norrisbakerus · 4 years
3 Core Values Everyone Should Have To Live A Great Life
By having a core value of freedom, it means you can readjust your life to fit whatever you want to do.
For example if you want to take a nap then having a core value of freedom allows you to do that.
If you want to quit your job then having a core value of freedom allows you to do that.
Core values as you mature change over time but if you have the core value of freedom you’re going to be able to readjust your life in order to fit your new core values.
2. Growth
I believe that pretty much everybody get fulfilled by improving themselves. It’s just an innate part of being a human being.
So by having a core value of growth you’re going to improve yourself but on top of that whatever you want to do in life you’ll be able to do it by growing.
So if you decide to quit your job the skills you acquired in your previous job – the growth you’ve made at that job – is going to translate to other areas of your life as well.
3. Improving Others
By helping others you are going to feel more fulfilled yourself.
Aristotle said in his work Ethics that the pinnacle of human happiness is public service – or helping others. That is where humans feel the greatest sense of fulfillment and happiness.
And second, by giving something, the way that the world works is that you will likely get something in return. This isn’t why you give in the first place, but it means that you can continue to grow and have the freedom to do so.
These pillar core values spill over and impact other areas of your life.
And you may have more core values but I believe these are a solid set of values that set a great foundation for a fulfilled life.
The idea is to be intentional with what you decide to do throughout life.
The post 3 Core Values Everyone Should Have To Live A Great Life appeared first on The Modern Jedi.
source https://themodernjedi.com/3-core-values-everyone-should-have-to-live-a-great-life/
source https://themodernjedi1.home.blog/2020/08/17/3-core-values-everyone-should-have-to-live-a-great-life/
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norrisbakerus · 4 years
What Is Intentionalism? 3 Steps To Live a Life With Intent
Intentionalism is a new way of approaching life so that you are your most productive and happiest.
There is little to no information currently on the internet about Intentionalism.
In a nutshell, Intentionalism is about asking yourself the question:
“Why Do I Do What I Do?”
…and being happy with the answer. It’s the intent behind your actions that is important.
If you’re happy with the answer to that question, it shows that you’re living that area of your life properly.
If you ask yourself:
“What Are The Emotions I Feel On A Regular Basis”
And you’re happy with the answers you’re finding, then you have inner peace.
If you ask yourself:
“How Do I View Myself?”
And you’re happy with the answer it shows you have high self esteem.
If you ask yourself:
“Why Do I Own The Things That I Do?”
And you’re happy with the answer then that’s great.
Intentionalism is at the core of both Essentialism and Minimalism. Deciding to be more minimal in life may not get you very far if what you own has a reason for being owned when you ask yourself why you own it.
All other personal development philosophies come down to Intentionalism, and being intentional with how you live your life.
Intentionalism is about questioning and carefully examining different areas of your life. Even being intentional in the process of doing that.
Intentionalism is about creating a life that you’re happy with instead of just going with the flow.
3 Steps To Live Your Life With Intent
Step 1 – Stop Following The Status Quo
If you don’t create your own life, someone else is going to create it for you. It’s going to be under someone else’s intentions. If you do normal things, you will get normal results.
It’s about directing the flow of your life towards your own desired outcomes and putting in effort and thought to make those directions.
I don’t want to live a normal life. I want to be abnormally fulfilled. I want to have abnormal inner peace. I want to be abnormally successful and I want to have an abnormal impact.
There are so many people who are skating through life with zero intent on what life actually means for them and this is unfortunately “the norm”.
And in order to do that I can’t do “normal things”. I have to do abnormal things.
And so Intentionalism is reasoning by principals rather than reasoning by analogy.
Reasoning by analogy is just doing things because other people are doing them. Where as reasoning by first principles is breaking things down to their core parts and reassembling them in a way that makes sense to you.
So really ask yourself:
Do you want to get married?
Do you want to have kids?
Do you like the job that you’re in?
Do you like living in the city you grew up in?
A life of happiness and fulfillment is creating answers to those questions and living that into reality.
But the #1 thing that is stopping people from living the life they want is caring about other people’s opinions.
Step 2 – Stop Caring About What Other People Think
Why are you on social media? Is it only because other people are and you feel pressured or FOMO?
To live a life with intent you must let go of all notions of what other people will think about your decisions and why you’ve decided to make them for yourself.
Step 3 – Keep Your Core Values in Check
Your core values are like a compass.
Through the chaos of life you should always be able to look down and always be pointed in the right direction towards an incredible life.
And you have to understand that your self is a sum of all the decisions you’ve made.
Every decision you’ve ever made has led you to the next decision you’ve had to make, which is where you’re at today.
Either your decisions are leading you to a great life or a bad one, or somewhere on that spectrum.
And there are 3 Core Values that can lead you to have a fantastic life.
The post What Is Intentionalism? 3 Steps To Live a Life With Intent appeared first on The Modern Jedi.
source https://themodernjedi.com/what-is-intentionalism-3-steps-to-live-a-life-with-intent/
source https://themodernjedi1.home.blog/2020/08/17/what-is-intentionalism-3-steps-to-live-a-life-with-intent/
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norrisbakerus · 4 years
How The COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’ Was Pulled Off In 2020
An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke
We release this free of copyright and so please share, download and post wherever you can. Let’s make this go globally viral.
