouted, swerving his X-Wing out of the sites of the TIE fighter, he cut off as he saw the green, plasma bolts hit Gungans X-Wing knocking out the lower left S-foil, Gungan fought for control, and briefly regain control while Tripper pulled his X-wing around, pulling in behind the TIE fighter, but before Tripper could open fire, the TIE fighter shot first, this time there was nothing Gungan could do, as his X-wing exploded in an short lived fireball. Three seconds later Tripper let loose with his cannons turning the TIE fighter into ash.
Tripper pushed the death of his comrade out of his mind, there will be time to mourn later even though it was hard he had to, he had a mission to carry out.
When the anti starfighter cannons open fired, Tripper rolled his X-wing 10 meters to the right, lined up his second to last shot and fired, then slowed his X-wing almost to a stall, just for the few precious seconds for the torpedo to penetrate the dome, then with his last shot, fired it on the same mark. He pulled up on his yoke looping up and away from the dome.
âItâs time to blow this womp rat stand.â Tripper said pulling up and out of the gravity well of the moon
âLetâs goâ Joker said as he and Book followed Tripper.
âJoker to Ranger flight control, eta three minutes prepare for a combat landing for three X-wingsâ Joker said
âNegative, Joker Star Destroyer is in range, we are pulling out immediately, redezu at predetermined coordinates.â The Flight Control Officer said.
âRoger, Ranger Control,â Joker said.
âOk flight, the droids have the coordinates, come to a heading of 263 mark 43â Joker said âoh and let's stay clear of that Star Destroyer.â
âHeading confirmedâ Tripper said
âHeading confirmedâ Book copied
âRoger flight, jump in 3..2..1â Joker said as the stars stretched into star lines
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The Remains of the Alderaan System
NRS Theed
Main Bridge
1800 hrs
Captain Anatha Violetâs colorful Yogurtian features stood in contrast to the monochromatic colors regulationâs forced her to keep it in.
âCaptain Violet, Mrs Phlaxes would like to see you, maâamâ Commander Valk said
âCommander Valk? Are there any artist on board?â Captain Violet asked
âUm, maâam?â Valk required courses
âThat wall, I donât like the color, I want to put a mural thereâ Captain Violet elaborated
âThat's against regulations maâamâ Valk pointed out.
âI know, itâs probably a bad idea, any wayâ Captain Violet finally said âOk, send Mrs. Phlaxesâ
Daline Phlaxes walked on the main bridge. Captain Violet turned around and nodded to the political correspondent.
âI am here to inform you that it is time for the First Meeting of the new Alliance, maâamâ Phlaxes said
âI will meet you in the transport hanger bay Mrs, Phlaxesâ Captain Violet said
âYes Maâamâ Phlaxes said turning back to the door which Irised open and Phlaxes made her way toward the transport hangar bay.
âCommander Valk, do you know what I just realized, new alliance, new regulations, find me an artistâ Captain Violet said, walking to her ready room to change into her formal uniform.
âI would like to begin this meeting by thanking the Alderanian Refugees, for hosting his conference in the remains of the First Imperial Death Star that is now their homeâ Phlaxes said causing polite and diplomatic applause. âThe New Republic Navy has called this meeting to answer the threat of the First Order, and the destruction of the New Republic,â Phlaxes pause for a moment looking around the conference table, the Hosnian Refugee representative sat staring at her face with her fist clenched, âWe intend to keep fighting no matter the odd in a new Galactic Alliance!â
As she finished the Raxus Rep Tranch Hiltu spoke âAnd how do you suppose you do that! When the First Order's Starkiller base!â
âRepresentative Hiltu, StarKiller Base has been confirmed destroyedâ Phlaxes
âWell that not what the First Order saysâ Hiltu shot back
âIn addition to the Destruction of StarKiller Base, Supreme Leader Snoke is also dead, we must take this time to get organized, we can still fight back, and we can win!â Phlaxes
âAnd how do you know thatâ Hill Solde the Corellia Rep
âBecause we already have!â Phlaxes said then motioned to Captain Violet âCaptainâ
Captain Violet stood up âApproximately eight hours ago, The NRS Ranger engaged a First Order Convoy enroute to attack the Fondor systemâ
âEven if they win AND survive one small victory over a supply convoy hardly proves that you can winâ Hiltu said scoffing
âThe First Order will win, by doing one thing and one thing alone, seprerat us, if they can separate us, and through the use of fear paralyze us, they will win,â Phlaxes said paused to stare at all the faces around the ring of tables she then continued âThe Galaxy believes that no one will stand up to face the First Order, fear has a habit of doing that to people, but we most show that there are people willing to stand against these bulliesâ
âOk, is there a long term plan to defeat them?â The Mon Calamari Governor Caltrab asked
âYes, Governor the First Order is a military, they have little to no industrial capital, Admiral Thadminâs plan is to fight to keep the industrial planets out of enemy hands until our own ship yards can tip the balance in our favor. Sure they might have more Star Destroyers than us, but we have the means of producing more cruisers while the First Order does not.â Captain Violet said as if she was briefing a room full of Admirals.
âOk, what do you need from us?â Naboo Jr Governor Calli Gala asked
âShips, and men to crew themâ Phlaxes said as if listing the side effects to a new type of medicine
âYou want us to sacrifice our own defence forcing for you to protect other forces?â Hiltu said crazily.
âWe will protect you, if you are in jeopardy but we need the ships to do that withâ Phlaxes said
âIf you want us to pull ships off our front lines I doubt Corellia will join this allianceâ Hiltu said
âThats ok you we donât need you to pull ships off your lines, but maybe a percentage of the ships you yards produce can head our wayâ Phlaxes
âI will have to check with my Governor before I sign on to anything, but it is looking doubtful that we will join you.â Hiltu said disappointed
âI have said all that I need to. Lets us all check in with our governments and we will return in one hour?â Phlaxes asked the nods and the sound of holo pads shutting down convinced Phlaxes that they all agreed.
âCome on letâs goâ Phlaxes said to Captain Violet, who followed her outside the conference room to another room, that Alderaan set aside for them to use, four chairs were placed around a square table. On top of the table was a basket of fresh fruit and Alderainian honeycomb. After both women took a seat
Captain Violet picked a fruit and took a bite âYou know these fruits are grown on the station. There is deck below us that is one lareg Velodrome, with each factor of the climate is controlled. It's very impressive if you ask me.â
âCaptain, I hate to change the subject but, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on a subject?â Phlaxes asked
âSure thing, what's it about?â Captain Violet said
âItâs about a pilot-â Phlaxes said
âJoker! Ah yes I heard about your little run inâ Captain Violet said
âWhatâs his deal?â Phlaxes asked
âFrom what his file says his acutal name is Derci Alpine Jr, he comes from Cyrkon Hutt Space, his father was abusive both emotinaly and physicly, sometimes for his amusment other times to put Joker down and make him feel useless, Joker somehow kept a sence of humor and acording to him it was the only way for him to survive, for years and years it went on like that, until his Father Derci Alpine Sr, got fed up with Jokerâs imperntrable humor defence so he sold him into slavery to the hutt cartell. His thin and lanky posture made him ideal for ship engineering, so the Hutts placed him on one of their slave ships, years later when he was about 19 the New Republic raided the slave ship he was on, and freed all the slaves, some went home others were resettled but Joker joined up and went to the New Republic Acadomy on Lothal, when his name popped up on our list of new pilots, I briefly consider assigning him to the Theed, but Captain Namin made negotiated and he got Joker and he gave me my X.O Yash Valk.â Captain Violet said
âOh I didnât knowâ Phlaxes said in shock regretting the horrible things she said to him.
A few minutes passed in silence as both Women sat and at the fruit in the basket. As the hour passed Phlaxes and Violet looked through their data pad sifting for information that could be useful in the conference. Captain Violet looked through the casualty report from the Rangers engagement and Phlaxes reviewed the data from the Conference in an attempt to hypothesis which planets will join them. When the hour was up a Alderianian honor guard knocked on their door, when he was informed he could enter, he informed the pair that all other parties have assembled in the conference room. Sighing Phlaxes stood up and followed the honor guard to the Conference room where she took her seat at the head of the table.
She picked up her data pad and asked âHas everyone made their decision?â
The Hosnian Representative Jiun Yasslern stood up and said âThe Hosnian System will join the Galactic Alliance.'' Then he sat down.
In the same manner the person sitting next to jiun said âLothal is with you we can offer you the use of our academyâ Jr. Governor Jess Wren said
Sen Galbo Sandcha stood up and said âRyloth has always been committed to the fight for freedom no matter the era, no matter the enemy, no matter the odds, so it is my honor to join this fight!â
The Wookie representative Gov Uyalr said via his protocol droid âWhile Kashyyk cannot risk, joining the Alliance, we will not stop out people and ships from join you.â
The Alderaanian Governor Meta Yarla said âOur people are still rebuilding, and cannot risk join the war, I am sorry but we will not join.â
Gov Caltrab of Mon Cala said âWe are honored to join the fight, and if we die, we die in good company.â
Calli Gala the Naboo Jr, Governor said âThe People of Naboo cannot give much but we can scrounge up a few fighters and pilotsâ
Representative Iuke Malo said âFondor is grateful for the New Republic; however, we need a stronger show of force before we join, but we will demonstrate a show of good faith, our government has authorised the use of several old Cruisers.â
Trainer Untalln said sadly âI just received news that Kuat has been invaded, but Kuat is with you for as long we canâ
Hill Soldethen said âEven though I advised against it, Corellia will join the Galactic Alliance.â
Trench Hiltu said âRaxus will not join the Galactic Alliance.â
âThe Galactic Alliance will meet in three days, The coordinates will be transferred as soon as possible.â Phalxes said. âAnd thank you,â
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Hyper Space
NRS Ranger
Pilot Ready Room
âAlright, everyone had a chance to get their act together?â Alek said but before anyone had the chance to say anything the newly commissioned pilots walked in and he said âHey fresh meat! Howâd your sims go?â
âAlright sir, I think I finally understand the landing and take off procedure!â Duc Melbun, one of the new X-Wing Pilots who appeared to be barely 17 said.
âOh great! These were the most qualified pilots Thadmin could find?â Brawl said to Squid in a voice that could be heard by most people in the room.
âKnock it off Brawl, we're about to go into combat and I donât need anyone to backbite right now!â Alek said
âUnderstood Sir!â Brawl said seriously.
âOk, we have obtained no further information or recon yet, so get ready to fly.â Alek said âBlue Birds will launch from Launch Bay 2, and the Firebirds will also Launch from Bay 2, and Night Owls Primary Launch Bay '' Alek paused to take a short breath before delivering his final words, wondering how many men were these his last words to. âGood Hunting, Iâll be monitoring you from ops''
From there the group was dismissed to the pilots locker room that bordered the ready room. Dovinivan Castile wonders his way to his locker and looked to the one next to it, the one that belonged to Mathis (4) Rass his old gunner. Now being occupied by one of the new gunners, a big bulky Yellow skin Zabrak.
âWhat's your name?â Dovinivan asked
âWhats it matter? '' The Zabrak said, not even turning his head to acknowledge Dovinivan.
âWell I rather know the name of the person who Iâm trusting to watch my 6â Dovinivan said squaring his shoulders forcing a confrontation.
âIts Kal, Kal Movsâ The Zabrak said finally noticing Dovinivanâs threatening behavior.
