not-so-bad · 7 days
27/12/2000, 17:23
"Anatoliy, kom hit." An older man with dirty blonde hair, clearly Anatoliy's father, calls him over, though he's not sure where the child is.
Anatoliy quietly walks into the room, picking at the scratches on his arms as he nervously looks at his father. "Hm?"
"Slutt å klø, dumme gutt," he hisses, standing up and walking closer to the little boy. "Hvorfor er du våken?"
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not-so-bad · 7 days
23/06/2024, 02:31
Anatoliy has been crying on his bathroom floor for the last 22 minutes, blood running down his forearms. The same blood that's on the razor.
He'd been doing so well.
He hadn't even realised he'd done it until the sting of the cuts actually started to manifest properly. He doesn't even know what triggered it; he'd just woken up and gone to the bathroom and he's so sorry.
Worthless, incompetent, disappointing–
On top of that, he's hearing things again, whispers —mostly in the voice of his ex-wife, a few in his dad's — the things they used to say to him.
"I-I'm– 'M sorry..." he sobs out quietly, curling in on himself as he covers his ears.
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not-so-bad · 7 days
20/03/2024, 17:24
"Uncle Allan?" Abbey has been silently staring out the window of Allan's car for about 30 minutes now, clearly thinking about something
Allan is glad to hear her speak. "Yeah, kiddo?"
"Papa's sad," she mumbles, looking forward so that Allan can see her face in the rear-view mirror. She looks concerned.
"Sad?" Allan, aware of Anatoliy's past, seems concerned as well; sad is never good.
"Heard him crying."
Allan pulls the car to the side of the road. "When, kiddo?" he asks, turning to look at her properly.
"Last night. Wha' do the coins mean?"
He sighs softly, a a slight frown on his face. "Well, little princess... This week is very difficult for your papa," he begins to explain, trying to soften it as much as possible. "He had a.. a problem before you were born. He's getting better but he has bad days sometimes which is where the crying comes from — Papa's just having a really hard time at the moment."
Abbey is quiet for a moment, looking at her hands as she processes the information. Then she asks one simple question: "Why?"
The question stumps Allan — how does he answer that? "Well, um... I'm not too sure, Kiddo," he responds, calm and careful.
"Oh... Can I help him?"
"Sure you can, Abbey.. You just keep being you, okay?"
Abbey thinks for a moment. She can keep being herself; she always has been. "Okay."
He continues to drive Abbey home in silence, the only noise being the song on the radio.
He'd have to ask how she knew about the coins later.
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not-so-bad · 7 days
19/03/2024, 23:04
Anatoliy has been struggling recently.
He's been having, as his therapist used to call them, cravings all month — really, he knows he's on the brink of a relapse if he doesn't find a way to curb it. Maybe he should take a break from work, ease some of the stress in his life.
It's been 5 years. He's been sober for 5 years; he's been clean for 2 — he knows he can work through this, it's just difficult sometimes.
He fidgets with the AA coin hanging from his neck, looking at the scars along his right arm.
You're stronger than your habits, Anatoliy.
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not-so-bad · 7 days
22/06/2024, 13:08
Anatoliy is at Allan's doorstep — this is never a good sign, especially on a Saturday; Abbey goes to her grandmother's house on Saturdays.
Allan opens the door, slow and hesitant, only to be met with a surprisingly sturdy punch to the face. He's pretty sure his nose is broken. "Shit–"
"I am going to fucking kill you, Allan; what the fuck were you thinking?!" Anatoliy yelling is new and terrifying.
"I was driving; I didn't know she was reading the file–" Allan attempts to defend himself, stepping back.
"You could've taken it from her, Allan, you stupid cunt!"
"I know but it's the first time I've ever seen her so interested in anything and she even solved the case, Ana'; I think this could be good for everyone–"
Anatoliy goes quiet, gritting his teeth and trying to take a deep breath. "I know she's interested but it isn't the crime, it's the psychological aspect, Allan."
