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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MIS 535
MIS 535  
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MIS 535 Homework
MIS 535 Homework  
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MIS 535 Homework
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MIS 535 Final Exam
MIS 535 Final Exam  
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MIS 535 Final Exam
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MIS 535 Final Exam  Latest 2014 – Keller
MIS 535 Final Exam  Latest 2014 – Keller
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(TCO A) Which of the following decisions require knowledge based on collaboration and interaction? (Points : 4) 
(TCO A) The costs for firms operating on a global scale have been drastically reduced by (Points : 4) (TCO B) Which of the following businesses use the market creator business model? (Points : 5)
(TCO B) ________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system. (Points : 5) (TCO C) The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the (Points : 4) 
(TCO C) A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the (Points : 4) (TCO D) The telephone system is an example of a ______ network. (Points : 4)
(TCO D) To use the analog telephone system for sending digital data, you must also use. (Points : 4)  (TCO E) Enterprise applications have become easier to install because: (Points : 5)
(TCO E) Which of the following factors provides an understanding of why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades?  (Points : 5)  (TCO F) Agile Methodologies (Points : 4)  (TCO G) A salesperson clicks repeatedly on the online ads of a competitor in order to drive the competitor’s advertising costs up. This is an example of (Points : 4) 
(TCO A) Assess at least two benefits of using enterprise systems.  (Points : 20)
(TCO A) You have been hired to work with 10 salespeople from different branches of a national business in creating an online training site for new Sales employees.  Identify six collaboration tools that are available to help the team work together.  Which single tool would be the most helpful for the project, in your opinion, and why? (Points : 25)
(TCO A) You work for an auto manufacturer and distributor.  How could you use information systems to achieve greater customer intimacy? (Points : 25)
(TCO B) Describe four types of application that are especially well-suited for mobile-commerce (Points : 20)
(TCO B)You are evaluating BI software from a variety of vendors.  Identify six elements in the BI environment.  Use your understanding of the importance of these elements to formulate six questions to ask the vendor in order to determine how their software will interplay with your needs. (Points : 25)
(TCO B) You are advising the owner of Small town Computer, a new, local computer repair store that also builds custom computers to order.  What competitive strategies could Small town Computer exert?  Which ones will it have difficulty exercising?  (Points : 25)
(TCO C) What types of relationships are possible in a relational database?  Describe and give an example of each. (Points : 20)
(TCO C) If you were to design the new contracts database for a publishing house what fields do you anticipate needing?  Which of these fields might be in use in other databases used by the company?  (Points : 25)
(TCO C) Describe the ways in which database technologies could be used by an office stationery supply company to achieve low-cost leadership. (Points : 25)
(TCO D) What is cloud computing and how do you think its developments could impact businesses? (Points : 20)
(TCO D) How are RFID systems used in inventory control and supply chain management? (Points : 25)
(TCO D) What are the business advantages of using voice over IP (VOIP) technology? (Points ; 25)
(TCO E) What additional complexities are faced in global supply chains?  How does the Internet help in managing global supply chains? (Points ; 20)
(TCO E) Explain why standards are so important in information technology?  What standards have been important for the growth of Internet technologies? (Points: 25)
(TCO E) Distinguish between grid computing, cloud computing, and utility computing. (Points : 25)
(TCO F) What qualities of object-oriented development make this method especially suitable for Inte
rnet applications? (Points ; 20)
(TCO F) You have been hired as a consultant for a nationwide real estate firm, Cross & Deptford, who are interested in achieving better organization between branches by updating their information systems, but are not sure what will suit their needs.  What will you recommend they do in order to determine the most effective IT projects?  (Points ; 25)
(TCO F) Differentiate between intangible and tangible benefits and list three examples of each.  In what types of systems are intangible benefits more predominant? (Points : 25)
(TCO G) Discuss the issue of security challenges on the Internet as that issue applies to a global enterprise.  List at least 5 Internet security challenges (Points : 20)
TCO G) Define the basic concept of responsibility, accountability, and liability as applied to ethical decision.  How are these concepts related? (Points : 25)
(TCO G) How is the security of a firm’s information system and data affected by its people, organization, and technology?  In the contribution of one of these dimensions any more important than the other? Why? (Points : 25)
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MIS 535 Discussions
MIS 535 Discussions  
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MIS 535 Discussions
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 521 Final Exam – Latest 2014
MGT 521 Final Exam – Latest 2014
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MGT 521 Final Exam – Latest 2014
 1)  When a manager makes use of a SWOT analysis, one of his or her objectives is to
 2)      2) A company that wants to distinguish itself from the competition in the marketplace is most likely using which of the following strategies?
