nonethewiser202 · 3 days
I've seen several cases where people are like "what happens if we meet aliens, and then they see Independence Day or War of the Worlds?"
But nobody seems to think about what happens when the aliens see Star Trek.
The aliens are gonna see these shows made by a bunch of humans but they put putty on some of the humans to make them look like what we think aliens might look like, and we told stories about how those aliens would be our friends and we'd explore the universe with them and find more aliens and try to be friends with them too!
Yeah sometimes they'd be mean and we'd fight but we'd always try to avoid it and even if we fought we'd try to be friends later.
We basically created 900 episodes of a child's drawing of a stick figure of a human and a stick figure of a grey alien holding hands and "best friends" written in crayon.
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nonethewiser202 · 5 days
Do you ever think about how In Hushed Whispers, we wake up in this dystopian future and our immediate goal is to use magic to find a way back to the world as we knew it? We came across companions who had lived and suffered in this timeline for a year; indeed, it was their reality. Yet while we could relate to them and have compassion for them, and seek to help and comfort them as best we could, when they died it wasn't heartbreaking because to us, they weren't real. To us, it was nothing more than a nightmare of a world that had manifested in the blink of an eye.
Do you ever think about how modern Thedas is no more real to Solas than the alternate, dystopian future was to us? He woke up after thousands of years to find an unrecognizable world filled with oppression and magical imbalance, where the elves he sought to liberate now inhabit the lowest position in society as either slaves, servants, or in poverty. It isn't simply that the world isn't valuable as it is. It's that the world does not feel real. The people in it are disconnected from the fade and so to him, they feel like tranquil. And yet despite this world seeming no more real than a bad dream, Solas still cares about the people in it. He always approves of taking time to help out strangers, and enjoys discussing with the other companions to learn their perspectives and even encourages them during particularly difficult times (such as Cassandra's loyalty crisis with the seekers or Iron Bull abandoning the Qun). He dislikes violence and decisions that take away peoples' freedom. Even though this world isn't fully real to him, he still feels compassion for the people living in it.
And if the inquisitor comes to see him as a true friend or, Maker forbid, falls in love with him, the illusion snaps. The present is no longer a nightmarish dream world. It is real, and the people in it are real. But... so is the world he came from. The memories of that time are still fresh, no more than a couple years in the past to him. They are closer to him than memories of the COVID pandemic are to us. He can surely still remember vividly the taste of foods long gone, the beauty of magic-imbued cities, and the vibrant life of a civilization that was never separated from the fade--which is the way the world was natural designed to be.
This beautiful world that has become lost to time, that exists only his memory, fell because of him. Only he has the power to fix what he broke. But how can he make that choice, when the once dystopian dreamworld becomes just as real as the world he feels duty-bound to restore?
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nonethewiser202 · 8 days
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Thinking about Dorian x Inquisitor and hoping for a reunion in Dragon Age: Veilguard 🙏
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nonethewiser202 · 8 days
no literally people in my theater stood up and went FUCK YOU TOBIAS FORGE
My favourite part about RITE HERE RITE NOW was when everyone sat there in the dark for a moment after the last scene and someone then blurted "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS"
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nonethewiser202 · 8 days
i do wonder what it is that makes people exponentially more likely to reblog low effort shit posts that things people spent several days working on
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nonethewiser202 · 9 days
Spoiler free ghovie
Just saw the ghovie and HOLY SHIT what a good experience!!!!
No woonderrr no one was allowed to have phones at the live show, it was absolutely insane!!!
Also tobias forge when I get you I’ll hunt you for sport <3
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nonethewiser202 · 10 days
I never left!!!! Just…went to bg3 for a bit 🫣, but I’m back now!! 2 cakes!
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dragon age sleeper agents waking up after ten long years like
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nonethewiser202 · 11 days
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nonethewiser202 · 12 days
meeeeeee ✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻
doing my first solavellan playthrough to prepare myself even harder
So anyways…
Raise your hand if you’re replaying Inquisition in preparation for DA:TV
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nonethewiser202 · 15 days
when two musicians sing into the same microphone and lean in very close to each other… like omg are you guys gonna kiss now to relieve the homoerotic tension?😳
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nonethewiser202 · 15 days
I lovee how these games break the ideas of power and god hood over time and how, given enough time anything can become a god given enough power and faith. The Evanuris are just mages who enslaved their people but are now considered gods because the elves are so disconnected from them by time and tragedy.
Even Andraste herself probably wasn’t as powerful as people currently think she is. But time and tragedy have once again put her on a pedestal and made her into a godlike being, at least according to one half of the chantry (after all, Tevinter still believes she was just a woman, and is still just a woman).
Corypheus thinks he's a magister, elves used to think their mages were gods, people think the Inquisitor is a herald, it's so interesting how this game plays with faith and presentation and how believing you have power can make others believe it too and having that intense of a control over that many people holds more power than any magic alone. Like Varric says, you just gotta spin a story.
I wonder what story will be told about the Rook.
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nonethewiser202 · 15 days
dragon age will always be queer, always has been, always fuckin will be
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Dragon Age has always been queer. Dragon Age has also always been "controversial" for it. The homophobes and transphobes now throwing a fit over The Veilguard's queer cast are no different than than the assholes who came before them.
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nonethewiser202 · 19 days
screaming crying and chewing drywall shut the fuck up
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nonethewiser202 · 20 days
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ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜɪs ɪғ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴀs sᴏᴍᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ?
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nonethewiser202 · 20 days
Everyone should know, I do not apologize for the person I’m going to be when Veilguard comes out. I’m going absolutely insane at the gameplay video.
I’ve been into this series for 6 years and I need this gameeeeeee.
The gameplay looks so gorgeous, the environments are stunning and the combat is fluid and bouncy and hanshdnahsnahosna. Going crazy going feral I need to be back in Thedas
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nonethewiser202 · 22 days
This is suchhh a cool Inquisitor idea!! I love it soo much!!!
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They had already stopped counting how many attempts had been made on the Inquisitor's life, one successful one was enough for them to make Cullen a service dog, as if he hadn't been one before Cullen had to revise his armour to gain more mobility, as well as forcing the Inquisitor to cover his arms and back with his lats, as if he had a choice. Allaros didn't mind the new armour, though he missed his old armour, he wouldn't be able to wear it anymore. There would be rumours that the High Priestess Victoria would have to deal with.
Allaros took faith in Andraste, leaving his gods behind. They didn't save his life, Andraste did. And it should have been done back in the haven, banishing the dalish gods from his life forever. But people as always, they only needed an excuse, any misdemeanour by the Inquisitor, to launch new attacks. Which ended before they could begin. Although Cullen believed Solas was behind the assassination attempts, Allaros did not. He trusted his mate, but he didn't trust people.
Didn't trust Ferelden, kept Orlais in check. And if Orlais was understandable to the Inquisitor, Ferelden would forever remain a mystery to him. Particularly why his friend Hero Ferelden, an elf, was accepted by them and his…not. As High Priestess Victoria correctly says ‘They still fear you Inquisitor and always will. Take care of yourself, you have already saved my life twice and almost died because of it. I still need you as an inquisitor, as an associate, as a friend and family member."
Six hundred lives at stake It's just one life to take And when we kill him Then our journey's over No dying on me now Defeat is not allowed We must live through this day So fight, fight, fight - Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Survive
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nonethewiser202 · 26 days
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