nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadicfcrged said, " i'm not afraid to die. "
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it's a hard day in paradise when hale's the one being rational. his turn is a blur. age and strength ( small as it was in comparison to the likes of lucian and raze ) help him push the other lycan against the nearest wall. he can feel the amber glow of his pupils dance with the wolf so close to the surface. what that doesn't show, however, is the rapid beat of his heart and the invisible claws digging deep down into flesh.
" i don't give a shit what you are and are not afraid of right now, cowboy, " lips press together in a thin line. on the one hand, he wanted to have someone order dante to stay behind to watch the pups. on the other hand, someone with his fighting expertise would be a valuable asset against the way the death dealers fought. looking for michael corvin was a free for all that had everyone on edge. someone needed to be level headed.
and, it wasn't supposed to be him.
" i'm afraid of losing you. happy? i said it. and i can't be fucking reckless when i think you're out there trying to be the adorable hero. so, please. no dying today. "
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
Adding an Underworld verse too.
Details to come.
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
ā€œ itā€™s alright, theyā€™re gone nowā€¦ are you alright? hey, look at me; are you hurt at all? ā€ // @nomadicfcrged
And just like that, sheā€™s seven years old again, knees tucked tight and face hidden. Cowering at the older kids who had her cornered ā€” what had they even been doing it for? Her frizzy hair? Her penchant for humming, or how she skipped down the halls, brimming with naivety? Sheā€™d been humming to herself as they yelled about ā€” whatever it was ā€” so she didnā€™t hear it when her brother had scared them off. Pulled the arms away from her ears, all dark, sad eyes as he helped her up.
Are you okay?
Now itā€™s a hand under her chin that guides her gaze up to him. Heā€™s always been so brave, hasnā€™t he? Whenever the bad luck that trailed her inevitably caught up, he would always be there to help. To save her. And tonight was no different.
The guys had seemed nice enough. Sheā€™s blushed when they had called her pretty, laughed with them as they ordered her drinks. It had been fun. Theyā€™d been having fun. Hadnā€™t they? But somehow their smiles had twisted, and they had been outside the bar, trying to get her to come with them even though her stomach twisted with anxiety. Even though tears had started to slip down her cheeks.
And then, just as quickly, they were gone. Dante is pulling the hands from her face again, like sheā€™s still that little girl ā€” and maybe she is, because she feels so small as she looks up at him, concern etched into every line. She doesnā€™t want him to worry. She never does. But maybe, just this once, itā€™s okay not to pretend sheā€™s fine. Maybe itā€™s okay to step into his arms, face hidden against his shirt, and cry.
Maybe. But just this one time.
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadicfcrged said, ā›Ā  you're doing so good.Ā  keep taking it ... just like that.Ā  āœ
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once upon a time hale didn't do this. he didn't do connection and communication and emotion. he didn't leave things over at someone else's place for the next time because there was never a next time, until dante. at first he'd pretended because that pretty face would be even prettier breaking his heart. then he told himself it was because waking up next to someone would make ruining himself that much better.
but, dante never fought back like everyone else did. there weren't judgements or fights. all he'd ever gotten from the other man was understanding and gentleness.
it's a weird place for his mind to drift while he's on his knees, gel mattress conforming to the curves of his body that are pressing down into the faux gravity. pure elation sends an arrow up his spine whenever the other man's hips pull back and force a soft gasp of air on ever slap of flesh. his fingers are twisted into the sheets. his head keeps trying to move back to feel more of the grip at the base of his neck as if that alone could keep the bartender still.
" god, please. "
both arms are shaking from the constant brace and push. they'd been holding up the weight of half his body long enough for a thin sheen of sweat to cover every inch.
" i can't take it anymore, " his elbows slip and his face plants down into the pillow. teeth dig down into his bottom lip to catch another moan. every dip of mattress and he flies higher and higher, tighter and tighter. each time dante fully seats himself it's another coil to the tension building in the pit of his abdomen.
they'd been slow. languid. impatience had him forcing himself back for that extra spark of light behind his eyes. if they kept it up he was going to say something he'd seriously regret.
something like love.
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadicfcrged // "Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?"