3)      3) An organization’s ________ goals are official statements of what an organization says its goals are.
4)      4) When planning for unexpected events, a company is using which of the following techniques?
5)      5) The ________ determines the number of levels and managers in an organization.
6)      6) Which of the following is a characteristic of an organic organization?
7)      Which of the following is a characteristic of a matrix organization?
8)      Searching for new ideas beyond an organization’s boundaries and allowing changes to easily transfer inward and outward is known as ________.
9)      Which of the following stages is when the group structure is in place and accepted by the group members?
10)   Conflicts can be resolved by satisfying one’s own needs at the expense of others. This conflict- management technique is known as ________.
11)   Which of the following statements is true about group decision making?
12)   According to the Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and the roles of group members to meet goals?
13)   Which leadership theory is derived from the belief that a leader’s job is to remove pitfalls and roadblocks so followers can achieve their work goals?
14)   If Carol Reece is a charismatic leader, which of the following characteristics is she most likely to possess?
15)   Indira Patel has been working in her organization’s computer security department for the past 10 years. If another employee follows Indira’s recommendations in a given situation, based on her expertise in computer security, which source of power is Indira using?
16)   Melvin manages a team of 10 employees, including Jane and Jared. Jared is leaving the organization to find a job as a manager in another field. Meanwhile, due to performance issues, Melvin terminates Jane’s employment with the company. Both of these are examples of what type of employee behavior?
17)   Thomas often annoys his coworkers with his talkativeness and assertive personality. According to the Big Five Model of personality, Thomas would be described as high in the trait of
18)   Kelly is interviewing candidates to fill a vacancy on her team. One candidate has a degree from a prestigious university, and Kelly is impressed. In speaking with her fellow members of the interview panel, however, Kelly finds that no one else enjoyed the interview with the candidate, finding her to be pompous, aggressive, and self-serving. In her focus on only the candidate’s education, Kelly may have fallen victim to
19)   It is crucial to determine an acceptable _____ during the comparing step in the control process.
20)   If a manager rationalizes that he or she does not have time to investigate the source of a problem and instead resorts to putting out fires, the manager is missing the use of
21)   Why are feedforward controls more rarely implemented as compared to other types of controls?
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 450
MGT 450  
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MGT 450
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 426 Entire Course
MGT 426 Entire Course  
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 415
MGT 415    
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 401
MGT 401  
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MGT 401
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 330
MGT 330  
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 311 Final Exam (Latest 2014)
MGT 311 Final Exam (Latest 2014)  
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1) In her work in the publishing industry,  Vera seeks out new authors whom she considers promising. In the past 2 years  she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought was exceptional,  and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for  submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud  of the results, none of the authors she worked with were chosen for  publication. Vera believes that the decision not to publish these authors was  based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the quality of her  writers’ work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each  morning, and is seriously thinking of resigning. How can Vera’s job attitude  best be described?
Low job satisfaction and low job involvement
High job satisfaction and low job involvement
Low job satisfaction and high job involvement
High job satisfaction and high job involvement
2) Julia works as a receptionist at a  real-estate company. Her boss just came in the door and yelled at her,  telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up  and clean it immediately. After her boss left the room, Julia grabbed three  magazines and violently slammed them into the trash can. Which of the  following best describes Julia’s action?
