norcalowl · 7 years
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the table has been shook. these kids aren’t playing any games and fuck anyone who thinks that this generation of teens shouldn’t be aware and adamant about wanting social/political change
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norcalowl · 7 years
My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.
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norcalowl · 7 years
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norcalowl · 7 years
ASTROLOGY: who are you attracted to?
Most people think attraction has to do with sun sign. Everyone’s heard: “If you’re an Aquarius, date a Gemini or a Libra!” This is due to the fact that mainstream astrology does not consider other factors besides your sun sign, and most people believe this. But actually, this is not true, because most of the time sun-sun compatibility has little importance - no more than giving a general vibe that the relationship would give off. Instead, we should really focus on connecting energies between two charts. Read my post here about how compatibility really works.
Here are some common connections that indicate attraction between two people. It says that they must be in the “same sign”, but note that if the two placements are conjunct the bond is even more powerful.
SUN/MOON - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s moon:
both people feel like they’ve found their other half
the moon person looks up to the sun person
the sun person helps the moon person shine
there is an ease with each other that is very natural
both people “make sense” to each other
both have a similar attitude towards life
SUN/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
the two people are very similar
there are many common interests
they both view life in a similar way
the sun person likes the energy that the ascendant person naturally gives off
the ascendant person feels like they can be themselves with the sun person
self-expression is easy and harmonious together
MOON/MOON - having the same moon sign: 
this is a powerful, soulmate-like relationship
both people feel a sense of security
the other person feels “familiar” somehow
sharing feelings is easy and natural
both are very sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs
there is an intense emotional bond, sometimes overwhelmingly powerful
one can read the other like a book
MOON/ASCENDANT - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s ascendant:
both people feel understood by each other
the moon person feels at ease expressing their feelings
the ascendant person feels understood by the moon person
there is a natural emotional connection
both are aware of and receptive to the other’s feelings
ASCENDANT/ASCENDANT - having the same ascendant sign:
both people feel very comfortable with each other
both people sense a similarity in the way that they project themselves to the world
both have many shared values and similar attitudes
both are attracted to the other’s self-expression
SUN/VENUS - 1st person’s sun in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus: 
the sun person is the venus person’s “type”
the sun person feeds off of the venus person’s love
both people give and receive much affection
the venus person values everything the sun person represents
the sun person appreciates the venus person’s expression
MOON/VENUS - 1st person’s moon in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the venus person makes the moon person feel comfortable
both care a lot for each other
both share a lot of values when it comes to a relationship
ASCENDANT/VENUS - 1st person’s ascendant in the same sign as the 2nd person’s venus:
the ascendant person embodies what the venus person finds attractive
the ascendant person appreciates the love the venus person gives
both are sensitives to each other’s needs and want to please each other
VENUS/VENUS - having the same venus sign:
both people are magnetically drawn to each other
there is an appreciation for each other’s personal style/aesthetic
both sense a similarity in each other’s romantic expression
both naturally understand each other’s romantic needs and satisfy them
VENUS/MARS - 1st person’s venus in the same sign as the 2nd person’s mars:
there is a sense of romantic chemistry
the venus person is attracted to how the mars person asserts him/herself
the mars person is attracted to the venus person’s charm and style
These are not the only indicators of attraction (there are many more involving asteroids or other points), but they are the most common ones involving personal planets. And also, having any of these connections does not guarantee a relationship will work out - they just give an indication of a strong connection between two people. There are both good AND bad sides to each of these connections, but here I’m showing the more positive side (meaning the reasons WHY you would feel the attraction in the first place). Having too many of these could potentially make a relationship overwhelming, while having only one might not be enough to keep a relationship going. It’s all about balance. :)
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norcalowl · 7 years
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Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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norcalowl · 7 years
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norcalowl · 7 years
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Fun facts about your sign here
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norcalowl · 7 years
Iron Man: I’m the richest and possess the most advanced technology on the planet
Black Panther:
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norcalowl · 7 years
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Fun facts about your sign here
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norcalowl · 7 years
Typical Traits of Mars in the Signs
What makes us tick? What gets us all fired up? What makes us angry, and how do we express that anger? What do we really desire, and how do we go about getting it? The sign position of Mars reveals much about our basic animal nature—our aggressive instincts, our sexuality, and our drive.
