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colormyworldd's studyblr clara ・19 ・nursing major new studyblr looking for other studyblrs! #noteaddict
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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『sunday, march 27, 2016』
learning Japanese with the help of my Genki textbook & lots of pretty pens 😊
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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160416 | ig: acadehmic today i made a simple mindmap for history on the kristallnacht in preparation for my upcoming in-class essay on the historical accuracy of the book thief! :) im really loving my new fineliners from staedtler ;A;
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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04.09.16 - [CS]
Before, I used to sloppily jot down notes and rarely looked back on them. The times that I did, I had a hard time connecting points and understanding what I wrote down. But I never knew how helpful rewriting and designing my notes can be. This not only helped me remember and understand half adders, but the layout keeps me coming back to study it. :) Words can’t describe how grateful I am for the studyblr community. (Meet my kitty Calcifer in the background lol)
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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4.8.16+7:35pm // 32/100 days of productivity // when i first got my mildliners, i had no idea how to use them. made this page after trying some tricks!
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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Hello hello! I recently found a bunch of FREE calendar printables for 2016 and thought I would share them as links here! I hope you enjoy them! I’ll definitely be printing some out! All of these are my favorites.
This Little Street 
Clementine Creative 
Blooming Homestead 
Coco and Mingo
My Scandanavian Home
Short Stop Design 
Lemon Thistle 
Botanical Paperworks 
Your Ampersand Studio  
Small Paper Things  
Ever So Britty 
Oh So Lovely
Sara Woodrow 
Something Peach
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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30.1.16 This is what’s in my desk drawers! The drawers are from ikea and the trays are cutlery trays from ikea. The top is my most used stationary, especially markers. They have to be stored horizontally. There was space below for larger things like my 50cm ruler, calculator, and my favourite sketchbook! My second drawer is all of my notebooks and sketchbooks in size order! Down from that are thing I use a lot for projects like my mouse and camera and paints. And the bottom drawer is paper I pick up and could use, stencils and my glue gun!
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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10/feb - neat notes from my free periods today and my anomalistic psych class ft the lil armin I drew. in other news I have my first uni open day at Nottingham this weekend which is exciting!✨
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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I may be slightly very addicted to office and art supplies. My desk is clean for once though! Day 21 of the January challenge by @journaling-junkie
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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back at it again with the chem
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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06 . 04 . 2016 // *backflips* guess who made a biochemistry mind map just because
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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Been loving the mildliners ahhHH !! It’s only been 2 days of school and I’m dead tired :/// (It’s a 11 week term sigh)
from my ig: @studeying
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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15th april 2016 : [55/100 days of productivity]
taken from my ig: @study.relief // a mere 12 days left until high school is over for me!! in the meanwhile, watch me break my back over revising for biologyy! +black pen / paper  ✨✨
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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When I started this blog a year ago, I never thought I’d have nearly 14k followers a year on!! I’ve put together this post on my one year anniversary to help new studyblrs get to grips with the basics of studyblr, begin studying more effectively and get started with sharing original content.
Who do I follow????
find nearby studyblrs with the world map
find people studying your subjects with the community list
here’s some popular studyblrs you might want to follow:
Making friends is always good so send your fav studyblrs a polite ask to introduce yourself - If a studyblr replies to you publicly, you’ll get a promo to all their followers. Don’t just bluntly ask them to check out your blog, remember to include a genuine question to make it worthwhile for them to answer you!
What are those weird apps/websites everyone uses???
Momentum - that website that shows the time over a pretty photo
Lanes -  shows the time on a colourful background, and also has loads more useful functions like a to do list and a pomodoro timer!
Forest - super useful app to help you stop procrastinating
Pomotodo - a pomodoro timer with loads of other productivity tools
Khan Academy - it can teach you anything!!
Duolingo - it can teach you anything (as long as it’s a language)
Coffivity - a website that makes coffee shop sounds to study to
Noisli - you can mix your own sounds + has a nice chrome extension
8tracks study playlists
masterpost of great study playlists
masterpost of studygrams
masterpost of study channels on youtube
masterpost of more study apps
What’s all that snazzy stationery??
sidenote - as long as you study you can be a studyblr, you absolutely don’t need to own these things!! This is just a handy outline of all the stuff you might see other studyblrs using
Mildliners - those nice coloured hightlighters everyone has
Stabilo Fineliners
Staedtler Fineliners
Moleskine Notebooks
Leucchturm Notebooks
everything from muji
washi tape 
masterpost of more stationery
How do I start studying more effectively???
stop procrastinating!!
manage your time effectively
try making a bullet journal
find new ways to study
try decorating your notes
highlight properly!
try making mind maps
try making flashcards
how to reduce stress
how to improve your memory
studying with a mental illness
study tips masterpost
masterpost of studyblr masterposts
How do I post original content??
reblog don’t repost!! This is an obvious one but if you’re new to tumblr altogether you need to know that it’s never ok to steal someone else’s content. Also don’t reblog from weheartit because all the stuff on that website it stolen!!
the most common posts on studyblr are photos of notes - it’s a good idea to make sure the colours in your photo are aesthetically pleasing, and that you have a good source of light. Natural light is best but lamplight will work as well. If your photos need more light, increase the exposure on your camera/phone. People don’t need to see the whole of your notes, try taking photos of them from different angles to show off the bits you’re most proud of! more tips in this post
share some motivational quotes - I use picmonkey to design quotes
make a masterpost of your favourite resources
make a study playlist on 8tracks and share it on your blog
tagging is the most useful thing ever - tag your posts with #studyblr and #studyspo so that other people in the community can find you! More tags = more ways for people to find you, so make sure to add plenty of tags to everything you upload. If you tag a studyblr in your post, it’s likely they’ll reblog it.
open your ask box - it’s a great way to get suggestions for new posts, and its always lovely to hear from other studyblrs in the community
Welcome to the studyblr community, good luck with your studies!
mindpalacestudy x
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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finally got my desk area organised, now time to get down to some real work!
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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3rd april 2016 : [44/100 days of productivity]
taken from my ig: @study.relief // lmao i may as well be a biology studyblr ~ but i did some more biology revision today, surprise surprise! hehe nevertheless, i’m back to school tomorrow after 2 weeks of productive easter holidays and that gives me less than a month before my final IB exams ! + black pen  / paper  ✨✨
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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28.3.16 [9:20am]
After two hours of history then using up my history notebook, I move on to biology which i spent most of my lesson time doodling tomatoes and whatnot (^3^)
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noteaddict-blog · 9 years ago
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4.8.16+2:00pm // 32/100 days of productivity // made a layout of how i generally organize my notes! this is only one example; i have a lot of different layouts. this one is my most used, so i thought i’d share! 
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