An affect
A thought
A mood
An emotion
3) Erin works on a software help desk. After  being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company’s software, she  becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. What makes her anger  an emotion, rather than a mood?
It is a simple, unambiguous feeling.
It interferes with her capacity to work effectively.
It has contextual stimulus.
It can be controlled given some time.
4) Any incompatibility between two or more  attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in what?
Organizational dissonance
Cognitive dissonance
Attitudinal clarification
Values clarification
5) What is the degree to which a person identifies  with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her  performance as being important to self-worth?
Job satisfaction
Job involvement
Job stability
Organizational commitment
6) What term is used for those emotions that  an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate for a  given job?
Felt emotions
Required emotions
Conditional emotions
Displayed emotions
7) Janet needs to assign a very important  advertising account to one of her writers. First she reviewed each writers  work load, then she studied the sales data of the products for the last three  campaigns of each writer, then she reviewed each writer’s annual review to  familiarize herself with their goals. Finally, she gave the account to Paula,  a very creative, efficient writer who has had high sales results with her  last three clients’ products. What is Janet’s management style is based on?
Organizational behavior studies
Substantive evidence approach
Preconceived notions
Systematic study
8) Basing managerial methods on the best  available scientific evidence is called what?
Systematic study
Organizational behavior
Evidence-based management
Conceptual management
9) The manager at a construction site  observes that he is spending a great deal of time interviewing prospective  employees. This is due to the large amount of absenteeism and turnover among  his skilled workers. While questioning exiting employees, he discovers that  many of them quit because they feel the work place is too dangerous. In  particular, several foremen have stated that the need to get the job done  quickly is more important than a few rules, and have gone as far as to mock  the courage of workers who question this attitude. What is the best way for  the manager to control the deviant behavior of the foremen?
Ordering the foremen to conform with the required safety    standards
Finding out why the foremen place a greater importance    on finishing the job than on safety
Firing the foremen and promoting new foremen from the    current pool of workers
Taking over the work of the foreman himself
10) Phil loves sales. He has been a stellar  sales person since he was 12. Recently he was awarded a full paid trip for  two to Puerto Rico for breaking a company sales record. Phil is so motivated  to work, he has set a new goal to break his old record in the coming year.  Taking into account self-determination theory, why did the company  recognition and award, an extrinsic reward, motivate Phil?
The reward was seen as a coercive method of increasing    sales and motivated Phil to prove himself intrinsically.
The reward was imposed to work toward a standard that    Phil could not believe in, and his intrinsic motivation suffered.
The reward increased Phil’s sense of competence by    providing feedback that improved his intrinsic motivation.
The reward increased Phil’s sense of competence by    providing feedback that diminished his intrinsic motivation.
 11) Tony loves programming. He was on the  ground level of the computer revolution. This year his boss has set personal  goals for each of the programmers, one of which includes a presentation from  each programmer about a project. Tony is very annoyed because he has a  tremendous amount of work to do and he will have to spend the weekend, his  personal time, preparing the presentation. Taking into account  self-determination theory, why did his manager’s goals and the presentation  reduce Tony’s motivation?
The internally imposed goal feels coercive, causing    Tony’s intrinsic motivation to suffer.
The self-imposed goal increases his sense of competence,    causing the intrinsic motivation to suffer.
The externally imposed goal is an external reward,    causing Tony’s intrinsic motivation to increase.
The externally imposed goal feels coercive, causing    Tony’s intrinsic motivation to suffer.
12) Glendon has a degree in business and  worked for 2 years at an international firm in Spain. When the firm suffered  cutbacks and Glendon returned home, he took a job at a nonprofit agency  mentoring at-risk Spanish-speaking children. Glendon earns a third of what he  earned in the business world, but has decided that his new goal is to acquire  a larger case load and continue to use his Spanish to help people. Which  theory explains why Glendon is happy with a much smaller external reward for  his work?
