Avatar fanatic ~ Horror movie enthusiast ~ AO3 Avatar writer - httpsvnoo
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With Binds To My Spirit
Locorro - Spider centric (this is cross posted on AO3 by me using a different account- account name: httpsvnoo)
The scorching sun beats down on the village as it always does, and how it will continue to do so. Na'vi wandering around doing their daily tasks and chores to contribute to helping the village. Warriors fish out in the open water for food for the village to feast on. Others are seated by the shore weaving baskets and other sorts of things. This was the everyday norm for the Metkayina.
Spider is sat on a rock with his friends. Said friends consisting of the Sully children and the Olo'eyktan's children along with their friend. They are sat in a circle somewhat near the water as they talk about something Spider has since lost track of a while ago. He's zoned out as he holds a hand on the back of his jaw. His face twisted into one of pain and discomfort. He has been feeling excruciating pain at the back of his mouth for days. He doesn't know what it is or what it could be. It has never happened to him before. The pain seems to get worse as the days pass, and his body is seeming to take a toll. He feels weak and sluggish all the time since this pain has begun. His face most certainly feels swollen and sore as the days go by. He doesn't particularly like the way his face feels or looks with the extreme swelling.
As he contemplates everything that has been occurring these past few days with his mouth situation, he also fails to notice the worried looks the others keep sending his way every now and then. Spider may think he's slick, but the others can see through his facade. It's obvious something has been bothering the human these past few days. They all noticed how he would hold his jaw with his face scrunched up in pain. He just seemed to ignore the pain and go on with his daily chores. It was like he was neglecting his health and his need for help.
They also noticed how he wasn't his usual bubly self. Instead of talking about whatever came to mind, he stayed silent and only spoke short sentences when spoken directly to. Spider never acts like this and they wanted to figure out what was going on with him.
Spider only zones back in to the conversation when he feels a hand on his lower back rubbing the space there. He blinks a few times and looks to where the hand is coming from. He's faced with Lo'ak looking at him with a concerned expression. His brows are furrowed in worry and concentration as he tries to figure out what is wrong with Spider. "You okay, Spider?" Lo'ak asks as he continues rubbing Spider's lower back to soothe him. His words are loud enough to make the others look over at them in question and concern when they see Spider's face twisted in pain. "Monkey boy, what's wrong?" Kiri asks as she stalks forward and bends down to be face level with him. She looks over his body to see if there are any visible wounds but finds nothing. "It's nothing, I'm fine." Spider replies quietly and turns his head away from Kiri's prying hands. "It doesn't look like nothing, Spider. Tell us what's wrong." Tsireya says gently with a concerned expression.
"Yeah, you've been out of it these past days." Rotxo says with a slight frown. Spider sighs softly, "It's just that the back of my mouth has been hurting for a few days. I don't know why. And my face is all swollen, it's horrible." Spider explains softly as he rubs the underside of his jaw delicately. "Why didn't you say anything? You could've gone to the Tsahìk to get checked out." Neteyam says disappointed, his face scrunched up in deep worry for the older boy. "I didn't want to bother anyone." Spider says quietly as he continues to gently rub the area under his jaw to soothe the pain "You're not a bother, Spider. Come on, let's go get you checked out." Lo'ak says before standing up and taking Spider's hand to pull him up. "No, it's okay. I'll get it checked out if it worsens over time." Spider pulls back slightly with a shake of his head that makes his head pound. "Spider-" Neteyam begins to argue but is interrupted by Spider pleading with him. "Please, I promise I'm fine. If it gets worse, I'll tell you guys and let the Tsahìk look at it." Spider begs the slightly younger boy with tired eyes. Neteyam battles with himself internally about whether or not he should let Spider continue being in pain or have him get checked out by the Tsahìk. He eventually gives in to Spider's plea, but he will personally drag him to the healers marui to look over him. "You promise you'll tell us?" Neteyam asks with a series glint in his amber eyes. "I promise." Spider nods and manages a small smile before urging them to continue their conversation that they stopped to check on him.