Not taking his eyes off of his Dovinivan stuck out his hand âIâm Dovinivan, Iâm going to be your pilot, in-flight entertainment and your only hope of coming homeâ he said in a threatening voice. Before Kal could respond the Alek came over the intercom
âAll pilots to your craft! Repeat all Pilots to your craftâ
Suited up in their blue jumpsuits the pilots rushed out of the door on the other end of the entrance to the ready room, that opened up into the Hanger Bay, a few meters from the exits stood the Chief Canton who supervised the rushing pilots and crew fueling and arming his letter birds. When the Chief caught the site of Dovinivan he took several steps with this large thick feet
âNext time you bring in a Letter bird like that Dovinivan, you will end up like thatâ He said gesturing toward the Y-Wing Dovinivan climbed back in when he destroyed the Stealth ship. The Y-wing was currently sitting in two parts one was the decapitated head of the cockpit. The second end part consisted of the ball turret and engine cells.
âI understand, Chief!â Dovinivan said with his hands up in defence walking away
After a few steps Kel asked âWhat happened to that?â
âOh, that, my old gunner and I blew up a First Order Stealth Ship, and some shrapnel caught us on our way out!â Dovinivan said nonchalantly, trying to scare his new gunner
âThatâs a tough breakâ Kal said matching Dovinivan nonshalness
âIf you fly with me, there will be closer calls than thatâ Dovinivan said by this time they reach the Y-Wing Chief assigned to them.
Climbing in Kal said âGood, Iâm looking forward to itâ
Pausing a moment to smerk âYou might just make it yet!â Dovinivan said thinking that this Zabrak just might win him over in the end.
âCAG to Air Group, Comm check?â Alek said arriving in Ops
âTower to CAG Comm Check, Checkâ The Flight Control officer said
A Few seconds later
âFirebird leader, here, Firebirds Comm Check, Checkâ Joker said
âBluebirds, Comm Check, Checkâ Noodles said
âNight Owl, reporting in Comm Check Checkâ Vine said.
âCAG to Chief, status update.â Alek said
âAll fighters are towed to launch baysâ The grand said back
âCAG to all Fighters, ready to launch?â Alek said
âFirebird, are raring to go Sir!â Joker said after checking with his squad.
âBlue Birds, are standing byâ Noodles said
âNight Owls, are standing byâ Vine said
âRoger Flighters stand by for jump out of hyperspaceâ Alek said
âETA 1 minute 30 secondsâ The Flight Control Officer said
Alek grabbed his comm and said
âAll fighters are starting by Captain.â
âThank you CAGâ Captain Eggos Namin said
Several moments passed as each pilot went through their good luck rituals. Tripper touched each knockled with his opposing index finger and repeated reasons to live,
âfriends to keep safe, a wife to return to, a new child to see, defend the innocent.â he switched hands
âDead to avenge, Galaxy to save, new pilots to train,â he then paused trying to think of a final reason to live
âSoup day tomorrow?I want to live, I want to live, '' Tripper repeated constantly. He then touched the print picture of his pregnant wife and two kids, that sat in the corner of his cockpit, Alek and Joker once asked why he did not have a holo, Tripper always prefered the primitive prints of his homeworld than the technical holos everyone else had, it just felt more like home. Tripper looked at the countdown clock and it read 7 seconds. Tripper took a breath and buckled his helmet and focused on the task ahead. The clock winded down, they felt the massive deceleration, and the hanger door opened. In the front row it was Tripper, Squid and Brawlâs responsibility to go first so Tripper applied power to his engine and helped out of the hangar bay.
It took Tripper a few seconds to recognize his surroundings. He recognised the large gas planet and the several moons orbiting around it, he refocused and saw the asteroid belt the briefing mentioned. At this distance he could not make out the transport ships; he then tried scanning for the Star Destroyer but he could not see it.
âAlright head toward the large moon, were sending you the coordinates of the Transport ships!â Alek said to all the Fighters
Tripper checked his navigational display and nine red dots popped up marking the location of the nine enemy transport ships.
âData received ETA, five minutes, do we know where that Star Destroyer is?â Joker asked.
âNegative Joker, stay on your toesâ Alek said
âUnderstood!â Joker said back
No one broke the comm silence for two minutes then Tripper had to ask.
âTripper to 11, so how much flying experience do you have?â
â11 to Tripper, I qualified at the academyâ 11 said seriously
âwhich academy?â Tripper ask
âThe Hosnian Prime preacadamyâ 11 said
âOhâŚâŚ A precadomy programâ Tripper said, sounding sarcasticly impressed.
âCut the chadder! Tripper we got the location on that Star Destroyer!â Alek said â315 mark 05 distance, 18 kilometersâ
âRoger Firebird, are they launching fighters?â Joker asked
âUnknown, they just seemed to notice us same time we noticed them.â Alek said.
Sweat broke out on Tripperâs gloved knuckles, âhow many Tie fighters can a First Order Star Destroyer hold?, 12 or 1,012â Tripper thought fearfully. But then he reached a decision, that he could not be scared, fear would only get in his way, fear would only get him dead, he was to drive fear from out of his head. Tripper took a deep breath and headed into the asteroid field.
While the Star Destroyer did not notice them right away, the nine transports did. They began to form some sort of a defensive perimeter and arranged themselves in a loose circle. The Rangerâs X and Y-wings zipped zoomed and drove around Asteroids, When they cleared the Asteroid field they began to mark their targets Tripper and Joker went first with all other X and Y-wings tailing behind them. Tripper looked down and flipped the switch that primed his Proton Torpedo and switched on his targeting computer. He waited a moment as his targeting computer picked out certain systems, engines, power generator, bridge, etc,
âWhat are we aiming for?â Tripper asked his wingman
âWere going to hit the engines' ' Joker replied.
Tripper, selected the engines and made a few adjustments to his course and let fired his red Proton Torpedo which locked on its course, a few seconds later, the shields could not withstand the power of the proton torpedo, and the explosion rocked the medium sized transport. An instant later Jokers torpeado hit home and the back half of the transport look more like a Rishian Honey Comb, than a transport. Tripper than vered from his course as a small point defence cannon on an neighboring ship opened up on the approaching Fighters. Instantly each fighters straight line flight path turned into corkscrews and sickle shapes.
âWe have to locked out that ship!â Vine said into the comm âNone of my Y-wings are fast enough to survive an attack run on that thing!â
âUnderstood Vine,â Joker said âSquid, Brawl, take that thing outâ
âYes, Sirâ Squidâs Quarren voice said as he and Brawlâs X-Wing broke out of their turns and made their way toward the ship firing red laser bolts.
âCut across their top to draw their fire Iâll come in low, and hit their power generatorsâ Squid said
âYou got it!â Brawl said a little too excited as his X-wing accelerated, When he was in range he open fired with his quad laser cannons. But the Transports cannon did not even notice Brawls strafing run, instead the point defence cannon saw through the diversion and aimed for Squidâs X-Wing.
âSquid! Break off your attack run!â but before Brawl finished Squid's X-wing was shredded.
With great prejudice, he cut power to the engines and pulled on his throttle hard, pulling more Gâs than his inertial dampers could handle, he began to go through tunnel vision and his face strained to keep the blood out of his head. When his narrow pinpoint vision caught sight of the enemy transport, he cut his turn and shoved his power forward. The Transport was caught unaware that an X-Wing could pull that tight of a turn that fast, but when the gunner saw Brawlâs X-Wing he tracked toward it. But it was too late Brawl primed and fired his torpedo. His targeting computer automatically selected the point defence cannon, and the gun went silent, along with a chunk of the top half of the transport. Brawl blackout for two seconds, but when he came to he fought his remaining head rush, but when his head quilted he saw that he was headed toward the asteroid field, he gently turned his X-Wing back to the battlefield, he saw that three other transports were destroyed leaving four undamaged transports.
âThere is an opening in the Asteroid field and it looks like the transports are trying to use itâ Vine said
âUNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES let any go! If even one transport gets through the Fondor System will have to fight that many more StormTrooper and blasters.â Firebird said through the comm.
The Y-Wing pilot Dovinivan Castile or Credits saw the X-wing pilot explode but he also saw the opening Vine reported, he also saw the transports making their way toward the opening.
âI have an ideaâ he said to his gunner as he pulled his Y-Wing out of its path and turned toward the asteroid field
âUmm, ok?â Kal said hesitantly
Entering the closed ring of the asteroid field he zoomed over and rushed under the floating space rock. When he saw the opening he shut down his engines and waited there. When the first Transport enters the small opening, closely followed by the two more. Credits, pushed his throttle forward and engaged his engine. He ambushed the broad side of the transport and with 3 proton torpedoes disabled the ship causing a bottleneck of the little window of opportunity the transports had to escape. The two transports following the now disabled transport turned sharply to avoid a collision but that left them exposed to other X and Y-wing bombs, the night owls and Firebirds finished them off quickly. The transport Credits disabled floated there for a while until a large asteroid clobbered the transport pulverising it, flinging debris in every direction. Credit slid his Y-Wing through the remains of the transport.
âFirebird, this is Vine, all transports are destroyed!â Vine said into her comm pulling her squadron out of the attack zone.
âHeads up! Sensors just picked up a TIE Fighter Space Port on the moon.â Firebird said in the comm his high strung voice that unerved the Air Group.
âHave they launched TIEâs yet?â Vine asked
As she said that an A-Wing exploded in the distance.
âI think they have!â Noodles said angrily. Pulling his A-Wing to intercept a TIE Fighter Squadron.
âOrders from the Captain, Destroy the Space Port any means necessary,â Firebird said
âSquad, heads up! 04 degrees mark 03, heading toward the Cruisers, there is an unknown fighter craftâ Joker said âCan someone identify it?â
âIt is some sort of TIE variant,â Root said, zooming his X-Wing toward the craft, With his wingman Mob close behind.
âFrom their size and configuration I think they are bombersâ Mob said
âJoker split your squadron into two, half hit that Space Port, the other half take down their bombers. Noodles keep intercepting those TIEs and keep them away from the fleet, Vine, letâs get your Y-Wings here then cover the fleet until we jump out.â
âYes, sir!â Noodles said âAlready doing it but I have already lost three Fightersâ
âYes, sir!â Vine said having her squad form up getting back to the fleet and full speed.
âUnderstood!â Joker said then to his squad âTripper, Gungan, Book and I will hit the Space Port, Brawl take Sabbac, Drip, Mob, Root, 11, 12â
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Corregamar System
NRS Witch Hunt
1600 hrs
The flotilla of five unique ships cruised through the outer Corregamar System. The Witchhuntâs sleek charcoal frame slipped silently through the star scape escorted by the four Wookie Gunships carved from the Roshore trees grown on Kashyyyk.
âThereâs the first mineâ the helmsmen said indecating a hovering ball with six spikes jutting out from it.
âHow many more are there?â Commander Falco asked
â10âs nope dozens, maybe hundredsâ the Cohelmsmen said reading off his display.
