nostalgic-air · 6 years
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
All of the Romantics could not have prepared me for this kind of wild beauty.
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
nobody says “straight women like dick so why won’t they have sex with a woman with a strap on it’s the same thing” almost like it’s not the same thing and everyone fucking knows that and they’re all just lesbophobic bastards who don’t understand why dykes don’t worship at the temple of dick like everyone else does
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
“Traditionalists want to make girls wear dresses. Gender identitarians want to make dress wearers become girls. Both are equally regressive.”
— Becca Reilly-Cooper (via lishra)
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
everybody who drives is an absolute shit idiot madman including me and including you
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
just walks around your house with one of these and puts out all your candles
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
New to tumblr
Hey radfemblr I’ve been lurking and becoming “radicalized” for like a year now and I’ve finally decided to join you. Could anyone reblog this if they post radfem/gendercritical stuff so I can follow please xx
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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sorry sjws there are only 9 (Nine) genders
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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Motion-activated camera captures a tiger relaxing. Then he wonders if he left the oven on. [video]
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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she fly
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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Moon earrings
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
Maybe there’s someone in this abandoned clown factory who can help us
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
the world doesnt make men feel beautiful and make women feel ugly. it makes women feel they literally exist for men’s use. that is why redefining beauty is idiotic. why are we trying to expand the parameters in which you can exist in to be deemed fuckable by men when the problem is this tyrannical idea in the first place
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nostalgic-air · 6 years
we probably lost a lot of medical knowledge during the witch hunts because of how many mid wives were persecuted, and how men took over the field of medicine. I bet a few hundred years ago a mid wife might actually have some kind of knowledge about conditions that affect women exclusively which we still haven’t bothered to research in our modern society.
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