not-a-bad-bitch · 7 hours
Important question. When Appa has to take a shit does he just like let it rip at 3,000 feet or do they have to land for that
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not-a-bad-bitch · 24 days
why is my entire dash 9/11 jokes did smth happen or
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not-a-bad-bitch · 24 days
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 month
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And in MXTX-related news, this is as sweet as it is incredibly cruel! Ow, my heart!
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 month
I think it's so funny that hua cheng held an intense, long, 800-year-old grudge against mu qing for not letting him die in the army for his celebrity crush while mu qing had no fucking idea who he was until like book 4
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not-a-bad-bitch · 3 months
it's not talked about enough, how lan wangji begins mirroring wei wuxian in body after he dies. It's symbolic, I think, and also very beautiful.
See, it's pretty clearly stated that there was no body left of wei wuxian after his death. There was nothing left. Lan Wangji checked. But wei wuxian and him– they were a part of each other. They were mirrors, in sharing the same morality and beliefs. They were a single soul, just in different bodies and expressing their morals in different ways.
And so, Lan Wangji, grieving and so, so alone, becomes Wei Wuxian. He begins to be him in his absence – in his death – because he believed in him and believed the world to be better for his existence and now he was gone. And lan wangji had a responsibility to that, to the vow they took.
The wen brand, exactly where wei wuxian's own was. The whip marks, the same as the ones probably left by zidian on wei wuxian's back. Breaking the rule on drinking, to understand wei wuxian's love for it better.
Keeping pieces of him in private, becoming him in public. Teaching students under his tutelage wei wuxian's techniques. Being bolder, more shameless, more like the man he loved.
Wei Wuxian's body and soul may have been lost forever, but not to Lan Wangji. He who knew wei wuxian better than the back of his own hand. The world may have killed him, but not to Lan Wangji. No, to him, wei ying was always alive, living in him, in a-yuan, in jars of wine and bottles of chili oil, in hidden flowers between pages of books, in the rabbits hopping about, and at the core of the urge to live with no regrets.
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
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The trans flag being in the background of THIS SHOT SPECIFICALLY… You already KNOW what’s going on
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
Anyway love that nimona pulled the 'villain is recorded admitting to the crime' trope and then it didn't solve anything. If your villain is already in a position of power, as these villains almost always are, how is recording them going to help? Who is going to hold these people accountable? In real life people in power admit to wrongdoings, only for nothing to come of it. All the time. Nimona said the only way to solve these problems is systematic change and setting buildings on fire.
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
Two things I haven't yet seen anyone discuss about Nimona:
For a thousand years, the kingdom was protecting against something that not only wasn't a threat, but that lived within their city that whole time. They didn't know she was there, of course, but she was. They built a wall to keep the monsters out, but the one who was there at the beginning was inside the wall the whole time. Kind of like how queer people have been here the whole time, just living their lives and quietly existing.
The kingdom is terrified of what's beyond the wall. All of them are. The director talks about how she has a recurring dream about the wall failing and the monsters flooding in. And then the wall gets broken down, and..... there's no monsters beyond the wall. There's just lush rolling hills and a winding river. They cut themselves off from the rest of the world for a millennia, but the monsters they feared so terribly weren't even out there.
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
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don’t be fooled he actually loves his 1000 year old eldritch being daughter a lot
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
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ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE + the onion headlines (2/?)
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not-a-bad-bitch · 1 year
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Hehe hoho
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not-a-bad-bitch · 2 years
Dewey’s purse
(Clip from Malcolm in the Middle, S2:E11)
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not-a-bad-bitch · 2 years
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The prompt was ‘detention.’
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not-a-bad-bitch · 2 years
once every 2 million babies, a “strong baby” is born. That baby has the strength of one hundred regular babies. I am that baby, and I wish you a merry christmas
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not-a-bad-bitch · 2 years
I know it’s fun to joke that sokka is overly paranoid, doesn’t trust anyone, and always assumes the worst in people, but honestly.... most of the time, he’s right. he was right that jet was bad news, that aunt wu was a quack, that jeong jeong teaching aang wouldn’t lead to anything good, and that hama had a dark secret. he was even proven right with his initial mistrust of aang, who of course did not have bad intentions, but he did set off the flare (by accident) that brought the fire nation to their village, endangering them just as sokka had feared. and crucially, he’s also (usually) right when it comes to who he puts his trust in. with the exception of putting his trust in the mechanist, who was doing some pretty terrible things (mind you, out of desperation in a situation with no good options, and he did otherwise have good intentions), and zuko (whom he was totally justified in being suspicious of considering all that he’d done), when sokka takes a liking to someone, he’s always proven right. he put his trust in suki (after she apologized for capturing him and he apologized for disrespecting her) and he was so right for it. he immediately took a liking to yue, and while it was initially due to how beautiful she was, he was also correct to like and trust her. he was correct to put his trust in piandao, even though he’s usually incredibly wary of anyone from the fire nation (“those are enemy birds”). he was even right to hear jet out in ba sing se, which is really impressive considering that he hated jet’s guts. he doesn’t need toph’s seismic sense to discern someone’s intentions; his instincts are just that good.
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