notadinnerparty · 10 years
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Morning run, false creek #likeafunctionalhuman #atleastithinkitsfalsecreek #youknowbyscienceworld #vancity #running #gloriousPNWweather
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notadinnerparty · 10 years
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Winter light through windows at mass=argument from aesthetics. #stjamesanglican #beauty #vancouver #dtes (at St James' Anglican Church)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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Close up of St Francis (I think).
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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#zihuatanejo #hotelaura #playamadera #auradelmar #mexico (at Aura Del Mar Hotel & Spa)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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View from my balcony. Perfection. (at Aura Del Mar Hotel & Spa)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
Female job applicants with children are 44 percent less likely to be hired for a job than are childless women with similar qualifications. Fathers, by contrast, are 19 percent MORE likely to be hired than are comparably qualified men without children.
"Getting a Job: Is there a Motherhood Penalty?" American Journal of Sociology, 2007 (via checkprivilege)
The answer to the question is yes.
(via generalbriefing)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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self portrait
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
The order and coherence of traditional Christian liturgy and art depends for its strength on the conviction that what it centers on is true; that God exists, that the Bible is his word, and the church is the true manifestation of his kingdom in the world. Without these convictions beauty has no reference point, and liturgy is a series of empty observances done for the sake of doing. The reason liturgy is attractive to sensitive people is that it actually reflects what is true and speaks to the listening soul of what is closest to the ground of its being.
Thomas Holgrave, in an article about GenX and Millennial Christians (via bethmaynard)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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I suppose you're not so bad to look at, Vancouver. #winterwalk #dogwalkliving #bridgesofvancity #vancity #vancouver #insomniacinstagramming
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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Family walk fun, winter stylez. (at Crab Park)
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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While you’re making log cabin-style gingerbread houses, Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin are sculpting the world’s famous museums.
Everything from the Guggenheim to the Louvre are meticulously fashioned out of candy and gingerbread. 
The World’s Art Museums Made From Gingerbread
via Design Boom
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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A cartoon by Drew Dernavich. For more cartoons from this week’s issue: http://nyr.kr/1isIyQl
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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And Pigs Might Fly
In a porcine stunt that Zhu Bajie himself would no doubt be proud, a man has trained about a dozen wild pigs to dive off a 3 metre diving board in a park in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. They performed their new trick on Saturday and, apparently, it takes three months to train the pigs to become such confident divers and swimmers.
Read more…
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
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These thimble-sized Chinese shot glasses, made for drinking the revered and feared sorghum spirit known as bai jiu, are called 一口杯 yī kǒu bēi, which means “one gulp cup”. No explanation needed. Gānbēi.
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
As for me, I think the most important thing about Francis’ entire position, as he performs it and writes it, is that it reminds us that all institutions created by human hands are subject to God’s judgment, and we cannot escape accountability for what we create by pretending it’s morally neutral (markets, distributions) or that since the creation itself was just, we should not have to answer for its outcomes. It’s disingenuous for the right to pretend that we’re proposing full communism or some such soviet-esque boogieman system here, when there are lower order and simpler projects that would achieve our ends of alleviating poverty. It’s also dishonest to divorce this project from theology: for Christians, tireless devotion to the cause of the poor will always be an expression of our love of God, and to attempt to render it amoral or trivial is to deliver a blow to the right concord between people and God.
Response to Ross Douthat’s “The Pope and the Right” | Elizabeth Stoker
Good response.
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notadinnerparty · 11 years
[The great Anglo-Catholic saints of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries] were, in many cases, pioneers, carrying with them a spirit of adventure as well as a deep dedication to the principles they held. They were willing to be ostracized, to be inhibited, to lose their callings and...
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