âWill they give us any trouble?â Falco asked
âI donât think so, it seems that the field was configured for larger ships we should be able to thread our way through, but we might want to keep those Gunships closeâ The Helmsman replied analysing the dots popping up on his screen
Falco walked over to the comm station and picked up the headset âYahoo? You there?â
Yarshoo the middle aged Wookie growled back, and Falco pilotly ordered his Gunships, closer to the Witch Hunt. The Wookies growl gave him his answer and the four gunships tightened their perimeter. Falco was tense for the next few minutes as he flinched every time the Witch Hunt altered course. Falco stood over the front console with one hand on the Helmsman's chair and the other on the Cohelmsmenâs chair, Falcoâs grip tightened anytime the Helms men gritted his teeth or let out a whispered curse. As each minute passed Falcoâs nerves steadily tighten similar to how Falco remembered how his dad strung his bow slowly and steadily. Toward the end, he could no longer look at the monitor and he focused on the planet slowly growing bigger and bigger. Right as Falco could not take it anymore the Helmsmen said
âOk, were through,â sighing and sitting back in his chair and throwing his hands on his face
âIf they placed any mines here the planets gravity well would have pulled them inâ The cohelmsman explained
Letting out the breath Falco did not even know he held he look and the two officers in front of him and said
âThank youâ and walked to the comm station again and spoak to Yarshoo.
Minutes later a Wookie Gunship called the Longfang, rocketed toward the planets surface. Inside Commander Falco, Captain Gavin one the Witch Hunts Marine, Yarshoo the Wookie and the strongest, means, and scariest look Wookie Falco ever saw occupied the main hold as the Longfang flew through the clouds. Finally breaking through the lowest layer of clouds the turbulence settled and Falco released his hand carved restraints and walked to the cockpit to view the situation. General Rex set up his defensive perimeter on a long tear drop peninsula, the thinnest part of the peninsula sat a small village and even from their great height Falco could make out red laser bolts crisscrossing buildings, streets and alleyways. The rest of the peninsula was covered in the dense jungle that seemed to cover every square foot of this planet. The Pilot made his way to a small clearing that was turned into a makeshift landing fields. As the Gunship set down Falco made his way back to the main hold as he saw the three other officers releasing their restratings, standing up, stretching and grabbing gear.
âThis is a war zone, keep your weapons on you.â Falco said knowing that every other person understands how critical his advice was. The Wookies check their Bowcasters and Yarshoo slid his Ryyk Blade behind his back. Captain Gavin slapped a fresh power pack into his A280 and put another one in his right thigh pocket. Falco reached into his service bag and retrieved his standard issue holdout blaster and checked its charge seeing it at full power he grabbed his unstandard issue six inch streight bladed knife into his sheath on his left hip. Nodding he activated the door controls causing the Long Fangs door to swing down providing a stairway down. Falco led with Gavin following, being tailed by the two Wookies. Waiting to greet them was a small human in a clean (for field use) uniform with a Armyâs Sargentâs insignia on his chest.
âIâm Sargent Ishtar, Iâm General Rexâs aid,â he said, speaking over the sound of distant explosions.
âIâm Commander Falco, this is Captain Gavin, the Tall Wookie is Captain Rahoo and the Smaller Wookie is Jr, Commander Yarshoo.â Falco replied
âItâs nice to meet you,â Ishtar said shaking each person's hand âIf you want to follow me this wayâ Ishtar said leading the way toward what looked like a repurposed tunnel
âSo, Sargent Ishtar, what's your situation?â Captain Gavin asked from behind
Ishtar turned around and started to walk backward as he said âNot very good Captain, we have about three days worth of supplies if we cut ratians again, we only have two X-Wings reserve power packs ran out three days ago, medical supplies are all but gone, our medics have resorted to using those leaves as bandages, in all honestly we are holding on by nothing more than our grit.â
Falco noticed large cretors along the pathway and burnt hollowed out X-Wings litterned the makeshift landing pad. But what caught Falcoâs attention the most was the lack of animals.
âWhere are all the animals?â Falco asked
âDead!, most of our soldier shot all the Corregamar Monkeyâs, in the first three days of combat,â Ishtar said matter of factly. By that time they reached the entrance to the tunnel. The soldiers standing guard of the door saluted then entered the code that irised the door open. If Falco thought the jungle was pungent, he was about to redefine what pungent really was. It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the low level of lighting. Everywhere they walked they saw demoralised soldiers sitting in the dirt trying to pass the time, some slept, some aimlessly drew in the dirt dead stick figures and inappropriate pictures others checked and cleaned their equipment or treated minor wounds but none looked up and none had a dry eye or soft face. Each passing face broke Falcoâs heart more than the one before. Ishtar led them deeper into the tunnel. Winding their way through the labyrinth they finally stopped where the low yellow lights illuminated and a figure sitting in a hoverchair talking to men propped up against the duracrete wall.
âKeep your heads up my sons, we will be receiving reinforcement and supplies any day now!â The old figure said tapping the hand of a young when a voice came over the PA
âFourth Company prepare to relieve the First, prepare for incoming wounded!â
The young Duros soldier sat up reluctantly and checked the power on his blaster pack, it was at the last bar he had maybe ten shots left, he sighed and stood up resigned to his fate. Captain Gavin reached into his right thigh pocket and pulled out his spare power pack and handed it to the soldier. He smiled and took it, thanking Captain Gavin with a faint smile.
âGeneral!â Ishtar said saluting
âAh What is it my Son!â The General asked
âCommander Falco here to see the General sir!â Ishtar said
âI donât remember a Commander Falco being one of my sons?â The Old Man said in a way a senail old person says when they donât remember something they should
Ishtar kneeled down by the Generals hover chair
âNo, he not part of the division, heâs from the Navy they are here to evacuate you.â Ishtar said
âThey want me to leave my men!?â General Rex was insulted.
Yes sir, you need to come with us immediately!â Falco said firmly.
Back on the Long Fang Commander Falco went up to the comm station and typed in a comm extension, on the small holopad a miniature Admiral Thadmin popped up.
âHe does not want to go willingly?â Thadmin said
âHe said, only the supreme commander of all New Republic Forces, or a Jedi can ordered him away from his menâ Commander Falco said
âWell we donât know where Skywalker is, and the new senate has yet to meet and elect a new Supreme Commander. So Commander get him off that planet any means necessaryâ Thadmin said âIâm sorry it could just be a trick of the holo but do you have a blackeye?â
âUh, no sir.â Falco lied
âWell he is a cranky old man, so I would not take it personally, I am eager to hear your report! Thadmin out.â Thadmin said then his hologram disappeared.
Falco then typed in a few more buttons and L.t Zosimo spread on the holo pad
âX.O I want you to gather as much arms ammunition and supplies as you can and deliver it to the surface, go into the galley, only leave us two days of rations and put the rest on the transport and lets see how many wounded we can get out as wellâ Falco ordered
âYes sir, we have about 14 spare A280s and 42 spare power packs and-â L.T Zosimo said, getting cut off as his holo shut down.
Standing up from the station Falco felt his eyes tenderly. He stepped past a Wookie attending to some minor maintenance and he made his way to the exit. Walking out Captain Gavin who up to this point was leaning on the outside of the Wookie Gunship righted himself and asked
âSo what are the orders from on high?â
âWeâre supposed to get him, any means necessary.â Falco said
âOk, letâs goâ He said beginning to walk toward the path that would take them to the tunnel. Seeing the to humanoids walking toward the path Rahoo and Yarshoo broke off their conversation with some of the defenders and walked behind Falco and Gavin. As they reached the tunnel the sentries posted remembered them and opened the door. They began to walk the maze of tunnels and shadow, at one point they got lost and Captain Gavin asked a soldier to where the Generals office was. He was informed that it was not far, he then relayed directions with the appropriate terms and distances. Following the soldiers directions but when they opened up the door, it appeared to be an old storage closet filled with rancid fruit. Puckering his face Captain Gavin shut the door and sealed it.
âSomeone should bring a flamethrower to that closet.â Gavin said only getting a grunt from Falco. But then he recognised General Rexâs aid Sargent Ishtar,
âSargent Ishtar!, where is Commander Rex?â Gavin asked
âHe went up to the front lines!â Ishtar said
âYou mean the forward Command Post?â Gavin asked
âNo, I mean the actual Front Linesâ Ishtar said
The interlopers from the Long Fang exchanged looks,
âHow do we get to the front lines?â Commander Falco asked
âWe had to pull back from the village so the front line is currently the West entrance of the tunnel.â Ishtar informed them
âShow usâ Falco ordered
Ishtar opened the door opposing the one with rancid fruit and returned with his small blaster.
âThis wayâ Ishtar said leading the way through the tunnels. Making Left and Right turns seeming at random Falco and Gavin began to lower their blasters until they heard the sound of heavy blaster fire. They held their blaster closer to their chests in a ready position. When they turned the final corner Ishtar kept his head down and sneaked from one durasteal position to another passing soldiers in their jungle green camo uniforms as First Order blaster bolts wizard above their heads until they reached a durasteal position with an E-Web heavy blaster firing away. Sitting there was the Young Duros soldier Gavin gave his spare power pack to sitting with him was to human soldiers with a sullustan operating the E-Web and a twi'lek next to him finally General Rex in his hover chair held down the right side with a single DC-17 blaster pistol blasting away. Ishtar and Commander Falco hunkered down between Rex and the Twi'lek, With Captain Gavin and the two Wookies took their positions on the other side of the E-Web.
Falco shouted âGeneral it's time to go!â
âNot yet were about to drive them back!â Rex shouted triumphantly, he lined up a shot and dropped a Storm Trooper, then a second and a third. Falco lifted up his head and ducked quickly back down as a blaster bolt hit the duransteal to his left at neck level. Before Falco could put his head down one of the humans on the other side of the E-Web took a blaster bolt to the face, his body did not offer any resistance as he fell, the other woman jumped toward his body and stripped him of weapon, power pack and a small ration pack, then went back to the fight. Falco could select which Storm Troopers were hit by normal laser blasters who crumbled to the ground, E-Web tossing Storm Troopers to the floor and the Wookie BowCaster which threw them toward the large tunnel door.
âGrenades!!â The old general shouted. A few of the soldiers taking cover pulled out thermal detonators and set them on time delays and threw them toward the white armored intruders. A few short breaths later the tunnel exit, roared with explosions, before the smoke cleared Rex shouted
War cries rang out from the tunnel defenders as soldiers climbed up and over their barricades and surged forward firing all the way. The Storm Trooperâs fire was sparse and uncoordinated. The Young Duroâs soldiers took a moment to gather up his courage and then let out a yell
âFOR THE OLD MANâ which seemed to be a common war cry for the division. He leaped over the barricade and fired three blind shots in the general direction. By this time the smoke began to settle, and a Storm Trooper saw the young Duros he swung his blaster carbine. Gavin saw the situation he tried to shout to the Duro but no noise left his mouth, by the time he lined up the Storm Trooper took the shot and the Duro kid fell, Gavin squeezed his trigger, and the StormTrooper grabbed his chest and fell face first. Gavin stood up and a followed the rush of men eliminated the remaining Storm Troopers.
âWe donât have time for thisâ Commander Falco said to Captain Rahoo Jr, Commander Yarshoo. Rahoo swing his bowcaster to their back and went up to General Rex and with his large Wookie paws picked him up and gently set him on his shoulder. Falco then motioned to his little team that it was time to leave
âLetâs go!â Falco shouted.
âGo now, get the General out of here!â Sargent Ishtar said âIâll make sure were still here when he returnsâ
Falco took stock of his team. Rahoo held General Rex who was kicking and screaming from Rahoo's shoulder heading away from the combat. Yarshoo walked backward with his bowcaster scanning for Storm Troopers. Falco stood up and turned around looking for Captain Gavin it took several seconds but then he recognized the Marine Combat uniform, Gavin was making his way back toward the E-Web with the Young Duroâs on his shoulder, firemanâs style.
