Northwich Paranormal Group
32 posts
Seasoned veterans in Paranormal Investigation Est 2003 Cheshire, England
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Twitter Hacked!
NPG Twitter account has been hacked. How unsporting. Account suspended for the time being. Apologies to anyone who recieved a bogus message/link in the last 24hrs. It was not sent from us. 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Controversial Practices - Ghost Box
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An intreging piece of kit it has to be said, and most probably on your wish list if you don't already have one. The Ghost Box or 'Franks Box' offers the spirit the opportunity to communicate via a constantly scanning FM radio. (This happens to be a modification which effectively prevents the radio from locking on a station) Having seen one working during an investigation and having some kind of success we needed to find out more. There seems to be a lot of 'evidence' to support the Ghostbox and the EVPs recorded. Plenty of video/audio on youtube to choose from.
So how effective can a Ghostbox be? In our experience during the experiment we found that the same mans name kept coming through the box when a question was asked of it?! This happened three times in actual fact. So what was going on? A discarnate voice, coincidence or pareidolia?
Its entirely possible that its coincidence due to the fact that the FM radio is flying up and down the bandwidth, eventually its going to hit a broadcasting station or two?
It could be pareidolia due to the brain picking out the random words and then interpretting the meaning of those words? Are we seeing pattern in randomness?
Or maybe it is the spirit world interfering with the radio frequencies? One thing is for sure, some proper research should be carried out to determine its effectiveness. A good example would be to conduct a baseline 'Ghostbox' session in controlled conditions somewhere not known to be haunted. Then conduct the test in the known haunted location and corrollate the results if possible. Perhaps another thing to try could involve a test where an independant person could listen to the audio recorded?
This will be one of our researcb projects should we obtain a Ghostbox. Fascinating stuff! 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Controversial Practices - IR Themometers
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Controversial Practices - IR Themometers?
Its another piece of kit in every Ghost Hunters tool case. An essential piece of equipment on most investigations. Something we have all had the priveledge of using. The IR Themometer.
Do they do what we want them to do? The purpose of this type of Themometer is of course to provide an instant temperature reading in the direction we point it. Indicating a cold spot in a room where something paranormal happens. A question sprung to mind..How effective are they?. Apparently IR Themometers cannot detect something without a visible surface for them to 'read'. Basically they work like eyes, they see temperatures on a surface whilst eyes see colours on a surface. If the Themometer can see something, it can measure it.  So on that basis you probably stand more chance of seeing the hazy apparition in the middle of the room with your own eyes than see a temp drop through the IR Themometer? (will be firing off the wall instead!)
Therefore perhaps its always advisable to take a standard Themometer along too!
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Controversial Practices - Particle Detectors
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Recently it seems, some Paranormal teams are taking Particle Detectors out to investigations with them. As all Paranormal groups look to the new best thing in Ghost detection, have they stumbled upon it? And how do they use it? perhaps as a new form of environmental measurement?  This seems a curious choice of equipment on the face of it due to the fact that these meters only measure ionising radiation, the most common form of particle detector is the Geiger counter. These work by measuring the cascade effects of ionised particles bouncing of the Halogen gas inside the meter. Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation is measured typically. So using a meter of this kind can perhaps help detect Ghosts with radiation sickness!?  Ionising particle dont just appear, they are emitted by unstable isotopes.
The Jury is out on this one.
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Controversial Practices - Dowsing Rods
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Controversial Practices - Dowsing Rods
Yes, those harmless pieces of wire coat hanger could actually work!
The odds of you coming across a set of Dowsing Rods is highly likely these days especially if you are the owner of a 'Ghost Hunting' tool case. The Rods not only appear in almost every kit, but in most new age high street shops as well. Uses for the Rods are numerous but mainly we see them sniffing out Gems, Ore, Oil and of course Water. The other common use however, is using them as a natural EMF meter during Paranormal research. Can this really work? 
