notrightnowss · 11 years
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The day I ran into Nick it never occurred to me how much he would impact my life. We dated, fell in love, and somehow in the end we were the destruction of all the happiness and memories we made together. The minute I decided it was time for me to leave it all behind was the moment I left my heart with him and I took his in return.
I came up with the idea for this story a few nights ago, wrote the prologue, and posted it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I love writing it. And I also hope you join me on this journey.
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notrightnowss · 11 years
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Chapter six is up and things get slightly awkward and cute :)
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notrightnowss · 11 years
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Chapter 10 is up!
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notrightnowss · 11 years
So guess what I did last night :D
I updated Life Unexpected and The First One and I also added a new story.
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notrightnowss · 11 years
trying to figure out how old your characters are is really difficult if you forgot to write them down.
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notrightnowss · 11 years
One girl.
Two stories.
No Distractions.
And so much motivation, she doesn't even know what to do with it.
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notrightnowss · 11 years
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A story about young love as they learn to forgive and forget, and learn that life isn’t as always as sweet as they thought it would be because hearts will be broken one way or another.
-“Just when things went right, something else went wrong.”
I'm so excited to get started on this series, again, because it's my favorite series ever and I can't let it go. I'm rewriting the stories so they're readable and more enjoyable than the last time. I hope you guys will take on this journey with me as well :)
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notrightnowss · 11 years
Twelve text messages and eight missed calls, you would think by now Nick had gotten the hint that I wasn’t going to answer his phone calls, but the kid is persistent. If that wasn’t enough, Joe decided it was ideal to join the “let’s call jasmine five thousand times just to piss her off” bandwagon.
Any minute now I was going to chuck my phone across the room and let it shatter as it hit the wall, not like I didn’t have the money to replace it anyway. These assholes would not stop blowing up my phone with text messages and phone calls. It was like Nick and Joe synchronized the time they’d call me just to piss me off.
“Jasmine sweetheart, you have visitors.” My mom whispered as she poked her head inside my room. I turned so that my body was facing my door; an annoyed looked plastered across my face.
“Tell them to go away.” I groaned as I stuffed my face further into my pillow.
I could hear muffled whispers coming from outside my door, small chuckles escaping every so often. Why couldn’t anyone just let me sleep in? It was Saturday anyway and I knew I didn’t have shit planned, so it wasn’t necessary for me to be up this fucking early.
Suddenly, I felt my bed shift, someone’s body lying down next to mine as I stuffed my face further into my pillow to prevent myself from looking.
“Wake up sleeping beauty.” Nick whispered in my ear, his warm breath hitting the exposed skin of my shoulder. I was praying to god that he didn’t notice the sudden goose bumps that formed on my back when he breathed onto me, I would never hear the end of it if he had.
“Go fuck yourself Nick.” I muttered, my voice muffled by my pillow. Nick laughed, as he situated himself on my bed making himself comfortable.
So excited that I'm finally going to be able to finish this! I finally have time to breath let alone write so I'm taking advantage of it, and enjoying the time while it lasts.
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notrightnowss · 11 years
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Three years ago today, Nick and I were blessed with our beautiful daughter Annabelle. It seemed as if my life with Nick, Annabelle and a child on the way couldn’t get any better. That stays true. Until one day, we were hit with heartbreaking news that could change our lives forever.  
This is the sequel to The First One, and I'm so excited for everyone to get to read it. But first, I have to finish The First One before I can start posting this one, which by the way is already finished I'm just going to rewrite it so it's more readable per-say. But yeah, enjoy. 
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notrightnowss · 11 years
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Two pages into chapter six for The First One and I'm semi-excited for you all to read it. I'm not completely excited simply because not much happens xD
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notrightnowss · 11 years
“Jocelyn can I talk to you?” Nick asked suddenly catching me and her off guard. The only time Nick would even dare to talk to Jocelyn without any insults coming her way was when they were alone and away from the student bodies eyes.
Jocelyn looked at him then laughed sarcastically, “You must be seriously smoking something great if you think that I’m going to talk to you.” She spat giving him the finger before getting back to the lab.
The silence that filled the area was suffocating, Joe and I fidgeted in our seats trying to occupy ourselves with the lab to try and avoid landing in the crossfire. I could see the pain in Nick’s eyes, like a dagger had been shot at his heart.
