notesonhobbies · 7 years
GODUS Mobile | iPad | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Part 2
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditins: Viking | A Tale of Two Kings | Episode 14 | Gameplay | Walkt...
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Dead in Bermuda is a game released back on August 27, 2015, developed by CCCP and published by Plug In Digital. It is classified as an action, adventure, Indie, Role Playing, Simulation, and Strategy game and when I say Strategy Game, I really mean a lot of strategy.
This is not your normal point and click game. You have been warned.
Get the free game here: https://www.origin.com/aus/en-us/store/free-games/on-the-house
The game starts off in the middle of a plane ride where the right engine suddenly explodes sending our cast into a mysterious island. Mysterious because nobody has a fudging clue where they are.
After the crash, the survivors, start to introduce themselves with some not really very open about who they are and one who thinks it is all a waste of time.
This game is unique in that you will need to know your characters in-depth with regards to their skills and relationships with each other. Trust me, knowing them deeply is a bit of a task and also remembering them along the way for more than 90 days.
By the way, the traits in this game are random which means every time you start a new game you will get random traits for each character and every time you discover another trait for that character, it also comes randomly.
Let’s get started to know our castaways. The first one we have is Alice. She is a very good hiker and can beat any man to Mount Everest. She is also Bob’s wife but she will not be defined as someone’s wife, she will be ALICE.
Skill-wise, the characters have a pre-determined strength and weaknesses. Every new game, they will have the same strengths and weaknesses but the exact number always changes.
Aside from Alice, we also have Alejandro – the manager of the holiday resort where most of the passengers just came from. This trip was going to be his first holiday in ten years but I guess he ran out of luck.
Next up is Yuri. He is Russian and does not socialize that much. He is newly married to another castaway named Julia. Julia has no care in the world about what other people think of her. She also flirts with younger men and Yuri knows it but doesn't give a fudge.
We also have smart one in the group in the name of Illyana, Yuri's daughter. She is a real nerd and one that can do all the research we need later on in the game.
Let's now go and meet Bob. Bob is your fisherman. He is also the biggest guy in the group so watch out for your food when he's nearby. Bob is also Alice's husband. They are an adorable couple. Keep that in mind when doing activities later on.
We also have a doctor in the house. Her name is Doctor Bethan Winters. She is a surgeon and she is very good at treating sickness and injuries as well.
Last but not the least on the list of castaways is Jacob. Jacob is my most hated character in this game but we can't just cast him away, he can also become useful sometimes. Jacob is just that old grumpy guy who was left alone by his wife whom we probably can't blame for leaving once you get to know Jacob. His relationship with the others suffers a lot every time he opens his mouth. I wish I could just shut him up.
The gameplay mechanics of the game are not outright explained to you. There is a tutorial and you could get by with just the tutorial but you will not finish the game right out of the get-go. You will probably reach the first couple of weeks with no hassle at all but come the third and fourth week, needs seem to become unquenchable.
I love how this game has been built to last long. You can play this game over and over again and it would still present as a challenge. There is no one-way ticket to finishing this game. You will need to use your decision-making and analytical skills to tackle all the challenges the game possess.
The value you get with this game is justifiable. It can be all you need when you're stuck waiting in line for ages. The challenge alone of surviving is enough to frustrate you but in the mean time make you come back for more because you get so frustrated you just want to beat this game not let it beat you to surrender.
The game may look really simple but if you don't dig deep into the characters, into the gameplay, into the story, then your group will die without achieving anything. You really need to work out how to survive in this game.
For example, someone who has a high harvesting skill but low agility skill will become easily fatigued when harvesting compared to someone with lower harvesting but high agility. So before you decide who to put into harvesting, you have to take their agility into consideration and the same goes with constitution for exploring, gathering, and hunting. That's not all, if you've got two people doing the same task together, you also need to make sure their relationship status is at par with each other.
This means that they must like each other for your activity to be very successful and for them not to lose any more relationship points. Their opinions about each other must also be on the positive as one person might think highly of someone but the feeling is not mutual.
For skills, there ar four main categories - Physical, Mental, Utility, and Food.
