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𝐚 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨��𝐫.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
HI ! so i’m not dropping weiss , but i am moving her &. from now on she can be found @combatdust  !  mwah.
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
i know my weiss is basically irrelevant to this rpc , WHICH IS FINE , but it’s also why i’m just popping on to say that i’m heavily considering dropping her ? as a muse ? she definitely hasn’t been a priority muse for me over the last few months / this volume and i just. idk , i feel weird having her now. : ( i’m not set on my choice just yet , but ya’ll know where to find me otherwise. mwah.
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
just poppin on to be obnoxious and say that weiss Loves vernal with all her heart thank u
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
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i rlly loved the idea of vernal in a muscle tank.  i drew this as a lil gift for @nowdefy!  I Love You So Much Zero ( and vern loves weiss ♡ ) 
please don’t reblog unless you’re zero!
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
ship tags !
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
Fluffy sentence meme
Send one to my muse for their reaction
“You’re so cute, I could just eat you right up.”
“I’m a koala, and you’re my eucalyptus tree!”
“I want a baby. Or ten.”
“Stop booping my nose!”
“You’re really warm.”
“I might have stolen your sweater.”
“Do you want my sweater?”
“Hold my hand.”
“Will you go on a date with me?”
“I love the way you smile.”
“You’re blushing!”
“You’re making me blush!”
“I’m not blushing, honest.”
“You need a password to enter the blanket fort.”
“Can we stay in bed?”
“I’m going to cook you dinner.”
“I ran you a bath.”
“Want to take a bath?”
“Are you just going to keep playing with my hair?”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Stay the night?”
“You’re pretty.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
funny  how  onions  are  just  as  loud  ,  too . . . 
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
im just saying taunting me is the Worst thing u can do bc i will come back n knife u at full force
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
@becomeshield  said  :   "i never got a chance to tell you, everything kind of went crazy and has been going a thousand miles per hour since beacon but," he sighs, "i just wanted to say i'm sorry. for how i treated you back at school. i was stupid and desperate and i never once thought how all that ridiculous /wooing/ i tried to do made you feel. i just thought that, y'know, if i kept trying, you'd change your mind. but i never stopped to try and be your friend, first. and i'm sorry for that."
this  was  def  prompted.
      many  things  have  been  proven  to  be  unexpected  in  weiss’  life  ;  some  lingering  in  the  past  where  they  belong  after  being  realized  ,  &.  some  slowly  being  made  crystalline  in  the  present  the  more  she  &.  others  around  her  grow  throughout  this  grueling  test  of  strength  they  call  a  journey.  jaune  in  this  moment  is  no  different.  when  they  have  a  moments  rest  at  saphron ‘ s  homestead  ,  weiss  can  be  found  bundled  up  in  front  of  the  fireplace  ,  heavy  lids  falling  over  baby  blues  &.  crown  of  tundra  locks  dipping  until  familiarity  calls  her  name  &.  calls  her  elsewhere.  (  though  not  without  a  grumpy  /  child  -  like  mumble  as  she  follows  behind.  ) what  could  he  possibly  wish  to  tell  her  that  he  couldn ‘ t  say  in  front  of  the  rest  of  their  team  mates  ?  is  it  really  that  important  ?  weiss  wonders  if  it ‘ s  to  simply  discuss  her  role  in  the  crazy�� plan  thought  up  by  an  even  crazier  mind  ,  even  going  so  far  as  to  open  her  mouth  &.  carry  the  beginnings  of  a  speech  on  silver  forged  tongue  ,  but  when  jaune  speaks  ,  it ‘ s  as  though  vocals  are  strangled  in  the  back  of  throat.  breathless.  ‘  i ‘ m  sorry  ‘  ,  he  says  ,  followed  by  explanation  that  makes  something  foreign  pool  in  pits  of  gut.   
