merlin would make the best professor
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       ❝I am almost impressed.❞
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Ah. Adjustments. Well… That did make sense. This was an older suit, after all, and while he liked the fabric a lot, perhaps it could fit a little better.
And perhaps Merlin was right; the flower wasn’t needed to make himself appear better. Hm. He supposed he shouldn’t complain too much about that. It wasn’t exactly him, was it? His style was hardly along the lines of such a look. Yes, Merlin’s way of getting his point across was rather, ah, heavy-handed, but it was likely for the greater good.
“Yes, book me in, please. Thank you. I’m very grateful for the offer.”
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    Oh, now Holmes wants his suggestions. Merlin might just perish on the spot. It takes all his strength not to sigh long-sufferingly as he quickly books a thirty-minute consultation for later on in the evening, sending the appointment straight to the official’s calendar. Look at him---a personal assistant to a stuffy, neurotic Sassenach. His ma would be so proud. ❝It’s the very least I could do, Mister Holmes. After all, I did crush your rosebud.❞ As terribly cliched as said blossom was, he had no right to destroy it.  ❝And I’ll make sure your fiance is nowhere near the shop when you come in. I’d hate to spoil a surprise.❞
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“When he’s bragging in my presence, it becomes my issue. He needs to learn to either tell the truth or become a better liar.”
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    ❝Is this a matter of Crown and Country? Is his correct size the code to all your intelligence? If not, it’s not your issue, Mister Holmes.❞
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jagerbcmb replied to your post: jagerbcmb replied to your post: ...
AND I’m not going to disappoint all my future partners either.
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   So just the past ones, then?
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jagerbcmb replied to your post: jagerbcmb replied to your post: ...
This needs to End. 
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“If the young man is going to be cocky and attempt to claim things, he needs to be able to provide evidence. That is just how life works.”
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     ❝So the lad wants to be a braggart. It still has nothing to do with you. You’re not the one who will disappoint his bed partners in the future, are you?❞
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jagerbcmb replied to your post: jagerbcmb replied to your post: ...
Not seeing someone’s cock doesn’t mean they have anything to hide.
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   For someone who doesn’t want people to talk about his cock size, you allude to it well enough.
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jagerbcmb replied to your post: jagerbcmb replied to your post: ...
Mycroft is just a jerk who enjoys spreading lies.
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     Again, I don’t care.
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governmentofficial replied to your post: @jagerbcmb, @governmentofficial      wisely cuts...
its not my fault that he wont prove the size therefore starting rumours about it being small
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      His size has nothing to do with you. Need I remind you that you have a fiance?
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jagerbcmb replied to your post: @jagerbcmb, @governmentofficial      wisely cuts...
fyi. I do not have a small penis.
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     I don’t care.
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@jagerbcmb, @governmentofficial
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     wisely cuts feed before the urge to smash his head into his desk grows.
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“I don’t need a new suit, Merlin. I need to make this one look the best it can be.” Honestly now, this man was no use. Even Mycroft could do a better job at advice than this.
“Is the flower too much, you think? I could take it off, but I am a tad worried that I won’t look the part without it.”
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   Is rolling his eyes too unprofessional? Too late; it’s happening. ❝I’m not suggesting a new suit, Mister Holmes, but rather a much-needed alteration to the one you have.❞ There. He has said his piece. Merlin is not going to waste his breath convincing the other when his heart is barely into the conversation. There is, however, one easily-to-remedy mistake he can correct right now. Gingerly, Merlin uses his pen to wriggle the blossom out of the official’s buttonhole and crushing it under his heel. ❝Whoever you are seeing will not care about whatever flower you have hanging off you.❞
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“Do you think I look acceptable? I am a little, ah… Well, I’m a little nervous,” Mycroft admitted. Did it look like Merlin wanted to discuss this? No, but oh well. Now he’d decided to attempt to discuss his nerves, Mycroft wasn’t going to stop so easily.
“Valentines Day is not something that I enjoy. It’s a worthless, empty holiday that serves to only bring misery to both the lonely individuals and those in relationships. That doesn’t mean that I am not going to try my best, though.”
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    ❝If you’d like a consultation to Kingsman, it can be arranged even on such a short notice.❞  Merlin’s not a tailor; his sartorial input is less ‘romantic evening’ and more ‘combat ready practical’. Coupled with his disdain for this sham of a holiday, he is not the right person to handle this weird discussion of feelings. He looks up from his clipboard, fingers paused over the surface. ❝Say the word and I shall book you.❞
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     ❝Hm.❞ He’s not being judgemental.
     He’s not.
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