Physical skills consists of strength, agility, constitution, and fighting. All these four physical skills have a determined value and a modified value. A modified value for these skills means taking into account a character's injury and fatigue.
Utility skills have Stealth, Exploration, Crafting, and Scavenging under it. Their values can also be modified depending on a character's Hunger and Fatigue. So if you think about it, someone whom you've sent to scavenge can have his/her scavenging be as high as 90 but due to fatigue and hunger, they can be as low as 70. So always take this into consideration before sending someone to explore, craft, or scavenge. Their efficiency all depends on this two factors - hunger and fatigue.
Mental and Food can also be affected. For Mental (Intelligence, Discussion, Medicine, Knowledge) it is affected by depression and fatigue while Food (Hunting, Fishing, Cooking, Harvesting) is affected by Sickness and Fatigue.
While I am writing this review, I have only been up to day 35 but throughout the hours of gameplay, I am carefully learning the ins and outs of the game and with every playthrough, I get farther and farther into the game and I also get to know more about the mechanics of how the game works.
[UPDATE] I have finished the game at day 101.
In the beginning, you only have four activities to start with - Scavenging the wrecked plane, crafting, researching, and exploring. There are plenty more activities you can unlock through research and crafting. The game does make you feel at home with the game at first but then once you got the hang of it, the game tends to kill the fun out of it by making it more difficult for you.
Overall, the game is a fantastic way to pass time and really have your mind thinking. It is kind of realistic in the sense that a lot of factors are taken into account before you can select an action which is a good thing. This survival game is a unique one and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a challenge.
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions: Viking | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Tips Tricks | Episode 13
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions Viking | The Seventh Commandment | Episode 12 | Gameplay
Episode 12 of our Expeditions Viking Gameplay Series is by far the shortest episode I’ve made and there’s a big tip in this episode I’d like to share with you guys.
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We continue our adventure in Scarborough and do some side quests in the process starting with a man getting hit in the back by an axe thrown by a little kid who was just practicing his throw over the fences. Unknown to him, he has already killed a man.
Next side quest is to help out Osgar teach the man, Aldwine, who has been sleeping with his wife a lesson. He offered silver in return which we kindly accepted.
When we tried to talk to Aldwine he tried to bribe us by doubling what Osgar was already trying to pay us but we did not succumb to greed and instead taught him and his men a lesson about adultery – that it is never right no matter the reason.
We also go back to Maucolyn who asks us for our help regarding the men camped by the shore who are stealing from other people. We go through the diplomatic route and just bribed the men with 500 silver which they gladly accept with the use of Sense (Hard).
We go back to Maucolyn to inform him that we have successfully convinced the men to go away and instead of accepting the reward, we told him he could keep it as they need it more than we do. With this action, our reputation with Northumbria increased by 10.
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This channel is all about my hobbies including gaming, photography, and technology. I may not be the best at all of them but it is where my passion lies.
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expeditions viking, expeditions, viking, expeditions viking gameplay, expeditions viking walkthrough, expeditions viking playthrough, expeditions viking tips and tricks, expeditions viking hints, expeditions viking steam, expeditions viking let's play, vikings, expeditions viking character build, expeditions viking builds, viking game, expedition vikings, xcom, xcom 2, let's play expeditions viking, expeditions viking game, logic artists, seventh commandment, 7th commandment
Credits for the following:
Viking Character in Thumbnail: www.instagram.com/mdjeke/
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions Viking | Scarborough | Episode 11 | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Tips Tricks
We finally complete all the tasks that were needed in order to start our journey overseas. We talked to our mother, Astridr, and prepare for a journey that will change history.
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Our first landing point is in a town called Scarborough. We land on the shores with plenty of wrecked ships on it.
At first, we did not understand the language of the locals but luckily, one of them named Morcant knew how to speak Saxon which we could understand.
We are brought to their leader, Maucolyn, who we then tell that we are here for a peaceful purpose and that we ask them if they have horses they could spare for us.
They did not trust us at first because of the recent history of people coming from our lands and not treating them well. Fortunately, we had a way to prove ourselves to them.