The post How The COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’ Was Pulled Off In 2020 appeared first on The Modern Jedi.
source https://themodernjedi.com/how-the-covid-19-pandemic-was-pulled-off-in-2020/
source https://themodernjedi1.home.blog/2020/08/12/how-the-covid-19-pandemic-was-pulled-off-in-2020/
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norrisbakerus · 4 years
70 Products Sold By Companies Using Prison Labor
Vote with your dollar! Do not support these companies. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to the American people that privatized prisons and corporations stand to profit immensely from keeping prisons full.
Think about that for a second.
All of the racism, social inequality, economic inequality and systemic destruction of the lower-middle class all flows back to money.
The United States has been arresting and incarcerating black people since they received their “freedom” to keep the prison systems full.
WATCH: 13th on Netflix
If you follow the money, you find the root cause of these issues.
And so to stop the use of prison labor that creates every day products we can simply not buy those products.
Bounty paper towels
Tide laundry detergent
Tampax tampons
Always pads/panty liners
Charmin ultra soft
Gain laundry detergent
Swiffer wet jet products
Pantene products
Head & Shoulders products
Olay products
Gillete razors
Venus razors
Crest toothpaste
Oral-B products
Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper
Starbucks bottled frappes
Life Water
Ocean Spray juices
Slim Jim
Orville Redenbachers
Marie Catendars meals
Peter Pan peanut butter
Act II popcorn
Aunt Jemima products
Snack Pack products
Chef Boyardee
Kid Cuisine
Clarinex + Nasonex
Nuva Rings
Dixie products
Angel Soft
Clean & Clear
Purell products
Aveeno products
Flintstones Gummies
Acuvve Contacts
One-A-Day vitamins
The post 70 Products Sold By Companies Using Prison Labor appeared first on The Modern Jedi.
source https://themodernjedi.com/70-products-sold-by-companies-using-prison-labor/
source https://themodernjedi1.home.blog/2020/06/18/70-products-sold-by-companies-using-prison-labor/
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norrisbakerus · 5 years
5 Awesome New Procreate 5 Features
The day has finally come – check out these new Procreate 5 features! There are so many features to explore within each of these areas, but I’ll try to keep this post short. 
1. Canvas Info
Now you can really control the details of your Procreate canvases. 
There is a new About This Artwork pane that shows information about – you guessed it – info about the artwork including date created, date modified and even a place for you to sign your artwork. Cool! 
Next in the canvas info is the Dimensions tab. Here you have total control over your canvas size and resolution. 
Then we have the Layers tab which shows really helpful information like how many maximum layers you can have based on your document dimensions, how many layers you’ve used and how many you have available. 
The Color Profile is next which is a very welcomed addition for professional artists and designers. Here you can switch between multiple options for both RGB and CMYK color spaces. 
Next is Video Settings which lets you choose the resolution (up to 4K!) of your time-lapse replay video. 
And last we have Statistics showing total tracked time in the artwork, file size and total strokes made. I think these offer unique and helpful info for your artwork. 
2. The Color Palette
One of my favorite changes in Procreate 5 is the change to the color palette. Now you can detatch the color palette by tapping and dragging on the little bar at the top. 
This change alone will speed up workflow tremendously as you won’t have to tap to open the colors every time you want to change colors. 
Another important feature is the addition to the color palette is a history of colors used in the document. This will help you quickly access your color scheme without having to use the eye dropper every time. 
3. Saved Selections
Go up to the selection tool and make a selection. Now down in the toolbar, go to “Save & Load” to save the selection. 
Tumblr media
Saved Selections in Procreate 5
I can see this being useful in a number of ways! 
4. Animation
Now you can animate in Procreate 5! You can take the time to make the animations as crude or as refined as you want using a technique called “onion skinning”. 
Basically each layer you draw is a frame in the animation. When you add a new frame you can see the layer behind it so you can visualize the next position of the character, environment or anything you want to animate. 
Simple fire animation in Procreate 5
Procreate Animation Challenge: try animating a fun flame growing and flickering. Added bonus if you can go from a small yellow flame to a big orange and red flame! 
5. New Brush Dynamics and Options
Brushes have received a total overhaul and use a new and improved engine for quickly and accurately rendering brush dynamics. 
Enjoy the new brush dynamics like water color and have your art feel like using real art supplies! (Or as close as any digital interface can get to it). 
Quick demo of new brush panel in Procreate 5
There is a huge online market for Procreate brushes but now you can customize and create your own with ease, and even use Photoshop brushes (finally!). 
I hope you’ve enjoyed this round up of 5 Awesome New Procreate 5 Features. 
What are your favorite new features of Procreate 5? Let me know in the comments below! 
Good day, and good design!
The post 5 Awesome New Procreate 5 Features appeared first on The Modern Jedi.
source https://themodernjedi.com/5-awesome-new-procreate-5-features/
source https://themodernjedi1.home.blog/2019/12/11/5-awesome-new-procreate-5-features/
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