This time he pays attention to the topic being discussed and only pitches in when being addressed, but at least he was contributing to the conversation. He just desperately hopes that this excruciating pain goes away with time. He can't even eat correctly with whatever is happening in the back of his mouth.
After they finish talking, he'll just go off to his personal shack a little ways away from everyone. Jake had asked the Olo'eyktan if he could have one as a place to stay. Tonowari had agreed as long as it was away from the eyes of the people. The Metkayina were still wary and shaken about the Sky People despite the fact that they have grown to like Spider. He didn't really mind, though.
Spider is lounging inside his personal shack with his friends spaced out around the living room section. He's seated at his desk as he was previously working on something but stopped doing it due to a severe headache. His head was throbbing and pounding as he takes in his surroundings. He rubs the sides of his head in a feeble attempt to soothe the ache but it does absolutely nothing to ease it.
He wears actual human clothes inside his personal shack due to the fact that it was quite cold inside. But he can't lie and say that the clothes Norm left for him are not comfortable. When his friends arrived at his shack to hand out with him, he was already wearing a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. They were very comfy articles of clothing.
Spider gets up from his seat on his desk chair to go to the bathroom. His hoodie is pulled up hiding his face as he passes by the group of Na'vi sitting around his small living room doing various things. They take notice of his presence moving to another place in his shack and look up at him as he walks by quietly.
"Are you okay, Spider?" Tsireya asks softly as Spider walks by them in silence. He simply waves a hand in a 'not good' sign.
"Not good?" Kiri says dejectedly recognizing the hand sign as Spider nods faintly before heading to his bathroom.
The others frown sympathetically at his sluggish state. He has been progressively getting worse and worse as the day went on. No one seems to know what is happening to him. They all go back to what they were doing as they wait for Spider to come out of the bathroom.
Everyone suddenly comes to an abrupt halt when their sensitive hearing catches the sound of a loud thud. Everyone looks at each other confused for a moment and turns to where the sound was heard. It was heard from the bathroom where Spider was.
"Spider?" Lo'ak calls out the older boy's name just loud enough for him to hear.
No answer.
"Spider? Are you okay?" Kiri says a little bit louder than Lo'ak as she feels something in her stomach churning uncomfortably.
No answer.
The pure silence that follows Kiri and Lo'ak's questions make a wave of fear wash over the others as they look at each other with panic beginning to form.
"I'm going to go check on him." Neteyam stands up from the couch and begins walking to the bathroom. He takes a breath from the mask as he approaches the door.
"Spider?" Neteyam calls out softly as he knocks on the door.
Once again, no answer.
"I'm opening the door." Neteyam says before pulling on the door handle which in surprisingly unlocked. Weird.
When Neteyam opens the door, he's met with the sight of Spider lying on the bathroom floor. He appears to be sleeping. Neteyam smiles lightly at the sight and bends down to wake the boy up.
"Hey, Spider. Come on, wake up." Neteyam shakes the boy gently. Spider doesn't even stir. That begins to send alarms blaring in Neteyam's head.
"Spider?" Neteyam shakes him harder. No movement whatsoever from the human boy. Neteyam quickly lifts an arm in the air before letting it go. The arm drops back to the floor as if Spider were deadweight... lifeless.
"Guys! Kiri go get dad!" Neteyam yells for the others who immediately spring up into action to see what was happening.
Neteyam immediately grabs a pillow from a nearby chair outside the bathroom and slides it under Spider's head. He frantically taps the older boy gently on the cheeks to wake him up. The others rush over to assess the situation and are immediately put into panic at the sight of Neteyam trying to wake Spider up. Kiri instantly rushes outside the shack to go get her father with Tuk rushing behind her.
Lo'ak then comes beside Neteyam to check on Spider. He's frantic and panicky as he doesn't know what's wrong with Spider. The two brothers go on opposite sides of Spider and carefully drag him outside of the small bathroom so he has room around him. When they set him down, Spider begins to groan in pain from being jostled too much as his eyes flutter open slightly. His eyes lidded with fatigue.
"'Teyam...Lo'ak..." Spider mumbles as he barely makes out the figures leaning over him. Lo'ak keeps a hand on Spider's thigh as a sign for Spider to know that he was there.
