Northglenn Garage Door Repair
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
Mold spores are dangerous and can cause unimaginable health problems along with huge expenses in moving costs, medical bills and property damage. Our Northglenn Garage Door Repair experts urge you to eliminate mold whenever it is found in your home or business location and that includes your garage! Usually when you think of mold growing, the mental image of a bathroom, kitchen or shed arises. Mold spores love humid, moist and dark environments that are also mostly unventilated. This of course can include your garage interior.
New garage mold proofing
Are you in the process of building your new home? Is the work commencing now or has it started recently? This is the perfect time to mold proof your new garage. It’s actually a simple process. Just be sure to not use materials that are hospitable to mold and its growth. These materials include wood and drywall and instead use a paperless version or vinyl siding or aluminum. Wood and paper are quite hospitable to mold spores so you’ll want to avoid using them as much as possible. They are actually food for the mold so if you eliminate the food source by using different building materials, you drastically cut down on mold’s ability to grow and thrive.
Existing garage mold proofing
Sometimes applying a coat of paint is all that is needed to mold proof your existing garage walls. As you know, mold eats paper and wood products much like they do the old food in your refrigerator. If the spores can’t get to the food source, they die out and don’t multiply. Also, be sure to keep your garage well ventilated as the air inside your garage really needs to be as moisture proof as possible. Our Northglenn, CO weather tends to be low humidity and that’s great for keeping mold growth to a minimum. We also realize that we do get humid spells once in a while and that many of our readers live elsewhere in more damp and moist climates like Florida or North Carolina.
Fix any leaks
This one is important. Not only can leaks cause further damage to your building structure, but the water or moisture that they bring can increase the humidity level inside your garage especially when trapped inside a closed space. If you discover a leaky roof or water heater, get it fixed as fast as possible and leave the garage door open to air the space out or if that is not possible, use fans to do the trick.
Mold removal
If you discover mold in your Northglenn garage, act fast to remove it! Don’t put it on your “to do list” for a future project; clean it up as soon as possible! Try and remove ALL of the mold spores that you find; leaving even a tiny amount will have it growing back with a vengeance. Look for mold growth on the garage door itself and also on the floor, walls and corners of the room. Of course, mold can grow on items inside the garage like cardboard boxes, books, rags, papers and other porous materials.
It’s best to use bleach in your mold cleanup efforts. You’ll be using your bleach mixture on both drywall and concrete surfaces as both are porous and a favorite growth area for dangerous mold to thrive in. Use one part bleach to four parts water when cleaning floors, walls or your garage door. Are your garage walls unfinished drywall? If so, spray your bleach mixture directly on it and let it soak in. Be sure to wear gloves if you are scrubbing bleach onto vinyl, concrete or wood surfaces. We recommend that you wear a respirator when cleaning or just leave the garage door open if you can.
Do I have to use bleach?
No, there are other good alternatives to using bleach for mold removal. One of them is vinegar. Another is tea tree oil and water. Use one part white vinegar and one part water. Be sure to not use the apple cider version; only the regular while one. You can add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent to every quart of solution that you make for added strength. You can also use denatured alcohol, but be sure to use full strength. Either spray it on or wipe the surface with a sponge. Please make an effort to NOT breathe any fumes from these cleanings. As stated above, clean with your garage door open or use fans to recirculate the air. If cleaning in the winter or cold months, use space heaters to dry out the inside surfaces of your garage; remember; no moisture!
Word of warning!
Be careful to NOT use your bleach mixtures with ammonia or other chemicals. Toxic fumes may be the result. Another big NO is to use white vinegar with hydrogen peroxide. Please resist the urge to experiment and make your solutions extra strong! The mixtures mentioned above are in the right proportions and are safe so please stick to that.
More tips
Always remember that mold spores need moisture to survive and to grow. It doesn’t do any good to fix leaks and wipe up spills if you are going to overlook other, easy-to-do things like tracking snow or water into your garage by simply driving in to it from the outside and having it on your tires. This is something to watch out for all year long and not just with your car – moisture can be brought into your garage through skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles, lawn mowers and even snow shoes!
Be sure to keep mold inducing items to a minimum inside your garage. It’s always a good idea to store books, old newspapers, magazines and rags in non-cardboard containers. Plastic is not so good for the earth’s environment, but mold hates it and will not grow or thrive in dry, sealed plastic containers with no moisture in them. You can stop, prevent and eliminate mold spores in your Northglenn, CO garage; just be watchful, careful and responsive and you’ll be fine!