They had a sort of a bandit problem that they wanted to be handled and a group of six men and women were camped outside the town. We tried to take care of the problem peacefully but there was no other option but to use brute force.
We take care of the bandits and received the town's blessing of trust. They gave us the horses we needed as well.
Thanks for watching and don’t forget to click LIKE if you liked this video and SUBSCRIBE for more Expeditions: Viking Gameplay Walkthrough Tips and Tricks!
This channel is all about my hobbies including gaming, photography, and technology. I may not be the best at all of them but it is where my passion lies.
Notes On Hobbies: http://bit.ly/YouTubeNOH
Subscribe to my Channel Here: http://bit.ly/NOHSub
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See other Gaming Playlists here:
►Expeditions: Viking: http://bit.ly/VikingsPlaylist ►The Trail Game: http://bit.ly/TrailPL ►GODUS Mobile Game: http://bit.ly/GODUSPL ►Black & White: http://bit.ly/BlackWhitePL ►SimAirport: http://bit.ly/AirportNotes ►Mass Effect Andromeda: https://goo.gl/cKG8vj ►Dragon Age Origins: http://bit.ly/DAONotes
expeditions viking, expeditions, viking, expeditions viking gameplay, expeditions viking walkthrough, expeditions viking playthrough, expeditions viking tips and tricks, expeditions viking hints, expeditions viking steam, expeditions viking let's play, vikings, expeditions viking character build, expeditions viking builds, viking game, expedition vikings, xcom, xcom 2, let's play expeditions viking, expeditions viking game, logic artists, scarborough, parsley sage rosemary thyme
Credits for the following:
Viking Character in Thumbnail: www.instagram.com/mdjeke/
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions Viking | Tomb Raider | Episode 10 | Gameplay | Walkthrough
In episode 10 of our Expeditions: Viking Walkthrough, we travel to the east to find Skerninge in search of a tomb full of treasures.
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Upon entry into the village, a group of thieves stole ambushed a farmer and we set out to do the same to them. We run around the forest up north to make sure we don’t get ambushed by them. Never follow them into the woods!
We easily get rid of the group of bandits and even helped out another farmer by returning one of his stolen figurines. He rewarded us with 1 Hide, 5 skillpoints, and our reputation with Ribe increased by 5.
We then set out to seek the hamlet where Oddkell the Godi speaks to us about gaining entry into the tomb. He believes that there are bad spirits called the Underground Ones in the tomb that needs to be pleased with a human sacrifice. It can either be one free man or woman or the lives of three thralls.
I did not agree with any of the conditions and instead I set out to ambush and kill his group when they reach the sacrificial site. I easily disposed of them and took Oddkell’s talisman.
I used the talisman to the people guarding the tomb and gained entry without any hesitation. Inside the tomb are delirious humans whom the people have thought to be bad spirits.
They are easily taken care of using careful strategies. We get an awesome bow from one of the corpses inside. It was a bow called the Footbiter and has 22-25 damage, 10 armour piercing damage, 1.5x critical chance multiplier, and a plus three critical chance effect as well.
We come out of the tomb uncontested!
Thanks for watching and don’t forget to click LIKE if you liked this video and SUBSCRIBE for more Expeditions: Viking Gameplay Walkthrough Tips and Tricks!
This channel is all about my hobbies including gaming, photography, and technology. I may not be the best at all of them but it is where my passion lies.
Notes On Hobbies: http://bit.ly/YouTubeNOH
Subscribe to my Channel Here: http://bit.ly/NOHSub
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See other Gaming Playlists here:
►Expeditions: Viking: http://bit.ly/VikingsPlaylist ►The Trail Game: http://bit.ly/TrailPL ►GODUS Mobile Game: http://bit.ly/GODUSPL ►Black & White: http://bit.ly/BlackWhitePL ►SimAirport: http://bit.ly/AirportNotes ►Mass Effect Andromeda: https://goo.gl/cKG8vj ►Dragon Age Origins: http://bit.ly/DAONotes
expeditions viking, expeditions, viking, expeditions viking gameplay, expeditions viking walkthrough, expeditions viking playthrough, expeditions viking tips and tricks, expeditions viking hints, expeditions viking steam, expeditions viking let's play, vikings, expeditions viking character build, expeditions viking builds, viking game, expedition vikings, xcom, xcom 2, let's play expeditions viking, expeditions viking game, logic artists, tomb raider, raiding the tomb
Credits for the following:
Viking Character in Thumbnail: www.instagram.com/mdjeke/
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions: Viking | Episode 9 | Sharpshooter, Monk, Healer, Berserker
Episode 9 of our Expeditions Viking series is the most exciting yet as we get to build four more characters to our liking and all from scratch.