Northwich Paranormal have not researched the EMF v Divining effectiveness in any detail up this point but plan on studying it in the future. Scientifically speaking, If the Rods did prove to flucuate along side an EMF meter (simultaniously) according to *current theory, this would not indicate the presence of a Ghost rather perhaps indicate a Psychological-Hullucination where strong EMF fields might be acting on the brain, making someone think they witnessed a Paranormal episode at the same time as recieving a large EMF spike.  (so the theory goes)
Most Paranormal groups will have used Dowsing Rods at some time or other and will be familiar with the methodology. For those who don't, you use the Rods to pick up vibrations in the energy of the material things around you. Everything apparently gives off energy and vibrations. Molecules = Energy = vibration 
According to one Dowsing Guru: "Your Rods may indicate an energy field by crossing for positive and open for negative, The action of crossing or open or bobbing up and down is a personal preference in which you train your rods. Practice with them so you know what they are indicating"
The same Guru had these tips to offer:
1. You must tune in to your sixth sense when approaching your new Dowsing skill
2. Then practice, practice, practice ; it's the most important part of Dowsing
Pretty simple instructions! 
Skeptics Say....
No form of Dowsing has ever passed any type of controlled test, and no Dowser has ever proposed any plausable hypothosis suggesting that Dowsing might be an actual phenomenon. The only thing you can learn from Dowsing is which way the Dowser wants to swing the Dowsing Rods. 
Dr Chris French, a famous Para-Skeptic, devised a double-blind experiment to study the abilities of so called Water Deviners. The test involved an independant person planting a bottle of Water in one of the random test bins sat directly below a raised plank platform. The Deviners were then asked in turn to use their Rods to locate the bottle of Water. The results showed that on average each participant only managed to make at best, a couple of positive 'Hits'. The equivalent of picking bottles at random, chance odds. This study seemed a conclusive debunk.
The Jury is still out on this one despite the fact some member of the team will be using a set sooner or later on an investigation. There's nothing wrong with that, after all, perhaps it is another way of channelling a spirit? Dowsing Rods are always in the box, why not use them?
*Original EMF study Dr Mike Persinger
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Controversial Practices - Automatic Writing
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Controversial Practices - Automatic Writing (Claircognisance) Trance Writing
Automatic writing has been in the Pyschics toolbox for an awfully long time now. Its the art of channelling spirit using the mind, a piece of Paper and a Pen. The objective is simple, put your thoughts on one side and let the spirits communicate using your writing hand. It is also allegedly used in finding ones higher self. 
Why Do Automatic Writing?
Well according to Spirit Development Guru Anna Sayce, the reasons for taking this past time up are fear of spirits (perhaps being scared to contact spirit 'guides' any other way), when you are not clairvoyant or clairaudient and have no pyschic potential or to get to ones higher self to answers questions? Whatever the reason, Automatic Writing has been popular amongst Psychics going all the way back to Victoria times and since the 1980s has seemed to have taken a back seat. In fact, you might be hard pushed to attend an investigation or a sitting where someone is practising AW. 
Northwich Paranormal Group have been involved with Automatic Writing experiments over the years but on reflection these results have been less than startling. 
Anna Sayce Tips for Automatic Writing
1. Start each writing session by writing at the top of the page  'My Higher self' or 'My spirit guides' or 'My Angels'. 
2. Just start writing and dont worry about what you have written at first.
3. Using a Timer is a useful idea
4. Create the right conditions so that you can lose you inibitions about what you are writing.
5. Dont allow your mind to interpret the information while you are getting it. (This can be interpreted later on)
The main tip overall seems to be making sure you can totally clear your mind of thoughts and effectively blank it from any outside interruptions. Perhaps to the point of being in a relaxed trance like state.
The Skeptics say.....
Automatic Writing is little more than a Parlour game, while it is likely that many unconscious desires and ideas are expressed in Automatic Writing, it is unlikely that they are any more profound than the participants own conscious thoughts. No Scientific evidence exists to support Trance Writing.