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
If you are facing problems with your garage door opener, there are a good number of reasons it’s on the fritz. Some are simple, and some are more complicated. Here are the possibilities and solutions.
Do It Yourself
Is your garage door opener running, but the garage door doesn’t move? In case there’s ever a power outage, your garage door opener has a disconnect switch, which makes it possible to open or close the garage door by hand. This switch is usually attached to a knob or rope, which can get unhooked inadvertently. Open or shut the door all the way, and then securely fasten the hook again. Try shutting or opening the door again using the transmitter, and it ought to work now.
Does the garage door not open using your remote? This is generally easily resolved. 1) You may be too far out of range from your garage door. 2) Maybe you just need to charge or replace the batteries. 3) The garage door motor antenna is blocked from the signal or it’s damaged. 4) Perhaps your remote has to be reprogrammed.
Does your garage door go down all the way, yet then open again? In all probability, your garage door opener’s open-and-shut limit settings are malfunctioning. These settings send instructions to the garage door opener, telling it how far the garage door has to go before it is totally closed. If it’s set too high, the door will hit the floor before the opener thinks it should, because it assumes that the door is touching something in its path; then, it reverses automatically, to keep from smashing it. Your operator’s manual contains instructions on how to reset the open-and-shut limits.
Is the garage door just not closing at all? Your garage door has a small photo eye sensor on each side. There’s an invisible laser beam between them, which, when broken, stops the garage door from shutting. Check to see if they’re misaligned, or grimy.
Does your garage door randomly open and close? If your garage door is opening or closing all by itself, look at the transmitter. It could be wedged under an object that is inadvertently pressing down on the control mechanism. For example, the transmitter might be beneath items that you’ve left in your car, or somewhere else close by. Test the transmitter’s frequency, too; it’s probable that your neighbor has the same exact frequency as yours.
Does the garage door opener run for several seconds, and then turn off? When your garage door still won’t budge, the door stays closed, and the motor tries but fails to lift the door. First off, determine whether the springs are the issue. If not, examine the track for any tiny obstacles, grime, or dirt. If none of these is the culprit, then see if your garage door is the kind with a built-in lock that’s accidentally engaging; this often occurs with older garage doors.
Complex Issues Calling for Professional Attention
Does your garage door close only part way, but then open again? A garage door is designed with a reversing mechanism to prevent it from smashing something in its path. The reversing instruction can be activated by any object on the floor that’s blocking the door’s path, such as a trash can, box, or bike. Another likelihood is there’s a build-up of debris on the tracks ~ grime, dirt, or a minute object ~ which will stop the rollers from moving. This is a major problem, so it’s time to contact a garage door repair technician.
Does your garage door not open at all? The springs are likely broken, requiring repair or replacement. If so, you need the expertise of a garage door repair professional.
Does your garage door slam down with a loud bang? This is frequently an indication of a broken spring, which counters the garage door’s weight. Or, the cables are broken. Either way, this is bad, so call a garage door repair technician.
Maybe your garage door track is out of alignment. If the garage door’s metal track isn’t aligned properly, it definitely won’t move. Are there any bends in the rails? Do you notice any gaps between the rollers and the rail? The significant weight of the garage door will compound these issues as time passes, so don’t procrastinate on getting it serviced. Before your garage door becomes dangerous, find a professional.
DON’T EVER TRY to adjust the garage door by yourself! If you don’t have the garage door serviced correctly, your garage door springs can cause serious injury, and can even death. The garage door drums, cables, and bottom brackets might also need adjusting. Don’t take any risks! If you live anywhere in Northglenn, Colorado, consider hiring a mobile garage door repair specialist on staff at a legitimate garage door repair company, such as Northglenn Garage Door Repair.
Take Precautionary Measures
Each year, before winter arrives, lubricate your garage door hinges, rollers, and springs. Reputable garage door technicians will advise you to lubricate four times per year. A light coating is all that is required. Choose a top-name brand, so it won’t dry out. If you do not lubricate, then sooner or later the garage door springs will rust, and, ultimately, the coils will bind up against each other.
Schedule an annual inspection with a respectable local garage door repair service. Springs, cables, wires, and pulleys all call for close attention from an expert.
