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novocainenightmare · 4 days
Stress having physical effects is so stupid your body's just like "you've been having a real shit time and I'm about to make it worse" I hope you die I hope we both die
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novocainenightmare · 6 days
Talmudic insult of the day “vinegar, son of wine” (said to someone who has a cool dad)
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novocainenightmare · 6 days
I hate buses so much. Trains are easy, reliable, straightforward. No nonsense. You can trust them. Buses are evil, deceitful creatures who delight in your suffering
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novocainenightmare · 6 days
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novocainenightmare · 6 days
we really devolved as a society when we stopped using fully painted pictures on romance novels and started using cheap photoshop instead 
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novocainenightmare · 6 days
*casts fireball*
*casts fireball*
*casts fireball*
*casts thunderwave*
*casts fireball*
*casts magic missile, 3rd level*
*casts ice storm, 4th level*
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novocainenightmare · 7 days
A frustrating part of the mainstream vegan “love all animals and protect the environment” mindset is the fact that things need to die in real-life ecology all the time but deer hunting season makes icky feelings and carp culls aren’t cottagecore
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novocainenightmare · 7 days
I respect poetry so much because it does what I cannot do - say so much with so little.
When I have something Much to say, it takes me just as many words to say it. I say it with words that are each of them bland and common, unimaginative by their lonesome, with the hopes that if I stack so many together and squeeze a single drop of Much from each that it might flow into something meaningful.
When I have something to say, I say it twice. I say it three times. Because the first or second may not have captured the point. Because I do not trust myself to express the full essence saying it just once. Like just now, those last two sentences. I’ll repeat myself a third time for good measure - because I do not say it right just once or twice.
Poems say things in only a half, only a quarter. They choose single words worth more than ten of mine. I want to know how their minds shop for words. I want to distill myself like poets do. I want to trade in all my too many common words for the way they use an extraordinary few.
If I keep writing this, I’ll write it forever. I’ll explain myself again, as I have already, as I’m doing now. With more and different other words, with the hope of saying myself fully, like how all the hatched and messy wanton scribbles from a pen might finally color in a page. I want to change that. I want to not rip the page I’ve oversaturated by the tip of my pen.
I’ll start tomorrow, maybe, to explain myself less.
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novocainenightmare · 7 days
this video i found on pinterest kicks ass
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novocainenightmare · 8 days
i’m so tired i need to be held or killed
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novocainenightmare · 8 days
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me getting silly in the pussy if im being honest ?
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novocainenightmare · 10 days
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novocainenightmare · 10 days
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Dogs have had many jobs throughout history, in this case: Revenge.
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novocainenightmare · 11 days
i learned about Shiniuzhai, a convenience store hanging on a cliff in Hunan, that’s been nicknamed “most inconvenient convenience store” in China (x)
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novocainenightmare · 11 days
note to self: if you print a t-shirt with a speech bubble saying "ask me about my OCs" in 2014, you will inevitably accidentally wear it on a work teams call a decade later
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novocainenightmare · 11 days
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All 13 full moons of 2023
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