noziphokhama · 4 years
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Abstract Photography
o Image 1: Boston media house 31 August 2020 EOSCanon550D :1/250sec : F/4.5 : ISO 6400 : Size 16.3MB
o Image 2: Boston Media house 31August 2020 EOS Canon 550D 1/125sec : F/4.5 : ISO 100 : Size 20.3MB
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noziphokhama · 4 years
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Still-Life Photography
o Image 1 : Boston Media House 31st of August 2020 EOS Canon 550D : 1/160sec : F/4.5 : ISO 6400 : Size 26.6MB
o Image 2 : Primrose Germiston 29 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D: 1/1250sec : F/2.0 : ISO 500 : Size 12.0MB
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noziphokhama · 4 years
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Street Photography
o Image 1 : Johannesburg Hibrow 8 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D : 1/2000sec : F/5.6 : ISO 160 : Size 3.96MB
o Image 2 : Johannesburg CBD 18 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D: 1/1500sec : F/2.0 : ISO 400 : Size 12.0MB
o Image 3 : Johannesburg CBD 18 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D : 1/750sec : F/4.5 : ISO 400 : Size 10.1MB
o Image 4 : Johannesburg Hilbrow 8 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D : 1/500sec : F/5.6 : ISO 200 : Size 4.16MB
o Image 5 : Johannesburg Hilbrow 8 August 2020 Canon 70D : 1/3500sec : F/5.6 : ISO 100 : Size 4.71MB
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noziphokhama · 4 years
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Street Fashion
o Image 1: Johannesburg CBD 18 August 2020 EOSCanon 70D : 1/750sec : F/4.5 : ISO 200 : Size 3.45MB
o Image 2: Johannesburg CBD 18 August 2020 EOS Canon 70D 1/500sec : F/2.O : ISO 400 : Size 4.16MB
o Image 3 : Johannesburg CBD 18 August 2020 EOS Canon70 D : 1/800sec : F/5.6 : ISO 12800 : Size 5.49MB
o Image 4 : Maboneng 8 August 2020 Huawei P20 lite : 1/230sec : F/1.0 : ISO 50 : Size 2.38MB
o Image 5 : Johannesburg CBD 8 August 2020 EOS Canono 70D: 1/3000sec : F/5.6 : ISO 160 : Size 3.73MB
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noziphokhama · 4 years
Day in the life
Taking a walk in the streets of Primrose and Germiston, tells us a story about life, the different obstacle an individual meets and different lifestyles. The first thing we see are kids of all ages playing, on a sunny afternoon. Children have one thing in common; fun, laughter, toys and creative imaginations. They understand the situation they may be, it may be pain or suffering so being with their friends is always the remedy in making them happy and not worry themselves.
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Being a child many think you don’t understand or know what is going on. One sad factor of life is that as a child you are stuck in whatever situation your parents or guardian is in. You don’t receive an opportunity to choose the family you may want to be born in or how you want to live your life, you can never choose a rich, poor or average family. The only thing a child can do is accept whatever they may have, find happiness in it and work hard to be better and achieve more.
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We live in an economy that isn’t able to provide jobs for every individual. We live in a place where no one is the same. We live in a time where individuals are placed in classes (the lower, medium or higher class). We live in a century where an individual has to do whatever it takes to make a living and survive. We live in a country and a society that is populated with trading, small businesses, street venders that sell fruits, vegetables, meat, clothes and accessories.
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Close up on the delicious meat
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No one knows how the day will be, if the day will be good or bad. No one knows what obstacle life will bring, but I believe that every obstacle is designed for you to conquer and overcome. We all don’t make it in life. A well-known saying “when life throws you lemons make lemonade” (Chernyak, 2020), in other words there is always good in a bad situation. When life knocks you down a common thing is to stand up dust yourself and move on but at times it can be hard and some give up which usually leads to depression, drugs and poverty.
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After a long day of school, work or begging every individual needs to have a place to rest for the next day. It may be in a mansion, two or one room house, a shack, a street corner, under a tree or under a pile of boxes. What makes a home is a family and not the size of the house.
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Religion and culture is what makes South Africa unique, it’s a country filled with diverse cultures, religions and individuals with many talents. Each individual has their own belief and goes through their own situation and circumstance. At the end of a church service an individual feels free and overjoyed and at the end of the day nothing is greater than receiving the breath of life and seeing another day.
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