âOk,ok, letâs goâ Falco said, waving Gavin through the defensive line. Then when he could see all his team in front of him he looked back toward where the soldiers charged. By this time all remaining Storm Troopers were laying dead and the soldiers were securing a perimeter outside the large door. A dozen or so other soldiers were gathering up weapons, power packs and anything that could be salvaged. Then the ground shoke, a few seconds later it shoke again, all soldiers stopped what they were doing, and looked toward the door. Falco was spellbound and his feet did not move even though his brain was shouting for him to run. Then came the cry that no soldier wanted to hear.
âWALKER!!!!â. The soldiers securing the perimeters turned tail and ran back into the tunnel. Then soldiers scavenging among the fallen dropped everything they retrieved and ran full tilt deeper into the tunnel. It was only then that Falco got over his frozen feet and began to run, until he caught up to Gavin.
The First shot from the Walker landed right at the doorway scattering bodies, alive and dead alike. The screams of the wounded fell on deaf ears as the blast deafened the soldiers and no one wanted to stop and risk being the target of the second shot. Falco did not stay to find out where the next shot landed. His team turned the corner, but he felt the tunnel shake. As they came out of the other side they set their course for the Long Fang, the other Wookie Gunships, shuttering supplies and wounded already left. Yarshoo overtook Rahoo and climbed into the Wookie Gunship, and roared at the crew to take off. An instant later Rahoo jumped in, gently setting the General in a hand carved seat and buckling him up and then attended to his duty getting the Long Fang up in the air. A few seconds later Gavin arrived, laying The Duros kid on the floor of the gunship as he looked for a med pack. Falco Jumped in last and went up to the cockpit. The Wookie Pilot and Copilot looked back at him, in response Falco gave a thumbs up. The Wookies took this as a sign that all were aboard.
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Hyper Space
NRS Ranger
Pilot Ready Room
0800 hrs
âOk cut the chatter and listen upâ Alek said demanding the attention from every pilot and gunner in the room âThis is our target!â he said displaying a holo of the Kathmarine system. Which consisted of a medium star and four planets âThe plain of interest is this oneâ he said zooming in on the second planet. A large gaseous planet, it had a large moon it was so large it even had its own orbiting body that looked less like a moon and more an asteroid that had a Star Destroyer use it as target practice. Outside the orbit of this moonâs asteroid moon an asteroid belt surrounded the planet behind the asteroid belt but in front of the Moon was 9 transports . âAccording to Ralrost information a comendered First Order trade fleetâ Alek said lying about the part the comendeard part âhas gathered poised to provide supplies for an invasion of Fondor.â Alek took a pause before he continued âOur Objective: Destroy the âcomenderdâ transports at all cost. Friendly Forces: The Ranger and Torrent with accompanying Fighter Squadrons. Enemy Forces: 9 transports two of which are lightly armed, BUT outside the asteroid belt is a Star Destroyer. Our Strategy; A-Wings will range outside the Asteroid belt and head off any TIE assault while the X and Y wings hit those transports, the Capital ships will stay outside of the combat zone. If the Star Destroyer attempts to engage our Cruisers, they will jump out of the system, if that occurs, our rendezvous coordinates are loaded in your astromechs.â Alek stopped and looked around the ready room. âNow we have a bunch of new faces, If you just joined up, stick around after the briefing I have special instructions for you, now are there any questions?â Alek asked
âYeah! I got one,â Sabbacc said âwhy is Wookie here?â
âBecause shes likes being âescortedâ Joker!â a A-Wing Pilot heckled.
âWell Iâll rather like my Wookies be escorted by someone with a proton torpedo!â Lila heckled back drawing oooâs
âWho needs Proton torpedoes when you have eight laser cannons?â the heckler said back
âCool but Iâll call you if I need someone to scare my knock off my transport , but even then Book would be more accurate than you!â She shot back drawing more oooâs
Alek covered a smile as he said âany real question?â he waited for four seconds then said âok you have two hours so met back here at 1000 hours, I will update you on any more information we receive, then we'll suit up, meeting adjourned!â
As the pilot gathered their notebooks and pens as all but a few pilots left in various direction Book took advantage to walk up to Alek. Alek took him in one look and said âwelcome back Book, how was your leave?â
âIt was exactly what I need sir,â Book said
âDid you?â Alek let on, not wanting to bring up the great burden.
âI completed my missionâŚ.sirâ Book said
âGoodâ Then changing the subject he said âBook, I want you to stay with the new kids ok?â
âYes Sirâ Book said as he took a seat on the front row.
Alek then addressed the remaining pilots ``My Name if Alek Mauz my call sign is Firebird, and the Captain of your Air Group. Admiral Thadmin said that all of you have some flight experience, but you'll need all that you can get. Where are my X-Wing Pilots?â. Alek shouted. Two people raised their hands, one a Human male that could barely be over 17 in the second row the other a human female in the back row. âYour Squad is the Firebirds, you, kidâ Alek paused as he noticed his young age âdid you lie about your age kid? You know what I donât care, we could use you; your F.B 11 and Backrow, your F.B 12. The Rest of you are Y-Wing Gunners, Whatâs your name?â Alek said to a Twi'lek Female in the front row
âUmm Chall?â she said timidly
âYou are Gunner on Y-Wing 4 so your call sign is 4Gâ Alek said then moved on to the next person, and the next until all the new pilots and gunners were assigned a position and temporary callsign.
âNow you are refugees from the Hosnian System, and I want to get one thing clear, we are not here to settle the score against the First Order, we are here to protect the New Republic from the First Order, so if any of you break formation to kill as many TIES as you can, I will kill you myself. If you want to kill TIEâs you stay in formation, we are stronger together! And when it comes down to it and you have to choose destroying a TIE and helping your Wingman, and you donât help your Wingman, I will jump into my X-Wing and shoot you down myself, understood?â
âUnderstood,â the group said halfheartedly
âNow Book will show you to the sim room, and I want you to run nothing but sims until 1000 hours, now go!â Alek said
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Hosnian System
Raysho Station
Docking bay 14
0830 hrs
Commander Falco never fit in with the Zabrak stereotype of an overly aggressive raging hormonal beast with head skewers. Deleyen Falco was quiet and reserved; many of his people thought of him as weak, but he always thought that the absence of demonstration should not be considered the absence of strength. While all his school bullies disagree with him he always had the last laugh when they ended up on the ground. His secret was to spend the seconds before a fight to not boast and flex, but to study his opponent and determine the right combination of punches and kicks to defeat his opponent. Falco has always tried to apply that philosophy in every aspect of his life including fleet politics, even though it did not translate perfectly he blamed his mother for his calm demeanor as raising eight zabraks called for steady nerves and a firm hand, and he always blamed his dromate pale skins on his father, which he only knew by name as hutt slavers came to his planet one day and wanted to take the children from their village, but Falcoâs father fought them long enough for the children to escape and hid but the slavers took him as consultation, but that was two months before he was born. Ever since his mother told him the story of his father, Delayed always aspired to live his life in a way to make his father proud, or at least that's what he told himself when he joined the New Republic Navy and started to move up the ranks.
Recently promoted Commander of the CR-90 Corvette Witch Hunt, in the New Republic Navy or what's left of it. Falco was promoted three weeks before the war broke out but after the fall of the Hosnian System; his captain took an escape pod to the nearest habitable planet to chart a flight home leaving Falco in command of the Corvette. With a crew boarding on mutiny Falco asked L.T Zosimo to be the Executive Officer (X.O) of his second in command Luientent Zosimo, while thought of as overly talkative Zosimo could always get the job done. Zosimo was able to rally the crew long enough through long winded inspiring speeches. When Thadmin recalled all ships to Raysho station, Falco and Zosimo seeing that they had no better ideas layed in a course to the remainder of the Hosnian System. From there he was called into the Senior Staff meeting where he received his next mission. It was that mission in which Lt. Zosimo came to docking bay 14 to discuss.
â Lt. Zosimoâ Falco acknowledged
âCommanderâ Zosimo said returning the salute âI have read to data packet Command sent over, General Rex is an old Jango fett clone now you're probably wondering how he is still alive and I donât know but as far as I can tell, commander, the Kaminoians had that gene go dormant, around the time they turned 20 or 40 in clone years, as to why? I have heard it was to extort more money from the Old Republic by having the Republic pay Kamino for a âretirement programâ but half of that money would have ended up in their longed necked pockets but I donât know that is just a guess commanderâ Lt. Zosimo explained. Falco stayed awkwardly motionless âWith or without the accelerating aging gene he is old, stubborn and sennail, but youâll never find a better battlefield commander or strategist. That man has survived the three biggest war the galaxy has ever known and you should always respect an old person in a profession where men die youngâ Thadmin said, with Falcoâs wide eyes darted from the side wall to Lt. Zosimo face, to the other wall âNow the First Order has a blockaded the Trans Hydian Way, we are needed to sneak in and penetrate the Corregir minefield, retrieve the General and exfiltrate out. Now there is a note here saying that, he probably wonât go willingly.â Lt. Zosimo finished noticing Falcoâs face âNow what is that face? You look more confused than if you opened a door to a gungan dance rave?â
âUmm cool?â Falco said, giving a thumbs up. âIs the Witch hunt ready?â
âYes, sir all hands standing byâ Zosimo said
The pair paused at the window, that provided a view of the Witch Hunt. The Witch Hunt was a CR-90 that was built after the Battle of Jakku to aid a task force securing a hyperlane popular with slavers. What set the Witch Hunt apart from most CR-90âs was itâs advanced jamming system that could block just about every signal in an sector. The Witch Hunt also has the most authentic and quickest to configure transponder in the New Republic. It was boosted by many of the engineers who designed her that she can turn from a Haypen Battle Cruiser to Corellian YT model in five seconds without anyone knowing the difference or the fact that she was only a small corvette. By far Falcoâs favorite customization was her charcoal black hull, that was modified from its standard pale offwhite. Sharing the window with the Witch Hunt was the four Wookie Gunships.
âAmazing craftsmanship, aren't theyâ Zosimo said wondering in awe âyou know their hulls are built from Royshore wood, crafted to be airtight, there are no finer wood workers than the Wookies, you know when I was stationed on Pathmark I took several Wookie Woodworking classes, I think the best thing I made was a mug, but I really developed an eye for WoodWorkingâ Zosimo babbled
âWhy choose wood over duralsteal?â Falco asked himself.
âBecause, Royshore wood can absorb and dissipate energy better than any other material, known in the galaxy except for bescar or frik but those are rare to come by, I know it's hard to believe but Wookie Ships literally grow on trees.â Zosimo answers.
âWell that's enough Stargazing my friend, let's get goingâ Falco said walking the way toward the docking clamp
âYes Sir!â Zosimo said following his Commander.
