nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
Try, Try, Try again! 💜 #mondaymotivation #morningmotivation
Happy Monday!! 💪🏾 #goodmorning #luvyourmanemorninginspiration
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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Many of the elaborate background “sets” from the original Star Wars trilogy were actually just detailed oil paintings on panes of glass. Source Source 2 Source 3
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
It’s weird that we have one hand that knows how to do everything and then one hand that just sits there like “idk how to hold a pencil”
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
Libra and Pisces have the constant urge to see the whole picture from another lenses besides their own. Libra can do this easily by concealing their ego to the other while Pisces can do this by diffusing their ego into the world.
However, while both signs can see the world clearly, they’ve sacrificed seeing themselves clearly. Bits and pieces of themselves are scattered throughout the big picture they’ve wanted to see. It is up to these two signs to explore, dig, search, and investigate what they find about themselves.
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
You’ve got to invest in the world, you’ve got to read, you’ve got to go to art galleries, you’ve got to find out the names of plants. You’ve got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of the human race. We’re amazing people.
Vivienne Westwood (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
notes on yods
Note: Do NOT ask me to interpret a yod if you have one. Yods are quite difficult to interpret and it takes someone quite knowledgable in astrology to interpret it correctly and I don’t want to provide incorrect information.
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A yod is a chart pattern that creates an isosceles triangle in the natal chart. The long two legs of the pattern are quincunxes while the one short leg is a sextile.
A yod is a very challenging aspect. However, it can reap very high rewards if it’s used in the “correct” way.
A yod is karmic. It shows that a certain individual has been working on a certain mission or task over several lifetimes.
So… It’s almost like a 2nd North Node. Because now, you have multiple soul missions.
The sextile planets you have in a yod are the planets provided to help you overcome challenges that come with a yod.
The quincunxes are the challenges. The task that needs to be completed is the apex planet.
People with yods usually don’t conform to the norm since you usually have to manage your yods in a way that isn’t appropriate in normal circumstances.
It’s debatable whether asteroids should be considered in a yod. Angles like IC/MC and ASC/DCS are more generally accepted.
The midpoint between the two sextile planets is a very sensitive area. Having a transiting planet conjunct such a midpoint would mean that it’s in opposition to the apex planet. Difficulties happen to the yod native if such an event happens.
source here
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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The End of the F***ing World (2017)
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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Hiroshi Yoshida, Iris Garden in Horikiri, 1928
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego.
The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are.
The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable.
The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality.
The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and mover forward in your life.
The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner.
What does that mean?  It means consciously harnessing the energy of the solar plexus chakra. It means being proactive rather then reactive or inactive.
Beings with excessive third chakra energy react to life circumstances, they have emotional outbursts and are often stressed out.
Beings with blocked or deficient third chakra are passive and inactive - allowing life to pass by while they do nothing.
Strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act.
The message of the third chakra is: You have the power to choose.
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Solar Plexus  Chakra at a glance:
             Sanskrit name: Manipura (jeweled city)              Element: Fire              Color: Yellow              Shape: Triangle (downward-pointing)              Petals of the lotus: Ten              Seed sound: Ram              Vowel sound: Ah              Rights: To act              Endocrine gland: Adrenals, pancreas              Physical association: Digestive system, liver, gall bladder              Psychological function: Will              Identity: Ego identity              Developmental stage: 18 - 42 months              Challenge: Shame              Plane: Celestial plane              Planets: Sun and Mars              Deity: Rudra, Lakini              Mythological Animal: Ram              Incense: Saffron, musk, sandalwood              Herb: Cinnamon, ginger              Sephira: Hod, Netzach              Tarot Suit: Wands
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Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
I love and accept myself.                
I stand up for myself.                
I am strong and courageous.                
I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.                
I choose the best for myself.                
I express myself in a powerful way.
I am proud of my achievements.                
I honor my self.                
I choose healthy relationships.
I am authentic.                
I direct my own life.                
I appreciate my strengths.                
I feel my own power.                
I am free to choose in any situation.                
I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.                
I am at peace with myself.
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Chakra Stones for the Solar Plexus
Here is a list of chakra stones commonly used to cleanse, activate, and balance the solar plexus chakra. Included is the name, color, type of stone, and crystal meaning/purpose of each:
Amber — Yellowish orange — Organic gemstone — Used to cleanse and balance. Increases mental clarity and promotes confidence.
