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noprxmises · 4 hours ago
Came across this video I bookmarked back in October on Twitter. I loved this Joe'Marr moment after his crazy TD against the Ravens. Runs right up to Joe's open arms. One of the moments where it feels like they were the only ones on the field and everyone else is just giving them their space 🥹
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noprxmises · 9 hours ago
PSA - there is some incredible hughes bros content in The Athletic's article on Luke Hughes from today, would loove your thoughts and characterization takeaways and general aaaahhhhhhhh
just adding on to my last ask with this absolute gem of a quote from jack, on luke's development and supporting luke on off nights: "me and Quinn have a really good relationship like that." I'm wheezing
oh my god THANK YOU for alerting me to this article!! you are right it's just a gem omg. ok there were three quotes in particular that stuck out to me that are just fascinating from a characterization standpoint. the first one is the full 'good relationship' quote:
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i had to read that 'he comes more my way than me his way' line like 3 times to figure out it wasn't a typo but just jack phrasing it weird lmao but jack being so adamant that HE is the older brother in this situation okay that's HIS older brother role to luke thank you very much!! luke can adapt to HIS way of processing things because jack is experienced and knows more ok!! but the insight jack gives us on how he processes bad games, wanting to do it by himself, talk himself through it, while quinn & luke "hash things out" aka talk it through with someone with an outside perspective? which honestly has to be more helpful than trying to do it all on your own?? god i love this glimpse into jack's brain and the knowledge that he probably shuts down a little/pulls back from people when he's struggling/upset and you just have to let him stew on it until he's ready to process with someone i guess. WHAT a characterization detail!!
ok and then the other two quotes i really liked were both more luke-centric.
we're finally get a little more on luke's whole deal, and this is SUCH a revealing quote i think:
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ok sure, maybe all top prospects want to make the spectacular play vs. the simple play, what teenage boy hockey player doesn't want to be a star, i'm probably reading too much into this, but god just this little detail of luke really, really wanting to shine to the point he's not making arguably the more responsible play, to maybe prove himself a little? show he doesn't deserve to live in his brothers' shadows??
this article is also hilarious because it goes on to compare him to quinn for a couple paragraphs, and then eventually we get this:
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"he's his own guy!" says the guy who just went on and on about his older brother, comparing and contrasting their playing styles. tbf, this button guy did describe luke's play/style as very different from quinn's, but god it's just so interesting that luke is following quinn's footsteps in playing for umich (something luke had control over) and will be following jack's footsteps playing for new jersey (something luke had no control over, though certainly jack likely influenced) and there isn't a single article about him that doesn't bring up his brothers, but despite all that, everyone agrees he's his own special guy. i can't imagine the pressure on luke to uphold this legacy, to shine next to his brothers' already bright stars, and he's just out there being confident and too spectacular sometimes.
whatever support jack and quinn have given him over the years has clearly worked & i can't wait to see more of luke's personality come out in interviews as he gets older!!
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noprxmises · 12 hours ago
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noprxmises · 12 hours ago
Oh hey pookies
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
mack pregame* interview transcript
he was asked about missing time at the beginning of the season, whether he had a "welcome to the nhl" moment, sharing a rookie season with will smith (including whether he's proud of will's hockey), his leadership ability, and the calder race
*I think this was filmed at the same time as this interview
alan: go back to [the beginning of] your season - start out, have a great opening night, then have to go on ice for twelve games. what was that like for you, now that you've kind of separated yourself from it a little bit?
mack: it was brutal. um. I mean, I'd been working towards that all summer. um. preparing myself to kind of start the season on the right foot, and then - to not be able to play for four weeks there, it was tough. but, I mean, it is what it is.
alan: when you do come back, you get into it, and the season starts rolling - was there a "welcome to the nhl" moment for you at all?
mack: [longish pause] umm...I don't think so. I think it was just more, uh...every night you're playing against guys you grew up watching - [footage of sidney crosby shows on screen] - and, um, idolizing, and wanting to be like, so, um.... I mean, now it's pretty normal. and, I mean, now it's just kind of what you have to do, but at the start it was kind of a little bit eye-opening.