Once a month, thoroughly look over your garage door system’s components. Tighten any loose bolts. Replace any worn-out parts. If you hear any odd noises when your garage door shuts and opens, do not ignore it. You ought to consult a garage door professional immediately.
Garage door maintenance takes minimal effort, and really not a lot of time on your part. When you keep your garage door in tiptop shape, it will be less costly to maintain, and last a lot longer overall.
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
Northglenn Garage Door Repair: Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Garage Door
Your garage serves an important role within your home, serving as an additional area of storage, a place to protect your cars from bad weather, and even serves as an emergency escape route during an unforeseen incident. While all of these are great when your garage door is in tip top condition, having it fail at the most critical of times, especially when you may not be at home, can compromise the integrity of the whole room as well as the security it’s meant to provide.
The garage, which is often overlooked, does benefit from regular maintenance and like any other mechanism within your house, the garage door also needs a little extra TLC to keep running for a long time to come. There are hundreds of tips that could extend the life of your garage door out there, but only a few really seem to help in the long run.
Get some one and one time with your garage door
The garage is often personified as the “mouth” of your house, so getting up close and personal should become a comfortable experience for you. While a glance once in a while can tell you if it is likely to fall down or not, actually looking with a higher level of scrutiny can easily extend the life of your garage door.
To start, the first thing you’ll want to do is take a look at your garage door from inside while it’s completely closed. As Northglenn Garage Door Repair in Northglenn, CO often tells their clients, if you can see any visible light streaming in from the seams or any other gaps including under the door, then it more than likely means your garage is not properly aligned. The importance of a properly aligned door is to keep out the cold and elements and increase insulation within your home. Having a misaligned door is an immediate sign that some sort of maintenance is needed.
If it happens to pass that test, your next step of visual inspection will be to take a look at the system itself. This includes the garage door springs, cables, rollers, and other hardware that make up the garage door opening and closing mechanisms. If any of these seem to be in the wrong place, compare them to the other sides of the garage, or speak with an expert, as often if it looks out of place, it probably is. The final visual (well half auditory) test you can do, is to open and shut your garage door and listen to the sounds that come from the cycle. If you hear a creaking or scraping sound, try and see if you can’t isolate exactly what piece is causing it and have it serviced ASAP.
Check the balance of your garage door
While the visual test was mostly from an observer’s point of view, this balance test focuses on a more physical and involved examination. Even if you’re positive your door slides up and down without any problems, checking the door’s balance is a smart tip to make sure there aren’t any issues and can prevent any future expensive repair bills because you didn’t.
To perform this test, the first thing you need to do is disconnect any automatic garage door openers you may have while making sure the door is in the closed position. Next, you want to manually attempt to lift the door up which should move smoothly and easily with little to no resistance. Let the garage door rise to the very top and watch to see if the garage door stays up without any additional help. If it wiggles or begins to slide back down on its own, this is a sign of the door being unbalanced and will need to be serviced by an expert.
However, if it succeeds in the first part of this test, try moving in the opposite direction. If the door is operating as it should, you can move it to the point where it should begin moving down on its own at a slow yet deliberate pace. Even better, the door should stop at whatever position you leave it in if perfectly balanced. What you don’t want to see is the door slamming down to the ground with an alarming speed. This is again a sign that there is something wrong with the door’s balance or the springs holding the door. Seeking an expert for spring adjustment is the correct course of action here as trying to do it on your own can harm your door if you’re not careful.
Clean and lubricate your garage door hinges, rollers and track
This is by far the most important tip anyone can know for extending the life of a garage door. In the name itself, we see the word door but we treat it like just a part of the house. As with any door that is squeaky, rusting, or just not working exactly like we’d like, lubricating the track with the proper solution can add many cycles to the life of a garage door. The first way to ensure the continued function of one of these is to clean your garage door track. Instead of using water or anything else that can gunk up the works, use a broom or Swiffer to brush away any dust and debris. Different objects like dirt and spider webs can be found within but removing them can increase balance without too much worry. You can follow this same method for the other parts of the garage door assembly until it looks relatively clean.
Once you’ve gotten the track and the other parts cleaned up, lubricate the door hinges, rollers, and track with a light coating of spray silicon lubricant. Be careful not to apply too much because again, any additional build up will cause collection of additional unwanted debris.