"How d'you know that?" Allan asks, grabbing a tissue to hold to his nose in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
"She doesn't actively seek out crime files — she gets bored, she reads whatever she can get her hands on, but she enjoys studying people." Anatoliy is sure of this; Abbey always picks out psychology books, specifically clinical psychology, over forensic psychology when they go to the library. "Sit down, I'll get you some ice for your nose, alright?"
Allan slowly sits down on the sofa, tissue gradually becoming soaked with blood. "Right... So you're saying that Abbey wants to be psychiatrist?"
"Yeah," he says as he leaves the room to get some ice for Allan's nose. "She also likes coding."
"...Ana', I think you should have Abbey do an IQ test," Allan suggests.
"I know."
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not-so-bad · 8 days
21/06/2024, 16:24
Allan has picked Abbey up from school today, at Anatoliy's hesitant request — it seems Abbey always learns a new curse word when Allan's driving.
She's sitting in her carseat in the back, a box of files on the seat next to her. She's been reading each one, made easier by the recent learning of most of the vocabulary. There's one word she can't figure out means though.
"Uncle Allan?" she says quietly in hopes of getting his attention.
It works and he pulls over to the side of the road to pay attention to her better. "Yeah, kiddo?"
"Wha's UnSub mean?"
The question makes Allan confused. "Uhmm... Unknown Subject, it's the word we use for a criminal we haven't caught yet.. Why d'you ask, little princess?"
Abbey hums quietly. "Teacher."
"Huh?" Abbey's way of speaking has always bothered Allan slightly; she never truly explains herself nowadays.
"'S a teacher," she reiterates, reading over the profile again.
"How d'you know that?"
Abbey doesn't respond for a moment, chewing lightly on the side of her tongue. "'Round kids all the time, kills after 4:30–" It sounds as if she's reading off the profile but the file is closed and on top of the box at an angle he knows Abbey can't read from with her poor eyesight.
"Abbey, are you sure?" he asks, turning around to look at her.
"Mhm. Mr. Albner."
"Abbey, who's Mr. Albner," Allan asks, concerned and slightly panicked.
"Maths teacher. Mr. Cameron Albner. Think he did it." she explains, putting the file exactly where it was in the box.
"I hope you're right, kiddo," Allan mutters as he dials the analyst's number.
Abbey does end up being right. Cameron Albner is arrested the next morning.
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not-so-bad · 11 days
Allan has been asked to babysit Abbey again.
"So, Abbey... What d'you wanna do?" He is, as always, hopeful that Abbey will have a conversation with him this time.
She only responds with a quiet hum, neutral. But then she walks into a different room, leaving a confused and disappointed Allan.
But then she comes back with a pile of 100 piece puzzles, stacked in order of box size. "Puzzles."
"You wanna do a puzzle, kiddo?" he asks with a smile — now they're getting somewhere.
Abbey shakes her head. "Puzzles." She emphasises the 's'.
"Right... Which one do you wanna start with?"
She puts a Lion King puzzle on the coffee table.
"Alright," Allan says, opening the box. "Let's get started."
"Mhm. 30 minutes," Abbey says as she begins to work on the puzzle.
"30 minutes until dinner," she somewhat explains, quiet and focused on the puzzle.
"Okay." Allan sets a timer on his phone.
If he remembers correctly, Abbey doesn't like when things are late or off-schedule.
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not-so-bad · 13 days
"Allan, no."
"But she's really interested in this case and she's already read the files–" Allan, a dark-haired man who looks to be roughly in his early thirties, hurriedly attempts to explain, only to cut himself off. He shouldn't have said that.
"What?" Anatoliy stops dead in his tracks, turning to Allan with a very specific rage in his eyes. "Allan, what did you show her?"
Allan backs up a little bit. "Nothing bad, I swear–"
"She asked to read some of the file, but there weren't any pictures; it's just an explanation." He really is trying to be comforting, but it's difficult with what Anatoliy knows about his job.
"You work in forensics; most of your job is bad!"
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What was the case?"