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Hosnian System
Raysho Station
Conference Room
1412 hrs
Alek Mauz starred out from the window of the Conference Room waiting for all the other senior staff to arrive. Raysho station transformed from the hallowed out, understaffed shipyard to a bustling formidable headquarters. Raysho station was repaired from its power outage and hull damage suffered from the Hosnian cataclysm. All lights were on and the hum of the power generator could be heard anywhere on the station. Four frigates and two light cruisers were still being repaired and resupplied, and the new Star Hawk Heavy Cruiser was steadily nearing completion. Raysho station now served as a rendezvous point for all remaining New Republic Task Forces and Defensive Fleets. Two Nebulon-B and Two Nebulon-B Escort Frigates, and half a dozen Carrack-class light cruisers floated around the Station. Several Civilian Transports en route to the Hosnian System before the caticism docked at the station. What caught Alek Mauzâs eye was four Wookie Auzituck Gunships. Occasional flashes of Turbo laser fire from Raysho and the three cruisers evaporated chunks of debris that threatened the Station or any of the ships protecting ships.
Eventually the other senior staff trickled in, took their seats and engaged in idle conversation Alek did not remove himself from the window until Fleet Admiral Thadmin walked in. As Alek turned around and noticed the others in the room he sighed and took his seat. Thadmin paused and looked around at every face, Captain Violet, Daline Phlaxes and Senator Galbo Sandcha hologram faces shone back all the way from Ryloth. Thadmin acknowledged them first
âSenator Sandcha, how are things on Ryloth?â
âI wish they were better Admiral, my people are scared and angryâ Sandcha said
âHave you heard our proposal, Senator?â Thadmin asked
âYes, I have, and Iâm not going to sugar coat it; I think the New Republic is finishedâ Sandcha said. Thadminâs Mon Cala face sunk. âBut that doesn't mean we still wonât fight, in a new stronger Galactic Alliance!â Senator Sandcha finished giving Thadmin his first glimmer of hope âHa! That's excellent news!, Thank you!â Thadmin said
âNow if you can excuse me I have to prepare my people for war!â Senator Sandcha said his hologram standing up and shimmering away.
âMrs. Phlaxes how has the search for senators going?â Thadmin said
âThe First Order launched a coordinated attack, Confirmed deserted Coursant and a few other Star Systems never really won over by the New Republic. Confirmed conquered is just about everything higher than the Trans-Hydian Borderlands.â Mrs. Phlaxes said
âOk, what is your next move?â Thadmin asked.
âWell sir, the biggest problem is that everyone is too scared to fight them, most Naval Commanders and Governors have scattered their forces or recalled them for the defence or their homeworld, what you have gathered is just about it for now. I will see if I can secure some of the more industrial world's Corellia, Raxus, Kuat, etcâ Mrs. Phlaxes said âI have also made overtures to more friendly worlds, Naboo, Mon Calamari Lothal, and the Alderanian Refugees. They have yet to get back to me, but when we gather more star systems we will hold a congress to elect a new First Senator, or Supreme Chancellor, or whatever we want to call it. Already joined with us are the Hosinian Refugees Ryloth and Kashyyk.â
âVery well, keep us afloat Dalineâ Thadmin said. âCaptain Violet!â
âSir!â Her hologram said crisply.
âHow is the Theed?â Thadmin inquired
âItâs an old ship sir, we have been having some power fluxuations but we solving those problems as they arriveâ Captain Violet said
âUnderstood, I have already sent you three Nebulon-B Frigates and two Corvetts.You will be known as Task Force 1, Captain Namin, Captain Park, we will divide up the forces we have here and the Ranger will be Task Force 2 and the Torrent Task Force 3, whenever the StarHawk is complete they will be assigned the support ships gathered between now and then will be called Task Force 4, Captain Chino do we have a name for the Star Hawk yet?.â Thadmin said
âYes Sir, it shall be named the NRS Jawook SHHC 08â Chino said
âThat's a nice name Chino,â Thadim smiled, âNow, I would like to make some changes before we get to the main part of this briefing, effective immediately all CAGs will be removed from the flight roaster, there main mission will be to coordinate all fighter squadrons from their respected Operation Rooms. Next change Ralrost Maldoza has been removed as the Rangers Personnel Officer and has already taken over the duties of head of intelligence, you make take whoever you wish for you department..â
âYes, sir thank you I will have my picks on your desk tomorrow morning.â
âWith that said that said we now have a few open slots in our fighter squadrons so lets turn our attention to recruitment, many of the Hosinan Refugees have already signed on, most of them need much training but there are a few that have enough flight time to be qualified in our fighter craft, but I want them in Sims for as long as possible.â Thadmin said
âYes, sir I was hoping there would be a convenient time to bring this up, but now's better than ever, our Marine Commander was killed, securing this station, I was wondering if, we could recruit another Marineâ Captain Namin asked, glancing toward the Wookie sitting across from him
âI knew you would bring that up, so I have brought Colonel Jacarra here to fill that slotâ Thadmin said he then added âwe honor your comrades sacrifice.â
The Wookie roared and growled and all the officers looked confused until his translation droid kicked in âI knew Jawook very well he saved my life on Kashyyyk, I will serve you well captain, I will honor Jawooks memoryâ
âThank you Jacarra, I know how much that means to you, and it means much to meâ Captain Namin said humbled by the Wookieâs honor
âThank you, Now let's get down to business, Ralrost brief us on the situation.â Thadmin concluded. Captain Park, Captain Violet and Captain Namin sat up in their chairs. Alek merely stared dazed, looking at the space between his chair and the table processing what just happened, he was grounded so he could have a desk job at Ops. These past two missions he hated being at Ops and being helpless if any went wrong. Daline Phlaxesâs hologram looked side to side feeling like a dwarf squashed next to Jaccarra and the Zabrak male in a commanderâs uniform.
âThe Resistance has engaged and destroyed the Star Killer base, but not before the First Order tracked them to their base on DâQar. In the ensuing battle the Resistance destroyed Supreme Leader Snoke and many of his top Lieutenants, except for General Hux and Kylo Ren but it will take time for them to take command and centralize their power base. As Mrs. Phlaxes said, when Star Killer destroyed the Hosnian System the First Order launched an offensive against the entire Trans-Hydian Borderland and beyond. Their next target is Fondor.â The Bothan said
âWe cannot afford to lose Fondor, their shipyard can be turned against us quicklyâ Daline Phlaxes said
âExactly, but we cannot attack the enemy fleet directly and risk our Star Cruisers'' Thadmins official sounding Mon Calamari voice picked up âSo we will hit their supply lines, Maldoza has informed me that the First Order is gathering a flotilla of civilian ships in the Kathmarine system to deliver arms and ammunition to the Fondor invitation force, with we knock out this force, our analysts have estimated that it will delay their invasion for another six months, we will be sending the Torrent and Ranger. Any Questions?â Thadmin asked
âSir, if these are civilian ships, are we going to take them?â Alek asked
âNo, we will destroy them.â Thadmin said matter of factly
âBut sir, these are Civilian Ship!â Alek emphasised
âI know, CAG but this is war,â Thadmin said reluctantly âwe donât have the luxury of moralityâ
âUnderstood sir,â Alek said downcast.
âSir, What part am I playing in this operation?â The Zabrak Commander asked unsurly.
âWell Commander Falco I have a special mission for you, before the Hosnian Cataclysm the First Order made threatening moves against the Trans-Hydian Borderland, in response the New Republic moved elements of the Fourth Regiment to Corregamar. Now the First Order has invaded and heâs only hanging on by a thread. Your mission is to evacuate the commander and return him here, I have spoken to him and he is reluctant to leave, so get him out ANY MEANS NECESSARY.â
âYes, sir?â Commander Falco asked questionly
âYou will take your CR-90 Corvette and the four Wookie Gunships just in case things get a little hairy, '' Thadmin said. Which caused the Wookie to sniffle and snare which was interpreted as laughter.
âOk, one more thing, what's the name of this Commander?â Commander Falco asked cluelessly
âHis name is General Rex,.â Thadmin said with a crooked Mon Cala grin.
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The Outer Rim
Tarnâs Family farm
1000 hrs
Coming into land on Arbiflux Tarn had two options, one to land at the sector space port, but it was nothing more than a concrete slab sitting in the middle of a grass field, no tower, no controller and 50 kilometers from his family farm. For that reason Dorman choose to land on his familyâs property. His family owned about 130 square kilometers of farmland, a small estate consisting of the Farm house, a bunkhouse, a garage and several storage sheds all arranged in a loose rectangle. Dorman landed his X-wing where his right S-foil was three meters from the outer edge of this rectangle. As he climbed out his Ma and Da were standing just beyond the gate that separated the farmland from the estate. Climbing down from his X-Wing Yarnâs little black book weighed him down like a tombstone stuffed in his pocket. Reaching the ground, his Ma and Pa opened the gate and hugged him.
âWe heard about the Hosian system and we feared the worst, are you ok?â His Ma asked
âYeah, Iâm alright Iâm aliveâ Dorman said reassuring himself.
âAnd howâs Yarn Ma Tarn said
âUh Ma um thatâs why Iâm here..â Dorman said, his voice trailing off.
âPlease donât sayâŚâŚâ Pa Tarn said
Dorman didn't say a word, he just shook his head and cried.
âCome in son, your brothers and sister should be coming back any time now, then we will head over to the Belmicâsâ Pa Tarn said, putting his arm around his son and escorting him inside the home. As they entered Dorman controlled his tears and sat at the kitchen counter. When his Ma filled a cup and placed it in front of it, he took it and took a long drink.
âJawa Juice, just the way you like itâ His Ma said
âAh Thanks Maâ He said finally composing himself
âI bet the Military life doesn't make a cup of Jawa Juice as good as your motherâsâ Pa said
âNo, no they donâtâ Dorman said.
Just then, the front door slid open and Dorman's younger sister Court walked in.
âHey! I saw the X-Wing out front is Tarn home?â Court said as she walked through the house to the kitchen placing the keys to the familyâs speeder in a drawer. âOh it's just you Dorman, whatâs upâ
Dorman stood up and went in for a hug âNice to see you to sisâ
Returning the hug, she asked âWhere's my boyfriend?â
Dorman said nothing, just hugged her tighter.
âDorman, where is he?.... is he ok,..... is he alright? Just tell me heâs safeâ Court sobbed, shooting off one question after another in response to Dormans continued silence.
âCourt, take a seat, Iâll pour you a cup of Jawa Juiceâ Ma said
Unaided Court took the seat next to Dormans and drank from her cup. A few moments passed in silence as each member of the family sipped the drinks processing their grief. The sound of a speederâs repulsar hummed in the distance steadily growing louder.
âThat must be your brotherâsâ Ma said
âDid they tell you that they have farms and families of their own now? Mel married the Oldest Kalven girl and has about 30 acres. Delvin has two kids and 40 acres and Robert just finished his apprenticeship with Doc Teyrmin and now has his own office and who is he Courting?â Pa asked
âThe, ummm Adams Girl, the third one I think?â Ma said
Just then the Door Opened and the three brother walked in and seeing the sad faces and half empty jug of Jawa Juice
Mel said jokingly âWho died?â
It took Pa moment to huddle up his three clueless sons and in a hushed tone explain to them the situation. Mel apologise, and each brother took their turn hugging Court and Dorman.
âWe're going to head to the Belmicâs to break the news, do you guys want to come with?â Pa said. Mel, Delvin and Robert glanced down then Delvin said trying to cheer up the mournful faces.
âWeâll wait here and prepare a lunch on top of the hill, we can celebrate his life the way he would want us to, weâll bring our families and have a good ole timeâ
âLet me grab a shower and get out of this stinky flight suit,â Dorman said.
âYeah sure Iâll warm up the speederâ Pa said.
