I wanted to be this way
2K posts
"I'm not some sad little girl waiting to be rescued. I wanted to be this way. I wanted to go with Slade. I wanted to annihilate you and you're pathetic friends. And now I never want to see your face again." {AU Slade's Apprentice Terra Welcome to all fandoms}
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
notasadlittlegirl · 4 years ago
Years later
[I might be back? Seeing how active this is now. Hope everyone is doing okay!]
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
//Uuugh yeah I gotta deal with that next summer myself. I swear everytime I hit $1,500 in my savings account I have to spend it all because of an emergency..especially with this new car.
Also. It's been forever. :C
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
//Baaaah every single time I try to get back on Tumblr something happens in my life. XD
I'm really exhausted because I had to clean a 7 bedroom/7 bathroom house for 4 and a half hours, then my car which I just spent about $2,500 on for new a/c and a new fuel pump stopped working again. asd;fkajsdf;j
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
Reblog if your muse has scars.
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
Send me a ❦ for a reaction to your muse playing with mine's hair.
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
The other was very interesting to Terra, her blue eyes studied her body language, her ears picked up her tone of voice. "Work together, huh?" She gave her another suspicious look, "I can handle the Titans on my own. Aren't you supposed to be apart of some team?" 
"That’s an awesome outfit."
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The geomancer turned to the voice with a skeptical look, the first thing she noticed about the other was the bright pink hair. Her stoic expression maintained as her thoughts rambled, “I know you—” She tapped her side lightly. "Your name is Jinx, isn’t it?" She remembered not only the Titans talking about her and the team she was on but also Slade. 
"What are you doing here?" Her brows furrowed as she seemed a tad paranoid about the other’s sudden appearance and..compliment about her outfit in which she usually gets nothing but negative comments.
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
Pain was the number one issue running through her own mind, another issue was the realization of the act that she had just done.Tears rolled down her cheek as she kept her head down, more of her long blonde hair falling in front of her face. 
Feeling a warm hand on her own made her flinch, her hand almost drawing away. 
"I said leave me a-" She spoke through gritted teeth, she was distracted as she heard loud orders echo through her earpiece, the drones were starting to fall. Terra knew what would happen if she returned to Slade. 
Using her free hand, the blonde ripped the earpiece and hurled it, "Enough" Her voice was filled with agony, her hand returning to her side. 
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"You can't help me-" Her tone of voice had changed from a tone of malice and hatred to a tone of sincerity and helplessness, albeit very quiet. 
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"Star—" The blonde geomancer was occupied with fighting the Titans once more, she was at an advantage thanks to Slade, the others were down and she turned towards the alien that she had once called friend. Truth be told, before Terra became Slade’s Apprentice she was extremely fond of the Tameranean for it was her that was the first one to offer the geomancer a place to stay and welcomed her with open arms.
Terra saw one of Slade’s drones occupying a two barrel shot gun. This was way more extreme than the weapons that they had previously held, and thanks to the geomancer, Starfire seemed distracted.
Terra gritted her teeth and bolted towards her old friend.
"Apprentice. What are you doing? Stop!"
The command that buzzed in her ear didn’t phase her, she screeched to a halt in between the alien and the drone, she put a hand on Starfire’s shoulder, “I’m sor-“ 
The last thing she heard was a gunshot. 
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
❤ - Tumblr user I would date ❣ - An unpopular opinion I have ⋆ - My personal blog url ❧ - Other websites I’m on ✗ - Skype ☒ - My nickname ☑ - My real name ♞ - My age ✾ - TV series I love ◎ - Relationship status ☄ - My opinion of you ❂ - Post a picture of myself
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
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30 Day Teen Titans Challenge → Day 18: Favorite Introduction   
↳ Terra
"What? Haven’t you guys ever seen a superhero before?”
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
Insult them. Belittle them. Mock them. Laugh at them. Threaten what they love. Black mail them. Question their life choices. Kick them when they’re down. Break their stuff. Violate their privacy. Overstay your welcome. Break a promise. Vandalise their property. Poke them. Hurt them.
                               ANYTHING!                         —-Just rile them up till they SNAP!
You have one ask to piss off my muse; Run with it!
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
give me a character and i'll give you a sample of how i'd rp them
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
The ex-Titan started laughing in her hand as he had started to fall, "Didn't see that coming now, did you 'Jack Sp-'" Before she could finish mistaking his name intentionally once more her mouth dropped as she saw some sort of breach in mid air. 
"Hey!!" She yelled with gritted teeth, her eyes flashed yellow as a chunk of the Earth lifted and was hurled toward the rift, hoping to catch him in time.
"I didn't know 'evil' and 'coward' were associated together."  
jackxspicer is Crossing a Rocky Path
"I’m tellin’ ya, I only go ‘cause I need the fabric for my inventions!!"  Suuure, Jack.  Smooth lying, no-one could possibly doubt that.  
"And were you gonna show me something?  ’Cause I don’t see anyth-iiiiiiing!!”  He was interrupted mid-sentence AGAIN, starting to fall backwards because, strangely, a piece of land had smacked him away.  Jack had been prepared to fight though, and wasn’t as surprised as he could’ve been, as the Xiaolin apprentice Clay had also known Earth techniques.
Although he wasn’t powerful, Jack was fast.  His second-favorite Wu, the Golden Tiger Claws, were on his hands before he had finished rolling away through the push.  Then as he got back up, only the tailcoat of his outfit could be seen going through a rift of some sort.
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
Slade would be interested to know about this new discovery, but she needed to know more about these other people, especially him as he seems to have a grasp on his powers..
Looking at Clay she would have never guessed that he had such awesome power, keeping a suspicious smile she rubbed the back of her head. 
"Look, Clay--" She looked up to the left for a split second with a smile, her body language a little shaky. "Sorry things got a little rocky there, I-er-don't have the greatest experiences with people. And I've only known one other person with our kind of ability." She tried to seem sincere, "Mind if I see more of what you can do?" 
txrralutum is Crossing a Rocky Path
地 —           Yes, Clay’s in great control of his powers; he started out
              shakily but, with his master’s help, he can now cause great               quakes, fissures and can even level mountains, if he really                   tries. But she doesn’t need to know this — he’s not a fool,             he knows he can’t really trust her, but he knows well enough                  that she wouldn’t try and crush him after learning that he                                                                  has powers similar to hers.            ”Depends on what you mean by like me…” He frowns. “Yeah,                       there are kids who’ve got powers too… but I’m the only                                                               one who’s element is earth.”
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years ago
//Almost got bit by a copperhead snake. :x Well, off to replies finally!
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