      golden  boy  certainly  wouldn ‘ t  have  been  the  first  to  make  such  flamboyant  (  &.  equal  parts  annoying  )  displays  for  her  affections  ,  acting  out  as  though  schnee  girl  was  a  mere  prize  &.  wanting  her  for  the  bragging  rights  &.  social  uprise  that  anyone  craves  like  something  sweet  &.  addictive.  it ‘ s  nice  to  be  wanted  ,  sure  ,  but  not  like  that.  not  to  benefit  one  rather  than  both.   a  younger  ,  more  spiteful  weiss  would  have  surely  treated  this  sudden  confessional  with  naught  but  an  annoyance  spawned  groan  &.  a  twirl  of  petite  frame  so  dramatic  her  ponytail  would  smack  jaune  right  in  the  face  ,  but  instead  she ‘ s  listening  closely  ,  breaking  down  each  syllable  ,  analyzing  them  as  though  her  life  depends  on  it.  daint  fingers  curl  into  fabrics  of  skirt  so  racing  heartbeat  may  be  eased  with  the  distraction.  inhale.  exhale.
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      ❛  you  were  intolerable.  &.  you  made  my  blood  boil  more  than  anyone  has  ever  manged  &.  every  time  you  so  much  as  breathed  in  my  direction i  wanted  to  scream  ,  but  --  i ‘ m  proud  of  you  for  this.  &.  i  accept  your  apology.   ❜   more  so  than  she ‘ s  letting  on  ,  actually.  no  one  has  ever  made  an  effort  to  appease  their  wrongs  to  her  like  this  ,  like  she ‘ s  worth  the  kind  &.  heartfelt  words.  if  jaune  were  to  look  closely  ,  he  could  see  the  faintest  of  smiles  upcurling  edges  of  peach  tiers  ,  wilting  ever  slightly  as  diamond  gaze  averts  to  the  side  in  her  own  shame.  she ‘ s  not  innocent  in  any  of  this  either  ;  she ‘ s  spat  her  fair  share  of  venom  &.  frost  in  his  direction  plenty  of  times  ,  none  of  it  justified  despite  her  past  frustrations.  ❛   i think . . .  i  owe  you  an  apology  ,  too  ,  actually.   i  was  rude  &.  spiteful  &.  neither  my  past  or  upbringing  could  ever  justify  how  mean  i  was  to  you  back  then.  &.  i ‘ m  sorry.  ❜   this  is  a  first  ,  no  ?  admitting  her  faults  &.  swallowing  the  pride  that  radiates  so  brightly  within  regal  veins.  how  unheard  of.  this  definitely  isn ‘ t  the  boy  she  first  encountered  at  beacon  anymore  ,  is  it  ?  the  aura  around  him  is  mature  ,  like  freshly  polished  gold  shining  in  all  its  valiant  radiance.  she ‘ s  proud.  so  proud.          ❛  . . .  we  were  both  pretty  awful  ,  weren ‘ t  we  ?  like  stupid  kids.  i ‘ ll  make  it  up  to  you  after  this  is  all  over.  ❜   &.  that ‘ s  a  promise.
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
n e way. new icon / header. : sparkle emoji :
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
u know with enough plotting iceberg would be cute js
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
anyway its sinday and i typically like keeping spicy stuff to sideblogs but weiss doesnt have one So. just know shes a really bratty pillow princess. ty.
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
weiss fights while ice skating When
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
me ?? incorporating blues vernal teaching weiss to fight dirty into my portrayal ?? Absolutely : )
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
someone should give me a plot with this big bad gang leader and his super soft and cute girlfriend that has him wrapped around her finger. like he’s a feared man, which she doesn’t really care about. and she’s there to patch him up and while he usually tries to hide her away from the cruel world he’s in whenever he isn’t there with her, she just patiently waits for him when he’s out and about doing his business and he’s so fascinated by her and no matter how much of a bad guy he is, he’s just so soft for her and he’d do anything for her!!! and then his most precious possession gets kidnaped and shit goes down snsnsns
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nowdefy-moved · 5 years ago
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im about to head to bed bc work in the morning , but Look At Weiss. thank u.
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