notheretolearn · 8 years
Respect - @tclcpathy
Stephanie is happy to by away from Gotham, here she’s not the daughter of the Criminal Arthur Brown, nor the girl who was pregnant in high school. Here she was just Stephanie Brown, the blonde was med student. The happy and bubbly young woman would always had an answer ready. Medical students at the college were mostly men, she found herself being signaled out by professors a lot. It just drove her to study harder and work more. It wasn’t anything she wasn’t use dealing with in her life. 
She wasn’t going to stop just because things weren’t easy for her. 
She was leaving class for the day, her nose buried in her notebook while she walked down the hall. With the weekend coming up she didn’t have a lot planned for the weekend. Maybe she’d go out dancing after studying. 
Consumed with her notes, she bumped shoulders with another, causing the man to drop what he was carrying and dropping her own. 
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“Oh god. I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching were I was going,” She bent down to collect her notes and books, as well as his. Some of the guys from her program walk by, snickering and making blonde jokes about her. She doesn’t pay attention to them. 
“Are you okay?”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Good to know there’s a Batgirl out there fighting the good fight,”
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                 “ of course.  actually, bg had just  started  when i took my  surf  through time. ”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
Stephanie stopped, before blinking at the other. It was a weird thing for her to offer to a stranger wasn’t it? Sometimes she couldn’t help herself from getting involved in other people’s business.
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“Sorry, um that was weird. I just like to help, and it looks painful and ice would help so I just,” She awkwardly chuckled at the other, clasping her hands together. “Sorry, I’m rambling, I do that sometimes,”
   He rolled his eyes but actually was about to go with her. He almost took a step closer but stopped himself, making a confused expression. 
   Weird. Like.. very weird. He’s a total stranger to this girl, why in the world would she offer to help with?
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    “Uhm… W h y ?”  Was that rude? Who cares.
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Those people must not have gotten lost before,” She smiled softly at the man, looking a bit worse for wear. She lust wanted to get to her hotel, shower and nap. She’d explore France tomorrow, right now she needed rest. “I’d appreciate it, my french is rusty and this map seems out of date,” She handed over the railway map and the hotel address to the other.
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“Some say gettin’ lost is the best way to travel,” James comments as he overhears the woman as he’s passing by. “Uhhh… Would you like any help?” It wasn’t really like him to offer help much because it meant spending time around people who might take the time to figure out who he was. His past. But giving directions seemed simple and kind enough.
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Oh my god are you serious?! That’s unreal and awesome,”
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“They’re not cosplay, they’re part of me.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Well there’s more to home ec then that. There’s meal planning, sewing and other things. But basic cooking skill are good for everyone to learn,”
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“Probably wouldn’t have enough people to take home ec, since half of the class is banned from cooking. And yeah, that’s pretty much it.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
“Well I best be the best blonde, I am the only one,” She chuckled, walking around to climb into her car. “Should we buy a cake on the way to your place? Or can we order a cake?”
“You look tired. Need a ride?”
  A few Starters - Ice Breakers   @notheretolearn
“–Only if a piggyback ride is on the table.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
Girls with muscles reblog if you agree
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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//Hey guys! My week is pretty busy with work and getting stuff ready for a convention for sale. I’ll be on more regularly after Saturday!
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Hey man are you okay?” The blonde knelt down beside the other, he was sitting on the grass in park, a little off to the side away from people. Most people wouldn’t have come across him, but she ran off the path through the park. He looked like he wanted to be left alone be she was worried, he might have been having a panic attack or something.
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“I haven’t been on a roller coaster in for ever,” She exclaimed excitedly. She’d loved them when she was younger, but she was curious if they’d hold up in intensity and excitement now that she grappled around roof tops all night. “I won’t make you go on one though,” 
She grinned wide at the other offering to go with her. “Don’t worry I’ll win you a prize as a thank you for coming with!” 
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His brows flew up at the mention of the roller derby, then he chuckled. Coney island had his smile faltering a bit, but it didn’t slide all the way off. “I haven’t been there in… years,” he admitted. “It was fun back then, though.”
His hand dropped away, settling in at his waist. And, for a moment he thought about begging off, offering up directions and a good luck wish. Instead, he found himself saying “We could do that. Fair warning, though? I haven’t done so well on roller coasters in the past.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Okay, time travel, I can deal with that. Do you have a Batgirl from whatever time or universe your from?”
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                “ more like a  time travel  thing. no magic, just a machine.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Is this a magic thing? I hate magic things,”
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                      “ uhh, sorry?  i know the name and the colors can be confusing, but i’m not a real robin. ”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Those are intense cosplay wings,”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Travel the world, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. No one ever said anything about getting lost,” She said to herself, trying to decipher the map of the Paris railway system.  
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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“Well I’ve heard the roller derby in New York is pretty good,” She smiled, shaking the other’s hand.For the little thing she was, at least compared to the man, she had a firm grip. 
“I’m sure we can find some fun things. Circus’ and Carnivals don’t come to Gotham anymore so I’d like to check out Coney Island.” She chuckled. Being away from Gotham for the summer would be nicer then she thought.
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Steve certainly liked museums, so he wasn’t going to disagree. He laughed, though, when she said he needed to live a little. There were a few people, he was sure, that would agree with her. “I am, huh?” He grinned right back at her and shrugged. What was the worst that could happen?
“Nice to meet you, Stephanie. I’m Steve.” He held out a hand, polite as one might please. “What kind of exploring are we talking about? I’m not dressed to be hiking up mountains or anything.”
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notheretolearn · 8 years
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Headcanon: Stephanie loves dogs! If she could she’d have six of them!
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