notperfectevolution · 8 months
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To The Substitute Art Teacher - Jordan Bolton
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notperfectevolution · 9 months
The art for this couple is beautiful and well done and I’m so happy this novel is getting noticed more and more, do not get me wrong. BUT, I just gotta let out some steam.
Look, I KNOW the BL/yaoi/danmei tropes. I know how it seems to be the unshakeable rule that there has to be a “top” and a “bottom” dynamic that never switches, and that the top always has to be more rugged and tall and wide at the shoulders, while the bottom is the pretty twink. It’s the most common dynamic and portrayal, worn as it is (though I am happy to say I’ve seen a couple good deviations from this rising to the top in manhwa and other media in recent years). The reason why I learned to love this novel so much is that it DIDN’T fall into these basic dynamics the same way while also using them in essence, so I guess the art is kinda making my brain fritz, along with a lot of ppl comparing Fu Shen to Wei Wuxian hahah.
In the book, Yan Xiaohan is honestly the bratty, cunning, scheming and utterly devoted vinegar jar beauty of a “wife” left at home when his man goes to get one drink and talk politics with another dude (yes this happens), who also happily tops his more traditionally “manly” and stoic husband on the regular (while not being a strict top at any point). They are both ok with this, as Fu Shen is never portrayed as “weaker” or less “manly” bc of this (like a lot of BL/yaoi etc. have a habit of doing). Yan Xiaohan also happily opens his arms and demands Fu Shen kiss him and push him down bc ya know he just loves his husband and always wants to get it on everywhere with him (this also happens lol), all the while being fine with carrying on their inside joke of him being “wifey”. He gets compared to a flower and a siren, he gets both a Xie Lian moment and a Jin Guangyao moment with being dressed up and passing as woman for his looks as well as described as being almost the spitting image of his mother respectively, all the while not feeling demeaned by any of it. And while we never see Fu Shen actually topping him, the “sex pollen” bit left more than enough hints that just about everything was tried and tested, so Fu Shen’s “manliness” has never been in doubt in my mind lolol. 
So, in my mind, they’ve always been among the strongest switch/vers energy couple I’ve seen in danmei since the beginning, with Fu Shen deserving to have his own masculinity emphasized and not just shoved into an ill-fitting “bottom” mold. They also break some more of the toxic molds of danmei by being “enemies to lovers” but actually being really heartfelt and domestic and passionately in love for half the book, in the open, making no excuses. Their story of course also has strong themes of morality, politics, goverment and rulers, as well as duty and sacrifice, so just a fully rounded package all around. 
So I guess I just found the art a tad misleading when it comes to their couple dynamics at first glance and felt some type of way about it lmao. Idk sorry about this mini rant, I mean ill to no one and nothing, I just wanted to air out some thoughts I’ve had after reading some conversations about them around the internet hahah. Still loved the art and ofc the books, I hope we get to see more and more art of them in the future bc there’s always room for everything! <3
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Please if you have the means consider donating to the following:
Queer Svit - https://queersvit.taplink.ws/ helping LGBTQ+ and BIPOC аffected by the war and political repressions
Center-T - https://centre-t.com/english helping transgender people in Russia
КилькоТ-Действие - https://boosty.to/kilkota
Delo LGBT+ - https://www.delo.lgbt/ || https://boosty.to/delolgbt
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
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Covers for the first six episodes of The Magnus Archives!
I’ve slated myself with the task of making covers for all the episodes, which will probably take me a year, but it’ll be good for me to be drawing more consistently again ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Don’t repost!!
Season 1 Part 2
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
the little imaginary guy running n doing parkour outside the car window when you were a kid:
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
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“Aces and aros don’t know the real struggles” yeah my foot
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
I was searching for some pretty Hanukkah gifs to schedule a post tomorrow wishing my Jewish followers Happy Hanukkah and I found a fit/shape/body building site that posted this
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And I thought to myself, I simply must show my Jewish followers fit Menorah Man
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
i know a substantial number of people stopped following dracula daily after johnny harker got out of the castle so lemme just check out a thing. fandom population census, if you will
pls reblog if you are still actively following dracula daily/have read dracula before <3 thank
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
lucy writing to mina: i am so happy and lively and full of life :) no sickness at all :) i am the picture of health
arthur writing to seward a day later: jack for the LOVE of FUCK. come QUICK. lucy is AT THE DOORS OF DEATH.
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
its kinda scary how your whole life depends on how well you do as a teenager 
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
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oh my god, he’s an influencer 💅 (based on clownstiel’s post i couldnt get this image out of my brain LMAO) [also on twitter]
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
So apparently there's a Good Omens musical(!!!) and not much footage is available but this clip I saw on tiktok lives in my head rent-free
I think about this at least once a week.
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
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Image description in alt text.
Y'all. a few months ago I made a post about how I didn't want to be a mooch but I wanted tumblr to know about my tabletop roleplaying game about Dracula and Jonathan Harker succumbing to Blood Lust (or just normal Lust) during the events of the novel, and chucked a link up, with no art, no promotion, just chucked it in the #dracula-daily tag and let it free. that post got 12 THOUSAND notes, and the game got 120 sales and about twice as many downloads (I keep a good stock of community copies). Tumblr made this my best selling game so far by miles, and I still get at least one note on that post on most days.
So I thought to myself. Damn, that game needs a better cover than the one I smashed out in half an hour on canva when I designed the game. So I approached Aaron Azar, and paid him some of the money that I made off the game this year, and now LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY. I literally cannot express how cool this art is to me.
I was inspired, and did a quick re-layout of the game, including some guidance for online play on the last page, which you can download for free if you bought the game earlier this year.
From here
Thanks tumblr, I can always count on you to be horny about vampires, and i love you for it.
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notperfectevolution · 2 years
You’re ace and don’t like sexual intimacy?
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You’re ace and you enjoy sex?
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You’re ace and you don’t really have a strong opinion on having sex?
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You’re ace and your feelings about sex fluctuate?
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Your feelings are fucking valid and I love you !! 💜💜💜💜
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