nohatpat · 8 years
":3" means "i love u" in trans girl
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nohatpat · 8 years
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nohatpat · 8 years
Roses are red, violets are blue
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nohatpat · 8 years
Finished my last paper for school and I feel like trash and want to cry
like no one wants to be my friend
that’s a lie right? People actually like me
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nohatpat · 8 years
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I will defend this seal till the day I die. He’s precious.
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nohatpat · 8 years
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nohatpat · 8 years
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Undertale upgrade
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nohatpat · 8 years
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nohatpat · 8 years
Donations Urgently Needed
My girlfriend @underanambersky is in need of donations right now. We had written up this post but things escalated before we could actually get anything done. Here is her situation:
Please Help Me Escape Abusive Family
I’m a 26 year old trans woman, and have been unable to work the past few months due to severe dysphoria and depression.  I’m currently living with my mother who is emotionally abusive and controlling, and has gone as far as to put holes in doors when she is upset with me.  I cannot stay here much longer, and may not have a choice in the near future anyway.
I’ve found a place nearby that should be much better for me, but I need $1350 CAD to move in.  I hate being forced to beg like this but my life really depends on me getting to a better environment.  Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated, and if you can’t afford to give anything, I’ll still be thankful for signal boosts.
I have been living with my family since January, however they have become increasingly emotionally abusive and controlling. I need to get out as soon as possible.
The abuse has escalated into physical abuse as well and she has been forced to leave the house. The situation is even more urgent now as she is currently homeless. We need any help that you can give (be that donations or signal boosts). We are extremely grateful for any help.
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nohatpat · 8 years
Litten fans: Quietly admires, as a cat would so appreciate
Popplio fans: pls no bully
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nohatpat · 8 years
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welcome to alola
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nohatpat · 8 years
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Did somebody say tiny grass owl?!
☆Art Blog ☆
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nohatpat · 8 years
I have a need for a cigarette and yet I have never smoked in my life??
Fucking hell brain the fuck you doin’
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nohatpat · 8 years
When I tell people to delete anon hate, to not publish it, it’s not me saying “ignore it and it’ll stop; don’t fight back.” It is 100% petty and spiteful. Honestly, I can’t think of anything better than the person who sent the hate obsessively checking your blog and refreshing and refreshing, waiting for you to reply, and getting increasingly frustrated when the ask they so masterfully crafted never pops up & you just keep posting cute pictures of your pets and talking about how nice your day was.
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nohatpat · 8 years
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drew the starter birds
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nohatpat · 8 years
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this is my prediction for this guy’s evolution i have never played pokemon before
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nohatpat · 8 years
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