what would the velociraptors do?
502 posts
audio drama fixation so strong it spawned a whole sideblog. hello
Last active 60 minutes ago
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normalbroadcast · 42 seconds ago
I love trans voices in audio dramas. I love when trans characters are voiced by trans actors and their voice isn't 100% passing. I love that said characters are never misgendered. I love how their voices sound beautiful and authentic. I love that their voces sound like mine our my friend's.
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normalbroadcast · 6 minutes ago
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Cast reveal!
Some eagle-eyed listeners might have already spotted this on our crowdfunding page...
This is our fantastic cast so far! If you're excited to hear all of these lovely voices in your ears, please consider donating to our crowdfunding campaign when April rolls around.
Our preview is here:
Care to take a bite?
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normalbroadcast · 2 hours ago
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normalbroadcast · 15 hours ago
Okay you know what, I do have another thing to add about audio fiction and how important it is, especially now. You know, during *gestures broadly around*
The thing about audio fiction is that they can't take it down.
Books can be pulled off the store shelves and publishers can flat-out refuse to give space to new ones that don't fit their side of the current political climate. Video streaming services can and already have gone even further by entirely scrubbing media they don't like from the only places that had rights to distribute them -- if not for piracy, shows like Infinity Train would be gone gone. I expect we will see much more of this type of behavior in coming years.
With audio fiction podcasting, the default is a decentralized, self-published, free to access platform. They can't very well take down a whole hosting service, and any show they go after can just be re-uploaded under a new RSS feed. (If you're a creator, please look into the basic principles of self-hosting, just in case.) Although we probably won't need to take any of those measures, because since there's no money that capitalists can extract from this art form,
They don't even know we exist. Be as queer as you want. Be as progressive and inclusive as you want. Be as anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist as you want. Tell stories that are important, that people with power wouldn't want you to tell. They won't find us, not here.
Peace and love on every planet. And fight until we get it.
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normalbroadcast · 15 hours ago
the soundscape during the uh. that one part (I'm not describing it for courtesy) was amazing. It sounded the way it feels to try and think during a concussion.
I wish I could adequately express how much Brad went full mad scientist on that one part. It was awe inspiring to watch. The energy on the call was electric and I think you can really hear how much fun they had with it!
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normalbroadcast · 15 hours ago
A powerful ending to an amazing series. The voice actors were acting their butts off. We heard so many emotions from everyone (especially Nick) this episode. And subtle stuff too like happy vs fake happy, fear and denile as anger. Well done. The sound effects (FOLEY!) were so great. My heartbroke during the "You're my anchor and I'm pulling up the anchor" part and I was both terrified and emotionally distraught when the document signing happened. And WOW the To Be or Not to Be monologue is a PERFECT way to end since it has so many overlapping themes with where Nick ends up in his journey. Like !!! I am screaming about it in my head. Ugh HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL AFTER THIS!? Thanks Shelterwood cast and crew for all your hard work.
Thank you so much! We're glad you enjoyed~
This show was made with all of my love and a significant dose of my anxiety and dread, and I'm delighted to see that register with our audience.
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normalbroadcast · 15 hours ago
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normalbroadcast · 2 days ago
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210. Podcast
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normalbroadcast · 2 days ago
Its been a long week. Someone pass me an image of The Character
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normalbroadcast · 2 days ago
New Podcast for Tumblrinas
Alright, now that the show is officially out, I feel like I can make this post.
Do you like toxic yuri, wet cat protagonists, autistic protagonists, terrible women, cannibalism as a metaphor for sex, meat stuff, and a deep exploration of aroaceness and bodily autonomy?
Me too! Love that shit.
I have a podcast for you. And honestly, I've been hoping with bated breath that the body horror and cannibalism moments would continue until release.
If nothing else, I know the hannibal girlies got me.
If you're looking for a new horror fiction podcast, why not try The Gospel of Haven?
Perfect for fans of The Silt Verses, NBC's Hannibal, and women covered in blood. You can find it on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or any good podcatcher.