"We're right here, Spider." Neteyam whispers to Spider as he tries to smile at the boy despite the sheer panic he feels at this very moment.
"Help me..." Spider pleads with the two Na'vi pitifully. This was probably the most vulnerable Spider has ever been with them in his life. Spider acting like this only makes everyone's nerves skyrocket.
"You're gonna get help, Spi. Dad's on his way." Lo'ak brushes a hand on Spider's cheek as a form of comfort. Spider seems to lean into the warmth and pressure despite the pain he's feeling.
Jake soon bounds inside the shack with the Olo'eyktan, Tsahìk, his daughters, and Neytiri following right behind. The shack was now crowded with too many Na'vi than the shack was able to hold. But that didn't deter anyone. Jake immediately dropped to his knees to take a look at the child; Lo'ak moving towards the side to give space for his dad to further check Spider.
"Spider? Hey, kiddo. I'm right here." Jake says softly as he leans over the boy so he could see him.
"Jake, I don't feel so good." Spider says in a slurred and delirious manner. It was like he couldn't talk right. His tongue felt heavy and everything hurts. His body feels like it weighs tons.
The others present in the room feel another wave of panic rush through their veins. Spider couldn't even talk right. They need to find out what is wrong with Spider immediately and treat it as soon as possible.
"Your face is all swollen buddy. What happened?" Jake winces at the sight of Spider's puffed up face.
"The back of my mouth hurts. Everything hurts." Spider slurs as he flutters his eyes open and close. Jake's brows furrow at the information given to him as he looks at his kids in question.
"Can you open your mouth as wide as you can?" Jake asks.
Spider complies even if it hurts and opens his mouth the widest his swollen face will allow him. It's not as wide, to be honest. Jake carefully peeks inside and looks at the back of Spider's mouth to see what was causing him such extreme discomfort to the point he passed fainted. He was certainly not expecting to see four teeth popping out of his gums where his wisdom teeth are. His eyes widen at the gruesome sight.
"What is it? What is wrong with him?" Ronal speaks sharply.
"His wisdom teeth have come in." Jake explains as he eases Spider to close his mouth and relax the best he can.
"What are wisdom teeth?" Tuk asks confused and worried for Spider.
"They are teeth that are hidden in the back of the mouth for humans. They don't come out until a certain age, though. But because they do that, it pushes on the gums of the mouth painfully. It sometimes can make people pass out due to the extreme pain. This seems to be the case with Spider." Jake explains to everyone.
"Is there anything I can do to heal him?" Ronal asks quickly as soon as Jake explained what Spider has.
"No, he needs instant medical attention with my friends that can help him." Jake explains making everyone else's eyes widen at the news.
"We need to call Max and Norm so they can take him back to Hell's Gate to help." Jake further explains to everyone who instantly starts to protest.
"Why can't they do it here? Why does he have to go back to the forest for this?" Kiri questions.
"They have all the supplies there that we don't have. He'll be in more unnecessary pain if we do it here." Jake says.
"Then we're going with him." Lo'ak decides firmly.
"No-" Jake begins to deny his son permission to go with him back to Hell's Gate, but he is rapidly interrupted by Lo'ak insisting he goes with.
"I'm going with Spider, end of discussion. I'm not arguing over this." Lo'ak says firmly as he eyes his father with a protective glint in his eyes.
Jake holds eye contact with his youngest son for a minute looking for something seemingly there. He doesn't find what he wants to find. He sighs heavily before nodding.
"Fine, you can go. Anyone else?" Jake groans as he looks up to the others present in the room.
All of his children put a hand up instantly once those words are uttered. Neytiri calmly raises a hand with zero words, this meaning she will go with no questions asked.
"We cannot go, but we will wait for his return as soon he is healthy again." Tonowari says with a sympathetic look on his face.
"We cannot go either, we must help the clan." Ao'nung says dejectedly as he motions to the other two kids beside him. He seemed like he wanted to come with them, but couldn't because of his duties.