By applying these tips and regularly following these practices, you can effectively extend the life of your garage door without much effort. If you do happen to ever encounter an issue during your visual or balance tests then be sure to contact an expert before the problem gets worse. An unbalanced garage door will always lead to a door that no longer works as intended and can end up costing far more than taking action early by contacting a trained garage door repair team.
Aricle source here: Northglenn Garage Door Repair: Tips To Extend The Life Of Your Garage Door
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
Troubleshooting and Fixing Common Garage Door Issues
Don’t make it a habit to continue ignoring problems that you may experience with your garage door. This could cost you more than just money. When you have garage door problems, you are risking your life and that of anyone inside your car. You also risk your car being damaged by a fallen garage door. Now we realize that this may sound a little drastic, however, these are things that we see very often. This is why we encourage you to contact us at the first sign of trouble at North Glenn Garage Door Repair. However, even if you don’t call us, you should still pay close attention to how your garage door is performing so that you can address the problem on your own if it isn’t too dangerous to do. There are some things that are best handled by a qualified and trained professional. No matter how small the problem may appear to be, we assure you that the problem will get worse if you do not address it as quickly as possible.
If you have recently had a garage door installed, you should know that there may be something that was not properly installed and this could be the cause of your problem. Don’t ignore it, whatever you do. If you want to go on using your garage door like usual, you will have to address your issue. The problems that most people experience with their garage door are usually pretty common. They are things that you may be doing to contribute to the problem and may be fairly simple resolutions. Usually, this is the case with most common garage door problems. There is no question that we would love to gain your business but if there is something that you can handle on your own, we encourage you to do so. We’ll always be here when you need us. However, in the meantime, let us tell you about some of the most common garage door problems and how you can troubleshoot and resolve them (wherever possible).
Noises When Using Your Garage – If you begin to hear something unfamiliar when you start to open or close your garage door, you can be should definitely pay closer attention to the condition of your garage door. Noises that you hear are an indication that something is wrong. In most cases, there are parts that need to be lubricated or that are loose. Any loose parts should be tightened up. You can also lubricate the moving parts of your garage. If the problem is resolved, call on our technicians and we’ll be able to identify the problem for you in no time.
Door Reverses – Hit the limit switch. If you have this feature, it will be on the back of the garage door opener and will read up or down. You may need to consult the manual to determine how to reset the switch. If this doesn’t stop the door from continuing to reverse, you may also be able to use the close force feature. By turning the knob clockwise, you will be able to make the necessary adjustments.
Motor Keeps Running – If your door is opening and closing like it should yet the motor continues running, this could mean that your limit switch needs adjusting. You might begin to do this a little at a time and then checking to see if this turns the motor off. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to contact a service professional to evaluate the problem and stop the motor from continuing to run.
Don’t Won’t Close Completely – If something is blocking your garage door’s safety sensors this will prevent the door from completely closing. The sensors are meant to protect you from your door coming down on top of something or someone. You’ll have to make sure that there is nothing blocking the sensors. Dirt can also build up on the lenses. Take a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner and gently clean the lenses. If you rub it too hard, you could scratch and damage the lenses. If the sensors are not aligned, this will also cause the door to stop before going any further. If you gently tap the lenses, often times you can bring them back into alignment. As long as the lights on both of them are lit, you should be good to go.
Garage Door is Stuck – If your garage door is stuck either open or closed, don’t panic since it can be operated manually. There is an emergency release cord attached to your garage door opener. Once you pull on this string, your door will disengage and you will be able to manually open or close the door.
If your door continues to stick, you might need to reboot the garage door opener. There is also an indicator light on your opener that alerts you to where your problem is. It might just be something as easy as changing the batteries in your transmitters or a tripped breaker. If you have been experiencing electrical issues, this is the first place we would suggest you check.
You could have worn springs. When the springs are worn, they will not be strong enough to lift your heavy door. Allow a qualified and trained expert garage door service technician to evaluate the problem for you. They know how dangerous working on garage door springs can be and in order to avoid a mishap, it is a good idea to allow them to handle the job of repairing or replacing your garage door springs.