aggressive, impulsive, but  don’t live in the past, and are not given to holding grudges or feeling resentful
listen to their instincts, make fast decisions
irritated by indirectness
generally calm and easygoing people, but powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked 
value strength and stability, they are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions
slow to arousal, but theirs is an earthy and powerful sensuality
scattered and unfocused, easily bored
angry words—some of the most incisive and sarcastic ones— can fly around with the more energetic natives,  draw on their sharp wit to win arguments
often express energy through musical instruments and the like—even video games
the most passive-aggressive position, seem to resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations
at their best, they turn others on with a protective, almost therapeutic way about them
have defensive reactions and bursts of emotional agitation when feeling offended
vital position, passions run high, and so does desire 
enjoy the pleasures of risk-taking
act with authority and power, and their personal magnetism generally endows them with the ability to get what they want
have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time, which makes them doubt their abilities. it’s hard for them to deal with it and they might turn into complaining, over-critical nags
earthy and sometimes nervous sexuality, shy but open to experimentation 
perfectionists at the heart, though they will be the first to deny it
overly indecisive, they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action
they always play innocent when they are challenged, and can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favour
never mean but aggression has to go somewhere, so this often results sneaky behaviour and subterfuge
challenge themselves to do the impossible keeping their cool and their equilibrium on the surface
attracted to taboos and feel a certain kind of pleasure resisting their fantasies. also a black-or-white philosophy of life
their sexual appeal is strong enough that they generally do get what they want
when they get angry, they feel like running not knowing how to deal with their aggression, this is where their restless and adventurous nature comes in
playful and fun-loving, they love friendly debates, although they can go to extremes, very passionate about what they believe in
need to feel like they have space, they’re the ones who will run away when things get too serious or dull
a little hard on themselves, and sometimes others, though their self-control is strong when it comes to expressing anger, drive, energy, and sexuality
detests waste of any kind, which makes them hard to let go of things 
self-indulgent by nature, disciplined, realistic, possesses the ability to plan for the future —something that many other signs have difficulties doing
a rather original view of the world, the tried-and-true methods of getting things done are far too boring
proud of their willpower and independence they are quite difficult to settle down
their madness isn’t easy to discover. Creative about getting what they want, you won’t always know you’re being dominated
an unusually passive placement, they don’t appear like they are capable of harming a fly
need a creative outlet that allowing them to express their desires of the moment, their compassion —and even their anger —freely and imaginatively
prone to feelings of guilt about their anger, and difficulties with asserting themselves
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norcalowl · 7 years
modern day romance is being considerate enough to tell me that you won’t be able to respond to my texts/calls because you’re busy with your own shit. and in return i appreciate that consideration and leave you to your own personal affairs because we’re two people in a relationship with our own seperate lives. cute.
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norcalowl · 7 years
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We should be more pro-active or we’ll see more of such sad fates of honest people.
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norcalowl · 7 years
anyone else feel like they’re too fucked up to be loved and cared about?
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norcalowl · 7 years
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Trump is angry at NBC News for using this photo of him, so please don’t use this enhanced, enlarged version of it for anything.
Trump Reportedly Discusses “Reset” and Unflattering Double Chin Photos During Media Meeting
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norcalowl · 7 years
Remind Yourself;
People leave
Life goes on
It is what it is
Everything is temporary
Don’t over think, and;
Let it go
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norcalowl · 7 years
Ask me cannabis questions
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norcalowl · 7 years
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How would your sign be in the bedroom?
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