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She can feel a bruise purpling at her wrist. It hurts, but itā€™s not nearly as painful as the concern in her brotherā€™s eyes. In truth, sheā€™s not as rattled as she should be; the intensity of the moment still lives in her bones, but the adrenalineā€™s leeching away. And here, in this bar, knowing heā€™s right there? Nothing could hurt her, least of all a couple of drunk, handsy men.
ā€œItā€™s okay! Itā€™s okay, really. Iā€™m fine.ā€ The smile says it, bright and wide ( even if it doesnā€™t quite reach her eyes ). Bambi had learned long ago that sadness was catching -- trauma spread, touching those that spent too long around you. So she doesn't linger in it. After all, if she isn't sad, Dante will have no reason to be.
The other patrons are quiet, watching. She supposes it had made a scene, and can't quite shake the guilt at the notion. It happened every time she saw him: eventually, she did something embarrassing, or careless, and then he would send her back on her way. She had really wanted this time to be different, but something about good intentions still paving the way straight to hell. Regardless, Bambi rallies: it was never too late to turn things around. Soft, a hand touches his cheek.
ā€œNo pasa nada, Dante. No te preocupes.ā€ she says, quiet. And then sheā€™s already stepping away. ā€œOkay! Let me help clean up the mess.ā€
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadicfcrged // "This is a bad place. You should not be here."
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Not the kind of reception she's expecting from the brother she's not seen in two years. But, still, it's okay. Dante probably had his reasons: maybe it's been a really long day, or customers have been super rude, or he could just be really tired. Doesn't everyone have those days? She won't let it sour the whole mood.
"Well ---- here I am! Ta daaaaa," she offers, holding out the bunch of flowers tied up with a purple string. "These are for you. I picked them in that field, you know the one right outside of town? Anyway, they made me think of you." A pause. She bounces on the balls of her feet, falls back down again. "It's -- really good to see you."
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@sonderiings / bambi sent a meme.
ā› Promise me youā€™re not gonna over-react. āœ
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Lips pressed together for a moment, a pause in the beer glass that he was currently wiping off, and he took a heartbeat or two to consider his reply before he let himself speak. "You are aware that's exactly the thing I'd expect you to say right before you said something else that I would most definitely over react to, right, Viv?" Not that he would probably consider it an over reaction, and he did try and keep him temper in check especially when she was around, but-- ?
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@aeternals / desi sent a meme.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
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His fingers, with knuckles criss crossed with scars, and fingertips worn heavy with callouses, trace the curve of Desi's side, from the shoulder, etching down his arm, teasing and tangling briefly with Desi's fingers before easing free and wandering over the arch of hip, to outer thigh. Simply savoring, admiring. The caresses were gentle ... perhaps not chaste, but not driven by lust, either. As much as he might enjoy the passions they shared, he was as content simply to be in Desi's presence, as anything else.
The words catch him off guard, his hand falling still, warm, nested against Desi's hip, a calm, if tinted with curiosity, gaze cast up to meet his lover's gaze. He doesn't know everything about Desi's past. He doesn't need to. Those stories were Desi's to hold to, or share, when he was ready, or never. He knew enough to know that Desi had survived something terrible. The nightmares, the strangled whimpers that would jolt him from his sleep, the occasional mood swings and paranoia. They were symptoms he'd seen in men he'd served with, enough to have some grasp of the root cause. It made him angry, at times, brewed a red hot pit of lava in his chest when he thought of anyone causing Desi to suffer...
But those were not thoughts, for here and now. Shifting to prop his weight up on his elbow, he drew his other hand up from Desi's hip, to trail along the lines of his jaw, settling in behind his neck to hold him lightly in place as he brought his lips to graze softly against Desi's, once. Twice. Again, they were gentle, not quite chaste, but not demanding, either. "The only thing I want to do to you, is love you, if you'll let me, for as long as you'll let me."
