nothjnq · 3 years
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I gave Renata a boyfriend. His name is Dante! they're t4t!! 🥺
[click 4 better quality]
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nothjnq · 3 years
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Quick doodle of one of my ocs in bed takin a selfie jus cause he's pretty :]
He goes by Snake, it's a long story
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nothjnq · 3 years
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super quick doodle of Sasha bc he's so pretty and I wish I had the dlc
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nothjnq · 3 years
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drew myself "as ghostface " sort of :]
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nothjnq · 3 years
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this is my super underdeveloped GTA oc
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nothjnq · 3 years
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Renata and her cousin, Erin <3
I actually changed her stomach tattoo recently
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nothjnq · 3 years
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my oc Renata has a brother, here's some thirst traps of him. His name is Rico, he's actually a little shy tbh lol
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nothjnq · 3 years
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ah I love how inconsistent my artstyle is 😍,, this is my oc Renata
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nothjnq · 3 years
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I made a oc based on the conjuring months ago, I've decided I'd like to start posting my art here again :]
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nothjnq · 5 years
ℌ𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔭𝔥𝔬𝔟𝔦𝔞 (𝔰𝔫𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔱)
The leaves crunched beneath his feet, the frost that layered on them making them even louder. His stomach turned, the only thing he felt in days was growing inside of him. He had heard her, thought he saw her a few times, but there was no way that was possible. He had to make sure that she was still there, the remnants, the parts of her that he had buried in the soil. He knew the path, their path that they had taken plenty of times for the same goddamned burden, the same sin over and over again. Plenty of lives drained out of the flesh that wrapped around their muscles and bones that were now decomposing below his sneakers. Who was buried where anymore? He had lost track at this point and the only memory he kept was of her, her crying, the pleading, the attempts to talk him down, the way it felt when the axe collided with her sternum and shook in his hands. Her face went pale and her eyes became dull and all he could do was watch her be stripped of her soul, the girl he loved but missed out on so much experience with. He remembered every joint they separated, every bone that was cut apart, her body was so lukewarm and then cold and her blood was everywhere. Everyfucking where, the hours it took to clean were agonizing and painful. Now he was hearing her, seeing her even after he knew she was nothing but parts now; cold flesh with nothing inside but guts and fragments of bones. Lilith wanted to do worse but how could it get any worse than it already was, how could she even fathom her sick, horrid, putrid thoughts and not feel anything. No remorse? No guilt. He wished so badly that he could feel that too, to be that sick and demented, he was already sick though..but in a different way. He stood there, hands shaking as he looked at the pile of dirt that was laying there, untouched. How could she possibly get out with the soil undisturbed? How did she reattach the pieces of herself? He kneeled down in the cold dirt and pressed his fingers into the cold, damp soil; hesitant and afraid. His body was shaking as his vision blurred with tears that secreted from his tear ducts, his fingers dug deeper and he began to pull. Pulling apart the debris from the makeshift grave, he started slowly before the tension and ignorance began to kill him. She had to still be in pieces, separated into 99¢ black garbage bags from the goddamn dollar store. He finally pulled back all the filth to reveal the neatly tied up bags, they were there;stuffed in the hole. He reached out slowly to touch one of the bulges that protruded from the bag, he flinched at the stiffness, the coldness and he slowly began to dig his fingers into what was hidden behind the black tint. The flesh felt thick and stiff and he made it out to be a part of her thigh, he suddenly retracted his hand as his stomach turned and he felt sick. He stood up and held back the hot, burning, chunkiness that rose in his throat; he wanted to vomit just like that night and the nights that followed. Waking up after reliving those horrible moments in his sleep, screaming, crying, puking until he couldn’t feel anything. He felt as if he was going crazy but she was still there. He composed himself and quickly began to kick the dirt back into place, using his hands to pat down the soil. There was a sudden snap of a twig that made him jolt up and look in every direction that was open, his body was shaking from the inside out. Had someone followed him, did someone know? He kept his calm, if someone saw him he could easily make something up or..defend himself if he needed to. He waited, his breath becoming heavy and then he heard it. Soft and gentle like an angel, a voice, the voice, her voice. He covered his ears quickly, shaking his head over and over, he was hearing