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Final illustration
I used Lennon Gallagher, Liam Gallaghers son as the model as I felt it would be nice to link to my research on Gallaghers and Oasis and to show the modern Gallaghers. I stuck with the colour scheme of the hacienda, the black and yellow, with stripes in reference to the hazard stripes used by Ben Kelly in his architecture.
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Samples of Ian Curtis, front man of Joy Division. I decided this was someone who I would want to be painted on my garments as he was a big part of the Madchester subculture, and also unfortunately took his life.
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Here are some design ideas using the hazard stripes and logo/ font in my designs. I looked into bowling shirts as this was something I found was popular during the northern soul subculture and I wanted to try infuse this with the Madchester subculture, and it's bright colours and it's referencing to factories. Loose garments so that they are able to be danced in.
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Because my brand is using thrift it has a very handmade feel, therefore I wanted my packaging to feel very handmade too, so I created some samples. I used shapes from my research about the haçienda to create these graphics.
The logo, is a logo had created, I got the idea because whenever I asked someone what they thought of the North they responded cheesy chips and gravy and I felt this could be used within the branding. Though not completely music linked it comes hand with the nightlife, I can tell you now many a night spent at the hacienda would have ended up with cheesy chips and gravy, a northern staple just like the hacienda. I also used lemon/milk as I like this bold font, as I feel it catches your eyes more.
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For the photoshoot for my garments, I plan to merge the Madchester aesthetic and the Leeds surroundings, which I feel link to the industrial feel that Peter Kelly aimed for in the design of the Haçienda. Yellow, and lines have been prominent throughout my work as it links back to the design of the haçienda and i have been influenced by Kellys line work, therefore I have decided to do my shoot for my garments on Leeds University famous yellow stairs. Hopefully this shoot works to plan, however, I will have to be cautious on how busy the area is at the time, although this could also make for an interesting picture.
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On the pocket of the dungarees, I decided to paint the logo in a contrasting colour. At first, I was skeptical because pencil doesn’t show through on the black denim. Therefore I was worried I would not be able to get the lettering correct, however, it turned out better than I expected. The white really pops among the black especially as there isn’t much else going on in the front. I like this simplicity as it really shows the brands label, but is also still very much the brand. I originally tried a white paint pen, though it was able to be seen it wasn’t as bright and didn’t give the effect i truly desired so I went over the design in Oil Paints. Linking the graphic print to the painting on the back of the dungarees created previously.
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For the back of this garment I decided to paint the haçienda, as it was an iconic part of the Manchester music scene. I decided to use oil paints as my material of choice as I like the way it looks on denim. It gives it a rough finish which I think goes well with the North and how it's not presented as this pristine clean cut area. I used a bright orange string which I sewed into the garment to inject some colour into the piece, as the North is often depicted as grim, dull and colourless so this is something I want to object and show the colour of the North. Like Tony Wilson did. It also links back to the rave culture that was seen in Manchester, as the bright 'acid' colours we're used amongst the scene. Overall I like the way in which the image had turned out, I think denim is the best material to paint using oils on as it gives this rough effect that I like.
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I came across this orange string, which instantaneously gave me manchester; acid house and haçienda vibes with it’s bright hue. The bright hue pops out even more with the dark denim, living up to its true potential. i also decided to work on an old pair of dungarees I had, buying garments I found was a little bit costly for my current economic climate, luckily I had garments that fit the bill. Dungarees were often seen worn in the 1990′s Manchester, by all genders, it was something which people loved to wear. It’s styled in Movies such as spike island as seen below. A movie which follows teen’s on a voyage to watch the Stone Roses on the notorious spike island.

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For my jacket I decided on oil painting Ian Curtis. Ian Curtis was a big part of the 'Madchester' scene being part of the band Joy Division, which was signed by Tony Wilson on Factory Records. After his suicide, Joy Division became New Order. I wanted to honor Ian Curtis, and use him within my work. At first I thought I could use Joy Division artwork created by Peter Saville, but that has been used a lot by collections, such as Raf Simons. So I decided to Oil Paint a picture of him. At first, I tried to oil paint him on the back of a white t shirt, with graphics inspired by the hacienda, a place important to Curtis, as he was signed to factory records label and had performed there. However, I felt this didn't work as the type of material the tshirt was meant that the oil painting didn't stick as well and kept smudging , so I know for my brand which materials to avoid. Hard materials, such as denim work best. I embroidered and painted some shapes behind and around the image, which were influenced by the hacienda and Ben Kelly s architecture, I also tried to stick to that colour scheme so the reference is recognisable.
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When first starting the jacket I was unsure of where to start, so I looked back at my research and saw the hacienda stripes. I didn't want to use the black and yellow because I felt this was often used by the brand Off White so I wanted to use a different but similar palate.

I opted for the yellow and bright orange paint because this was also very much Hacienda, but was a lot more colourful than the yellow and black. This was tricky to do on this garment as the oil paint takes forever to dry so it can smudge, this is something I would like to look into as a brand, how to I get the oil paint to dry quicker?
I plan to also paint on some bollards underneath the oil picture. In reference to the ones used in Ben Kelly's architecture at the Hacienda, as referenced by Virigl Abhol in Off White, when he collaborated with Ben Kelly.
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I had some left over denim and I though that would be perfect to paint on with oils, as it's a hard material therefore soaks the oils up better then some other flimsy materials. I was trying to figure out where I wanted to place my illustration using my sample as a guidance, I eventually decided on the middle. I also played around the idea of using the denim to use as stripes, in reference to the hacienda hazard stripes used by Kelly however I didn't think this worked as well.
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Ben Kelly.
What inspires me?
What inspired him?
What's the meaning behind it?
While creating the haçienda Ben Kelly was inspired by factories and brightening up the specific factory which it was located in. I feel the link to the factories could also be a reference to how The North was seen as this factory powerhouse until the deindustrialization under Thatcher. But because of the industrialisation previously, the North was often seen as dull and grim, so he's contrasting that by bringing bright colours, colour blocking into his work. He was inspired by hazard stripes, used to show warning.
"When I used to visit Manchester pre-Haçienda I felt it was in monochrome, but the club changed everything, suddenly it was like a colour switch went on,’ recalls Kelly." As mentioned before the club brought colour into Manchester a place in which had lost it's colour through the factory industry and then the hardship of losing that industry.
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