nowegood · 2 months
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nowegood · 2 months
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nowegood · 2 months
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nowegood · 3 months
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Ich habe meinen Abschluss gemacht.👩🏻‍🎓
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nowegood · 3 months
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nowegood · 3 months
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nowegood · 3 months
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nowegood · 5 months
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nowegood · 5 months
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nowegood · 5 months
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隐于市 心诚则达
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nowegood · 5 months
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nowegood · 8 months
During the Chinese New Year celebration, my family and I prepare a lot of food, and among them, the specialty I excel at making is twisted dough sticks. I grew up at my grandmother's house, where she taught me how to deep-fry twisted dough sticks. This year, I made my first attempt at frying them myself.
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Kneading the dough is a crucial step, as the quality of the flour and the degree of fermentation directly affect the texture of the twisted dough sticks. I usually add some white sugar to the flour to increase the sweetness, and then two fresh eggs to give the dough more chewiness. After mixing the flour, yeast, white sugar and eggs in a container until well combined, I seal the container and place it in a relatively warm place to promote rapid fermentation.
Knead the well-fermented dough until it forms a ball about the size of two fists in diameter.
Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a circular disc about 1cm thick. The disc should be as round as possible and evenly thick.
Use a knife to cut the circular disc into several strips, each about 2cm wide, all in the same direction. I try to make the cuts in one go so that each strip is as close to 2cm wide as possible.
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I then twist each strip of dough and carefully place them into the hot oil. I fry them until they turn golden brown, and then I remove them from the pot.
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nowegood · 10 months
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nowegood · 10 months
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DALIAN WENBO ART GALLERY: Zhang Jiarui Gourd Painting and Exlibris Works Exhibition
To the left on the ground floor of the museum lies a splendid and elegant exhibition hall. Inside, an extensive collection of domestic and international prints extends from the floor to the ceiling, virtually covering every wall. However, these prints are meticulously framed, neatly arranged in their designated spaces, forming an even more spectacular composition.
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Fortunately, upon my arrival at the museum, the curator was providing explanations to visitors about the process of printmaking. Unfortunately, I couldn't comprehend a word. So, I decided to relax and simply appreciate these lovely artworks!
On the right side of the museum's ground floor is the preface section written by the creator of this exhibition, Mr. Zhang Jiarui. It narrates Mr. Zhang's personal story of how he became enamored with calabash painting and his desire to convey life's attitude through this unique plant: 人各有脸面,由各种或明或暗的原因,便呈现出善脸与恶脸、好脸与坏脸、真脸与假脸、忠脸与奸脸、大脸与小脸、笑脸与苦脸,千变万化,难解难察,人世沧桑,世态炎凉,都能在面孔上呈现,特作瓢画,或可鉴人?
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The process of making a Mezzotint print
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The staircase leading from the ground floor to the second floor is exceptionally elegant. Wooden stairs and handrails, worn red carpet, and paintings adorning the walls give it a distinctly vintage feel.
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"Upon reaching the second floor, I was immediately captivated by this luxurious sofa, as it was simply dazzling. The mural above the sofa renders the entire scene harmoniously elegant, transporting anyone who sits on it back to a bygone era.
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nowegood · 10 months
And in these next 50 years you will eat so many delicious meals, laugh so many times with so many people you love, shout and scream and sing and cry and smile so hard your face hurts. And you will see such beautiful sunsets and feel fresh cold air on your face and feel warm and safe wrapped up in your favourite winter coat.
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nowegood · 10 months
My initial encounter with the beauty of autumn.
If a person in their twenties hasn't fully embraced the entirety of autumn, does that not sound absurd? During my adolescence, all my time was devoted to exams. Not only did I miss out on autumn, but I haven't even fully experienced all four seasons. After completing nearly all of my studies and securing a stable job, I've made the decision to compensate for lost time and immerse myself in the autumn of 2023.
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Waking up on a clear and crisp morning, I resolved to traverse the forest on a bicycle, captivated by the dappled play of light known as the d'Arsonval effect within the woodland.
The foliage of Rhus typhina has begun to be red.
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Autumn symbolizes abundance. The neighbor's vegetable garden is laden with a bountiful harvest, bringing joy to me.
On a beautiful afternoon, as I passed through the park, I stumbled upon this grove of ginkgo trees. The ginkgo nuts were nearing maturity, and the golden leaves gracefully fell to the ground, creating a carpet of shimmering gold. Joyfully, I immersed myself in the midst of the ginkgo trees. In that moment, the world stood still, and autumn belonged to me alone.
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One day, weary of the daily grind, I decided to take a break from work and strolled through the park. It's a park just ten kilometers away from my home, a place I lived near for over a year in my childhood. However, on that day, I had the first opportunity to earnestly observe and immerse myself in its ambiance.The grassy expanse, fallen leaves, towering trees, and the chorus of birds create a comforting ambiance. A continuous flow of energy is transmitting from the ground to my body beneath my feet—this is the force of nature, my spiritual elixir.
Yet, my heart was deeply captivated by a majestic Platanus orientali. It stood quietly in the middle of the park, its grandeur accentuated by the surrounding unknown small trees. People lingered at its base, occasionally opening their arms in an attempt to measure its diameter. For some reason, I found solace in simply gazing at it from a distance of 50 meters.
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Ten Days of a Platanus orientali.
There's a tree here that I can't quite put a name to. Honestly, before fully immersing myself in interactions with robots, I majored in botany. Looking back, it's such a lovely discipline! Imagine a life where you get to spend every day with plants, how wonderful would that be?
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A tourist kindly took a photo of me with this Platanus orientali. Together, we marveled at the greatness of this plane tree and then discussed the impending temperature drop, realizing that the current scenic beauty might be reaching its final days. Finally, I reciprocated by taking a photo of the Platanus orientali. After expressing mutual gratitude, we bid farewell.
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This is the first time I've ever appreciated autumn in my hometown. Living in such a lovely city but not experiencing its distinct seasons has been a curse for me. But I'm determined to break free from it.
Looking up is always full of surprises! Branches and leaves weave above, a natural gift and offering. Pine and ginkgo trees entwine and create a masterpiece against the sky canvas!
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I really like the brand Patagonia.
Recently, it has been snowing continuously. Snowfall marks the end of autumn, and the arrival of a cold winter. To have experienced such a beautiful autumn and created unforgettable memories at the age of twenty-something, even if I were to pass away next year, I would have no regrets. Autumn, the season of my birth, the season that grants me life and strength. As winter passes, spring is not far away. Where will I be next autumn? Will I still be alive? How will my mindset change? Will I have grown into a better person? I look forward to a better autumn and a better version of myself.
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nowegood · 10 months
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