"Alright, it's final. Kiri, do me a favor and radio Norm and Max to bring the Samson to pick Spider up for emergency purposes. We'll fly via ikran." Jake instructs his oldest daughter who nods and quickly leaves the shack to run to their marui.
"Thank you for allowing us to go, brother." Jake looks up at Tonowari who shakes his head.
"You need not thank me, brother. You are caring for one of your children." Tonowari motions a hand over at Spider still delirious on the floor.
"Okay, Spider, can you stand up?" Jake asks Spider who shakes his head softly.
"I can't move..." Spider slurs as his eyelids shut at how heavy they feel.
"That's not good..." Jake mutters.
"Why can he not move?" Neytiri speaks up with a sharp voice.
"It's the side effects to the wisdom teeth. They can sometimes affect your entire wellbeing." Jake explains.
Kiri rushes inside a few minutes later informing them that Norm and Max will be here in twenty minutes or less. Jake nods and thanks his eldest daughter as he gets ready to pick Spider up to take him outside of the shack to be ready for Norm and Max to take him.
"We need to get him to where our marui is so he's ready to be handed off to Norm and Max. He needs to be carried as he can't walk at the moment." Jake informs everyone who begins dispersing around the room to make space.
"He needs his mask before he goes outside." Neteyam supplies before he rushes off to go grab an exopack for Spider. He kneels down and carefully slips it over Spider's face once he has it in his possession.
"I'll carry him." Lo'ak steps up and moves to pick Spider up in a bridal position.
When Lo'ak picks up Spider with ease, the others inside the shack begin piling out. Of course, not forgetting to put the Na'vi sized maks back in their charging station.
Lo'ak walks back to the family marui in silence as he keeps a close eye on Spider held in his arms. He looks so vulnerable and small like this. His face was buried in Lo'ak's chest as he whined in pain. Lo'ak felt a strong protective urge fill his being as he feels the need to take away any ounce of pain Spider is feeling. He wishes he could do just that. He never liked seeing Spider in pain. It just didn't sit right with his heart.
But holding Spider like this makes his heart beat erratically at how close they are. If Spider didn't have his mask on, Lo'ak is positive that he would feel Spider's warm breath on his chest. Just the thought of it made him feel warm inside. He has always liked Spider a little more than he should, but can't help it. What was there not to like about him? He just makes Lo'ak so happy that he can't even explain it. He's not sure if Spider feels the same way, though. He doesn't really want to risk mentioning anything in fear of breaking the bond that they have. He hopes Spider likes him back.
Everyone in the family hears the sound of the blades spinning in the air loudly indicating that Max and Norm are here. The Samson is in sight from their marui as it prepares to land temporarily. The two scientists were only here to pick Spider up and take him directly to Hell's Gate to treat him. The family rush out to meet the scientists.
Max stays inside the Samson to move some things around for Spider to have space to lay down. Norm rushes toward the family, meeting them halfway to intercept Spider. In his Avatar, it is much easier to carry Spider compared to his human body. It was just more convenient for the time being.
"What's wrong with him?" Norm asks as soon as Spider is in his arms.
"It's his wisdom teeth. They're coming out and his body is taking a massive toll." Jake explains quickly as he wanted to waste zero time.
Norm nods at the information given to him and turns around to go place Spider inside the Samson. The family follows behind them hastily as they make sure Norm handles the human boy with the utmost care. Norm makes it to the Samson and carefully climbs on so he can place Spider on the seats in a lying down position. Max is going to stay in the back with Spider to make sure he doesn't fall or anything happens to him. Spider whines when Norm sets him down on the seat as he was jostled a bit; his face scrunching in pain.
"Did you see how bad they were?" Norm asks as he walks around the Samson to get inside the cockpit.
"They were sticking out of his gums. All four of them. I didn't even know he got them until Kiri came running to me saying he passed out in his shack a while ago." Jake explains as he follows behind Norm.
"Jesus, Jake..." Norm shakes his head with his face scrunched up at the news.
"I'll get him into surgery as soon as get back to Hell's Gate." Norm says as he prepares to hop inside the Samson but is stopped by Jake.
"We're coming with you as well. The kids didn't want to leave him alone." Jake says earning a nod from Norm before he hops inside the Samson.