[footage of mack smiling on the bench with will shows on screen; I think it's from the same moment as the gif below]
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alan: we asked you before the start of the season what it was going to be like to have will come along this ride with you - two rookies, two highly-touted rookies. is there a moment where you thought, "man, it's really great that I have will here to - to bounce something off of?"
[shbroadcast shows the footage in the gif below as alan asks this question]
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mack: yeah, for sure. um. having someone like that, it's - it's awesome. uh...we have a couple other younger guys that - that we hang out with, and having that little group that we can just kind of hang out and have fun, um, and enjoy our time away from the rink, and on the road and stuff, I think it's important. just to kind of disconnect a little bit and, uh...I mean, that way you're not always kind of going and thinking about hockey.
alan: did you feel a sense of pride as a friend where will's kind of started to turn this corner here the last six weeks and really play some high quality hockey, that now he's looking more like the player that you're used to seeing, either when you went against him growing up or even now as a teammate?
mack: yeah. I mean, I think it's - I'm not really surprised. I, uh - I mean, I played against him for the last three or four years. and, um...I mean, you just put him with - with guys who can play with him, and...and you see what happens. he's just - [pause; mack's probably taking a moment to think] - he's a super skilled player that, um...I mean...there's a reason he went fourth overall. and, um...he gave the record for points for the US national program. so. yeah, I think that kind of speaks for itself.
alan: something that stands out to me when I watch you from afar is that every time that you need to step up and talk to the media, you've done it. you've never shied away from it. and that's what leaders really do. [...] where does your leadership ability come from? and where do you hope you can still grow?
mack: I mean, I don't know. I think it's just - I'm just trying to be myself. I'm not really thinking about trying to be a leader or, um, doing any of that. I mean, I'm 18 years old. I'm still trying to learn from - from some of our veterans, like. this is my first year - rookie year. so, um. I'm just trying to kind of learn - but also, like, just try to be myself, not really try to be anything I'm - I'm not.
alan: when you look at this calder race, your name's in it, obviously, for what you're doing on the ice. you've also got lane hutson; you also have a goalie. it's not often when you have a forward, defenseman, and a goalie kind of pushing their way. do you feel like this is a special race here for the nhl, and that it's kind of across the whole league?
mack: ...yeah. yeah. I mean, uh...yeah. I mean, I don't really, uh - like, it's kind of cliché, and it's probably, whatever, an answer you don't like to hear, but I don't really follow it very much. like, I'm just trying to play the best hockey I can be, I mean. I see - I play against dustin wolf, he's a great goalie, and I played with and against lane hutson, and michkov, and all those guys. so, um, I mean - they're all, um, unreal players. and, um, there's reasons that they're here as rookies. and, um, yeah. I mean. um. I think, just...I'm focused on trying to play the best hockey I can.
alan: is it fun to do it, though? to have hutson there with you, a former teammate, when you are going through this rookie season? you have will smith also, but you have guys you know that are pushing the talent level of the nhl forward.
mack: yeah, 100%. I think - in the years to come, I think you're always - you're gonna find more and more talent flooding in. um. every draft class - um - I mean, that's just the way it goes. um. the younger generations, they - we watched sid, and those guys, ovi - and, um - they're [the younger generations are] watching mcdavid - and then - yeah. so it kind of gets passed down. and, um -
[broadcast shows the clip in the gif below]
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mack (continued): - yeah, I mean. you're only gonna see more and more talent.
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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mack tries smelling salts
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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mack and a mystery scratch
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
He’s genuinely the prettiest person ever, and I will be taking no questions, comments or concerns at this time.
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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feisty hughes brothers | 12.17.23 ducks @ devils
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noprxmises · 1 day ago
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4.8.23 #43 signs with #86 as his witness
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noprxmises · 3 days ago
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macklin's dainty little gold bracelet
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noprxmises · 3 days ago
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mack being unable to stand still during the anthem...
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noprxmises · 3 days ago
The way Quinn jumps at Jack 😩🥺
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noprxmises · 3 days ago
My shayla 🥺
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noprxmises · 3 days ago
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a gif version of this video; I think this is a close-up of this moment from the sharks broadcast
please don't repost these gifs!
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