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@valiantsword sent ā€œSMASH OR PASS.ā€
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ā€œI ā€“ā€ A very quiet clearing of his throat, brows slinking upwards as he tries to formulate the least raunchiest reply that comes to mind. ā€œI believe the phrase is ā€¦ I would climb him like a treeā€¦.ā€ A vague shrug of a hand. ā€œWould not have to ask me twice. Iā€™m ā€“ smash, yes. Absolutely. No hesitation. He could probably break me like a twig, if he wanted to, which ā€“ is saying something, and Iā€™m ā€“ absolutely okay with that.ā€
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@riverguides sent "SMASH OR PASS."
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The face of Adonis, and the eyes of a ghost. "I have a feeling that ... it would be an encounter I would not likely forget." A flicker of a smile, a slow nod. "But I also have the feeling that I wouldn't want to walk away, after, either. I would, if he wanted. Both. Smash -- as crude a turn of phrase as that is, and walk away, if he wanted. He just seems the kind of man that leaves a ... longing, when he's gone."
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@coinquinatvs - john sent "SMASH OR PASS."
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"As I recall, we've -- 'been there, done that' -- with gusto, if memory serves." The smirk lingers, fingers tapping idly against the bar. "But I am -- a hundred percent here for a repeat performance, any time, any place. There were -- you know, zero downsides. Five stars, in my little black book. If I had one"
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@somebadguys - wren sent SMASH OR PASS.
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That one gets a slow, lazy exhale, as he takes his time to consider all the elements of that particular equation before trying to offer a reply that made any sort of sense. "That one's ... Mm. I want to say yes. Undoubtedly. Wren is ... undeniably beautiful. And I have a feeling it would be a ... wild ride...." A pause. "So yeah, I -- I'm gonna say, smash, but ... my hard earned life experience is telling me -- it'd probably end in nothing but trouble."
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@aeternals / desi sent a meme.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
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His fingers, with knuckles criss crossed with scars, and fingertips worn heavy with callouses, trace the curve of Desi's side, from the shoulder, etching down his arm, teasing and tangling briefly with Desi's fingers before easing free and wandering over the arch of hip, to outer thigh. Simply savoring, admiring. The caresses were gentle ... perhaps not chaste, but not driven by lust, either. As much as he might enjoy the passions they shared, he was as content simply to be in Desi's presence, as anything else.
The words catch him off guard, his hand falling still, warm, nested against Desi's hip, a calm, if tinted with curiosity, gaze cast up to meet his lover's gaze. He doesn't know everything about Desi's past. He doesn't need to. Those stories were Desi's to hold to, or share, when he was ready, or never. He knew enough to know that Desi had survived something terrible. The nightmares, the strangled whimpers that would jolt him from his sleep, the occasional mood swings and paranoia. They were symptoms he'd seen in men he'd served with, enough to have some grasp of the root cause. It made him angry, at times, brewed a red hot pit of lava in his chest when he thought of anyone causing Desi to suffer...
But those were not thoughts, for here and now. Shifting to prop his weight up on his elbow, he drew his other hand up from Desi's hip, to trail along the lines of his jaw, settling in behind his neck to hold him lightly in place as he brought his lips to graze softly against Desi's, once. Twice. Again, they were gentle, not quite chaste, but not demanding, either. "The only thing I want to do to you, is love you, if you'll let me, for as long as you'll let me."
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadfcrged said, ā€œĀ  Ā theĀ  personĀ  thatĀ  youā€™dĀ  takeĀ  aĀ  bulletĀ  forĀ  isĀ  behindĀ  theĀ  trigger .Ā  Ā ā€
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ā€œ whoa there, cowboy, ā€ hale tries his best to offer a gentle smile. honestly, his headā€™s still trying to process everything that happened with william and so was the rest of his body. so, he wasnā€™t fully prepared to take on the aggressive stance from the other bartender. especially after coming to terms with the fact that he cared about dante. worse, he wanted dante to care about him.
it was another normal night in the bar. william had come in and something prompted hale to get a little bratty. sometimes it was simply him being his bratty self. other times it was because he craved the reaction it was going to earn.
the office door slammed shut. haleā€™s jaw hurt from a tight grip from a strong hand. papers slid all over the table and even flew across the floor in the aftermath of everything that followed. in fact, one of the belt loops on his jeans had ripped off. later heā€™d have to check if there was any damage to the wall from the few times the desk had slammed into it. but, all in all, he was one satisfied ( and emotionally slapped ) wolf.
he was picking up papers when dante stormed over. at least, the energy radiating felt like it landed in the stormy category.