"Follow behind us." Norm says before turning the Samson back on. Sand blows from the wind of the blades spinning.
Jake gives a curt nod as Norm begins to lift off the ground and takes off. Jake tells his family to call their ikran so they can follow right behind them. His family rushes off to do so. Tuk stays with Neytiri as she does not have her own ikran.
Very quickly, the whole family is ready. Jake looks over everyone one last time before yelling out a yip for his ikran to take flight. His family follows right after as they begin their flight back to the forest. It makes his stomach feel weird at the thought of returning back to the forest after all this time. It feels unreal, really.
When Norm and Max land, there are already other people waiting to take Spider inside to begin the operation. They would have to give him anesthesia prior to beginning the grueling process of removing his wisdom teeth. Norm feels horrible seeing Spider whine and groan from the intense pain he's feeling. Spider doesn't usually showcase if he feels any pain, but when he does, Norm knows whatever is causing him pain must be serious.
Once the Samson is turned off, Norm runs to the house where the Avatar drivers sleep so he can go back into his human body to operate on Spider. He makes the trip fairly quickly considering how far it is and hurries to transfer his consciousness back into his human body.
He wakes back up inside the capsule and quickly pushes it open so he can run to the room where Spider will be operated in. He's panting by the time he reaches the room. A few other scientists are around the room doing different things. But Norm is only focused on Spider sitting on the dental chair in the middle of the room barely keeping his eyes open. He walks over to Spider and leans over him just enough for the boy to see him clearly.
"Hey, kiddo. You doing okay?" Norm asks. Spider only replies with a slight shake of his head as he mutters something he can't quite understand.
"Don't worry, kid. You're going to be okay." Norm tries to comfort the human by rubbing his arm gently.
Max comes up to him and says that the anesthesia is ready to be administered when he was ready.
"Okay, Spider. Max is going to give you anesthesia to make you go to sleep so don't feel anymore pain. While you're sleeping we'll work on removing those wisdom teeth of yours. You okay with that?" Norm explains to the boy who lifts a hand to put a thumbs up.
"Attaboy." Norm chuckles before moving around the room to grab some more supplies that he'll need for the surgery.
Max rounds the chair and carefully takes off the exopack Spider still had on his face. He can tell that the kid seems reasonably better breathing without the exopack. He grabs the anesthetic mask and stands over Spider to position it correctly. He hooks the mask that covers the nose only and the anesthesia begins to go into his system little by little.
"Take deep breaths and you'll be fast asleep in no time." Max pats Spider's head gently as a way to comfort him.
Spider begins to take slow, but deep breaths like Max had said to do. Not even a few seconds later, he can feel his already droopy eyes falling shut little by little. His view of Max and Norm becomes blurry and unfocused. But he begins to forget about the pain and everything just shut down for him. His eyes finally shut, and he is out like a light. The last thing Spider thinks of is if the Sully's have made it yet. He wants to see them when he awakens, especially Lo'ak.
When Spider's eyes flutter open, his blurry vision catches something blue in front of him. Actually, he sees many blue blobs surrounding him. Some more bigger than others. He also feels something in his mouth, but he can't feel it either. He knows something is in his mouth based on what his tongue is touching, but he can't feel his entire mouth at all. It just feels numb.
His vision takes a while to fully come back to him. He squints his eyes at the blue figure in front of him and immediately recognizes the face.
"Lo'ak?" Spider says in question, though his words come out slurred and muffled due to the strange material in his mouth.
"Hey, Spi. How are you doing?" Lo'ak asks as he rubs Spider's covered arm.
"Fine." Spider replies as he looks around the unfamiliar room.
"Does anything feel different?" A new voice asks. It's deeper and more mature. He turns to the source of the voice and sees Jake standing to his other side looking concerned.
"It doesn't hurt anymore. I can't feel my mouth."Spider replies as he presses a finger to the underside of his jaw to test his theory.
"That's great!" Jake exclaims, a smile stretching on his lips.
"What is this?" Spider asks as he tries to take out whatever it is that is in his mouth, but he is stopped by a new pairs of hands gently guiding his hands away from his mouth.