Self-imposition of goals
Extrinsic motivation
13) Today Marci’s boss entered her cubicle  and told her that her work has been fantastic, and that because of her last  project the client is going to give the company all of their business.  Marci’s boss continued to talk about what a great job she’s doing. When her  boss left, Marci felt very confident and satisfied with herself and her job.  Marci’s boss uses communication in which of the following functions?
Emotional expression
14) What can managers do to make sure that  important information is not withheld from them through silence?
Listen to and support diverse opinions.
Deal with information overload.
Interpret what they see and call it reality.
Tell employees what they want to hear.
15) When Neal Patterson, CEO of Cerner  Corporation, sent his seething e-mail to 400 managers, he erred by selecting  the wrong
channel for his message
emotional charge
16) Araceli is a team member in a large  corporation. She never speaks in the team meetings because she has seen  members talk behind each others’ backs outside of the meetings. Members are  constantly monitoring the other member’s work, looking for a mistake to point  out in a meeting. According to the information provided, which contextual  factor is most likely hindering the success of Araceli’s team?
Adequate resources
Climate of trust
Team structure
Performance evaluations
17) Ayesha is leading a group to develop a  prototype for a new product. She has chosen three people to work with her.  Ben and Tom are good friends and socialize on the weekend. They are both very  creative. Julian is older than Ben and Tom, but they have worked together  before and been quite productive. Julian is organized. Ayesha has never  worked with any of the men, but knows the product well. She brings the  highest level of expertise. Which of the following statements best describes  Ayesha’s group?
High norms, low cohesiveness, high productivity
Low norms, low cohesiveness, low productivity
High norms, high cohesiveness, high productivity
Low norms, high cohesiveness, low productivity
18) Irma does not like a few of the standard  operating procedures adapted for the new project. However, she discussed the  items with the team and told them that she realized she was in the minority  and that she would adapt the new procedures to maintain smooth operations  within the team. What is this type of intention called?
19) Angelina feels that her cubicle neighbor  talks too loudly on the phone, but in other ways she is a great neighbor.  Angelina gets annoyed every time her neighbor’s phone rings, but she has  decided it is simply not worth the trouble to talk to her neighbor. What is  Angelina’s conflict intention called?
20) For process conflict to be productive,  it must be
Kept high
Kept low
Kept at low to moderate levels
Kept at moderate levels
21) The right inherent in a managerial  position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed
chain of command
unity of command
22) ________ are consistent with recent  efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead, speed up decision making,  increase flexibility, get closer to customers, and empower employees.
Wider spans of control
Narrower spans of control
Matrix structures
Simple structures
23) What is the process through which  employees are adapted to an organization’s culture?
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGT 303
MGT 303  
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MGT 303
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGMT 597
MGMT 597  
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MGMT 597
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGMT 591
MGMT 591  
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MGMT 591
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noisysheepchaos-blog · 9 years ago
MGMT 591 Final Exam Updated Leadership And Organizational Behaviour
MGMT 591 Final Exam Updated Leadership And Organizational Behaviour  
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 (TCOs A& B) What is organizational learning? Why is it important for firms to emphasize organizational learning? (Points: 10)
Organizational learning is an organization-wide ongoing process that improves its collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to external and internal change. It requires the..
(TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five indirect conflict management strategies. (Points: 10)
Four of the five indirect conflict management strategies include reduced interdependence, appeals to common goals, hierarchical referral, and alterations in the use of mythology and scripts. Reduced interdependence involves making..
