nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
Nowaki unpacked one of his boxes and threw the empty box to the side, “Well they have your name on it! I couldn’t bring myself to rip up your name or throw it out!” He said, looking at Hiroki with a pout on his face.
Hiroki pouted “I don’t care Nowaki wrote them so I have too read them..besides why DIDNT you throw them away?! If you didn’t want me reading them?!” He questioned the taller male.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“Fine…” He sighed, “They all say the same thing anyway. About how much I missed you and all that.” Nowaki bent down and started taking things out of one of his boxes. “I told you I was thinking about you the whole time I was there.” He said, looking up at Hiroki.
“Ah, I know. I was never really one who liked to throw stuff away, you know?” Nowaki said as he dropped a pile of boxes onto the floor. “Thanks for helping me move, Hiro-san!” He gave his lover a warm smile, “I’m sure you could’ve found something better to do than organize my stuff.” Nowaki said, chuckling softly.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“No, Hiro-san, they’re embarrassing! Please don-..!” Nowaki’s voice was cut off as Hiroki teared open the envelope and read one of his letters out loud. He wasn’t one to blush, but as Hiroki read the letters he wrote, his face turned into a deep red shade. Nowaki ripped the letter out of Hiroki’s hands and hugged it to his chest, “I told you they were embarrassing! Don’t read any more!”
“Ah, I know. I was never really one who liked to throw stuff away, you know?” Nowaki said as he dropped a pile of boxes onto the floor. “Thanks for helping me move, Hiro-san!” He gave his lover a warm smile, “I’m sure you could’ve found something better to do than organize my stuff.” Nowaki said, chuckling softly.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
Nowaki was preoccupied organizing some of the stuff in his draws, “Hm? What lett-..” He turned around, looking at Hiroki holding the bag of letters that he never sent him while he was away. Nowaki sprinted over and yanked the bag from Hiroki’s grip, “No! Don’t look at them!”
“Ah, I know. I was never really one who liked to throw stuff away, you know?” Nowaki said as he dropped a pile of boxes onto the floor. “Thanks for helping me move, Hiro-san!” He gave his lover a warm smile, “I’m sure you could’ve found something better to do than organize my stuff.” Nowaki said, chuckling softly.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“Ah, I know. I was never really one who liked to throw stuff away, you know?” Nowaki said as he dropped a pile of boxes onto the floor. “Thanks for helping me move, Hiro-san!” He gave his lover a warm smile, “I’m sure you could’ve found something better to do than organize my stuff.” Nowaki said, chuckling softly.
“Because this is the last chance for you.” He said as he got out of the pool placing his wet clothing on. “Lets go home before we end up staying the night here…” He said placing his shoes on.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
He smiled at Hiroki, “I promise I won’t mess it up, Hiro-san!” He climbed out of the pool after Hiroki and slid his clothes on as well. “Hopefully no one sees us as we’re walking out of here.” Nowaki said as he made his way out of the pool area.
“Because this is the last chance for you.” He said as he got out of the pool placing his wet clothing on. “Lets go home before we end up staying the night here…” He said placing his shoes on.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“I won’t Hiro-san.” Nowaki said as he pushed Hiroki’s wet hair off of his face and kissed his forehead. “I promise, I’ll never leave you again.” He held him close, “You’re the most important thing in my life, Hiro-san. I’m not going to lose you.”
Aloud whimper left him as his head went back into the water the man was in so much pleasure “N-Nowaki I’ve been holding it so long…please fan in realease?” He said asking like a child to Nowaki.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“I’ve been holding it too Hiro-san..” Nowaki said before he reached his own climax and came inside of the older man. He pulled himself out of Hiroki and gave him yet another kiss on the lips. “See, I told you no one would catch us.”
Aloud whimper left him as his head went back into the water the man was in so much pleasure “N-Nowaki I’ve been holding it so long…please fan in realease?” He said asking like a child to Nowaki.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
Nowaki continued thrusting in and out of Hiroki, but quickened his pace as time progressed. He tilted his head down and nudged Hiroki’s neck, “You’re all mine, Hiro-san.” Nowaki whispered into his lover’s ear with a smirk on his face. 
