nrembert-blog · 10 years
He blinks sevetal times, and with each blink his face became more bewildered.
He then squints with his lips slanted in a sarcastic and blunt expression. He sighs, "Antasma..." before palming his peachy forehead and continuing on exasperated. "I don't even-I just got on vacation. All I wanna do is go on leisure walks, nap, and eat treats for awhile. Use you for what? Shade?"
The prince cocks his head to the other side, and this time with his hands on his hips too. His body reads, 'ehh???'
Whistling through the forest. Is he here to visit or just passing through?
Antasma was in a heartbroken state. The one he called a friend didn’t think of him as a friend as well, did he? Just a tool. How could he…? Why…why did everyone just want to use him? Why him?
An ear twitched when he eventually heard the sound of whistling. He would’ve thought it was another creature that lived in these woods, or even Bedsmith maybe, if he had not felt the familiar energy it gave off. That… Was that Bert…? It was. There was no doubt. Some anger actually began to swell in him. Going into his bat form with a puff of smoke, he zipped towards the energy and the whistling.
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nrembert-blog · 10 years
"You're agitated. Why?" Dreambert mused aloud with a tilt of his adorable head. He showed no signs of distrust or danger toward Antasma. A bit of indifference...but there is a hint of curious care behind his inquiry.
Whistling through the forest. Is he here to visit or just passing through?
Antasma was in a heartbroken state. The one he called a friend didn’t think of him as a friend as well, did he? Just a tool. How could he…? Why…why did everyone just want to use him? Why him?
An ear twitched when he eventually heard the sound of whistling. He would’ve thought it was another creature that lived in these woods, or even Bedsmith maybe, if he had not felt the familiar energy it gave off. That… Was that Bert…? It was. There was no doubt. Some anger actually began to swell in him. Going into his bat form with a puff of smoke, he zipped towards the energy and the whistling.
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nrembert-blog · 10 years
   He is used to the rustle and crackle of the forest, but it is the bat chitter that makes him turn around and look up. He is surprised to see Antasma after so long, let alone with a reddish tint in his eyes. Unfortunately he doesn't say anything, merely tilting his head in question. He hasn't really socialized with anyone beyond business. A part of him has forgotten how to say a simple hello. 
Whistling through the forest. Is he here to visit or just passing through?
Antasma was in a heartbroken state. The one he called a friend didn’t think of him as a friend as well, did he? Just a tool. How could he…? Why…why did everyone just want to use him? Why him?
An ear twitched when he eventually heard the sound of whistling. He would’ve thought it was another creature that lived in these woods, or even Bedsmith maybe, if he had not felt the familiar energy it gave off. That… Was that Bert…? It was. There was no doubt. Some anger actually began to swell in him. Going into his bat form with a puff of smoke, he zipped towards the energy and the whistling.
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nrembert-blog · 10 years
   Dreambert wasn't in his usual royal garb; with several thousand years came climate changes. Along with the changes in nature, were the changes in fashion. He was in Khaki shorts with an islander shirt similar to Mario's sunshine one. He even sported sunglasses he no longer needed in a dark forest such as this. It sat atop his fluffy pillow-like blonde hair. 
   He had eventually stopped whistling as he looked around the still unkempt forest.  So far he was satisfied with this, because there are still those who try to make plans to change the ancient forest. He would like to have at least one spot to be unchanging. With wherehe was going it, it looked he was heading for the Bedsmith. 
Whistling through the forest. Is he here to visit or just passing through?
Antasma was in a heartbroken state. The one he called a friend didn’t think of him as a friend as well, did he? Just a tool. How could he…? Why…why did everyone just want to use him? Why him?
An ear twitched when he eventually heard the sound of whistling. He would’ve thought it was another creature that lived in these woods, or even Bedsmith maybe, if he had not felt the familiar energy it gave off. That… Was that Bert…? It was. There was no doubt. Some anger actually began to swell in him. Going into his bat form with a puff of smoke, he zipped towards the energy and the whistling.
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nrembert-blog · 10 years
Because they were both so busy and had no time to see each other, the little bat simply decided to stop by to drop a small, pink flower on Dreambert's windowsill before he fluttered off back to his forest.
   When he opened his sparkling windows, he unfortunately doesn’t think much of a flower on his windowsill. If anything, he thought that a spring breeze brought it here like any other sort of scatter pile of petals that appeared in or near his living quarters.