Citrine — Pale yellow — Semi-precious — This “success stone” is used to cleanse and balance. Increases personal empowerment and confidence.
Lemon quartz — Yellow — A stone of optimism used to cleanse, activate and balance the third energy center.
Yellow Jasper — Yellow — Semi-precious — Known as a stone of protection, yellow jasper activates and balances the solar plexus chakra.
Yellow Tourmaline — Yellow — Semi-precious — A stone good for detoxifying the body, yellow tourmaline is used to cleanse, activate and balance.
Tiger’s Eye — Golden brown — Semi-precious — A protective stone, tiger’s eye is good for grounding, cleansing and balancing.
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Feed your chakra
 Also called the solar plexus chakra, the Manipura is represented in colour yellow, and is said to govern ego and self-esteem. The chakra seeks to achieve balance in self-esteem issues and intuitive skills.  
 Feed it with:
 grains like cereal, rices, flax seed, sunflower seeds and daily milk products like milk, cheeses, yogurt. Ginger, mints, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, fennel also spice up the chakra.
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Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
A healthy solar plexus chakra allows you to know yourself and live with confidence and strength. Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra will be able to set boundaries and be assertive without being aggressive. It allows you to know yourself, judging yourself and others fairly but not critically.
 Since it plays such a fundamental role in self-confidence, an imbalance in the third chakra can cause many problems. Some common symptoms of blockage include:
Low self-esteem
Inability to set or maintain boundaries
Lack of self-control
Depression or anxiety
The solar plexus chakra is also important for physical health. It is closely tied to digestive health, but a blockage can cause an issue with other systems as well. Common physical symptoms of a blocked third chakra include:
Poor digestion, gas, nausea
Asthma and other respiratory problems
Organ problems, especially in the liver and kidneys
Nerve pain and fibromyalgia
Difficulty gaining or losing weight
Solutions for a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
Clearing the blockage in your third chakra and allowing energy to flow freely through it will help return you to health. It is best to try to do daily healing work because falling back into old patterns can allow the blockage to form again.
Working with a Reiki practitioner or other energy healer can be a good way to start your healing journey. They will be able to help break up the blockage and can help locate other blockages or imbalances in your energy.
At home, meditation is the most effective way to break up a blockage. Everyone possesses healing energy, and you can harness it using visualization. The third chakra is associated with the color yellow and with fire, so imagine a golden healing flame just below your navel. As you breathe deeply, feel it dissolving any hurt or pain you are storing in your third chakra.
Surrounding yourself with things associated with Manipura will help as well. Wearing yellow, eating yellow foods, and wearing gold jewelry or gold and yellow gemstones can help open your third chakra. Spending time in the sun and doing yoga exercises that strengthen your core are also good for healing Manipura.
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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The heart chakra - the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level.
Anahata moves love through your life.
It is the center of your deep bonds with other beings, your sense of caring and compassion, your feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect.
Anahata is an integrating and unifying chakra - bringing to wholeness - as such, it is your healing center. Indeed, most spiritual traditions recognize love as the ultimate healing force.
The energy of anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe.
Anahata allows us to recognize and get in touch with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together.
The “way of the heart” or the “path of the heart” is living your life from this energy center of love.
It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create safe and supportive environment.
Others can feel your love and warmth. They feel loved and accepted unconditionally. People feel at peace around you, as there is no judgment coming from you.
When anahata is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing.
All of the seven chakras are important and while I cannot say that the heart chakra is the most important, I do want to say that it is very important.
Most of the world’s spiritual traditions recognize love as the unifying force, the energy that is the most fundamental part of the universe, and of ourselves.
To open to  love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.
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Heart Chakra at a glance:
             Sanskrit name: Anahata - unstruck              Element: Air              Color: Green              Shape: Crescent moon              Petals of the lotus: Twelve              Seed sound: Lam              Vowel sound: Ay              Rights: To love              Endocrine gland: Thymus              Physical association: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms, hands              Psychological function: Love              Identity: Social identity              Developmental stage: 3.5 to 7 years              Challenge: Grief              Plane: The plane of balance              Planets: Venus (lunar, feminine), Sun              Deity: Vishnu, Lakshmi, Krishna              Mythological Animal: Antelope, dove, birds              Sense organ: Skin              Predominant sense: Touch              Incense: Jasmin, lavender, rose              Herb: Yarrow, meadowsweet, oris root              Sephira: Tiphareth              Tarot suite: Swords
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Heart Chakra Affirmations
I am open to love.
