nothumerus · 2 hours
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eurasian badger! meles meles
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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nothumerus · 2 hours
i feel like. being anti-harassment should be the default. i think its REALLY strange to go out of your way to bully strangers online. i don’t think. harassing people online and in fandom spaces should be the norm. that’s just me tho
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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nothumerus · 2 hours
religious people get the most hostile about transgender people like how is this affecting u and ur fuckass delusional god just wondering
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nothumerus · 2 hours
whatever dude i dont even look that tormented mostly
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nothumerus · 2 hours
when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail. and when you have a favourite character everything looks like . The Character
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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Accidental injection of liquid concrete
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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F4tal bear attack
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nothumerus · 2 hours
I want to follow him around like a cat and run in front of his feet and trip him
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nothumerus · 2 hours
YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY . You will find a WAY ….. you WILL find a way . You will find a way you will find a way……!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY YOU WILL FIND A WAY you will find a Way you will (find) a way you will find. a way you will find a way YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!!!!!
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nothumerus · 2 hours
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go away
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nothumerus · 2 hours
ugh it’s hard being the most based person on this app but somebody has to do it
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nothumerus · 6 hours
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nothumerus · 6 hours
descriptions of dissociation
Common: ‘I felt strange / weird’, ‘I felt as if I was floating away’, ‘I felt disembodied / disconnected / detached / far away from myself’, ‘apart from everything’, ‘in a place of my own / alone’, ‘like I was there but not there’, ’I could see and hear everything but couldn’t respond’
Less Common: ‘puppet-like’, ‘robot-like’, ‘acting a part’, ‘I couldn’t feel any pain’ ‘like I was made of cardboard’,  ‘I felt like I was just a head stuck on a body’, ‘like a spectator looking at myself on TV’, ‘an out of body experience’, ‘my hands or feet felt smaller / bigger’. ‘when I touched things it didn’t feel like me touching them’
‘My surroundings seemed unreal / far away’, ‘I felt spaced out’, ‘It was like looking at the world through a veil or glass’, ‘I felt cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings’, ‘objects appeared diminished in size /  flat / dream-like / cartoon like / artificial / unsolid’ Other dissociative symptoms 
Memory: “I drove the car home/got dressed/had dinner but can’t remember anything about it”, “I don’t know who I am or how I got here” (fugue state), “I remember things but it doesn’t feel like it was me that was there”. 
Identity: “I feel like I’m two separate people/someone else”. 
Other: “I felt like time was passing incredibly slowly/quickly”, “I get so absorbed in fantasy/a TV programme that it seems real”, “I felt an emptiness in my head as if I was not having any thoughts at all”. 
Source: Ston, Jon. Dissociation: What Is It and Why Is It Important? Practical Neurology, 2006; 6: 308-313.
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nothumerus · 7 hours
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