nori-king · 3 years
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I’m extremely allergic to bees, but wtv, they’re cute
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nori-king · 3 years
stop asking me wyd i’m literally always thinking about love and how it touches every aspect of the human experience
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nori-king · 3 years
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Rupi Kaur 
(via weheartit)
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nori-king · 3 years
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The Hollywood Reporter | Fishing for Answers at TIFF 2019
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nori-king · 3 years
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eleanor king as one of the five new and improved love languages; love letters
love to you is sitting down for an hour and unleashing your heart onto a page. once you’re done, you fill the envelope with a daisy from when you strolled the park last week and a carnival ticket from last night. then, you finally seal it with a personalized stamp. you’re an open beating heart begging to be held in someone’s forgiving palms. you’re sweet to your core and have a flair for extravagance. you wear your heart on your sleeve, ‘cause who doesn’t want to shout their love from the top of rooftops? you dream of soulmates and happy endings, sometimes to your detriment. you can tend to exaggerate and lose touch with reality, so be wary of how you make people out to be in your head. 
you have a gentle heart, be careful with it.
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nori-king · 3 years
Let me know when you’re ready. 
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[She nods.] Ready.
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nori-king · 3 years
Yeah I do. *he sets up the cables and hands her the other ends* 
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Right... good. [She sets up the cables on her end.]
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nori-king · 3 years
Yeah I’m alright. My battery died, can you give me a jump?
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[She lets out a relieved sigh.] Oh, thank god. I was afraid you were hurt. Of course. Do you have your cables ready? [She walks towards the hood of her car and pops it open preemptively.]
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nori-king · 3 years
[Eleanor doesn’t hesitate more than a second to stop her car on the side of the road when she notices Jeremy in distress. She quickly gets out of her car and approaches him, weary.] Are you alright? What happened?
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*standing on the side of the road, with his car hood open, trying to wave down the next car passing by* 
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nori-king · 4 years
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DEBORAH ANN WOLL APPRECIATION WEEK Jessica Hamby in ‘True Blood’ Season 2
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nori-king · 4 years
Have you ever been sexually or romantically attracted to one of your clients?
i mean... it’s bound to happen, isn’t it? it’s happened more often than i’d like to admit, but not to the point of being a serious problem. a handful, maybe. of course, i didn’t pursue anything, it’s beyond immoral to. but greensville has its fair share of handsome men, that’s for sure. it doesn’t help that vulnerability is incredibly attractive. but don’t you worry, i’m a professional.
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𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓇
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nori-king · 4 years
Do you dislike any of your (current or former) clients? If so, who?
mm... this isn’t the first time i get this question and it makes me just as sad every time. i don’t dislike any of my patients, current or former. of course, there are clients that have been harder to get along with, but that doesn’t make them any less worthy of love. besides, when you get to crack their shell, there’s usually the sweetest nectar hidden inside. it takes a lot for me to dislike anyone, much less people i have intimate knowledge of. i’m an empath, putting myself in their shoes comes as a second nature. there’s varying degrees, but it’s rarely dipped into ‘dislike’ territory, if ever. maybe mr. johnson... he was a bitter old man.
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𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓇
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nori-king · 4 years
It says— knew it wasn’t fucking coffee. *scoffing, at this most personal attack on his sacred drink, Miles rubs his jaw with the heel of his hand, and though her laughter sees his mouth twitch, it isn’t until she speaks again that Miles snorts* Fudge up? C’mon, Doc. You say shit like that and expect me to believe you had anything to do with it? Glad to hear there’s no grudge, makes it … *shakes his head, brow pinching for just a second* makes that shit a lot harder. Hope the same goes for her. *rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, and readjusting the strap of his watch, Miles gestures, a silent “lead the way”, before flashing a grin* Gonna go ahead and say it’s you. Anythin’ else and people might think I’m paying attention.
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Well, I think the whipped cream on top was sort of a dead giveaway. [Nori chuckles as she steps back in line. Thankfully, there was only one person before her, so she quickly gets to return the drink to ensure it isn’t wasted and get her own. Miles’ snort has her head snapping back, an expression of amusement and awe painted across her features.] ...did you just snort? [She can’t help but giggle.] Mm, you’re right... I don’t think there is. Like I said, we just... drifted apart. I have fond memories of her, I’m sure she feels the same. I mean, I hope. [When she has her drink securely in her hands, she nods in response to Miles’ gesture and does just that; leads the way. Eleanor slips a hand inside her purse to retrieve her car as she makes her way through the parking lot with Miles in tow.] Paying attention isn’t a bad thing. I know I would be flattered to be on the receiving end of said attention. But alas, you’re right. I’ve never been a good liar or anything like that. If you have a surprise party to plan, best to keep me out of the loop.
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nori-king · 4 years
Parking his bicycle against the park bench, he sits down and pulls out some bird seeds and within a few moments ducks flock over and he smiles, taking pictures. Out of the corner of his eye he sees someone and he looks over at them, “Would you like to join me?”
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Sitting on the bench where Sungjin decided to settle down with a book safely nestled in her hands, Eleanor looks up when she’s spoken to, her expression falling into her default smile. It only widens upon seeing the ducks. “Oh my gosh, yes, I’d love to.”
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nori-king · 4 years
Justin: I have an app that gives me horoscopes based on my whole star chart. It’s pretty cool. So you always overpack for picnics? 
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I used to have one of those, but I’m not the best when it comes to technology, if I’m honest. It’s probably still on there somewhere, I’d just need to try and find it. [She smiles.] I wouldn’t say it’s just a picnic thing, but yes. I’m an overpacker in general. I like being prepared, I guess.
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nori-king · 4 years
What foods are pale in nature? [looks down, forgetting what shirt she was wearing] Aw thank you. It was a gift from my sister Norah. 
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Well... bananas, mushrooms, garlics, potatoes... Plenty of pale foods! [She glances between Astrid and her shirt.] It’s really nice. Apart from celebrating the LGBTQI+ community, wardrobe is probably my favorite part of Pride. I love to see how creative people can get, and it’s always so colorful!
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nori-king · 4 years
[turns his head to look at her with a sympathetic raised brow, voice dripping with judgement] Yeah, if you buy your clothes from the clown store. Is that where you shop, Doc? [he nods, clearing his throat and sitting up] I’m fine. Yeah. Seatbelt. [he buckles himself in] We going?
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[Eleanor chuckles softly.] You tell me! [She motions vaguely to her outfit with a small smile. She observes him quietly for a moment longer and waits until he’s buckled in to start her car.] We are. [She rolls his window down before pulling out and driving away.] Do you live near here? You can be my copilot. Or just input your address in my phone’s GPS, I’ll work the rest.
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