nowhereboundkids · 5 years
what if we…. shipped our ocs together………  haha just    kidding..                               unless…? 
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
“Think I’ll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the morning sky”
- Lana Del Rey (Summertime sadness)
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Day 12 - Tech && Magic
How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email? AND/OR, DEPENDING ON SETTING: How is your character with magic or the supernatural?
Tech in their main ‘verse is far behind modern times. However, in a modern setting, Eden would be decent. Not entirely knowledgeable, but they could get by.
Eden is talented in magic. They use healing magic mostly but has other skills as well.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
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im getting scared again
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Send me "Hey, sleepyhead" and my muse will react to finding yours in their bed.
submitted by worldofnick
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Day 10 - Milestones
Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
Moving out to the city in order to better develop their magic. Meeting Asra. And the incident that led to Eden losing their memory.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Please DON’T stress yourself out thinking there is a time constraint on these things because there ISN’T.  Reply when you have muse, when you have time, when you’ve taken care of yourself!  But please don’t be afraid to take MONTHS to reply to something!  We all write at different paces!  We all have a life outside of rp!
Writing is a hobby!  It’s not a job, and you’re not obligated to reply to any one thread or ask for any reason!  
It’s okay if you forget about them or if you lose them, too!!  You’re HUMAN.  You’re not perfect, and no one should expect you to be!! 
THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO IS TAKE YOUR TIME.  Roleplaying is a hobby, and if you’re not having fun then it takes out all the joys and magical experiences that can be had!!  The relationships you can form between muses and the friends you can make as writers! 
Not feeling muse for one thread? that’s okay!! want to start another even though we already have 5 going on? THAT’S OKAY, TOO!!  Need to drop one? DON’T SWEAT IT!! YOU come FIRST.  As my rp partner, I want you to put yourself first above this site, above any relationships we’ve formed, any plots we’ve fleshed out! 
I want you to have FUN.  So PLEASE don’t stress! You’re okay, and there’s no such thing as replying ‘late’.  You reply on your own time.  The thread isn’t going anywhere! 
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
“I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please, don’t ask me who I am.” - Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Day 9 - Trust
Who does your character trust?
Eden trusts Asra over anyone else. They don’t exactly have trust issues, but they aren’t naive either.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
I am the only one who can free me from this mess of mine.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
I hope you know that no matter what happens in time, you will always, forever be the warmest home for me. Nothing and no one can ever replace your warmth.
Lukas W. // Your warmth
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Day 8 - Favourites
Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favourite ice cream flavor? Colour? Song? Flower?
Eden loves pumpkin bread and most kinds of tea. They love the colour green. They enjoy exercising and going to the market. Even if they’re not going to buy anything, Eden just enjoys looking at the wares.
They like spicy food over sweet food and can handle food that is very spicy. 
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silent moments we shared. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you. Because it’s about you, it’s always about you.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
I can’t bring myself to tell my friends how bad I really got.
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
everything I want to say / I swallow
Lyric Hunter, from “A Garden,” Swallower
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nowhereboundkids · 5 years
Day 7 - Memory pt. 2
Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?
Eden’s memory is gone for the most part. They don’t remember most of their life. If they had the choice, they would rather remember everything in its entirety, because having missing pieces of their memory has created a lot of doubt, uncertainty and stress in their life.
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