Dorman blankly gazed off in the horizon zipping past grain fields until they arrived at the Belmic Family Farm. He rubbed the cloth on the chair in front of him desperately trying to dry his palms. As the speeder winded down Court, Ma and Pa all climbed out and approached the front door in his sharp dress uniform and that little black book in his right hand.
âHey Traya,â Mrs. Belmic said, opening the door, then she noticed Dormanâs dress uniform and she said âDorman! It's so nice to you again, Howâs my son?â
Dorman cleared his throat, âMrs. Belmic, that is why we are here, can we come inside.â
âOf Course, Is Yarn ok?â Mrs. Belmic said suspiciously opening the door for all the Tarns. âKits in the kitchen, making some lunchâ
âCan we speak to your entire family?â Dorman said
âYeah sure thing! Kit! Call the kids!â Mrs. Belmic said
âOk?â Kit Belmic said drying his hands and grabbing his comm link.
A few moments later Mr and Mrs Belmic were sitting in the living room surrounded by four kids aging from 8 to 17. Clearing his throat Dorman stood up reading the concern on the faces of every person in the room.
âOn behalf of the New Republic, I extend my apologies for the loss of your son, he died in the line of duty, protecting the people and interests of the New Republic he died on ------ of the ------ ABY at approximately 0740 hours. He fell in the remains of the Hosnian System, protecting Raysho Station.â Dorman recitied. To occupy the time in hyperspace he read and reread Yarnâs little blackbook and on the front cover sat the official New Republic condolence letter.
âWere, were you with him when he---â Mrs Belmic said wiping tears from her eyes and clutching Mr. Belmic
Dormanâs crestfallen face fell even more. âyes, yes, I wasâ
âDid you hear his last words, What were theyâ Mrs. Blemic asked
Replaying the moment in his head, the TIE Fighters Opening fire Yarn screaming his name as his X-Wing burst into a short lived fireball disintegrating his body
âYesâŚ.he said, tell my family not to be sad, for I die for a worthy causeâ Dorman lied.
âThank you, Dormanâ Mrs. Belmic said grabbing Dormans hand and squeezed it.
âI know you need time to process this so let me know if there is anything I can do for you.â Ma Tarn asked
âUmmm thank you Traya, I willâ Mrs Belmic said blankly nestling up against her husband âwe knew the risks Kit we knew the risks but we let him go anyway, why did we let him go!?â
âBecause, he made his own decision and he knew that he might have to lay down his life to protect the Republic.â
âI donât know what it feels like to lose a son and I donât want to try, but we are organizing a little get together, just your family and ours, around noon, and let us honor Yarnâs last request, it's what he would wantâ Mrs. Tarn said timidly
âThank you, Traya, we will be there, we might be late, but we will be there,â Mr. Belmic said, gathering his children around his feet and his wife in his arms.
âEvery Service man carries a little black book with them, this contains their last Will and Testament, I wanted you all here because every one he made an entry for is in this room.â Dorman said, handing over Yarnâs little black book.
âThank you Dorman,â Mr. Belmic said standing up and accepting the book ânow if you excuse us, we have prepare for your get together.â
âWe understand Kitâ Mr. Tarn said standing up marking the end of conversation, hugs and condolences were traded Mrs. Tarn was the last one out the door giving Mrs. Belmic one final hug.
When Court, Ma, Pa and Dorman returned back to the family farm, the house was bustling more than usual, with two kids running around and playing around Dormanâs X-Wing. As the speeder came to a halt kids disengaged themselves from their game of Rebels and Imperials and ran over shouting
âUncle Pilot! Uncle Pilot!â
Lifting the black feeling his heart held, the children lighten his mood as he swooped down and lifted the oldest child up!
âHey!!, I forgot your name,â Dorman said, setting him down in line, âlets see, your Ichâ he joked pointing at the oldest kid aged about eight.
âNo!â he said in a way only a kid can say âIâm Kip, that's Ichâ he said pointing out the youngest kid around four.
âWow! Are you sure? Because last time I saw Kip, I could do this!â Dorman said, tickling Kip to the point where the eight year old almost wetted his pants.
âOk, Ok Gr ma walking through watch outâ Dormanâs Ma said sliding through the tickle torture. Just then Delvinâs wife Trina walked out and said to the kids
âAlright kids, let's get ready to go to the hill!, Doorman! Are you hurting my childâ She accused playfully
âNo more than he deserves Trina!â Dorman said matching his tone to hers, this time not faking any tone but dread. âWhereâs Mel and Cali?â
âThere already up at the hill setting things upâ Trina replied sleeping Ichâs arm through his jacket sleeve and buttoning it up.
âWhat can we do to help Trinaâ Ma asked
âWell Mel and Delvin forgot to bring up the desert and the roast Igguntâ Trina said multitasking as she put on shoes and tied knots.
âYeah, Pa can grab that, Court can you help your Dad?â Ma said, walking over to Trina and helped her with getting the kids ready.
The Hill was like the name implied a hill sitting out of the Tarnâs homestead rising a solid 20 meters from the surrounding land, it offers the best view of the mountains on one side and the small city of Maldoca where the family did most of their business. On the crest of the hill sat a large picnic table built by the Tarn and Belmic families as they sat on that hill for many hours when Dorman and Yarn were little kids. Sitting around the table was the little Tarn clan, Ma was moving around the table filling every slightly empty cup full of her sector wide famous Jawa Juice, Pa, Mel, Delvin and Dorman were sitting on one side catching up, On the other side, Cali (Melâs wife) and Trina (Delvinâs wife) were talking with Court about whatever inlawâs talk about during family gatherings. Kip and Ich ran around the table sometimes eating and sometime chasing each other around. Robert and his Girlfriend Amildal Adams were laying on the slope talking cute Kip ran up to within earshot of them, made a face and ran back to his uncle âpilotâ saying
âUncle Pilot, Uncle Pilot, why donât you talk like uncle Robert?â
âWell I just havenât found someone special like your uncle Rober hasâ Dorman said
âWell they're talking about gross stuff, is that what you talk to your crush about?â Kip said
Dorman looked up to his 2nd oldest brother who made a face communicating his reluctance to answer that question, âUmm go ask your Mother about thatâ Dorman said before he refocused on the conversation that centered around the attack on the Hosnian System and the surrounding rumors.
âI heard the New Republic has fallen and is no moreâ Mel the oldest brother said
Pa uncharacteristically broke his silence and said âRip from the city, we sell about 30 kilos of grain to him yearly said that the New Republic is a lost cause, as there is going to be some new Galactic Alliance to address the First Order Threat.â
âPa, I find that hard to believe because who would dare oppose the First Order with the power they haveâ Mel said gently
âI have three Star Cruisers and a shipyard of people who doâ Dorman said
âWell, yeah but like on a planetary level, I heard on the holonet the Coursant, Naboo, Ord Mantell, Corellia and Ringo Vinda have already joined the First Order.â Mel said
âYou canât trust everything you hear on the holo newsâ Delvin said scoffing âI think only half of those systems have even made a decision, but maybe we might put some of these rumors to rest, Dorman, what do you know?â
âWell Iâm not privy to the senior staff meetings but this is what I know. The entire Hosnian System, has been destroyed, and if anyone believes that New Republics is defeated, well lets just say that Iâm pretty sure that Admiral Thadmin has a few surprises up his sleeve.â
âAh the New Republic is lost, with our Capital destroyed, what can they do?â Mel said. By this time Robert and Amildal walked over hand in hand and joined their conversation.
âWhat are we talking aboutâ Robert asked
âThe New Republic and First Orderâ Delvin answers
âOooooo, I heard that within the first twenty four hours of the Hosnian System attack if not all but most of the Planets have withdrawn their allegiance.â Robert said
âI only have one question, will there be a war?â Pa asked
âNo!â Mel said
âMaybeâ Delvin said âIt depends if other Star Systems can rally and provide a sufficient counterattackâ
âJyn Erso once said during the First Death Star Crisis, itâs not about what chance we have, but what choice we have,â Amildal
âWell said,â Robert said with a wink.
âYes!, there will be a War, scratch that, WE. ARE. AT. WAR. â Dorman said âand I will be on the front lineâ he continued feeling a bit heated âthey just murdered my best friend, when he did not even pose a threat, and someones got to stop them.â as he finished all the family sitting at the table stared at him in awe of his resolve, the silence hung like a curtain until his Ma walked over to him and gave him a well needed hug but then the conversation turned to interior politics and what the planetary governor will do Dorman lost interest at this point, and focused more on the melon type fruit on his plate, but his concentration was interrupted as his comm link beeped. He looked down and picked it up, as he looked up every adult stared at him knowing that this was a professional call.
âEnsing Tarn?, This is Sub Lieutenant Harlow of the Rangerâ The female voice said
âYes Sub Lieutenant, this is Ensign Tarnâ Dorman said
âCommander Mauz regrets cutting you leave short but you are needed back at Raysho station ASAPâ L.t Harlow said
âUnderstood, L.t, I will leave within the hour, and will be arriving, tomorrow at 1400 hoursâ Dorman said checking his wrist crono
âThe sooner the better Ensignâ L.T Harlow said
âYes Maâam, and if you can pass on the message to the CAG that he was right.â Dorman said
âI will Ensign,â Lt. Harlow said.
Dorman looked up and all eyes were on him.
The silence was broken when Mel said
âOk, Iâm just saying what we were all thinking; she sounded hotâ, that earned him a punch in the shoulder by his wife.
âWell, you're not wrong Mel, but she married, so that's a no go.â Dorman said but then his voice darken as he said âI wish I could stay but I have to go,â
âI know son, but I..I...I donât, I donât want this to be the last time I see-â Ma stutterd
âDonât worry Ma, I will return home even if I have to win the war single handedly, I will return homeâ Dorman said
âYou do thatâ Ma said, wiping tears from her eyes. Then came the time everyone dreaded; the Goodbye hugs. Dorman stood up with everyone else and he first hugged Mel, and Delvin, he then turned around and hugged Cali Trina. Next Dorman stooped down and caught his nephews and they ran and gave him a kiddy hug. He then stood up at turned to Robert who said
âWoah, Woah, Woah, calm down there Mr, huggy Amildal and I will drive you to your X-Wing. Dorman smiled and withdrew his hands and went up to his Pa, and threw his arms around him and hugged him tight, just as Dorman thought his day would never let go, his grip slackened. He then looked toward his younger sister and gave her a side hug and nested his head against hers. Then came the moment he dreaded, he look at his Ma and immediately the tears started streaming, but he walked up anyway and wrapped his arms around her and rocked back and forth,
âI will come back Ma, I promiseâ he whisper resting his head on his Maâs shoulder. They held each other for a few more moments then they release and Dorman in his crisp formal uniform turned about faced and march down to where Roberts speeder waited. Robert, Amildal and Dorman climbed in and zoomed off. As they hit cruiser speed, Robert turned toward Dorman,
âIâm joiningâ he said
âWhat!?â Dorman said
âThe New Republic Navy, Iâm joining as a medicâ Robert clarified
âwhat , what, what about Amildal?â He stammered
âHe already talked it over with me, Iâm joining to, as a medic as well we know the risk, but people need help, and your brother and I have been trained as doctors, we have taken an oath to help those who need help, and we will help those who will fight oppression now matter the costâ Amildal said
âO.k have you?â Dorman said before being cut off
âFinished the paper work? Yep our shuttle is arriving at 1800 hours the day after tomorrow. I have now told Me yet but I will eventuallyâ
âWell the New Republic could use you, we are going to need medics and pilots alikeâ Dorman said ominously
âWell here you areâ Dorman said pulling up to Dormanâs X-Wing
âYeah, let me go inside, grab my stuff and change into my flight suit.â Dorman said
âSure thing brother weâll wait here and see you off.â
A Few moments later Dorman stepped out of the main house in his orange flight suit and he stored his bag in the nose storage compartment. Then he face his brother, âYou know you have always been my favorite.â
âI know,â Robert said confidently âbefore you go let's take a holophoto.