At the end of it all, we would say, yes, go ahead and probe to see where the problem is. If the issue cannot be easily resolved, don’t hesitate to contact the services of a garage door repair service, such as North Glenn Garage Door Repair. We always tell our customers that it is best that they veer on the side of caution by contacting us to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
Aricle source here: Troubleshooting and Fixing Common Garage Door Issues
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
When you think of garage door parts you most likely think of springs, openers and tracks. You might even think of safety eyes or pulleys, but do you ever think about weather sealant? North Glenn Garage Door Repair’s customers do; especially in the winter months! In actuality, garage door seals are good year-round and we are about to tell you why! Garage door sealant is a fancy word for the weather strip that runs along the bottom of your garage door. It can be used for home, industrial and business garage doors and even though weather seals are basically simple, the work they do is needed and important. So, what exactly are weather seals? Simply put, this form of sealant is a small amount of rubber or plastic that is added to the bottom of the garage door. It is inexpensive in relation to more conventional garage door parts like your torsion springs or your opener system, yet garage door seals can help lower your utility bills, and keep your garage interior more comfortable and less susceptible to insects and noise.
Why do I need a weather seal?
While the garage door itself provides the main bulk of weather sealant, there is a tiny space at the bottom where cold or hot air can get inside. This is where the weather sealant works its magic. Let’s say it is raining here in North Glenn, CO and you don’t have any sealant on your garage door. It doesn’t take long for water to run or seep under your garage door and flood your garage. If you are like many, you have other items inside your garage besides a car. These might include boxes of books or papers, clothes, magazines and other items that can be water damaged or destroyed by moisture and humidity. Mold spores can start growing and thriving in dark, moist environments and your garage with no weather sealant fits the description.
Your weather seal also acts as a cushion of sorts for your garage door. It helps soften the impact of your heavy garage door as it closes. Over time, this would have quite a jarring effect on your garage door and all of its parts if no seal was there to cushion the impact.
It gets worse!
Our North Glenn, Colorado garage door repair pros are even familiar with cases where unsealed garage doors allowed water inside the garage which then froze during the night when temperatures dropped! This not only adds danger to your situation but additional clean-up to your efforts. As noted earlier, insects and other pests can get inside your garage if sealant is not present.
Why not just make a better garage door?
We’ve heard this one a lot; why not just make a garage door that is completely flush with the ground? Make a better door and forget the need for weather seal, right? This actually makes sense, in theory at least. The truth is, your garage door would have to be perfectly even and flat on the bottom and your garage floor would have to be perfectly flat as well. No cracks, bumps or dips on either surface would be allowed in order to make this happen. Take our previous example, for instance. If you had a small crack or space under the garage door or in the floor of the garage and water leaked into it, froze and expanded, it would make the space larger and more vulnerable. This is why weather seals are made of rubber or plastic; they conform to the surface and provide much better protection than anything else.
Life span of weather sealant
Like all things involving your garage door, your weather seal has a limited life. This can vary from a few months to several years and the length of time depends on several things. Are you experiencing weather extremes? Fluctuations in temperature can cause many items to expand, contract and age. Further, going from dry to wet or from wet to frozen can also take its toll on your weather sealant. Add to all this, the fact that your seal is attached to the bottom of your garage door, and it forcefully meets the floor of your garage every time it closes, is enough to add stress and wear to your sealant.
When should you replace your weather sealant?
Even the best weather seals won’t last forever. Again, depending on weather, temperatures, use and wear, your sealant may need to be replaced sooner than later. Check for these things; leaks, lack of elasticity, sticking and chunks or pieces breaking off. Your sealant should spring back when lightly touched; if not, it is time to replace, if not soon. Keep an eye out for any gaps in the seal as this is definitely a red flag. The best way to do this is to check with the garage door closed – you should be able to see light coming from any gaps or breaks in a darkened garage. Also, sun heat can cause damage to weather sealant and just because we are in Colorado, doesn’t mean that North Glenn weather is always cold; we get our fair share of sunshine and hot days, too.
Weather sealant is vital
For something as seemingly insignificant as weather sealant, it sure does a great job of making our garages more livable and workable. The key words are “sealant” and “weather” as this product can block your garage interior from dust, heat loss in winter, water, insects, pests, ice and even fumes that may be in the area. A properly sealed garage door reduces wear and tear on the door itself as well as other connected components and even helps reduce noise pollution. Take a tip from our North Glenn, CO garage door repair pros and make sure that your weather seals are in good shape and secured properly. Not only will you enjoy a better garage interior environment but also longer and higher quality life from your other garage door components.