(TCO A, B) An organization is a collection of people working together within a given structure and culture to achieve a common purpose. Identify and describe the three components that assist the organization in meeting its goals and list any three of the five components of job satisfaction that contribute to a company meeting these goals. (Points: 10)
Three components that assist the organization in meeting its goal include an organizational identity, a long-rage strategic plan, and staff development and organizational culture. The organization’s identity consists of its mission, vision, and…
(TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent seminal research on leadership theory. Both studies identified two basic forms of leader behaviors. What were the similarities in the findings from these two studies and what was the significance of the research? (Points : 30)
In the late 1940s, researchers at the University of Michigan sought to identify the leadership pattern that results in an effective performance. From interviews of high and low performing groups in different organizations the researchers derived two basic forms of…
(TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional intelligence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10)
Organizational behavior is a culture that is a shared set of beliefs and values within an organization (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 9).  It influences the way people act and feel in organizations.  For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees from..
(TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees.  The CEO of the company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees are not very happy with the company in fact the CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis which threatens to shut down …(Points: 45)
The attitudes of the employees affect their behavior, which in turn affects their job performance and the company’s productivity level. In particular, their attitudes are influenced by their belief that the company is making poor quality…
(TCO D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. (Points : 45)
The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages.
The forming stage is when the members first join the team. At this stage, the members get to know each other in efforts to find a common ground. In addition, they will…
(TCOs A& B) OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. (Points : 10)
Four common sources of stress at work are task demands, ethical dilemmas, interpersonal problems, and physical setting. Task demands pertain to when the employee has either too much or too little workload. In particular, too much workload can lead…
(TCO D) Referring to the team decision-making process, define consensus and unanimity and explain the difference between the two.(Points : 10)
Consensus  is a group or teams that consist of people who come from different backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and skills, different opinions and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of problems, an example…
(TCO D) There are six methods that teams use to make decisions. Identify and define three of the five. (Points : 10)
Three of the methods that teams use in making decisions are through authority rule; through a consensus; and through unanimity. Decision-making through authority rule occurs when a leader, manager, or chairperson decides for the…
(TCO E, F) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational outcomes.  Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive influence. (Points : 10)
Three ways that conflict can be a positive influence is the information that is represent by a member can be beneficial to the company.  If something isn’t going right and it has been noted by the person causing the conflict, his solution may benefit..
(TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five direct conflict management strategies. (Points : 10)
Four of the five direct conflict management strategies are accommodation or smoothing; collaboration and problem solving; compromise; and avoidance. Avoidance is when…
(TCO G) There are six sources of position power in organizational settings. Identify and define three of these sources. (Points : 10)
The six sources of position power are legitimate, reward, coercive, process, information, and representative power.  The reward power allows a manager to use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people.  Some examples would be promotions, money, or even…
(TCO G) Define power from an organizational behavior perspective. What is the difference between power and influence? (Points : 10)
Power is defined as the “ability to get someone to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen or get things done the way you want” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012,  p. 264) while influence…
(TCO E, F) Neff Incorporated is a small business with 100 employees and 4 managers. Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever since they were both assigned to work on Project X, they have been arguing about how to meet the goals of that project. On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X, in the cafeteria during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about the argument and he sends out an email…(Points : 45)
Manager 1 used avoidance in that he or she downplayed the disagreement and failed to participate in the situation, He or she stayed neutral. However, this was an inappropriate conflict management strategy for this situation as it doesn’t lead to the resolution of..
(TCO F) Eagle Standard AInc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees project managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project group of 6-7 members. The majority of project…(Points: 45)
Two conflict management methods that Bruce can use are force and collaboration. As the team lead, Bruce can create opportunities that will allow the engineers to work in a more collaborative environment. For example, he can assign some engineers to pair…
(TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at, after a strategy review session with the Board of Directors, has decided that it’s time to invest some time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The company has rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and while it was a great scramble, the…(Points : 40)  Management feels that constructive styles are important yet the employees result display a passive defensive style as being prominent. The management ideal results indicate that perfectionist, competitive, achievement, and self-actualization are preferred. The…
(TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key employee seems to have lost his excitement about the job. The employee’s familiar positive tone and high energy approach to the job and the workplace seem to be on the wane. You really don’t know what is going on with this person. But, you can try to start to understand this employee by examining various motivation theories. Use elements from each of…(Points : 40)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory offers appear amid the psychological, safety, social, esteem, and self-accusation needs. The higher needs are identified as self-accusation, and a steam. Self-actualization is regarded as the highest need level; need to fulfill oneself; to grow in use abilities to fullest and most creative…
(TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and objectives management must comprehend organizational behavior in relationship to the functions of management. List and describe the management process functions and describe how the five personality traits contribute to the management process. (Points : 30)
The management process includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The functions describe what managers are supposed to do in respect to: Planning-defining goals, setting specific performance objectives, and identifying the actions needed to…
Answers Based on Study Guide
(TCO A & B) Define organizational culture and list the key areas of diversity we learned about in this course.