Further reading: 
Anna Sayce Website - How to Automatic Write  Skeptics view
For a supposed channelled book see  'Conversations with God' by Neale Donald Walsh 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Heroes of Ghost Hunting: Maurice Grosse
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Maurice Grosse 1919 - 2006
Widely reknown for his involvement in the Enfield Poltergeist case, Maurice had not started out as an investigator. He was a British WWII Royal Artilleryman, evacuated from Dunkirk then after the war beame an avid inventor. His greatest invention being the revolving billboard. 1961 saw Maurice start up his own Engineering consultancy firm, managing to file many worldwide patents.
In 1976 his daughter was tragically killed in a Motorbike accident. Family members reported strange coincidences and Psychical happenings, this was the catalyst for Grosse's interest in the afterlife and Psychical research. Maurice would later join the SPR (Society of Psychical Research) and the Ghost club. In September 1977 Grosse heard about some alleged Poltergeist activity at a private house in Green Street, Enfield, London. This of course would later become the uber famous Enfield Poltergeist case. During the investigation Maurice, along with Guy Lyon-Playfair (another SPR investigator) offered the family support, often staying over at the house for long periods of time gathering hours and hours of Audio and Video evidence. 
Most notable evidence from the case were audible knockings, bangings, Crockery being chucked around, chairs moving of their own accord (multiple witnesses including a Police Officer) and the curious posession of an 11yr old girl in the family. Apparently the spirit of the former owner would posess the girl and change her voice not unlike the movie 'The Exorcist'. The former owner was a grumpy foul mouthed camugeon who, through the girl, would insult and offend the investigators. As this form of evidence was hard to correllate, it was shunned and questioned by some academics and Ventriloquists saying it was a clever trick. Grosse offered a prize of £1000 to anyone who could replicate the evidence. No-one came forward.
Further reading on this case.  This House Is Haunted (1980) by Guy Lyon-Playfair
In later years Maurice carried out many other investigations and became a committee member of the SPR as well as member of the Spontaneuos Cases Committee. At an investigation at Charlston House in 1995 Maurice was able to record flying Crockery on videotape. Again in 2000 Video evidence was made of Poltergeist activity at a private London residence. In addition to his mainstream work Grosse also embarked on cases involving Precognition and also amassed a large collection of psychic photographs. Maurice Grosse continued in his work until his death in 2006.
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Looking Back : Harry Price - Godfather of Ghost Hunting
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Harry Price 1881-1946
In this introspective piece we look back at the life and greatest case of the legendary Harry Price who first pioneered research in Psychical phenomenon and is generally regarded as the Godfather of modern Ghost Hunting.
Born in Holborn, London in 1881 Harrys deep seated interest with the Paranormal began roughly just before the first world war with visits to Seances, Magic shows and travelling Mediums. During his service in WW1 he hit upon the notion of creating a Laboratory where Mediums and Psychics could scientifically have their claims tested. 
In the early 1920s Price was elected member of the London Society for Psychical Research. He held membership there until his death. Price from the outset was unhappy with the methods used by the society and set about restructuring psychical research according to his own ideas as soon as he got the chance.
Harrys first major success came in 1922 with the high profile debunking of spirit photographer William Hope, member of the infamous 'Crewe Circle' of Spiritualists. Price was able to denounce the fraud before the society but this only alienated him from some high profile members including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as William Hope was very highly regarded. His tiff with Conan Doyle continued till his death in 1930.
After travelling around Britain and Europe compiling research on mediumship, Harry finally opened his Laboratory. The National Laboratory fof Psychical Research as it was now known was based in Kensington in London.
In 1927 Harry got involved in the high-profile 'Battersea Poltergeist' case. Harry had heard rumours of poltergeist activity so after the story had ran in the newspers the following month, he decided he wanted to do his own investigation. The case proved to be interesting to Price but not conclusive overall. The remainder of that year saw continued research with well known French and English mediums. Focusing on Psychometry more Harry was able to conduct a number of elaborate experiments including the famous 'Prophets Box' at Church hall, Westminster. 