âOh come on, I need to go!â Dorman said rushed
âI know, I know but it will only take a momentâ Robert said pulling out his holo cam recorder and setting it the the proper mode and setting it to the approtate height. He then pulled his arm around his brother and the other around Amildal. Dorman let a genuine smile across his face, with his X-wing standing behind him, his brother next to him, and his brother's girlfriend who was always looking out for him and his family.
âIâll send it to you, now get goingâ Robert said
Dorman climbed in his X-wing and completed his preflight check started up his repulsor engines until he was a few meter off the ground then he gently applied power his sublight engines and took off, before he left the atmosphere, his data pad buzzed and he pulled it out, it was the holo photo his brother took. With the picture still on it, he placed his datapad in the right corner of his cockpit, he glanced at it then layed in a course to the Raysho station and engaged his hyper drive.
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Coordinates M-12
NRS Ranger
Operationâs Room
0944 hrs
âCaptain, Patrol Squadron Two has encountered a cloaked First Order Ship '' Firebird said to the Captain.
The Pantorian Captain then asked âHas it been destroyed?â
âYes sir, but not before it sent out a messageâ Firebird said
âDo we have an estimate of when more ships will enter the system?â Captain Namin asked.
âNo sir we do not.â Firebird said
Namin thought for a bit widing his stance around the holo table âIf we launch here, does the Star Fortress have enough fuel to reach the DâQar system?â
âWell sir, we estimate that the bombers have enough fuel to reach DâQar, but not enough for the return trip.â Captain Gideon Park said with his Hologram flicking.
âWhat if we launch from N-13?â Namin asked
âThey will have enough to make one maybe two hyperspace jumps, but again not enough to return home.â Park returned
âSir, we can do it! get us as close as you can and we will make it home againâ The Star Fortress Squad Leader said, his hologram shimmering next to Park.
Namin hung his head a thought for a long moment. âOk, we will get you as close as we can to maximise your chance of returning home, Captain Park, prepare to jump the Torrent''
âYes sir!â Park said saluting and his hologram disappeared
âGet to your ship S.Lâ Naming ordered to the other hologram
âI am already on my way!â The Squad Leader said with a smile as his hologram faded
âCommander Damon! Prepare to jump my ship to N-13!â Namin said to the comm unit tied to the bridge.
âYes, sirâ Commander Damonâs feminen and professional voice said
On the Bridge Commander Xavo Damon looked around to confirm that each and every one of her crew members were paying attention to their station and not trying to get her attention to alert her to another crisis.
âHelm?â She asked
âCheckâ the helmsmen said
âNavigation?â Damon said next
âCheckâ the Nav officer said
âCheckâ L.T Slack Varris said
âCheck!â The engineer on duty said
âShields?â She said next
âStanding byâ the Officer maning that consol said
âWeapons?â She asked next
âStanding byâ the chief weapons officer said
âStanding byâ L.t Udell said
Commander Damon then grabbed her comm unit and said into it.
âCaptain the board is green, we are standing byâ
âThank you Commander, we are waiting for the Torrent to clear the board, Iâll tell you whenâ Captain Namin said, causing some of the bridge crew to chuckle over the fact that they cleared the board faster than the Torrentâs bridge crew. It last only a few seconds as the Captain came back and said
âJump in 4..3..2..1.. NOWâ
The helmsman pushed keyed his buttons and the beautiful star scape stretched into the star line.
âE.T.A 18 minutesâ The navigation Officer said
âAlright! The book said it takes five minutes to come out of hyperspace to restore shipwide full operation. I want it done in two minute. When we jump out there is a fifty fifty chance we might be in a combat situation so I need all ship functions restored in two minutes. Sensors make a short range scan of the area and report as soon as it's back. Shields I need you up as soon as we get in. Weapons; if we are fired upon, fire back regardless of who is shooting.â
âUnderstood!â The Weapon officers shouted back
âOk, we have 15 min left, so top off with caff we might need itâ She said. Xavo walked up to the caff machine installed on the bridge and thought to herself how this was probably the best pre-war feature the New Republic implemented fleet-wide, probably some senator or senator's son went on a deep space voyage and complained of the lack of caff on the bridge. She was not sure of the real reason it was there but that the scuttlebutt that was passed around, and she didnât mind so long as her caff cup was topped off and she could focus on her work. With her hydro cylinder filled she walked back to the command chair at front of the bridge and gazed up at the models hyperspace sky, she pulled her feet up and pulled out her data pad tapping a few key she pulled up the novel that the Captain recommended to her a four weeks ago, despite her starting it four weeks ago she was only a dozen pages in. Xavo checked her crono and with 13 minutes left she began to read and sip her cafe.
As the minutes slipped by, Xavo lost track of time but continued to read in peaceful silence. The Navigation Officer walked up to the command chair and calmly said âCommander we are five minutes outâ.
Startled a bit, she reluctantly disengaged from her novel and said âThank you Lieutenantâ. Dismissing him.
She looked down at her data pad containing her holo novel and let out a long sigh. âMaybe laterâ she said to herself fully knowing that she wonât pick it up for another two or three weeks. Xavo then picked up the comm unit and tapped in the Captain's extension when she heard the click that signified the channel was open she said
âCaptain was five minutes out, are there any surprises we should be aware of?â
âNot yet Commander, the Y-Wing have yet to report in, but in this case, no news is good newsâ Captain Namin said
âYes, sir, Iâll alert you if we do have any more surprises,â Xavo said.
âPlease do, Commander,â Captain Namin said.
âBridge.out!â Xavo said back acknowledging the order.
âOne Minute!â The Nav officer said
âOk crew! We all know what we have to do, Rightâ Xavo shouted. No one shouted back there was no excitement or gusto, clearly the bridge crew was still processing the destruction of the Hosnian System. She took a good long look around the bridge taking in every officer and every console.
âWe need a boost of morale soon or we're going to lose discipline very quickly.â Xavo said to herself.
â10..9..8..7..6..5..4...3..2..1.. Here we go!â The navigation officer counted down.
Xavo gritted her teeth and grabbed the arms of her chair more tightly as the massive deceleration pushed against the Star Cruiser. As the star faded from blue streaks to lines then finally to points she started her stopwatch. She let the low hum turn increase in volume, she waited a few seconds for each of her crew to process the new information from their consoles. She then interrupted
âSensors?â She asked next
âGetting the telemetry back now sir!â L.t Udell said âpatching it into your consoleâ
âSheilds!?â She shouted, inquiring when they would be up.
Two seconds later the officer at the consol shouted back âlight shields are up, Full shields in 45 seconds!â
âWeaponsâ She said following her mental list.
âAll turbo lasers and point defences cannons are at maximum chargeâ the Chief gunnery officer said âTracking missile telemetry is setting upâ
âMaâam the sensor scan is back, Iâm only seeing our twelve Y-Wings.â L.T Udell said. Xavo consulted her console which showed her the four groups of three Y-Wings
âDonât forget, they still have cloaked ships, so stay on your toes, Comms recall our fighters! Let's not stay here longer than we have to.â Xavo said.
âYes, sirâ L.T Slack Varris then spoke into his comm to carry out his orders.
âShields at maximum, sir!â The officer consulting Shields said. Xavo stopped the stopwatch and looked at the time. One minute and thirty four seconds, she shook her head and started to plan a few more drills to cut the time down.
âSir, the Torrent is launching the Star Fortress,â Udell said.
All eyes peered to the port side of the ship where the Star Fortress were attached to the Torrent. Standing at 22 meters they were too big to be housed in the hanger bay so what the Raysho and Torrent engineers came up with, where to attach them via docking clamps, air locks and hull access points. This made the Torrentâs usual sleek mon calamari designs look more bulking and obtuse. As each docking clamp retracted, air locks depressurised and access points closed off. The Star Fortress drifted from off the hull of the Torrent. Just as Xavo thought that they forgot to put the crews in the ships, each Bomber activated their engines and flew forward and formed up 500 meters from the Torrents Bow. Over the Intercom a voice resonated.
âThank you for the ride Torrent and Ranger, one day we will see you again ,and on that day I look forward to serving with you, cobalt leader out!â and the comm snapped off. Xavo could not shake the feeling that she just witnessed the last words of condemned men. Her attention was diverted to her Comm unit as the Captain said
âCommander, have we retrieved our fighters?â
Xavo look over at the comm officer who gave her the thumbs up
âYes, sir, yes we have!â She said
âThen let's get out of here as soon as possibleâ Captain Namin said
âUnderstood sirâ She replied
âThank you, I'm heading toward the bridge.â Captain Namin added
âWe will be waitingâ She said sarcastically before cutting the comm and saying
âHelms men heading 1.8.0 mark 9.0â
âRoger heading 1.8.0 mark 9.0â The Helm officer confirmed
âNav, lay in a course to the Hosinian----â she cut herself off then corrected âRaysho stationâ
âYes sirâ The Navigation Officer said deflated at the reminder of the destruction of his home.
By the time the Ranger and Torrent made a 180 degree turn the Rangerâs Pantorian Captain reached the bridge.
âCaptain on Deckâ The master at arms said
Commander Xavo Damon stood out of her chair and saluted, when Nadmin returned the salute she said âCourse laid in for Raysho Station sir, and all stations report readyâ she paused then said âThe ship is at your commandâ
âThank you Xavoâ Captain Nadmin said âHelm! Engage hyperdrive, let's see what is waiting for us when we get home!â
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CHAPTER Three Readjust
The New Republic MC-80 Star Cruiser, Ranger (NRS-67) a flying city of Mon Calamari Steal, Measuring in at 1,550 meters long, this Cruiser servers as both Cruiser and Carrier, housing squadrons of A, X, and Y Wing Star Fighters. This ship serves as a flying home for 10,200 Officers, Pilots, Engineers and Crew members. This ship is formidable on and off the Battlefield. Now a new threat is lurking in the fringes of the galaxy. The Rangerâs enemies can be lurking anywhere and everywhere, there is nowhere to hide when the battle is all around you
Coordinates N-13
Deep Space
Night Owl Squadron
0924 hrs
Three Y-wings flew in a formation of four groups of three Y-wings. Dovinivan Castile Night Owl Six callsign Credits glanced at the scanner on his right were the two other Y-Wings that made up his patrol, he and his gunner â4â made up the left side of the formation. Making up the right position was Night Owl Seven, Fluaid Daunt callsign Hotshot and his gunner Noss Dor, the Kel Dor gunner with the fitting callsign of Mask. The patrol leader was the squad Flight L.t Mac, he had no last name on his official record but his callsign was Cheese, with the gunnar Micran Debim callsign Mad covering his back. Just out of range to his right and left were the other patrols.