"No, Spider. You can't touch those right now." A voice he recognizes as Neteyam, given that he's much more aware of his surroundings, speaks lowly.
"Why though?" Spider pries for answers. He looks at Neteyam like a kicked puppy.
"It's gauze. It's going to help soak up all the blood. You'll have to change them again in a bit after you eat." Norms voice rings throughout the room.
"Food?" Spider asks, perking up at the mention of eating.
"Yes, Spider, food." Norm chuckles at his behavior.
"Spider's acting weird." Tuk's voice pierces Spider's ears.
"It's the anesthetic in his system. It makes him act loopy and weird once he wakes up." Jake explains to his youngest daughter who awes at the explanation and giggles at Spider's antics.
"How long will he be like this?" Neytiri asks Norm as she watches over the human boy.
"He'll be like this for a few more hours. After this he'll need to take prescribed medication to help with the pain." Norm explains as he hands a white bottle to her containing the medicine.
"He will need to take one of these every eight hours to help with the pain. It should dissipate in about three days to a week." Norm supplies further earning a curt nod from the woman who makes a mental note to remind Spider to take his medicine.
"I want food." Spider whines, furrowing his brows making everyone laugh at how unhinged he is on anesthesia. It does not help the fact that he sounds funnier with the gauze in his mouth.
"You can have food, but it can only be liquids for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Norm explains to the human boy who looks at him in horror like he told him the worst news ever.
"So he can't eat or drink anything today?" Kiri asks incredulously.
"Unfortunately not, it slows down the healing process if he does." Norm explains.
"Only liquids?" Spider asks in a high pitched voice not wanting to believe what he was hearing. His shocked expression only makes the others around him grin at his antics.
"Yup." Norm nods.
"It's not fair!" Spider whines as he pulls the hood of the hoodie over his head and tightens the hood by pulling on the strings to hide his face.
"Eywa, I wish I was recording this right now. He will never live it down if he knows how he's acting right now." The sound of Kiri's voice echoes in the room, her cackles following after.
"Leave him alone, Kiri." Jake raises a brow at his daughter who rolls her eyes and raises her hands in surrender.
"Quick question, Spider." Norm says as he picks up something from a tabletop surface.
"What is it?" Spider slurs as he turns his head to face the man.
"Do you wanna see your teeth? They're in this little baggie if you want to." Norm shakes the small bag with a quirked brow.
"No, thank you. I'd like to keep my sanity." Spider replies wittily making Kiri snort. Lo'ak bites his lips to hide a loud laugh that's bubbling up his throat, Neteyam covers his mouth as he tries to stifle his laugh, while Tuk has no shame in laughing.
"Smartass." Norm mutters to himself with a grin as he places the baggie back on the tabletop surface.
Norm eventually has to leave the room to assist Max with something in the lab. He bids the others his goodbyes and exits the room.
Silence envelops the room once Norm leaves. Spider just ignores it and continues to fiddle with Lo'ak's bracelet. The two boys talk in hushed voices in the silence. The other kids join in their conversation after a moment. Jake and Neytiri just stand on the opposite side of the room and watch Spider being surrounded by their kids.
"Do you think he will be okay?" Neytiri finds herself whispering to her mate as she watches on.
"He will. Spider always gets back up in no time." Jake grins as he sees how gentle his kids are with Spider in his condition.
"The kids will make him feel much better than if he were here alone. He'll be jumping around in a few days, I'm sure." Jake looks at his mate with a knowing look.
"I hate to admit that you are right about that." Neytiri replies with a faint smile as she eyes Jake from the corner of her eye.
It has been a solid week since Spider has been in Hell's Gate healing. Just today, Spider finally got the okay to head back to Awa'atlu. While Spider was happy that he can go and see Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo again, he can't help but miss the forest once more. After so long he finally came back to the forest, only for him to leave a week later. It feels bittersweet.
Norm had informed him and the entire family of what to do to continue the healing process and that if something goes wrong, they need to call him immediately.