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normalbroadcast · 2 days ago
Iconic Opening Lines to TMA Statements:
1. “First off, I should admit that I lied to get in here.” - Antonio “Oliver Banks” Blake (MAG 11)
2. “I hate spiders.” - Carlos Vittery (MAG 16)
3. “Never buy a ground floor flat.” - Christof Rudenko (MAG 18)
4. “Let me be clear: I’m not scared of clowns.” -Leanne Denikin (MAG 24)
5. “Are you interested in folktales at all?” -Nathaniel Thorp (MAG 29)
6. “Thank you for lending me your pen.” -Andre Ramao (MAG 38)
7. “You don’t mind me drinking in here do you?” -Gregory Pryor (MAG 49)
8. “I feel like I should be upfront with this right at the beginning: I’m probably a cannibal.” -Craig Goodall (MAG 72)
9. “So I had to find a new gym.” - Ross Davenport (MAG 90)
10. “Pigs are tricky.” - Dylan Anderson (MAG 103)
11. “Okay, I know how it sounds, but Murder Club wasn’t supposed to be like this.” - Lisa Carmel (MAG 112)
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normalbroadcast · 2 days ago
Prior to the revelation around the aliens receiving his logs, Eiffel's logical expectation is that the only people who'll listen to his logs are people at Goddard Command. And yet the way he speaks in those logs is often not really addressed at Goddard staff. For example, in Ep8 The Empty Man Cometh, he says:
Oh, hell, speaking of logs... I guess you caught all of that, so you might be able to pick up the effect your twisted experiment had on us. Hint: IT WAS AWFUL. Sorry if things got a bit crazy for a while there, dear listeners, but... well, you see the kind of things we have to deal with.
The first part of that quote is obviously directed at Goddard staff, at the people who create many of the situations Eiffel and the rest of the Hephaestus crew have to deal with (such as the empty man panic). But the second part - the part addressed to Eiffel's "dear listeners" - feels like a switch, like it's directed at a sympathetic audience who are witnessing Eiffel's plight without having any role in it. In other words, it feels like it's directed at us. Before the aliens come into the picture, we are the "dear listeners".
There's no logical reason for Eiffel to make this kind of switch between the listener he blames (i.e. Goddard Command) and his more sympathetic "dear listener". He's mentally constructing a listener to his logs who is on his side, when he has no in-universe reason to believe that there is one. It's an interesting kind of coping mechanism - potentially linked to the unconscious, perhaps misdirected, desire for connection that led him to transmit his logs into deep space.
There are other signs that the "dear listener" Eiffel directs his logs towards has very little to do with Goddard, such as the way he explains things that Goddard staff would obviously know (which is obviously useful from a storytelling perspective, but also feels in-character and in line with his other behaviour), as well as telling the listener things that could land him in trouble with Goddard.
Eiffel is the kind of genre-savvy character who is regularly on the brink of fully breaking the fourth wall. He doesn't know he's in an audio drama, but he's so prone to narrating his life that he might as well know. He's always constructing the narrative of his life in his head, so perhaps he finds that it helps to imagine someone on Earth who is listening sympathetically to the story he's telling himself. In his world, at the beginning of the show, he doesn't have that listener, or doesn't believe he has. But his words reach across from the universe of his story into ours. And his voice finds the kind of dear listener he was imagining without hoping for - someone who has no role in anything that happens on the Hephaestus but who is willing to listen to his story. In pressing play on your podcast app, you become the listener he was longing for.
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normalbroadcast · 3 days ago
SCREAMING crying throwing up at Shelterwood 16. What do you mean that's the end. It's such a graceful ending and it fits perfectly but god. I've been listening to this pod since it first started -- which I cannot believe was only August last year, it feels so much longer than that -- and I don't want it to be over yet. It's so interesting, definitely a story that is going to live in the crevices of my mind for a good long while. I would so dearly love a season 2 but I fear that would ruin it; the ending it has works so well, I cannot imagine a better one. Maybe one where Solomon goes into Shelterwood himself in search of Nick? But that would stray into the territory of becoming repetitive, so wouldn't work for an entire season.. I have got to say, I was so hopeful for a moment that Nick would go back to Sol, when he called Sol his anchor. And then...goddamn. 10/10 would cry about again
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normalbroadcast · 3 days ago
How the fuck am I supposed to be normal about Nick reciting the To Be or Not to Be monologue in the Shelterwood finale????
When I have more brain power to give, I might dust off my media analysis skills and do some kind of breakdown of why this is PERFECT for Nick.
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normalbroadcast · 3 days ago
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normalbroadcast · 4 days ago
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Part 1 (Hopefully) of my Podcast Logo series!!!! I feel like every podcast I like has some company and I haven't done logo design for years so I thought I'd give it a shot
Next time is Time Bombs and Magnus Archives!
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normalbroadcast · 4 days ago
Unprescribed Journeys
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