ā€œ no one said anything about taking a bullet for anyone. itā€™s a little physical release thatā€™s hard to find anywhere else, if you catch my drift. ā€ eyebrows pinch together in an attempt to signal everything was okay. ā€œ i get how it looks fucked up from the outside. i do. but itā€™sā€¦ ā€ what he deserves. ā€œ complicated. i really do appreciate your concern, though. it means a lot. ā€
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadfcrged said, ā€œ i feel like i can handle it. ā€
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ā€œ god damnit, ā€ hale yanks the towel from his shoulders until it lands on the glistening sink. heā€™d gone right from williamā€™s pants straight to danteā€™s door. was that stupid? yes. but his fucked up brain wanted to cover the pain with pleasure. he wanted to counteract the grease with a ray of light. the more he experienced some semblance of love the more he wanted to be a better person to receive it.
only, he hadnā€™t realized there were bruises left on his body after his encounter with william. this was something they danced around. william. hale could smell every time dante puffed up in anger at the way the other man treated certain people in the building. treated him. what the wolf never bothered to say and what he danced around whenever asked, was why he allowed himself to be treated as such.
heā€™d slipped this time. in his desperation for danteā€™s tenderness he hadnā€™t bothered to look at himself in a mirror long enough to see the damage done to his body.
ā€œ the truth about how utterly fucked i am? ā€ eyebrows press together and the wolf waves away the thought. ā€œ youā€™re a good man, dante. why do you put up with my shit, anyway? ā€ his heart starts rattling in itā€™s cage, telling him to run. telling him that dante didnā€™t want him anymore and all the good was finally crashing down around him. thatā€™s what he wanted, wasnā€™t it? for someone good to see he was a fucking monster and to stay far away.
ā€œ no, ā€ a tear rolls down his cheek and he pushes through the threshold of the bathroom to find where his personal items were. ā€œ you really fucking canā€™t. or the fact that i know williamā€™s a dirtbag and i do this to myself anyway because i deserve it? go on. tell me you can handle how fucked up that little nugget is. ā€
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
@nomadfcrged said, ā€œ sorry about them. theyā€™re idiots. ā€
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on the list of stupid, impulsive things to do, stepping into a bar he suspected had ties to his tormentor was way up there. possibly even top of said list. the key was whether or not he was right in where the mutant was currently located.
heā€™d dressed down for the occasion, sliding into a teal waffle knit shirt and a pair of stretchy dark denim. leather bracelets with wooden beads decorate his right wrist while a silver bracelet was on his left, complete with infinity knot to remind himself of amos.
as soon as he stepped through the door someone shouted something about fuck boy while another muttered something about money. honestly, desiderius was used to being looked at while out in public but he wasnā€™t used to being loudly hounded. a few whistles led to shouts for his number. by the time heā€™d made it to one of the barstools at the counter, he was already regretting any decision to come by himself.
several fingers rub over his brow. why did he think this was a good idea, again? there were better ways to get information on william. especially since, now that he was sitting in the middle of the bar, he thought it would be weird to straight out ask questions. someone might go back to him and tell him about said questions.
ā€œ iā€™m an idiot, ā€ the immortal shakes his head to himself. in fact, now that heā€™s still he also realizes his hands are shaking. ā€œ can i just get a whiskey and coke, please? ā€
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nomadicfcrged Ā· 1 year
Ex US Army / UNN (expanse) member. Discharged after he confronted his CO about an order he considered unlawful bc it would endanger civilians; not willing to risk the heat of bad PR fallout, military simply discharged him. Parents died when he was in his early twenties. His younger sister lives with their aunt in a yet tbd foreign country. He spent some time in a private mercenary unit; did not work out and he has since being primarily nomadic, hopping from city to city doing odd jobs like security, bodyguard, bouncer, bartender, etc for whether he can get decent pay under the table. Has a habit of landing in trouble bc he doesnā€™t like seeing people pushed around.
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