noctvrnalx · 6 years
I didn’t abandon this blog, I promise! I just got caught up on my multimuse indie. I promise to get to my replies soon. <3 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
Kinda want a plot for Hades where he’s on earth either looking for persephone or a new persephone and he’s a college professor teaching Greek Mythology or Ancient Greek Literature or something like that. And there’s a girl who’s soooo into it and they have a thing. And it’s cuuuuuute 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
       Hel wasn’t used to surprises, in fact she couldn’t even remember the last time anyone took the time out of their life to surprise her. All of this was new and pleasant for her. “Hades, this is a torture! You know how curious I am.” 
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Hades chuckled. It was a deep sound that reverberated throughout the tunnel they’d turned down. The slope inclined gently as they walked, and soon it inclined more and more until it would be nearly impossible for a mere mortal to climb. But Hades moved effortlessly. “We’re nearly there,” he assured her, giving her hand a small squeeze. 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
Persephone: Hades, dear husband
Persephone: please let go of my leg.
Hades: :(
Persephone: the souls are staring.
Persephone: get ahold of yourself man.
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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       Being here with Hades truly felt like home, he was probably the only other god that understood where she was coming from. Both of them the gods of the dead, feared and misunderstood. “What is it?” Her lips held a faint smile, making her dark eyes twinkle as she held his hand..
“You’ll see,” he assured her as he took her hand and began to leave the palace. Yes, he was aware that all he had to do was transport them where he wanted to go with no problems, but walking allowed the excitement to build. 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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“Come...” his voice was soft, full of wonder. “Come, I want to show you something.” It was very rare that Hades got worked up over something this small. But he was a gracious host and when he found something worthy, he wanted to show it to those he felt close to. Holding out his hand for them to take, he offered a small but comforting smile. 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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THE WOMAN PRESSED HER LIPS TOGETHER, he wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t going to convince herself that he was right, either. Malena paused before pulling her purse out, going through it as if she was looking for something. She grabbed out her notepad and pen, flipping through pages to find a blank sheet. Pen pressed against its white cloth and began to write. Malena ripped the sheet off and handed it to him. “There’s my number. Surprisingly, I am very much so interested.”
He watched with quiet curiosity. A written message? She was full of surprises. He quite liked that. And when she offered him the paper, he took it, glancing over it slowly and realizing what it was just before she confirmed. Her phone number. He let a slow smirk grace his lips before casting his eyes up at her. “I’ll be sure to use it.” Looking past her, a black Lincoln town car pulled up to the sidewalk. “And there’s my ride,” he said, standing up from the bench and reaching to take her hand. “Malena,” he offered a warm smile. “Pleasure to meet you.” 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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Tol v. Smol
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
cruel intentions → sentence meme
❝You amaze me.❞
❝God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex.❞
❝Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady?❞
❝I’m the Marsha Fucking Brady of the Upper East Side, and sometimes I want to kill myself!❞
❝So there’s your psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud. Now tell me, are you in…or are you out?❞
❝What shall we toast to?❞
❝Silly rabbit. My triumph isn’t over them. It’s over you.❞
❝You were very much in love with them. You’re still in love with them.❞
❝It amused me to make you ashamed of it.❞
❝You gave up the first person you ever loved because I threatened your reputation.❞
❝Don’t you get it? You’re just a toy. A little toy I like to play with.❞
❝Tastes good.❞
❝So I assume you’ve come here to make arrangements? But unfortunately, I don’t fuck losers.❞
❝Most people are sheep. Who are you to criticize something you’ve never experienced?❞
❝I just don’t think people should experience the act of love until they are in love.❞
❝Are you a lesbian?❞
❝I didn’t meant to offend you. I just picked up on a little bit of that lesbian vibe.❞
❝The only reason I let him keep up the charade is because the man has a mouth like a hoover. Oof!❞
❝This sure doesn’t take like an iced tea.❞
❝Yup. Then I fucked your daughter.❞
❝I’m impressed.❞
❝Well, I’m in love.❞
❝They told me they loved me, and I believed them.❞
❝Would you cut your psycho-babble bullshit!❞
❝There’s pictures of me on the internet!❞
❝My advice is to sleep with as many people as possible.❞
❝But that would make me a slut, wouldn’t it?❞
❝Fucking idiot…❞
❝Well I know this sounds corny, but whenever I feel the temptation of peer pressure, I turn to God and he helps me through the problem.❞
❝I don’t know what I could possibly say that would rectify the harm I’ve caused you.❞