It influences the way people act and feel in organizations. For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees…
(TCO D) Please define self-managing teams and identify four of the five tasks for which a true self-managing team is responsible.
A self-managing team, also known as the self-directed work team, “is a high-involvement workgroup design” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 150) where the team members are…
(TCO E & F)Explain how interpersonal conflict occurs and give two example of substantive conflict, and two examples of emotional interpersonal conflict.
An interpersonal conflict occurs when two persons are in disagreement about something. This type of conflict can either be a substantive or an emotional conflict, although it’s also possible for both to occur…
(TCO G)List at least 3 ethical questions leaders or followers may face as discussed in our text and class. Provide a possible scenario wherein each question you provide would be at issue.
One question is if employees should be penalized for what they post on social media
Websites and if they shouldn’t be allowed to practice their freedom of speech. This can become an issue if an employee, for example, rants about their superior or their colleagues on social media websites. In this case, the…
(TCO E & F)Identify and discuss the stages of conflict development. Based on news and events from around the world, please give an example of a recent conflict you have read or heard about and show how the conflict moved through the developmental stages we learned about in this course.
The stages of conflict are: 1.) Antecedent conditions; 2.) Perceived conflict; 3.) Felt conflict; and 4.) Manifest conflict.  Antecedent conditions or conflict antecedents are…
(TCO A & B)OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work.
Four common sources of stress at work are the workload and deadlines when there’s too much work that needs to be completed at the same time. Another is one’s relationships…
Our “Leaders on Leadership” highlight on page 279 introduces us to Edward J. Zore. Mr. Zore is the 16th president of Northwestern Mutual, the largest direct provider of individual life insurance. Under Mr. Zore’s leadership…
By allowing the customers to gain from the company’s shares of stock rather than letting the executives benefit from these, Mr. Zore gains power in that the foundation of …
(TCO D)Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages.  If you have no team experience, utilize the case study you completed in connection with same.
The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages. The forming stage is when the…
What is communication? What are the issues in interpersonal communication? What is the nature of communication in organizations?
Communication is the tool that enables collaboration and that holds an organization together. It is the means by which emotions, feelings, expectations, directions, goals, ideas, and information are shared, in turn enabling people’s actions to be…
(TCO A & B) You have recently been hired by a consulting firm with a national practice. Your first assignment is to put together a briefing explaining workplace diversity to a regional manufacturing firm in the Southwestern U.S. and present them with a plan for fostering improved diversity in their organization. 
Workplace diversity means that the members of an organization come from various backgrounds and would thus have different attributes in things such as sexual attribution, physical…
Your boss has reminded you to cover the basics..
The five types of diversity are sexual orientation, disability, age, gender, and racial/ethnic. To implement workplace diversity, it would first be important to get senior management’s buy-in for the cultural…
(TCO C) Define and give examples of intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Examining further the value of rewards, respond to the statement “Money is not a motivator.” Explain your response and … 
Extrinsic rewards are tangible rewards that are physically received as a form of recognition for the accomplishment of something (“What is intrinsic and extrinsic rewards?,” 2012). Examples are praise, awards, money, or…
(TCO C) Contrast in detail Alderfer’s ERG Theory and Maslow Hierarchy of Needs theory.