Rudi Shneider, a reknown medium at the time was the focus of Prices next significant experiment. Under scientific conditions in the Laboratory a series of sittings were conducted using the 'electric control' method. Price was very satisfied with results. Later in 1929 Harry heard through a newspaper editor that Borley Rectory in Essex was experiencing alsorts of Paranormal phenomena. Price travelled down to Borley that same afternoon, little did he know that this case would later make him world famous. The Rectory was occupied by Rev Guy Smith and his wife who had allegedly witnessed seeing the ghosts of a Nun and a Horse and Carriage. They also reported hearing footsteps and voices. Later the phenomema worsened with the arrival of poltergeist activity. A Poltergeist had been reported at Borley at the end of the nineteenth century by the then residents the Bull family.
*Full review of the famous Borley Rectory case posted soon*
1935 saw Harry involved in the most bizarre case of his career. The Talking Mongoose - turned out to be an overwhelming fraud. The Irving family from the Isle of Man had reported befriending a wild animal (mongoose) and allegedly began having conversations with it, the creature could also speak several languages. Harry spent the summer of 35 together with the editor of Listening magazine getting to the bottom of it.
The Spirit of Rosalie case in 1937 proved to be traumatic and disturbing for harry following his alleged meeting and examination of a spirit six year old Girl.  Some have said that Price found what he was looking for that night, it certainly is a case worth reviewing again.
Links for further research       The Society for Psychical Research -  Founded in 1882 The first of its kind in the world. Harry was a member from 1920 - 1946    The Ghost Club-  
Founded in 1851 this is Britains oldest running Ghost Club. Harry was chairman for a few years during his life.                 Harry Price Site -
A site dedicated to him, featuring full bio.
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Local Paranormal News
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  The Grim Arriva  - Ghost on the Bus
A local Bus driver who we will call 'M', says he has been left terrified following a strange incident which occured last week. It was revealed today. In an exclusive interview with NPG he revealed how during the last route of Wednesday night last week, a mysterious passenger appeared in his rear view mirror when he clearly had no-one on board. The incident happened at around 10:45pm whilst travelling down a Cheshire country lane. M had casually looked in his Mirror and saw a figure of a woman sat on the left handside three rows from the back. "I absolutely bricked it!" said M, "All our Buses have CCTV on them so it may have been caught on tape, the thing is, I dont think im going to tell them at the office as the others will take the piss".  He has clearly been left shaken by the incident but says it hasnt put him off driving the late Bus. "Been a driver for for 15yrs and this is the first time this has happened, wont stop me though". We would love to review the CCTV footage.
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Sneak Peek - Future Investigation
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Beeston Castle, Tarporley, Cheshire
TBA Beeston Castle (NPGs nearest Castle) sits atop a Sandstone crag overlooking the Cheshire Plain. Built in around 1220 it has served as one of Edward I Look-outs from Welsh Insergents during the up risings and then the following English take-over of Wales. It also featured during the English civil war in the 1600s. This Castle is well known to NPG over the years but we have never carried out an official Investigation there. We thought it was about time we did. The Castle is ruined and open to the elements. It features a 100m well (reputedly containing treasure?) one of the deepest of any English Castle and a very intreging Cave system which can be accessed if you know where it look. Reports of Paranormal activity have been healthy over the years and include: a Knight and a Soldier dressed in Civil war clothing. As this is outdoor primarily, we hope to visit in a couple of months when the weather suits. Details TBA   Watch this space!!
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Upcoming Investigation
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The Raven Inn. Darnall, Cheshire. 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
And Finally!