Creditsâs Rodian gunner crackled over the comm âwere now five hours and twenty four minutes into a eight hour patrolâ
âAre you comfortable yet, four?â Credits asked
âYeah, just boardâ Fourâs Rodian voice said over the internal comm
âIâm going to bring up the Bantha in the room?â Credits said
âHow so?â Four asked, acknowledging the many Banthas in the wake from the destruction of the Hosnian System to the rumors that every other Star System has either surrendered or fallen.
âWhat does your family think about having all four of yall assigned to the same shipâ Credits asked
âWell not for much longer,â Four said
âWhat?!â Credits asked
âGrunnd is staying with the Night Owls, Leoin is transferred to the Torrentâs Y-Wing Squad, and Locatha got his qualification for X-Wing Pilot and is joining the Raysho Station Defence Squadron.â Four explained somberly
â....and what about you, buddy?â Credits asked
âI got orders that I am being transferred to the Theedâs Y-Wing Squadron, I would have told you sooner but this just came in recently, apparently Vine does not want all the sons of one mother on the same ship.â Four said
âI understand, but man Iâm going to miss you guys alot, you guys accepted me into your family, heck Gosp Ma even yarned a sweater for me for life day. I just hope that the next guy could be half as talented as youâ Credits said
âHa ha, and I just hope my new pilot is twice as talented as you that way I only have to risk my life every other time I climb inâ Four said
They both laughed that off, then went back to study their instruments and scanners.
âPatrol Squad, this is Firebird, is the Ranger Clear to Jump into sector N-13?â
âFirebird, This is P.L one; you are clearâ Squad Leader Vines the leader of Patrol One
âFirebird, This is P.L two, stand by, I am getting some interesting readingsâ Creditsâs Patrol Leader; Flight L.t Mac saidâ
âRoger P.L Twoâ. Firebird said
âFirebird this, is Patrol Leader Three, reporting clearâ Sr. Pilot Officer Merrik said his voice betrays the lack of sleep he's had.
âFirebird, P.L Four here, we were clear too.â
âRoger, P.L Three, were standing by for P.L Twos clearanceâ Firebird said
âGotâcha!, Patrol Two, a ship is decloaking right above us, 3.4.2 Mark 6.0, 2 Kilosâ Cheese said
âRoger,Cheeseâ Iâm picking it up on scannersâ Credits said âitâs transponder is reading as First Orderâ
âIt does not appear that it has noticed us yetâ Mask said.
âIf it hasnât yet, it soon will, Patrol Squadron Two, form a bombing lane on meâ Cheese said, accelerating his Y-Wing and inverting so the bottom of his Y-wing faced the First Order Ship. Hotshotâs and Maskâs Y-wing pulled up behind Cheese and inverted as well, the Credits followed suit.
âIf this is my last mission with you four, let's make it countâ Credit said
âYou better believe it,â Four said, spinning his turret to face the enemy ship.
âFollow my lead, we have to take it out before they can alert the First Order!! Or else we will have a lot of angrey company, and the Ranger and Torrent wonât come to our rescueâ Cheese said, pushing his yoke down diving toward the First Order stealth ship. Hotshot waited ten seconds then pushed his yoke down. Credit waited ten seconds after Hotshot then pushed his yoke down.
Cheese took a breath and went over day one of learning how to make a bombing run, the magic angle was 70 degrees perpendicular to the target and to release the proton torpedoes 200 meters from the target, any further and the targeting computer could not guarantee an accurate hit, closer than 200 meters you risk not being able to come out of your dive. Cheese opened his targeting computer and selected the newly decloaked ship as its target, then his angle and distance appears on screen, he steepend his angle at 1,500 meters the Ship did not react,
âThey have not noticed us yet, so let's take advantage of that.â Cheese said lucky, that his squad will have drawn the first, First Order Blood.
At 500 meters he ementy his mind and focused on when to press down the button to release the torpedoes. He felt his thumb tense and pressed the trigger as the yellow numbers counting down from 300 to 200 turned red as it counted down from 200. Cheese then pulled on the stick hard back peeling away from his vector, two purple torpedoes streaked from his bomb bay doors and scored two direct hits against the hull of the enemy ship crippling it.
âTheir shields are down!â Mad, Cheeseâs gunner said
Hotshot took his turn next, riding ten seconds behind Cheeses Y-Wing. Hotshot turned on his targeting computer and adjusted his dive angle and marked his distance at 1000 meters and waited patiently as his distance meter ran down from 1000 to 200 his finger rested over the firing button but as a random spasm jolted through his arm causing his hand to clench accidently pressing the button at 450 meters the two proton torpedoes fired and raced toward the crippled ship, but they only passed by harmlessly nothing more than two meters away from a hit.
Credit could feel the tension grow, it was up to him to knock out the stealth ship, if he missed they could alert the entire First Order Fleet that the New Republic was in bound. He pushed the pressure out of his mind, ânow not the time to screw up because I got nervousâ He thought to himself as he switched on his targeting computer. Currently his dive angle was at 80 degrees he pulled up just a bit to where his dive angle was at 60 degrees. By this time the Stealth Ship rolled over to bring their anti fighter craft batteries to bare. At 1000 meters the first laser bolts zoomed past Credits canopy, in return he grabbed his throttle and pushed it all the way forward, maxing out his speed. Next time he blinked he was at 500 meters and the laser fire was centimeters from his view, however he could not make any evasive maneuvers in fear of messing up his dive angle. At 300 meters he eased up on the throttle, then he saw his distance count switch from yellow to red. Credit waited for a few more seconds and the distance counted down from 200 to 150 to 130 to 120 to 110 at 100 meters he released his torpedoes and pulled out of his angle, maxing out his inertial dampers and scratching the paint off one of the rear engine units. It was a direct hit. The Proton Torpedo's initial explosion decapitated the ship cleanly in half , with secondary concussive explosions shredding the remainder of the ship and throwing shrapnel every which way. Due to his delay of releasing the torpedo until he was only 100 meters away, Credits Y-Wing was still in the blast zone when the ship disintegrated, it caught some of the shrapnel mostly in the rear engine units.
âCredit!Four! You guys alright!â Cheese inquired about his comm!â
A few heart pounding seconds later Fours Rodian voice broke through the comm
âYes, sir, we're alive, our sublight engines are offline, but our hyperdrive is still active. Our hull and paint job took most of the shrapnell''
âOh dear, Chief Canton is going to kill you for damaging one of his letter birds!â Cheese said
âP.L Two did the Stealth Ship send out any transmission?â Firebird asked
âLet me check the sensor logs, R5, did the ship send out any comm chatter?â Cheese asked his astromech.
âBad new sir,â Cheese voice said quickly deflating from what was a quick victory to an loss âa message was beamed out before Credit could destroy itâ
âThank you Patrol Squadron Two,â Firebirdâs voice said, more deflated than Cheeseâs âgood work Creditâ he added. âFirst Blood,â
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Hosnian System
NRS Ranger
CAGâs office
2005 hrs
With the meeting over and all of the officers filed out of the conference room Alek Mauz went directly to his office. Every step to his office he felt the little black book in his front jacket pocket, he continued to fidget with it all the way to his office. Waiting outside of his office was Tripper who grabbed his shoulder and said.
âAlek, go easy on him, heâs already taking it so hard, his best friend just died because of something he could have done,â
âTaus, do you see thisâ Alek fumed holding up Yarnâs black book âNow I have do the worst thing in my job has to offer, and it's because he could not follow orders and rather go by the bookâ
âAlek I wonât pretend like I know what you have to do, but he has already been through enoughâ Tripper said as Alek walked past him and entered the room.
âDorman Tarn, you disobeyed orders' ' Alek said as if he was sentencing a prisoner to death he then looked up and saw Books face, streaking with tears and red from crying, then in a single moment he understood.
âDorman,â he began more gently, âI understand what you're going through but no one had to die today.â
âWell someone did,â Dorman replied more to himself as to his CAG âand it happened to be my sisterâs boyfriend, you know he was planning on proposing to her, when he got backâ
âAnd do you believe that you should have died?â Alek inquired
âIt should have been me!â Dorman shouted fervently.
âWell news flash Ensign Tarn, in this life you canât choose who lives and who dies, all you can do is save who you can, and leave the rest to the Godsâ Alek said. He hesitated and let out a long sigh then said âIâm giving you two weeks off,â
âWhat? With the War starting, you're suspending me?â Dorman asked confused
âIâd rather give you a two week vacation now, before the First Order gives you a more permanent vacation because you canât think straight.â Alek explained âand I need you to run an errand for meâ as he said this he set down, Yarnâs black book
âAre you sure sir?â Dorman said
âSpeaking from personal experience there is only one way to get over the death of a friend, and that's to make amendsâ Alek said. âWe canât afford to send a shuttle, so take your X-Wing as soon as possible, I have already alerted Chief Canton.
âYes, sir, Iâll pack my thingsâ Dorman said standing up
As Dorman walked out, Alek walked over to the comm unit on the wall
âFirebird Pilots barracks, Flight Officer Quarn, hereâ The Quarren said
âSquid, this is Firebird, gather all pilots in Ready Room Oneâ Alek said
âYes Sir!â Squid said hanging up the comm unit.
By the time Alek made it to the Ready Room all the pilots were assembled, all the seats were filled and the remaining pilots stood around hugging the walls in groups of twos and threes each with the same blank horrified expression, human and nonhumans alike. As Alek walked to the front of the room, all the pilots stood up and came to attention.
âAt ease,â Alek said as he looked over the group silently counting all in attendance âWhereâs Jokerâ
âMaking moves on the Marine Transport Pilot in the Mess Hall, sir!â One of the A-Wing Pilots chirped up.
Just then Joker appeared in the doorway and said âSorry Iâm late sirâ
âAnd just what were you doing?â Alek asked
âUmm, sir, wellâ Joker Stammered
âHe was escorting me, sir!â Lila said, drawing the attention of all the pilots in the room. âWhat? your orders were for all pilots to come to Ready Room One, and last time I checked flying an SSAT (Ship-to-Ship Assault Transport) makes me a pilotâ
âOk, Ok Marine no need to prove yourselfâ Alek said defensively
Root and Mob gave up their front row seats as Joker and Wookie walked over and sat down, Lilaâs Marine Uniform clashed with the StarFighter Corps uniform that every other occupant in the room wore.
âNow that, that's settled, let's get down to business,â Alek began âwe have a dozen or so old scrap Star Fortress bombers that we are giving to the Resistanceâ
âThey are scrap for a reason!â A Y-Wing Pilot heckled
âI know, I know Eel, but the First Order is going to attack their base and that is everything we can spare, the only problem is that we cannot risk our Star Cruisers. So the Mission is this; sneak into the Dâqar system, deliver the Bombers and sneak out, without engaging the First Order. The Senior Staff believes that we cannot get all the way to the DâQar system due to the high amount of First Order activity in that sector, so we are going to get as close as we can then launch the Bombers where they will travel the rest of the way on their own. Our fighters will provide long range recon and screen the cruisers. We will be on Red Alert for the duration of the Mission. Since we cannot risk the Curiser we have to clear each sector before each hyperspace jumps in. That means each Squadron will take 8 hour shifts patrolling the sector, while not on patrol each squad will be split in two; half of the pilots will be sleeping, and the other half will be in the ready room or in their ships standing by. The goal is; if we are ambushed I want all our pilots to be launched in under five minutes. Squad leaders, make the necessary division between your squads, and Blue Birds, you will have the first Patrol. The rest of you, get comfortable or get some rest.â Alek finished and left the room leaving the grumbling pilots to their fate.``
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