Now, he stands ready to fly back to Awa'atlu. This time he will be flying via ikran. Lo'ak's ikran to be specific. He feels all warm inside when Lo'ak pulls him up onto his ikran. The younger boy says for him to sit in front of him so he doesn't fall off. Spider complies with no question. But he really hopes that Lo'ak can't see how nervous and jittery he is with him sitting in front of his crush. His liking toward Lo'ak is pitiful, really. Why would Lo'ak ever like him?
He tenses slightly when Lo'ak reaches forward to perform tsaheylu with his ikran. The reason for him tensing was because Lo'ak was leaning directly on his back and draping over him. It made him feel a fluttery feeling in his stomach. His breath slightly fogging up the mask from how nervous he felt.
"You okay, Spi?" Lo'ak asks the older boy lowly.
"Yeah, I'm good to go." Spider replies back with his voice surprisingly even. His ears tinting red at his nerves.
Lo'ak chuckles at the way Spider is acting, muttering a low "cute" before they begin to take flight with the rest of the family.
As they fly, Lo'ak suddenly leans forward and whispers in his ear, "I heard what you said about me when you were under anesthesia."
Those words make Spider tense instantly. He doesn't know what he said while he was on drugs. Who knows what he could've said? He probably said something incredibly embarrassing! Why do the worst things always have to happen to him, especially in front of his crush.
"I like you too, Spider." Lo'ak continued. Spider could see the teasing smile despite facing the other direction.
"What do you mean? I never said anything." Spider tries to play dumb, which is a very stupid move.
"And here I thought I was the skxawng between us." Lo'ak teases as he brings a hand to hold onto Spider's while he flies his ikran.
"That much is very true." Spider agrees with that statement wholeheartedly.
"We'll talk about it in private in your shack when you're not busy. But know that I feel the same way you feel for me." Lo'ak caresses Spider's hand gently like he was so delicate. He quite literally was.
"I'm glad you do..." Spider mutters to himself with a shy smile as he basks in the warmth Lo'ak's body provides.
Lo'ak smiles warmly at those quiet, but definitely not silent words and places his chin atop Spider's head as they continue to fly with the rest of the family. Although the circumstance in which they came back home wasn't favorable, it turned out to be quite nice despite that. Lo'ak and Spider finally came to the conclusion that they both like each other, and they were going to do something about it. One of those things was begin courting one another before making it official. Eywa, both of them couldn't wait to finally show one another affection that they've been dying to show they other.
The small scare Spider had unintentionally worked in his favor in getting the guy he wanted.
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Passing Out As Light Turns To Day (Darling I'm Right Here)
Locorro (maybe Nocorro and Rocorro in the future...)
Here's a sneak peek at a future chapter (later in the story) that will take place in the second act of my story:
Spider cards his hands through Lo'ak's silky hair, his grown out braids previously taken down with the help of Spider. Spider just loves how Lo'ak's hair looks like this, free. While he adored Lo'ak's hair in his traditional braids, he prefers to see it let down. Like this it makes Lo'ak appear lighter, softer in a way.
"I like your hair like this." Spider's voices his inner thoughts softly.
"You do?" Lo'ak questions surprised.
Spider hums lowly, continuing to gently thread his fingers through wavy hair. Lo'ak unconsciously leans into the delicate touch that ignites a fire in his gut.
"You look even more pretty to look at like this." Spider whispers, his warm brown eyes staring into amber eyes.
The tension between them simply increases. A static feeling between them is felt as brown cuts into amber with specks of a light green. Eyes do all the talking for them, no words needed to convey what is wanted at the moment. Spider knows what he wants and Lo'ak sure as hell knows what he sincerely wants.
Lo'ak simply cannot take it anymore and leans in, finally giving in to his deep desires. Both their eyes slipping shut softly before the press of their lips comes. But when their lips touch for the second time, it feels like time stops for both Spider and Lo'ak. It feels like a rush of light air is lifting them high up in the air as if they were floating. The feeling of lips gently pressed against one another just feels... right.