 Before we build our characters, let’s first finish a couple more side quests in The Marsh. First one is to get Vrangr to be one of our merchants in our homestead. The next one is to return Mani to his master in a small house on the northeast part of The Marsh. In return, his master will give you armour webbings to use in armoursmithing.
 Let’s now go back to Ribe and talk to Ragnhildr the White and tell her that the marsh is safe and that three evil men were behind the disappearances. Also, we can tell her that the rat problem has been taken care of as well.
 Now that the marsh is safe, we can now talk to Skallagrimr to hire more mercenaries – four more to be exact. I have decided to fill-up the space in my party with a sharpshooter, a monk, another healer aside from Roskva the Black, and a Berserker.
 Here are the stats and skills for each of the four characters:
 Strength: 1
Endurance: 3
Finesse: 10
Perception: 10
Sense: 5
 Skills (chosen from 134 Skill Points given)
 ·         Weapon Skills:
 o   Bow (75)
 ·         Offensive:
 o   Interrupt (Free)
o   Rebuke (6)
 ·         Support:
 o   Tactical Move (Free)
 ·         Utility Skills
 o   None
 ·         Passive Skills:
 o   Walk Your Shots (6)
o   Steady Hands (6)
o   Sharpshooter (3)
o   Point Blank (9)
o   Keen Eye (6)
o   Backstabber (8)
o   Fortune Favoured (9)
o   Powerful Kick (6)
Strength: 10
Endurance: 8
Finesse: 3
Perception: 1
Sense: 7
Skills (chosen from 134 Skill Points given)
 ·         Weapon Skills:
 o   Unarmed (45)
 ·         Offensive:
 o   Interrupt (Free)
o   Rebuke (6)
o   Throwing (3)
o   Stun (12)
 ·         Support:
 o   Tactical Move (Free)
o   Taunt (10)
 ·         Utility Skills
 o   None
 ·         Passive Skills:
 o   Stone Fists (6)
o   Keen Eye (6)
o   Backstabber (8)
o   Powerful Kick (6)
o   Opportunist (3)
o   Thick Skin (9)
o   Sneak Attack (6)
Strength: 1
Endurance: 7
Finesse: 1
Perception: 10
Sense: 10
 Skills (chosen from 134 Skill Points given)
 ·         Weapon Skills:
 o   Sling (6)
·         Offensive:
 o   Interrupt (Free)
 ·         Support:
 o   Tactical Move (Free)
o   Healing (36)
o   Witchcraft (6)
 ·         Utility Skills
 o   Heavy Sleeper (10)
o   Tinker (18)
 ·         Passive Skills:
 o   Hardened (12)
o   Thick Skin (9)
o   Low Profile (3)
o   Evade (6)
o   Dodge (9)
o   Strider (12)
Strength: 10
Endurance: 10
Finesse: 1
Perception: 1
Sense: 7
 Skills (chosen from 134 Skill Points given)
 ·         Weapon Skills:
 o   Dane Axe (60)
·         Offensive:
 o   Interrupt (Free)
o   Charge (9)
o   Throwing (3)
 ·         Support:
 o   Tactical Move (Free)
o   Taunt (10)
 ·         Utility Skills
 o   Non e
 ·         Passive Skills:
 o   Backstabber (8)
o   Thick Skin (9)
o   Hardened (12)
o   Good Patient (3)
o   Fencer (3)
o   Lone Wolf (3)
o   Evade (6)
After creating our new four members of our hird, we go back home to Skjern and ask Eydis about that grave site she used to tell stories about. With this quest we can have some treasures on our travel to trade.