He felt himself being placed by the end of the pool as he lifted his legs up towards Nowaki as he felt him grabbing his legs. As he closed his eyes tightly as he yelped slight already, as he wrapped his arms around digging his head into his neck as his hot warm breath was on Nowaki’s neck softly.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
Nowaki’s body shivered as he felt Hiroki’s warm breath against his cool skin. He placed his arms around Hiroki’s lower back, holding onto him tightly. Then, he gently pushed his member inside of the brunette completely, letting out a short groan in the process. Nowaki began to slowly thrust up into Hiroki, allowing a few quiet moans to escape his lips as he proceeded.
He felt himself being placed by the end of the pool as he lifted his legs up towards Nowaki as he felt him grabbing his legs. As he closed his eyes tightly as he yelped slight already, as he wrapped his arms around digging his head into his neck as his hot warm breath was on Nowaki’s neck softly.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
Nowaki stared back at Hiroki and gave him a smile as well, “I love you, Hiro-san.” He said before wrapping his arms around Hiroki and giving him a kiss on the lips. Nowaki lifted Hiroki into the position the two of them were in before and pushed him against the ledge of the pool. “Now it’s my turn to pleasure you.” He said as he pressed the head of his length to Hiroki’s entrance.
Hiroki was about to lose his left breath as he was about to come back up Nowaki realised into his mouth he came back up swallowing everything that was in his mouth as he took a deep breath as he stared at Nowaki deeply into his eyes as he slightly smiled. “….” He stayed silent existing for nowaki to make his claim
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
After a year of being without Hiroki, there were no words that were able to describe the immense pleasure Nowaki was receiving as Hiroki sucked on his entire member. Nowaki closed his eyes and tilted his head back, trying to hold his release. “I don’t know how long I can last, Hiro-san.” He said in between moans.
He shivered. “I-it still…scary…to be csught…” He said as one of his normal girlish moans come out. What so best made him sound amazingly adorable. As he wrapped his arms around Nowaki as he softly tug on his shirt. As he pulled off over his head as he wrapped his legs around his waist since they were in water it was much more lighter and easier.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“Ah, okay.” He said, unsure of what his lover was about to do. In a matter of seconds, he felt Hiroki grab onto his length and suck onto his tip. Nowaki watched Hiroki, though it was hard to see him clearly under the water, the sight was still erotic. “Nngh, Hiro-san!” He groaned and tugged on the strands of Hiroki’s hair under the water.
He shivered. “I-it still…scary…to be csught…” He said as one of his normal girlish moans come out. What so best made him sound amazingly adorable. As he wrapped his arms around Nowaki as he softly tug on his shirt. As he pulled off over his head as he wrapped his legs around his waist since they were in water it was much more lighter and easier.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“Just try not to be so loud, I think we’ll be fine.” He said, giving Hiroki a reassuring kiss on the lips. “Your moans are so cute, Hiro-san.” Nowaki said before he started teasing Hiroki’s nipples, pinching at one of them. “Everything about you is so cute.” After giving attention to Hiroki’s torso, he tugged of his lover’s underwear and gently pushed two of his fingers into his Hiroki’s entryway.
He shivered. “I-it still…scary…to be csught…” He said as one of his normal girlish moans come out. What so best made him sound amazingly adorable. As he wrapped his arms around Nowaki as he softly tug on his shirt. As he pulled off over his head as he wrapped his legs around his waist since they were in water it was much more lighter and easier.
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nowakiiikusamaa-blog · 11 years
“Hm, I doubt anyone will even come in here. I didn’t even know this room was here until now.” He said as he took Hiroki’s top off and threw it on the ledge of the pool. “Besides, even if someone catches us, it’s not like I’m your student anymore.” Nowaki said before attacking Hiroki’s neck and lowering his hands to undo his lover’s pants.
Hiroki stayed silent as he wrapped his arms around him. He stayed silent until he pressed his lips against him closing his eyes tightly as his tears still fell from his eyes.
As he placed his hands on top of Nowakis hand to deepen the kiss. Maybe this is the way to forgive him? Then Actually saying anything.
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