Notifying Patients of Physician Leaving Practice
If you’re leaving a medical practice, it’s important to take the time to adequately notify patients. Not only is it good practice, but it helps prevent claims of patient abandonment.
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Depending on the state, physician-patient notification requirements vary. The best place to start is by reviewing your state laws and AMA or state medical society guidelines. However, it’s important to remember that third-party sources may provide guidance that is inconsistent with your state laws or a misinterpretation of them.
A letter to patients should clearly state that you are leaving and include your contact information and contact information for those providers remaining in the practice. It should also advise patients that their medical records will be transferred to the new physician and how those records can be obtained. The letter should be mailed no later than 30 days prior to the date that the practice is closing.
In addition to sending letters to patients, practices can post the information in common areas of the office and modify voice mail systems to add a pre-recorded message that explains what the practice will be doing with patient contact information. You can also put this information on your website and social media accounts to reach a broader audience. One of the most important things to keep in mind when departing a practice is that non-solicitation clauses in employment agreements usually still apply, so you should make sure you are not violating any existing contracts or the law.
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How Fast Is Your Address Verification API
With the increase of online shopping and business activity, businesses need to ensure their shipments arrive on time at the correct addresses. Using an address validation API prevents return shipping fees, customer service hours and lost brand reputation when incorrect addresses are entered by customers.
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Many users make errors when entering their address online. This can be due to a number of factors such as typos, fat fingers and unfamiliarity with the location. The use of predictive text and auto-complete functionality in address verification can help eliminate these issues by suggesting possible address matches as the user types. This speeds up form completion and reduces the customer drop-off rate.
The Address Validation API provides the ability to validate, standardize and format addresses as a type of physical identifying data in real-time across 240+ countries. This helps to remove undeliverable addresses and improve the accuracy of predictive models. In addition, businesses can benefit from unique risk signals that are derived from the Ekata Identity Network to catch fraudsters using the same or similar address information on multiple transactions.
A reliable address verification solution is essential for any business that needs to collect, process and share customer data. It reduces the amount of manual review required and increases the usability of predictive models. By ensuring the accuracy and usability of address data, businesses can improve their customer experience, speed up form completion times and reduce fraud.
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How Do I Use Address Validation?
For businesses across a range of industries, including retail, ecommerce and financial services, the ability to capture accurate international addresses at the point of entry is crucial to improve customer communications, increase delivery rates and create an excellent user experience. By implementing an address verification solution, you can ensure that data entered into your checkout or registration form is valid by checking it against an official database.
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There are several reasons why an address could be deemed invalid. While parsing and standardization can help identify common input errors such as spelling mistakes, switched letters, abbreviations and nicknames, there are some erroneous addresses that are impossible to fix.
Address validation software makes an API call to an official address database, maintained by the governing postal authority (for example, USPS in the US or Royal Mail in the UK). The software then checks each entered address against this database to confirm that the address exists and is formatted correctly.
Address verification can be used in a number of ways, including through type-ahead verification, which suggests correct addresses to users as they type. This reduces the time it takes for customers to check out and helps you to boost conversions. Alternatively, you can incorporate address validation into your CRM or human resources system or use an API to automatically verify and standardize addresses as they are added. This saves you the time and expense of having to manually check and process each address and allows you to get on with your business without wasting valuable resources.
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Why Do You Need an Address Standardization API?
Companies that send out important direct mail, notices and other marketing materials to their customers must make sure that the addresses they use are correct, valid and deliverable. If they don’t, their prospects will become frustrated or dissatisfied with their experience and may never return. An address standardization API helps reduce such problems by ensuring that the addresses you collect from your customers are clean, accurate and easy to read.
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Most commonly, address standardization APIs connect to an authoritative database (such as the USPS in the United States) and compare inputted data with those records. They may also perform some preprocessing on the data to improve its comparability such as converting uppercase letters to lowercase, removing unnecessary spacing or transposing characters (for example, changing street labels from “123 Main St” to “123 Main St.”).
Business intelligence solutions often come with a solution that can standardize addresses as part of its feature set. However, these can be complex and expensive to implement and may not be able to handle the volume of data you need to process.
Free open-source scripts and libraries can also be used for address standardization. For example, you can find a library for Python that does address standardization as well as validation through the developer marketplace APILayer. Other software and services that provide address verification include Microsoft Excel (which has an add-in for this purpose) and YAddress, a Python package.
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Address Standardization API Details
The better the quality of your address data, the more accurate your lead segmentation, shipping and mailing processes will be. Poor address data can result in lost or returned mail pieces, and it can also prevent you from targeting customers who are most likely to engage with your business.
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Using an API to process address data can help you save time and money, as it eliminates the need to manually parse, cleanse, normalize, and verify each address. Instead, the API will parse and process addresses for you, ensuring that they comply with the standardized format set out by your country’s postal authority (in the US, it’s the USPS).
When you use an API to process address data, you can choose to standardize them either on insert or in bulk. Choosing which option is best for you depends on your workflow and how you acquire, track, and manage address information.
There are many different APIs that you can use to process and standardize addresses. To find the one that is right for you, start by browsing the available options in the APILayer Marketplace and then review all of their specific features to pick the one that best fills your needs. Once you’ve decided on an API, you can then create a project with it to start using its services. You can also view the documentation for each API to learn more about how it works and how you can integrate it with your applications.
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