“Don’t be such a bitch, can we please just talk.” Nick sighed getting a little frustrated with Jocelyn. Joe and I looked back and forth from Nick to Jocelyn, waiting for someone to throw the next punch. I knew we weren’t supposed to be enjoying this but this is the first time Nick has ever begged Jocelyn to talk to him, this was a memorable moment.
“How about you go fuck one of those sluts you hang around with and leave me alone?” she smiled sarcastically. Just as she said this everyone in the room went silent and heard what Jocelyn had told Nick.
I've been writing to this chapter for a good two months now, and I just love where it's heading. Jocelyn is getting real sassy, I love it.
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notrightnowss · 12 years
i don’t know which is worse being in love with a fictional character or being in love with a celebrity 
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notrightnowss · 12 years
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I am slowly making progress with the next chapter to The First One. I hadn't opened it since school started and I've been writing bits and pieces for the past few days. New chapter should be up soon :D
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notrightnowss · 12 years
"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. "
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notrightnowss · 12 years
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Chapter three is up! 6,471 words! longest chapter ever, and i'm so happy with the outcome.
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notrightnowss · 12 years
eight pages into the next chapter for The First One.
longest chapter ever.
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notrightnowss · 12 years
“I honestly believe our parents did that on purpose because the four of us were inseparable growing up, especially Jasmine and Nick.” Kevin added looking over to Nick and I, sending us a small wink.
Oh god no, please don’t go down that road. Please anything but that.
“Oh really?” Ryan asked, his voice dripping with curiosity his eyes sparkling with excitement to this new found information.
Of course he would get a kick out of this, it’s his job. Digging into the personal lives of the two most hottest teen sensations in the world that have been rumored to be secretly dating.
God, shoot me.
He should be interviewing Nick and Miley, because they are in fact secretly dating, not Nick and I. Oh how I wish I could tell them that, but I can’t.
“Seriously, you could not get those two away from each other.” Joe added a small smirk spreading across his face as he saw Nick subtlety squirm in his seat while my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. 
He was enjoying this, making Nick and I feel awfully uncomfortable. Fuck you Joe and fuck you Kevin for bringing this shit up. You both suck.
Remind me to kick their asses later on, yeah?
“Is that so?” Ryan asked trying to get more out of this conversation than I liked.
And we’ve gone down that road further than I anticipated. That’s just, that’s just fantastic. 
“I remember one time during grade school, Jasmine and I had afternoon kindergarten we had the same teacher so we were always together,” Nick started his smile growing bigger as he continued his story.
Oh god no, please not you too.
“When we entered the first grade we found out that we weren’t going to be in the same class together and we freaked. We both protested, refusing to go to school until we had the same teacher.”
I laughed loudly into the mic, remembering that day as if it happened yesterday, quickly covering my mouth with my hand because of the unexpected outburst, “Oh my gosh, I remember we both hid out in our tree house the whole day.” I smiled looking over at Nick his smile never falling off his face.
Fuck, no, stop Jasmine don’t get lost in those brown orbs of his you’ll never recover from this. 
“Yeah and we had Joe bring us snacks because we had already eaten the lunch our moms packed for us.” he laughed looking at me with those sparkling brown eyes of his.
Op, too late you’ve gotten lost in the abyss of those beautiful brown eyes. You’re fucked Jasmine Janette Martinez.
“And then Joe finally got so tired of bringing us food that we resorted to not eating at all until it was confirmed that we were going to have the same teacher.” I smiled widely, my eyes fixated on Nick’s beautiful brown eyes.
We were staring at each other intently as we finished the story together, our eyes never falling off of each others. It was like everyone else in the room had disappeared it was just Nick and I talking, reminiscing on old memories.
“Wow, that’s a great story.” Ryan commented, breaking Nick and I from our intent gaze.
Joe and Kevin looked at each other and discreetly high-fived under the table. Fucking assholes planned this shit. 
Note to self: Make sure that Kevin and Joe get a good ass whooping later today.
Nick scratched the back of his neck a slight blush creeping on his perfect cheeks while I just sat there fidgeting with my fingers and chipping the red nail polish off, that I had just painted on the night before all this.
Seriously loving how this story is going so far. #lovesit
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