things. He had to be, she was still there, still dead, he was fucking standing on her remnants. He slapped and clawed at his head, this was a dream and he had to wake up so that these voices could no longer fester. It had to all be a nightmare where he’d wake up in his room, he’d do anything to feel nothing but sadness and have a father who hit him instead of loving him again. He would do anything to erase the blood from his hands, to have a clean slate. He heard it again and it called him name, she called his name. “Thaddeus.” she whispered, called. He shook his head and kept looking in every direction as tears finally ripped down his cheeks. “You’re not real, get out of my head..” he pleaded, not being able to take it anymore. “It hurts so much, I’m so cold.” she finally sobbed out and he could hear it in her voice, the sorrow, the agony. “I’m sorry I d-didn’t mean to! I didn’t want to! I would never hurt you, I promise I--” he was interrupted with a loud cry and his blood went cold, “You did anyway! You did this to me, y-you killed me!” her disembodied voice cried, yelled. He backed up against a tree out of fear and guilt, he sunk down and cried; begging it to stop and go away and in response it screamed. These blood curdling screams erupted and made the floor beneath him feel as if it were shaking, he covered his ears but it was still as loud as ever. Getting louder and louder as he curled up, his head falling into his knees that hugged against his body. He screamed at her to leave him alone. Then it stopped, the whole earth went dead silent and he quickly ripped his hands away from his ears, still holding his head down as he suddenly grew afraid to look up. His body was shaking and his tears kept falling, he looked at his hands that twitched before finally looking up. His heart shot up into his throat as he saw her in the distance, he couldn’t make out her face but she was staring at him. He knew it. “Bianca please, please don’t be mad at me pl-please!” he cried as he stared at her figure. She didn’t move at first before she turned and disappeared behind a few trees and he craned his neck to peer out for her. His heart was beating, aching, and adrenaline began to rush through his body as he tried to stand up. His knees feeling heavy, as if there were weights tying him down. “Close your eyes..” she finally spoke again after the long silence, her voice soft..almost forgiving. He looked for her again before the gurgling sound erupted, the same noises that she spurted as blood pooled in her mouth and her lungs began to deflate like week old balloons. “C-close y-your eyes, pl-please..” she gasped and gurgled painfully and he could swear he saw the blood perfectly. He shut his eyes quickly and it stopped, everything going silent and he was afraid to move. Suddenly his limbs became heavy and limp and he sagged there against the tree, he wanted to stand but he couldn't move an inch, a muscle, his muscles were paralyzed. “Open them.” she said as clear as day and he didn’t want to. He wanted to stay ignorant as to whatever was there, he could feel it inches in front of him. “Y-you’re not real, I don’t have to listen to you.” he said as he trying to break out of whatever had this hold on him, whatever sickness in his head was crawling around and infesting his brain. “Please, open them Thaddeus, I miss you.” there was a sadness in her voice and he almost hesitated before opening them. There she was,inches away. Her face was blank, her eyes that were once a uplifting blue were now dull, and her skin was pale. This dark red blood coated her hair, sticking strands of her dead blonde hair to her neck and chest. The blood soaked her long flowing, frilly off white dress that was covered in dirt. Her severed limbs seemed to be attached in their exact placements of which they were cut but blood still seemed to leak from in between them. He felt sick again and she began to walk closer, her chest rose and fell as she let out a ragged breath as she began to choke and gurgle again, blood mixed spittle ejecting from her pale lips. He flinched as he did nothing but watch. “You did this to me.” her voice was deep and raspy as she coughed, the blood and saliva dripped from her chin and her lip quivered, her hands reached up to cover her eyes and she let out soft sobs. “I-I--” his throat was dry and felt as if it was closing he couldn’t speak, couldn’t make anything come out of his mouth. Her hands fell and her face was stained now, blood dripping from her eyes as if they were tears. That’s all she was now, blood and cold, dead flesh that was decomposing as the days went on. She stared at him, something dark that struck fear into his heart but as if she was also deeply hurt. He blinked back his tears before shutting his eyes and allowing himself to cry, the weight began to lift off of him and his muscles loosened. He quickly opened them to see nothing...no one. He finally stood and tried to collect himself, he didn’t know what was real or fake anymore nor did it matter; he wiped his eyes and looked over at the patted down dirt and his soiled hands that twitched and shook. Nothing mattered anymore and he was nothing but guilt filled scum.
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nothjnq · 6 years
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Rachel fuckin' Amber
[background is super duper lazy but I literally had to squint at that fucking bulletin board in her room and I refused to spend an hour on those lil pictures]
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nothjnq · 6 years
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god fyckin dammit why can't I sleep??
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