Lo'ak can finally take the time to appreciate Spider's lips in peace. No camers to record, no people to watch. It was just them. To Lo'ak, Spider's lips felt soft, like a warm fire keeping him warm in the coldest temperatures. Scorching embers burning him in the most delectable way. It felt like someone was embracing him and taking him away from harm. It felt euphoric. Lo'ak felt alive. Wanted, for the most part.
To Spider, Lo'ak's plump lips felt warm. His lips were hot like the sun rays beating down on District 12, in the best way possible, of course. Lo'ak's hands on his cheeks are slightly calloused, but it feels nice, grounding. Soothing in a way. They held onto his face as if he were made of porcelain, like he would break any second. It made Spider's body buzz, cheeks unintentionally heating up. I light pink takes its place on the apples of his cheeks. It made him feel wanted for the first time in his life. He felt genuinely wanted for who he was. Someone saw him for once.
The simple press of lips was not nearly enough for what the two boys wanted. They pull apart from the kiss, hot breaths mingling with one another. Foreheads pressed together in union, like they were one. There's a humming in their bodies that doesn't cease. Blood is rushing through their veins at the display of innocent love. Both their eyes were half-lidded, each conveying such intense love from one look.
This time Spider leans in, tilting his head to further deepen the kiss. Lo'ak's hands continue to cup Spider's cheeks, lightly caressing them with his thumbs. Spider on the other hand, hands previously tangled in Lo'ak's hair, loving the silkiness, now travels down to curl around the slightly younger boy's shoulders. Spider takes the initiative to gently lick at Lo'ak's bottom lip, hesitant in asking if they could delve deeper into kissing. Lo'ak's breath hitches, sounding like a faint gasp before parting his mouth open as an invitation. Spider beams internally at the effect he has on Lo'ak, sliding his tongue inside the others warm cavern.
Their tongues brush against each other delicately. Their kiss now becomes languid and hot. It felt so intoxicating that Lo'ak genuinely felt dizzy from the sensations he was feeling all over. He just felt drunk on Spider's taste. He tasted sweet. It was all he could really focus on, that Spider tasted sweet.
The initially sweet and innocent kiss was quickly becoming intense. Spider knew he had to stop before they kept going. Not in the sense that they'd go all the way, of course not! They were still very young for that. But Spider wanted to have an entire lifetime to kiss Lo'ak, anytime he pleases. So, no matter how much his mind disagrees with him, he gently pulls away from Lo'ak. Their lips red and swollen from the hasty kiss. Lo'ak finds himself chasing after those soft lips the second they pull away. It was like he was addicted to the sensation of kissing Spider already. He wanted to continue so badly, but Spider placed a gentle hand on Lo'ak's chest to stop him. But before Lo'ak could complain or whine about it, he feels soft little pecks being pressed onto his lips. It made him smile drunkenly, eyes heavy.
Spider lightly places a few more pecks on Lo'ak's lips to let the boy know that his feelings are not being rejected. The kiss was honestly breathtaking. It left both Spider and Lo'ak's hearts beating incredibly fast. They couldn't even open their eyes for a few minutes, minds still running on the love-filled kiss. Their breaths are ragged and heavy, having not taken a breath from that long kiss.
When they're finally able to open their eyes, all that's present in them is undeniable love. Only undying love is present in their eyes. Admiration, love, and longing show in their gazes. Never once looking away from the other. Spider's hands then moved to Lo'ak's cheeks as well, softly caressing the heated skin there. He finds it adorable and heartwarming when Lo'ak immediately leans into the warm touch, breathing a content sigh. Both boys knew then and there that they would never let each other go. They were stuck with one another till the end.
"I see you." Lo'ak whispers quietly.
"I see you too." Spider replies back earnestly, leaning in once again to place one last peck on the Sully's lips. That action earns him a giddy smile from the other.
Eywa, Spider's grateful that the Great Mother led him to Lo'ak on that fateful day. He's forever thankful to Eywa for giving him the love of his life. He wouldn't trade anything else for Lo'ak. He'd rather die than do so.
#locorro#lo'ak x spider#miles spider socorro#lo'ak sully#lo'ak te suli tsyeyk'itan#spider socorro#avatar the way of water#atwow#ao3 fanfic#nocorro#rocorro
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