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In the true American style of product placement we end our St Briavels weekend with a tribute to the official beverage of the investigation. Roaring Meg Cider. Thanks to Stuart for having it as guest cider and thanks to colin from @vortexresearch for pointing it out. An interesting choice for a welshman. Not available in the North we were told. Damn     We would like to point out that other Ciders are available.
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Extreme Fishing A la Oubliette
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In other news.....
NPG tips its hat to Tenacious Tim from FPI  @FPItweets for the miraculous Walkie-Talkie salvage operation early saturday morning. 
Using twenty feet of composite video cable and what can only be described as a stapler wrapped in Gaffer tape and a wire coat hanger, Tim managed to retrieve the crews walkie-talkie which had been dropped down the Oubliette (by mistake allegedly) previous. This was on par with catching a Marlin. Well done that man!
#questtv if you are taking note.... 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
St Briavels Summary II
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Second Night St Briavels 16th March
Early 15min investigation of Prison with Vortex research group. Minor blips on the K2 but nothing substantial.
Vigils in the Chapel with FPI, ROOS. Experiments using Ghost box, Ouija board. Minor blips on K2s. Very quiet on the whole.
Thought projection experiments in crew room. Interesting results. Noted by paula and adam from FPI. 
Free Range Investigations.
The times of these next events were not noted.
Group boarded in the Constables suite in east tower second floor reported heard heavy footsteps in the room above them (Chaplains). There was nobody in that room at the time reported. The same group reported connecting with a little girl when they held their own vigil in there during the same night.
3am Old Kitchen. Main building ground floor. Most investigators retired to bed by this point only FPI, Real or Otherside, Vortex and some of NPG were in attendance. Ouija, Laserpens, K2, Mel meters used. Room seemed very quiet although a spirit did come through on the board.
One member of NPG and two independent witnesses saw a white shadow moving across the church yard directly in front of the main gates at St B's. These happened independently of each other and at different times. This is interesting on many levels. We werent even meant to cover the Church Yard!
Strange light anomoly noticed by NPG. Can only be discribed as a whispy snake like smoke rising to around 2 feet in height. This was seen in the far corner of the room and lasted for around 5 seconds. This thing did not reappear again. 
NPG and Vortex members heard the sound of a woman screaming from outside the castle complex at the same time.
End of Day II
This account is brief but outlines what members of NPG witnessed themselves. Much of the recorded EVP stuff has yet to be analysed. The report will be updated as required. 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
St Briavels Summary 15-17th March 2013
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The Bare Bones:
A three day weekend Investigation hosted jointly by the YHA and Forest Paranormal (FPI) featuring Real or Otherside and other group inc NPG.
Location: St Briavels Castle YHA site, Forest of Dean, Glos
Investigations held on the 15-16th eves.  
Friday 15th
10:00pm First Vigil from the Chapel. Name of Edward came through/K2 meter flucs
10:15pm Move to Refectory area on ground floor. Minimal activity. Cat sounds heard by NPG. (on playback, the word "Where" was heard) 
10:30pm Oubliette room, Ground floor east tower. Trap door to Oubliette opened. Temp flucs noted. Spirit of a young woman thrown down was sensed by a sensitive in the group.
10:45pm Guards/Hanging room upper floor main building. Skrying experiment.  Kate/April from NPG faces clearly changed and was witnessed by all. Otherwise quiet.
11:00pm Prison block middle floor main building.  REN meter went off. Hayden from NPG whilst sitting in a cell was overcome with emotion and wept.
11:15pm Old Kitchen lower ground floor main building. Ouija board set up and used and on the whole uneventful.
11:30pm Chaplains room third floor east tower. Ghost box set up. Name "Peter" came through several times. Appeared to answer questions thrown at it.
11:45pm Regroup and share notes etc
01:15pm Monitoring CCTV in Crew room
2:00pm Continued Investigation at various spots until around 4pm. Nothing noteable was captured during this period
End of Night 1 
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
Banff Castle
Banff Castle, Aberdeenshire april/may 2013 TBA
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npgroup-blog · 12 years ago
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