noodle-with-anxiety · 2 months
Masterlist of my works by Fandom
Orange is Wattpad, Red is AO3
Star Wars
The Decoy (eventually might be a Captain Rex x OC)
Her entire life she saw herself as the moon, to reflect the light of the sun. She was never bothered by it, for how could she be? While she might be only a reflection, she still gets to watch the sun's light. - A woman in the GAR is already unheard of but a woman with this kind of history? That's a whole other situation.
The Spy. - Commander Fox x OC
Lillou Sal gets laid off from her job at the Coruscant Fire Service. luckily her friend Commander Fox gets her a job as a guard. What will happen when he turns up at her doorstep disorientated and clueless to the events of the past 12 hours. When the commanders of the Coruscant Guard ask for her help investigating the blackouts, what will she discover?
Daughter of the Republic (Female clone)
Somehow, after a genetic mutation, a female clone is produced. She is born with enhanced agility and is trained to a level that no other clone has ever reached. The Republic has a new secret weapon. Can the war be won?
Attack on Titan
Anemoia (Armin Arlert x OC)
Erica is a simple girl dragged into a complicated world she was unprepared for. When Wall Maria falls, her world changes forever. Erica realises she must learn to adapt or she must learn to die.
Saudade (Jean Kirstein x OC)
When the girl reached the Walls, looking for safety, she found anything but. Freedom seems just out of reach, snatched back everytime she gets close. But is freedom the only key to happiness?
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noodle-with-anxiety · 2 months
Some of my Star Wars Fanfic Recommendations
!!This is in no particular order!!
First of all, how could I not start with Dominoes by @meridiansdominoes . This fic inspired me to start writing Star Wars fics again. Its an AU fix-it fic where Domino Squad is reincarnated and I cannot stress how fantastic it is.
Secondly, we have a two parter by @sandwolfstuff (I'm pretty sure, sorry if I'm wrong). The first part is called The Lonely Vod and the second part is called Too Little Too Late. It's focused on Dogma in an AU where he joins the Coruscant Guard.
Thirdly, we have another of my favourite pieces of writing ever, More Than Empty Servitude by k8s_space (on AO3). It's a slow burn Rex x Reader fic that doesn't use y/n. Fantastic writing.
Fourth is Welcome Company by @uponrightful . This is a Wolffe x OC story that I ADORE. Its got some smut later on but you can skip over it. The beginning is such a cute, fantastic look at something I personally think should be canon for the clones. The end is a deeper dive into the characters. Overall, a stunning fic that I really enjoyed.
Fifth is Colder Weather by starqueensworks (on AO3). Its an adorable fic about Kix as a pirate (after being woken from stassis). Its an xReader but also doesn't use y/n. I really love the relationship its fantastic.
I will add to this list as I find more that I adore! Please feel free to leave suggestions <3
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noodle-with-anxiety · 2 months
A Little Info <3
Hey everyone!
I am new to tumblr so please forgive me while I try and figure out how it works.
I write on both Wattpad (fan_fiction_lol2020) and AO3 (isa501). AO3 is most recently so I'm still figuring out how that one works too. Please not my Wattpad stories are old and pretty bad, I'm working in publishing my good ones on AO3 tho so all my best/most recent stories will be on AO3.
Currently actively writing:
The Decoy (Chapter 2- Posted)
The Spy (Chapter 1- Posted)
I am looking at starting a Star Wars Oneshot book too so if you have any requests please let me know!
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