All Cats Are Beautiful
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Team Walrus | car crash hammer explosion enthusiast | be gay do crime | he/him | anarchist | adult | queer | art blog: @catboyartist
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Mariaelena Mariotti, Mother of the Dinosaurs, sculptress specializing in Paleoart and creatures. Walking her velociraptor mongoliensis.
instagram @motherofthedinosaurs
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Along with the "how do we stop young men turning into angry radical right-wing types" discourse there's been a lot of discourse about the need for cishet male allies of the cause to stand up to their racist, sexist, homophobic etc. male friends and tell them to stop being those things, and other people saying "I've tried that and it doesn't really work, they just call me a fag and then stop hanging out with me."
And yeah, given that the left and right are more divided than ever it is kind of strange to assume that a male feminist is going to be hanging out with a bunch of sexist dudebros who will take it to heart when they make a rape joke and he says, "dudes...that was fucked up." That's not how it works.
(Also, yes, I realize that "the right" and "sexist dudebros" are not really the same thing but there's an area of overlap that is specifically being focused on in a lot of this discourse.)
I've been in sort of the Mirror World version of that scenario: being in heavily left-wing spaces, hearing people say fucked up shit about men and being the one who says, "uh that's kinda fucked up why would you say something like that?" and can confirm, yes, this kind of pushback does not work in that context. They just ridicule you and double down on whatever they were saying. Pushing out dissenting voices is a time-honored bonding ritual for these types of groups.
On the other hand, when I am alone with an actual friend, someone I care about who also cares about me, and they say something fucked up and I respond with shocked silence or a quiet "hey now," they usually backpedal pretty quickly.
So I guess if you're trying to stop someone from going down a rabbit hole my advice is not to confront them in a group setting or online where other people can witness the confrontation, especially if you are in a setting where most onlookers are likely to side with them. Talking to them alone, and in a less confrontational way, is what actually gets results.
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sign you see when entering hell
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Merry 2000 Trained Rats, everybody
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new kind of homunculus just dropped
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this is true but i can tell you that if you get bad grades they also let you do that. they just hate you also and publicly shame you in front of your classmates
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The most fucked up thing to realise as a transfem with an eating disorder is that they would like me more if I was skinny.
If I was slim I'd have more friends. If I was skinny I'd have bigger outreach. If I was skinny I'd be listened to.
And yet people wonder why EDs and dissociation is so common with transfems. Change ourselves or disconnect from ourselves enough to not notice the lack
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If I'm gonna say something nice about using Tumblr for social media it's that Tumblr doesn't make you aspire to something and that's a positive.
The big draws of Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook seem to be about proving you have a perfect life and a perfect face and a perfect body and then getting really sad when you don't stack up. Tumblr is a bunch of anime profile pictures loitering at a gas station.
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what if your doppelgänger wasn’t evil it was just a person. what if your doppelgänger wasn’t trying to replace you it was just trying to learn to be a person and you were the best model it had. what if your doppelgänger looked at you with your eyes and said with your voice that it just wanted to be loved. what then.
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War vor kurzem in dem Haus einer Reiterfamilie, in dem das Waschbecken im Bad einfach einer Pferdetränke nachempfunden war? Also diese kleinen automatischen Tränken aus Pferdeboxen? You get me?
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Das Ding war so klein (Kernseife, links im Bild, for scale) dass man unweigerlich Wasser absolut überall um die Tränke herum verteilt wenn man sich die Hände waschen möchte. Ich bin begeistert. Das ist ja mal das schlechteste Designkonzept seit langem. Bitte mehr davon.
Das beste war aber, dass man vom Badezimmerfenster aus einen direkten Blick in die Räumlichkeiten des Gasthofs nebenan hatte. Du kannst also vom Klo aus Blickkontakt mit Rentnern aufnehmen, die gerade deutsche Hausmannskost zu Wucherpreisen löffeln. Ganz großes Kino. Dass es menschenfeindliches Design in Innenstädten gibt (zum Vergraulen von Obdachlosen, zb) war mir klar, mir ist sowas nur noch nie in einem privaten Badezimmer begegnet.
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These Business Cards Were the Only Logical Choice
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