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
Normally, we don’t really think about our garage door, but the fact is, the garage door is a big part of your home’s overall curb appeal. An unappealing garage door, or one that is obviously in decline, will make your property look below par, so it will decrease in value. Particularly if you use your garage as a shop, office, or spare room you should pay more attention to maintaining it. Start with an outstanding-quality garage door that’s tough and long-lasting. Your garage door is really the largest working appliance of your household, so it’s crucial to keep it in tiptop condition. When you decide to buy an entirely new garage door, it’s important to do your research so that you can formulate the perfect combination of resilience, price, looks, and acceptable maintenance requirements.
Which is Better: An Extension Spring System for Your Garage Door? Or a Garage Door with Torsion Springs?
Extension Springs
Extension springs are very reasonably priced, and the standard garage door spring system. Extension springs are the most common, and often found in older homes. They stretch, or extend, which is why they’re called extension springs. They stretch as the garage door shuts, and loosen as it opens. Your garage door’s spring system likely already has extension springs ~ coiled springs installed on either side of the garage door horizontal track ~ if you have a lighter-weight garage door. They’re mounted on both sides of the garage door, attaching at one end to the track supports and to the tracks at the other end via cables.
Extension spring systems are a bit tricky to balance, particularly if you replace only one spring at a time. In an extension spring system, the cables attach to the bottom bracket on the garage door’s bottom panel. A series of pulleys attach to the springs and to the track, with adjustment clips to balance the garage door. Normally there’s a second cable on each side, which attaches to the track. It runs through the center of the extension spring and then attaches to the track support brackets.
Extension springs, when they fail, can be very dangerous. One common reason that garage doors with extension springs go on the blink is that the pulleys get worn out. The ball bearings break down, which causes the pulley to scrape up against the track angle; or, the rivets malfunction, the pulley splits, and then the door cable sticks. If you don’t maintain extension springs properly, they can actually go straight through the wall! They can cause serious injury, and even death. That’s why, for exceptional quality, extension springs must come with a safety containment cable system, spanning the entire length of the spring and preventing loose ends from causing any damage or injury.
Torsion Springs
Torsion springs use torque to open your garage door. Torsion springs slowly twist and coil on the shaft whenever force is applied by hand or by the garage door motor. They’re available in a wide variety of options, of various lengths and sizes, made according to the garage door’s height, weight, and track radius, as well as additional specifications. In a torsion spring system, spring bars ~ or “torsion tubes” ~ are mounted on the header on the inside of the garage door opening, each with a center bracket keeping the spring in place. There’s a drum at each end of the torsion tube. Cables attach to the bottom bracket on each side of the garage door, and then go up the height of the door and wind around the drums as the door opens, and unwind as the door shuts. The torsion springs provide the force to open and shut the door. The drums and cable and do the lifting.
Some garage doors work well with only one torsion spring, while other doors require two or more springs. This depends on the garage door’s weight. A two-spring system gives you a more balanced lifting garage door. Smaller, lightweight doors of single-car garages usually require only one spring.
A torsion spring system for your garage door that’s well-designed will correctly counterbalance your garage door with the utmost safety and equilibrium. If you have a heavier and/or wider garage door, you ought to have torsion springs. They’re placed along the wall directly above the garage door opening. These include a shaft, spring, and drum assembly. The torsion springs themselves are mounted on the shaft, which acts as a containment system. Corrosion-resistant galvanized torsion springs are thought by most garage door repair professionals to be superior to all other types of springs, and certainly more attractive and longer lasting than oil-tempered springs.
Torsion springs should be installed only by an eminently qualified garage door professional. Even standard extension springs can be a challenge to work with, so you’ll need to know what you’re doing. If you have the wherewithal, tools, and experience to install them by yourself, then proceed carefully, closely following the instructions in the installation manual. Injuries often happen when an unqualified person tries to remove or adjust the bottom bracket of the garage door, which connects the lifting cables to the spring system. This bracket is under a huge amount of pressure. If it ever gets loose, it can separate from the garage door’s general structure and cause injuries or property damage.
Even though they’re more expensive, most garage door expert technicians recommend a torsion spring garage door system because it’s state-of-the-art, and far safer. Torsion springs are easier to adjust, and thus balancing the door is easier to do.
This is just an overview. Considering your budget, taste, and property requirements, how do you decide what’s ideal for you? It’s important to hire a reliable local garage door repair company you know you can count on. If you’re anywhere in Northglenn, Colorado, consider a reputable company such as Northglenn Garage Door Repair, where the mobile garage door technicians on staff are glad to provide you with a free consultation.