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   He sweeps it off as he rests his arms and takes in the clear evening view, as well as his newly designed front court he was offered by the new inhabitants of Pi’illo island. It was one of the ways all the tourist catered construction was made up to him. His Kingdom was much bigger than it was several millennia ago, and it was with such that he had a lot more work on his hands. A lot of reclaiming of what foreigners thought were their’s, a lot of boundary setting, and a lot of learning about the new world around him.
   Now all that was left to do was to finally snooze and mingle. Perhaps maybe visit the mushroom kingdom for kicks. How long has he been working on his own kingdom day in and out? He has no count, perhaps close to a half a year or more. Nearly a year suddenly felt longer than his time imprisoned in the dreamworld. (Interesting.) An amused snort leaves him at the thought. He walks from the window seal to his bed. He quite literally had nothing to do.
And it felt so great to just lay here on his new mattress. 
This lavish gift giving could become a thing. 
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
The prince sneezes in the middle of walking around his courtyard. After dabbing his face gently with a handkerchief, he couldn't help but look up.
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"I haven't sneezed this much since the Mario bros helped the Island... Am I such a talkative topic again?" 
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
Yes it was, and he's giving in to the sounds of peaceful tides, and even the chilly weather. Laying down, curling...beginning to drift to sleep. He is near a dream point too, but it is ironically harder to see in the dark.
Bags n bags
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
Bags n bags
It's highly unusual to see a pi'illo with bags under their eyes, but he's an unusual pi'illo in general and even gotten a little bit taller than he has already grown before.  He could've had the chance for sleep, but again denied himself this to be over at at Wake port all the way to the dead of night for an event he soldiered through very politely and admirably.
15 days until Christmas.
"I need a break," he finally says around 11 at night as the square emptied. He wandered to the beach, took off his cape before sitting down on the sand. He's nodding as he watches the sparkly ocean, he has his cape out for in case he lays over and sleeps; which is coming closely. 
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
whenever i see fluffy bert comes back
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
From what I've Seen, He has been being lazy without You.
"…Really?" He tilts his head, frown stitching into place. "That’s disappointing." Bert, however, has two thick books under his arms. He is still busy.
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
Have you seen Antasma lately? (phantompesadilla)
"I have not, no." Though he sounds factual and neutral… he does miss and wonder about him. "I’ve been really busy. I am sure he’s alright, may have even jump started our project while I’ve been so busy."
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
The first person to put "Red String of Fate" in my inbox, is bound to my muse for four days romantically.
Meaning in a sense that my muse will literally think of nothing else but your muse, making references to them, talking about them, swooning over them, the whole nine yards.
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
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Hello! Welcome to the-a [New] Super Mario Bros. Masterlist™. It’s-a-me, Mario! This-a page will be dedicated to keeping-a track of all the Super Mario Bros. blogs. We’ll even throw in a few events as well. It’ll be like a huge Mario Party! If-a you have the time, just on by to have a look…
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
"Whoa~ Who sucked out all your royal purple? Sure look boringly dull this way, sans the eyes of course."
D-don't take it to heart, Antasma.
He looks around, left, right, his wings dropping red sparkles with every turn.
"Why are you hiding?" It’s a kiddish sound to it. "It’s harder for me to see in the dark these days. Come out…"
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
He looks around, left, right, his wings dropping red sparkles with every turn.
"Why are you hiding?" It's a kiddish sound to it. "It's harder for me to see in the dark these days. Come out..."
"Antasma~" The magic dawned on him in this fairy form makes him perkier—and much more tactlessly rude, brace, hobo batking. "Are you alright out there? Just checking~"
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
"Antasma~" The magic dawned on him in this fairy form makes him perkier--and much more tactlessly rude, brace, hobo batking. "Are you alright out there? Just checking~"
So the two of them were anon’d for a few days. In Bert’s case, a few more days. He is still a brightly glittering and perky fairy flying through Somon woods perusal. Wow is a little pinker than usual, the other totally grayed out.
Ain’t that something.
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nrembert-blog · 11 years
"I thoroughly enjoy the sound of this plan, Satan."
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"What is this story about this Mun-day thing?
What did the mun do to us beside bringing us all in deep emotional and physical trauma?
I think we should rebel and take over Munday, turning it in Museday
Where we get to be the stars, instead of the tortured ones!”
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