notyour-typicalblog · 3 years
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notyour-typicalblog · 3 years
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notyour-typicalblog · 3 years
We all experience life differently me personally I find it hard to stay in a rose tinted world I need to know what happens around me but that doesn't make me broken but it also doesn't mean that living that rose tinted life is wrong either I think my point is if you love the way you live and you arent hurting yourself or others then no one else's opinion matters
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notyour-typicalblog · 4 years
do u ever remember all the horrible offensve things u said when u were like 15 and u literally feel ur soul detach and turn 2 dust 
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notyour-typicalblog · 4 years
Reblog if its ok to message you during this holiday season incase Im feeling lonely or out of place during family events because no one should be alone on Christmas
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notyour-typicalblog · 4 years
With a lot of major holidays coming up and most of y'all either going out to different parties and dinners to celebrate those holidays or doing something on your own at home, here are some things to keep in mind:
💙 Your body needs food in order to work. Eating is not something you should feel guilty for any time of the year.
💜 But also there’s especially no shame in indulging yourself during the holidays, because that’s what holidays are for. Your worth as a human being is not determined by how many slices of pie you have or by how much gravy you pour on your turkey.
💛 If you’re financially struggling right now and you can’t have the celebration you want to have, that sucks but it doesn’t make you a bad person and you shouldn’t feel guilty for it.
💚 Similarly, if you’re financially struggling right now and you decide to spend some money to have a good celebration or on a present for yourself or someone else then that also doesn’t make you a bad person and you shouldn’t feel guilty for that either.
💖 Your family doesn’t have the right to treat you like shit just because they’re your family. You deserve to have a good holiday, they don’t get to ruin that.
💙 It’s okay to avoid talking about certain topics around your family during the holidays in order to minimize stress and avoid confrontations. It’s also okay to avoid ‘calling out’ your family for anything they might say during the holidays in order to minimize stress and avoid confrontations. This doesn’t make you a bad person.
💜 There’s nothing wrong with deciding not to be with your family during the holidays if you feel like you wouldn’t be happy if you were with them. Your happiness matters and you deserve to spend your holidays however makes you the most happy.
🌞🌟 Feel free to add to this if you think of any more! 🌟🌞
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
The title screen, which is around a minute long, is constantly flashing
The end scene, which is around 10 minutes, is also filled with flashing, almost without a pause
There are several instances of flashing during the movie as well, either because of the animation style or because the of the plot (sometimes both)
But just like in incredibles 2, the plot relies heavily on flashing and there’s a LOT more than in incredibles
PLEASE be careful because there is a LOT of flashing lights in this movie (and no warning)
I encourage everyone to reblog this, even if you’re not sensitive, you never know who you could save by informing them of this
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
Mental illness exists all the time, even during the holidays. Don’t expect everyone to feel happy or positive right now. The holidays and winter time can often be the toughest time of the year for people living with mental illness.
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
you still have so many years to meet so many people you never knew you could love so much
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
Friendly reminder not to comment on anyone’s eating over the holiday period, especially when you’re aware of mental health issues/a history of disordered eating/chronic illnesses that cause issues with food. It’s not helpful and it makes us feel like shit, even if it’s disguised as a joke.
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
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“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
Feelings 5/8/18
So today is a mixed feeling day. I have been in bed all day crying but not for a bad reason but for mourning and for what could have been what was and what will be but I've also been extremely sick all week and it's been hard because my bulimia seems to think that because I feel sick that making myself sick is okay if it relieves the nausea and I've given in many many times this week but that's okay I'm a strong person and I will get through this I have to make myself and the people that care for me proud
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notyour-typicalblog · 6 years
Bulimia and weight
So I've been bulimic since I was 15 after 3 years of anorexia and myself and many of my friends who were suffering noticed that we all did it for a different reason and almost none of this group did it because of their weight for example I did it out of self hatred and thought that if I couldn't self harm on my arms or legs that I'd harm my body that way
I spoke to a friend of mine and they did to help them feel something because they felt numb from past trauma and people tell them they weren't really bulimic they were just attention seeking
This is wrong on so many levels many of us with eating disorders do it for feeling or control or as a way to harm ourselves. These disorders are not always about weight mine was never about weight even when I was almost 250lbs and even now at 155lbs it's still not about weight and it's still a struggle so please give us a little credit we aren't all as vain as the pro ana or pro mia community some of us are just messed up kids
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