"What. Kind." Anatoliy says through gritted teeth.
"...Promise not to be mad?"
"Allan Jones, I swear to God–"
"Torture. Hasn't been solved yet but we think it was either murder-suicide or a long-term hostage situation."
"And you showed Abbey that?"
"No, she read it on her own," Allan says calmly, completely truthfully.
This makes Anatoliy pause. "All by herself?" he asks, clearly surprised.
"Yeah, asked for a dictionary, too. Thought she was reading one of the psychology books."
"She did."
"Come again?"
"She's been spouting little psychology facts all week since she came home from your place," Anatoliy explains,
"Oh my God... I mean, I knew she was smart but my God."
"I know."
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not-so-bad · 15 days
Abbey has had a good day today.
She tried a new food at school, found a new favourite puzzle, and she's moved up from crayons to pencils.
Her teacher says she's improving and Papa is very proud.
"Pomegranates, huh? Didn't think you'd like those." Anatoliy looks at Abbey through the rearview mirror, a smile on his face.
"Taste good," Abbey mumbles in response, looking out of the window at the trees that get blurry as they drive past, despite Anatoliy driving at the exact speed limit.
"And the texture wasn't a problem? I know you don't like things with multiple textures."
"Small helps." She's never been a very wordy child; she only ever speaks in short sentences. She's doing well in terms of vocabulary, oddly enough.
Anatoliy nods in understanding, thinking of other foods he can ease his daughter into trying. "Small foods are easier?"
"Good to know." He'll buy smaller fruits from now on — he hasn't tested out grapes yet.
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not-so-bad · 15 days
"Mr. Lee, please keep your arm still."
Anatoliy has been trying to get an adequate amount of blood from the elderly man's arm for the better part of half an hour. Arthur Lee's veins are thin and are making Anatoliy's job highly difficult — his shift is supposed to be finishing in 15 minutes.
"But the needle hurts," Mr. Lee complains, moving his arm away. "Can't you use somethin' else for the tests?"
"Sorry, Mr. Lee; this is the only way to get an accurate result," Anatoliy complains, calm and factual. "You've been I'll for months; we need to know what's going on to let your doctor know."
"I thought you were my new doctor," Arthur asks questioningly.
"No, I'm the nurse." He says, though he seems distracted — he's finally found a visible vein and the conversation seems to keep Mr. Lee relaxed.
"Oh. So is my doctor still– uhm..."
Anatoliy chimes in. "Dr. Alnes?"
"Yes, her! She's delightful, where is she?"
"She doesn't do bloods, sir," he says, slowly inserting the needle into Arthur's arm, watching his reactions to see if he notices.
He doesn't. "Ain't that a doctor's job though?"
"Nope — healthcare assistants and nurses," he explains. "Most of my job is bloods."
"Oh, okay. You ain't very good at this, are you?"
"Well, I've just taken yours." Anatoliy shows him the syringe filled with blood. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Lee. You'll get your results next week." He empties the jar into a small jar before taking off his gloves and beginning to pack his things away.
"Wait–" Arthur looks at the jar before looking over at Anatoliy as he speed-walks around the room. "Where are you rushin' off to?"
"Picking up my daughter from school," he mutters, picking up his bag. "If you need to contact me, ask Allison at the front desk for my work number. Goodbye, Mr. Lee." It's the last thing he says before jogging out of the room.
He's clearly a little stressed.
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not-so-bad · 16 days
"I'll be with you in a sec."
A tired man jogs off to go stop presumably his daughter from running off too far, taking her hand and walking her over to a bench. "Alright, Abbey, just sit here for a sec, okay?"
"Sorry, what was it that you wanted?"
Name: Anatoliy James Hansen-Onassis
DoB: 28/12/1997
Age: 26
PoB: Narvik, Norway
Height: 6'1" ————————————————————————
Name: Abbey Natalia Hansen
DoB: 17/08/2019
Age: 4
PoB: Newburgh, New York, USA
Height: 3'2"
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