All love resides within my heart.                
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.                
I nurture my inner child.  I am wanted and loved.                
I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.                
I love the beauty of nature and the animal world.   I forgive myself.                
I am open to love and kindness.                
I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love.
I am connected with other human beings.                
I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals.                
I accept things as they are.                
I am peaceful.
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Here is a brief list of recommended common healing gems and stones for heart chakra healing. Listed is the name, color, type of stone, and crystal meaning/purpose of each:
Rose quartz — Pink — Semi-precious — Used to open and heal. The seemingly universal rose quartz meaning calls it the stone of the heart. It’s good for aiding sleep and alleviating the physical ills associated with heart chakra imbalance. It’s also used to calm emotions, dispel negativity, and promote peace.
Jade — Green to white — Semi-precious — Used to balance. Jade promotes emotional and physical healing of the heart’s ills.
Green calcite — Semi-precious — Used to balance and stimulate. Recommended to absorb negativity and boost your physical immunity, calcite is used to promote healing and transformation.
Green tourmaline — Semi-precious — Used to open and stimulate. Considered a stone of rejuvenation, tourmaline promotes emotional stability and healing.
Green aventurine — Semi-precious — Used to activate. A stone of vitality aventurine increases focus and soothes emotions.
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Feed your chakra
Anahata    Rightfully called the heart chakra, it’s represented in the colour pink and green. Emotional abuse and heartbreak can be wounding to the seat of love. Ensure that this chakra is always in the right emotional frame      Feed it with:  Aid the healing process by feeding the chakra leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, dandelion greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery. Green teas also keep the heart chakra in healthy condition, and spice it up with basil, thyme, cilantro.
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Signs your fourth chakra may be out of balance
The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a result of life experiences that have a strong emotional charge, physical illments, or significant changes in your environment. It may manifests as a blockage in the energy flow or, on the contrary, a tendency to become overactive or have an excess of energy.
You can see the following signs of imbalance in the heart chakra :
Being overly defensive
Feeling closed down
Jealousy; fear of intimacy
Codependency, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost
Always putting oneself in the role of the savior or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into victimization
Excessive isolation, being recluse, antisocial
Holding grudges, not being to forgive
At the physical level, it can manifest as:
Respiratory ailments, such as lung infection, bronchitis
Circulatory and heart-related issues
Simple ideas to balance the heart chakra
To get started, try out these few simple practices:
Work with the breath to balance your energy; observe it, play with it with breathing exercises
Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, whether it’s in nature, people or in the arts
Practice self-care and love your body up,
Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, especially with regards to your emotions and body
Engage in activities that feed your heart
Focus on receiving if you are naturally inclined to be a giver; and on giving if you’re more inclined to receive all the time
Reflect on old wounds inherited from family relationships and come to terms with them compassionately; practice forgiveness deep within your heart
Express your gratitude, even if it’s in silence; you can be grateful for the presence of other people in your life or simply for good things that make your life easier and happier.
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
No true Dharma Master behaves with rage, hate, ranting, self- importance. These are signs of mental instability, a character flaw. Never follow such a one as that.
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
(via spiritualgateway)
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
What is the Central Core of Your Thinking?
What is the Central Core of Your Thinking? Is it not, therefore, an obvious fact that what I am in my relationship to another creates society and that, without radically transforming myself, there can be no transformation of the essential function of society? When we look to a system for the transformation of society, we are merely evading the question, because a system cannot transform man; man always transforms the system, which history shows. Until I, in my relationship to you, understand myself I am the cause of chaos, misery, destruction, fear, brutality. Understanding myself is not a matter of time; I can understand myself at this very moment.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti - The First and Last Freedom Chapter 1
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
Alright now they got lyrics and good flow 🙌🏽 one time for no mumble ✊🏿
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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For more inspirational & spiritual quotes daily check out our Insta @Purple_buddha_project https://www.instagram.com/purple_buddha_project/
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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Ibolachi my #Beautiful #Yogis. Who am I to be silent? Sending you love and light. I hope your day is amazing as you are! Stay #light and #awesome
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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A complete guide to develop a healthy soul. Come and find your type.
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nodnarbyeloc · 7 years
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A complete guide to develop a healthy soul. Come and find your type.
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