 We pass by Kveldulfr as well to craft some armour for our new hird members. After talking to Eydis, we let her in on our party to go to Skerninge and raid the tomb there.
 We also had some sparring practice with some kids of the clan to train them giving us three skill points in the end and we also helped old Hulda with here herbs and in return she gave us a couple of numbing tinctures and a sleipnir tonic.
 I also upgraded the homestead using three thralls to quicken the process. I upgraded the Mead Hall to Rank 1 which will take 1 week and 1 day to complete with the three thralls I’ve assigned. This upgrade will give us six prosperity.
 Thanks for watching and don’t forget to click LIKE if you liked this video and SUBSCRIBE for more Expeditions: Viking Gameplay Walkthrough Tips and Tricks!
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions:Viking | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Tips and Tricks | Episode 8 | The Marsh
Episode 8 is all about The Marsh near Ribe. We have plenty of side quests and battles ahead of us so let’s get started.
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Before we go into the Marsh, we equip our self with Freyja’s Talisman which we got from the temple in Ribe in exchange for a small donation. A Freyja Talisman gives the user +5 Mental Resistance which is useful for enemies who use skills like Demoralise.
The marsh greets us with its eerie aura. We first encounter a group of Skule’s men who have four other people bound in chains. Our task is to ensure that they are not harmed for we have an ulterior motive.
We defeat Skule’s men and decided to keep the 4 prisoners as thralls for our village. Moving on, we find the source of why people are disappearing in the marsh.
Three hideously large men whom you can compare to a giant live in a house in the middle of the marsh and have been killing people passing by.
They are easily disposed of and we also get the treasures we find inside their house. We can now return to Ragnhildr but we still have some unfinished business in the marsh.
Stay tuned for the next episode for a few more side quests in the marsh.
Thanks for watching and don’t forget to click LIKE if you liked this video and SUBSCRIBE for more Expeditions: Viking Gameplay Walkthrough Tips and Tricks!
Watch more Episodes Here: http://bit.ly/VikingsPlaylist
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
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When life hangs you upside down, just hold on to the thinnest thread you could find, it might be the strongest. . . . . . #macrophotography #macrophoto #macroworld #micro_life_shoot #macro_ig #spider #upsidedown #sigma105mmmacrolens #spiderweb (at Baulkham Hills, New South Wales, Australia)
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtxkViAVGdw)
Episode 8 is all about The Marsh near Ribe. We have plenty of side quests and battles ahead of us so let’s get started.
 Before we go into the Marsh, we equip our self with Freyja’s Talisman which we got from the temple in Ribe in exchange for a small donation. A Freyja Talisman gives the user +5 Mental Resistance which is useful for enemies who use skills like Demoralise.
 The marsh greets us with its eerie aura. We first encounter a group of Skule’s men who have four other people bound in chains. Our task is to ensure that they are not harmed for we have an ulterior motive.
 We defeat Skule’s men and decided to keep the 4 prisoners as thralls for our village. Moving on, we find the source of why people are disappearing in the marsh.
 Three hideously large men whom you can compare to a giant live in a house in the middle of the marsh and have been killing people passing by.
 They are easily disposed of and we also get the treasures we find inside their house. We can now return to Ragnhildr but we still have some unfinished business in the marsh.
 Stay tuned in the next episode for a few more side quests in the marsh.
 Thanks for watching and don’t forget to click LIKE if you liked this video and SUBSCRIBE for more Expeditions: Viking Gameplay Walkthrough Tips and Tricks!
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
We arrive at Ribe and we have a lot of tasks that need finishing here. The first thing we encounter is the group of Gunnar’s old men lead by Grimarr. Grimarr is knocked out before battle by Gunnar leaving us in a good position for battle.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vB8kSEiblU)
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions: Viking | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Tips and Tricks | Episode 5: Skjern Forest
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUJrKvaMT3o)
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V8hRWFAiq8)
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu1jhhdE5go)
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notesonhobbies · 7 years
Expeditions Viking | Gameplay | Walkthrough | Tips and Tricks | Episode 1 | Character Creation
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