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northglenngdr2 · 8 years ago
Northglenn Garage Door Repair: Manual Garage Door versus Electric Garage Door
Northglenn, CO technicians who work for Northglenn Garage Door Repair have gotten so many phone calls from customers wondering about the differences between manual and electric garage doors that they have put together some information which could be beneficial to people no matter where they might live. Whether you are looking to completely replace what you have, or are starting from scratch because you are just buying a property, you should find this information to be helpful. Maybe you are looking to upgrade your manual garage door. So, what are the key differences between automatic garage doors and manual garage doors? Why might one go for one over the other? Have a look at the pros and cons!
Installation tends to be challenging with an automatic garage door. Luckily, you will only need to carry out the installation one time, should everything go properly. And the other perk to this is that you can have an expert do the job – you should always have an expert do the job when it comes to the installation of the garage door and of its components. If you are a novice, then you are taking a risk if you try to install an automatic garage door on your own. It could take an expert a limited amount of time, but it might take a novice several days to complete the task. This might be time that you just don’t have.
Automatic garage doors tend to require more maintenance than a manual garage door will need. On the other hand, an automatic garage door should fare well when it comes to extreme weather conditions and potential weather related damage. Let’s say your garage door becomes completely saturated with water during a flood. So long as the garage door is ultimately wiped down and taken care of, it might not actually be destroyed, whereas another garage door might be. This of course also depends on the material that you opt to have.
Automatic garage doors must be properly lubricated. With proper lubrication, the garage door shouldn’t make noises like squeaking while opening or closing; the garage door should last longer; and lastly, the garage door should work faster. Without lubrication, it might over time start to open and close slower, or make loud, annoying noises.
A benefit to an automatic or electric garage door is that you can use a remote control to operate it. This is a huge benefit for many, and a requirement for some. You won’t ever have to get out of your vehicle to open or close the garage door. This is a huge selling point for some people. If you are dealing with harsh weather, then you will appreciate being able to stay in your car to open the garage door.
One additional perk to having an automatic garage door is that they tend to come with manual locking devices. Here is what this means for you. If you know that you will be going out of town for a few days, and no one will be around to check on your house, with a manual locking mechanism, you can rest assured that this part of your property is safely locked up.
Automatic garage doors and manual garage doors alike can both look beautiful. You have different options for both kinds of garage doors. In terms of looks, it all comes down to what your preferences are. Basically, you can still get the traditional look, even with newer garage doors which are indications of technological advancements.
So, let’s talk about some of the other key points you need to know if you are looking for a new kind of garage door. Here is a summary of points about automatic garage doors:
They are difficult to install.
They cost more money than manual garage doors.
They require regular maintenance.
Repairs can be costly.
They are very convenient thanks to the remote control.
They come in various styles, so you can pick and choose what you want.
They are safer to use.
In terms of manual garage doors, you should know that:
They are easier to install than automatic garage doors.
They cost less money than automatic garage doors.
They don’t require as much maintenance as automatic garage doors.
They can be dangerous because they could come falling down on a child.
They require a person getting out of their vehicle to lift them open.
What it comes down to is personal preference. If you want something cheaper and easier to install, then you might opt for a manual garage door. Most tend to go for automatic garage doors because they appreciate the convenience that comes along with how they operate, which outweighs the disadvantages of having to put more money into them, more maintenance, and more difficulty when it comes to installation. Those who have children usually tend to go for automatic garage doors because they are too afraid that the manual garage door might end up falling down on a small child. Let’s face it – kids play with everything, and they get into things that they aren’t supposed to. The last thing you want to have to witness is your child becoming trapped under a garage door. But if you don’t have kids, then this is something that you won’t really have to worry about. Bear in mind that the team at Northglenn Garage Door Repair is able to help people who are in and near Northglenn, Colorado. In summary, most people tend to opt for automatic garage doors because they find that the pros easily outweigh the cons, even if they will ultimately spend a bit more money.
Talking with an expert can help you to make the best decision for you. But it is our hope that the information provided here has been useful to you. Good luck in your search for the best type of garage door for your property. Remember that safety is a very important feature!
Aricle source here: Northglenn Garage Door Repair: Manual Garage Door versus Electric Garage Door
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