One difference between Alderfer’s ERG Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory is that Maslow’s theory has five categories of needs whereas the ERG theory has only 3 categories of needs. In particular, the needs in Maslow’s theory are…
(TCO B) Define perception. Select three perceptual distortions, explain the importance of each, and advise managers how to overcome them.
“Perception is the process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information from the world around them” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 76). It is the way by which people form impressions about themselves, other people, and…
(TCO C) An October 15, 2004 article by Scott Wyman in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel included the following information on salaries awarded in the county:
The Equity theory of motivation states that people behave in ways that maintain or restore equity in situations.  This theory proposes that people will try to eliminate…
How can county management reduce the perception of inequity?
To reduce the perception of inequity, county management should be more transparent when it comes to the work being done by the top executives. These should be…
(TCO E) In the May 18, 1998 issue of BusinessWeek, the story line read “Nice Guys Finish with MBAs.” The following is an excerpt from that piece:
In your response define organizational culture and discuss which OCI styles most likely appeal to these graduates. Organizational culture is the shared set of values and beliefs within an organization. It influences the way employees feel and act in organizations.  I think that these men are… How can a culture be a liability to an organization?
Culture can be a liability to an organization if the organization’s culture is not aligned with the company’s objectives. For example, an organization that competes in a fast-paced market such as the IT industry will benefit more from a culture that encourages competitiveness…
What are the various types of organizational change?
The various types of organizational change are transformational, incremental, unplanned, and planned. A transformational change consists…What is the difference between exploration and exploitation?
Exploration occurs at the initial stages of the innovation process whereas exploitation occurs at the latter stages of the innovation process, or at least after the exploration stage…
(TCO A).  Given that people make the difference in how well organizations perform, assess how an understanding of organizational behavior concepts and theories is a useful knowledge base for career success and for improving an organization’s effectiveness.
Organizational behavior concepts and theories can be used to ensure success and improve an organization’s effectiveness in that organizational behavior affects the organizational culture and both of these influence the success and effectiveness of the…
(TCO B).  Given the influence of factors such as values, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality on individual behavior, demonstrate how knowledge of individual difference factors help in understanding, predicting, and influencing individual behavior. Use a diagnostic instrument such as the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) to assess your personal thinking and behavior styles and their role in accomplishing self-improvement goals.
Knowledge about individual difference can help in predicting an employee’s behavior in that an employee’s attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality influence how they relate to others…
(TCO C).  Given the array of theories of motivation, demonstrate their application to successfully guide employees toward accomplishing organizational objectives.
The theories of motivation can be used to determine the factors that motivate employees to perform well at their jobs; and therefore, contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objectives.  Since people are…
(TCO D).  Given knowledge of group dynamics and decision-making, apply this knowledge to a case analysis to diagnosis an organizational problem and recommend solutions.
Given that groups or teams consist of people who come from different backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and skills, different opinions and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of …
TCO E.  Given an understanding of the communication process and given specific incidents of communication problems at the dyad, group, or organization level, diagnose the problem and develop a strategy for improving organizational performance through improvement of communication processes.
Communication processes that involve large teams can be difficult to manage.  For example, in IT companies, large teams work on various software applications where each team consists of smaller teams, such as the teams of the developers, the quality control…
(TCO F).  Given a specific challenge of intra- and inter-group conflict, demonstrate specific conflict resolution behaviors a leader can use to effectively resolve the conflict.
Leaders should serve as role models.  They should portray the right behavior and conduct when resolving conflicts. In other words, the leader should always behave in an ethical manner.  They should also promote…
TCO G.  Given an understanding of the trait, behavioral, and situational theories of leadership, apply this knowledge to analyze a leadership situation, assess a leader’s leadership style, and determine the most appropriate leadership style for the situation. 
Positive Traits of a Successful Leader
Successful leaders are physically vital and emotionally resilient.  They are also concerned for task objectives, are willing to assume responsibility, and are driven to excel and succeed
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