❝The truth of the matter is that being with you was the only time I have ever been happy.❞
❝My whole life has been a joke. I prided myself on taking joy in others’ misery.❞
❝I succeed in hurting the first person I ever loved.❞
❝Please give me another chance. I’m a wreck without you.❞
❝You spend all your time preaching about waiting for love. Well here it is. Right in front of you, and you’re going to turn your back on it.❞
❝But you are going to have to live the rest of your life knowing that you’ve turned your back on love.❞
❝And that makes you a hypocrite. Have a nice life.❞
❝And how are things down under?❞
❝E-mail is for geeks and pedophiles.❞
❝That little wager of yours? Count me in.❞
❝ What are the terms?❞
❝In English? I’ll fuck your brains out.❞
❝Because I’m the only person you can’t have, and it kills you.❞
❝You’ve got yourself a bet, baby!❞
❝Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way.❞
❝Why can’t we be together?❞
❝You wanna know why? Because I don’t trust myself with you.❞
❝You could be a model. It’s too bad you’re not sexy.❞
❝I can be sexy!❞
❝Keep your legs together. This isn’t Jamaica.❞
❝Introduce them to your world of sex, drugs and… what else do you do?❞
❝My God. You are completely pussy-whipped.❞
❝What happened to us?❞
❝You’re in love with them, you don’t love me anymore.❞
❝Hmm, quite the predicament you’re in.❞
❝Well let me tell you something, people don’t change overnight. You and I are two of a kind. At least I have the guts to admit it.❞
❝Not only will you ruin your reputation, you’ll destroy theirs.❞
❝I know how to alleviate menstrual cramps, thank you very much.❞
❝It’s not like you have a husband - unless you’re married to Jesus.❞
❝It’s not you, it’s me…I’m completely fucked up.❞
❝I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a lie.❞
❝I just wanted to see what you were like in bed.❞
❝I wanted it to work, but unfortunately I feel nothing.❞
❝You’re such a coward! Look at yourself!❞
❝Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me!❞
❝I can’t stand that holier-than-thou bullshit, and yet, I’m completely infatuated.❞
❝It’s okay. You can laugh. I promise not to tell anyone.❞
❝Okay, let’s try it again only this time I’m gonna stick my tongue in your mouth, and when I do that I want you to massage my tongue with yours. And that’s what first base is.❞
❝They took down my pants and started writing the alphabet with their tongue.❞
❝I’ve been very well-informed of your reputation.❞
❝You promise people the world in order to get them into bed with you.❞
❝Relationships seem too distracting. I’d rather concentrate on my studies.❞
❝Get your ass on the bed and prepare for the fuck of your life!❞
❝How can someone so charming be so manipulative?❞ 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
I did another thing and I promise this is the last one. @xmagissa
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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“I chose you because I never knew someone like me who walked among entities of darkness still longs to bask in your fingers of light” ; independent hades role play blog. please read all rules and about hades before interacting. 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
her soft laughter  immediately  echoed  in  the  room  ,  and  then  kida  started  realizing  that  he  did  look  a  little  dark.  after  all  ,  it  seemed  like  he  was  the  only  one  around.  the  blonde  thought  that  she  might  as  well  take  ‘threatening  the  lord  of  the  underworld’  off  of  her  bucketlist.  “  the  name’s  kida  and  i  have  no  idea  who  sent  me  here.  what  i  don’t  understand  is  why  would  someone  send  me  here  ??  “  she  asked  out  of  genuine  curiosity.  “  maybe  i  won  some  kind  of  package  deal  ??  you  know  ,  meet  hades  &  get  a  grand  tour  of  the  underworld  type  of  thing.  “
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His eyes narrowed in thought. Only a god or titan could have sent her here. And for a moment he wondered if Hermes had done it as a joke. Her obvious confusion wasn’t much help in trying to figure it all out. And he didn’t appreciate her jokes. Hades rolled his eyes, standing up from his throne and making his way to the bar cart that hadn’t been sitting against the way a few moments ago and only sat there now since he was in need. “Have you pissed anyone off lately?” he asked as he poured and sipped. “Though I worry it’s a long list, given your pleasant demeanor.” 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
Hade’s laughter resounded like the electric snap and deep rumble of a thunderstorm overhead. It felt vaguely threatening, but spoke to a power that was forthcoming. Caroline stepped back without noticing and ran her thumb over the stone in her hand. Her left arm flickered in and out of view, and she jumped, not expecting the jolt of energy that ran through her fingertips. But then, magic had never been her strongest suit. That was weaponry. Or fists. 
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As the God approached, she could feel the air around her sink and stretch, like she was entering a black hole. Caroline inhaled sharply, forcing her mind to the task of responding. 
“Stories? Well… I clearly haven’t heard Icarus.” She wanted to laugh, break the tension, but her thoughts were starting to feel like over-heated ions, pinging at ridiculous speeds. The lack of fire and brimstone in his voice, at her discovery, was perhaps more frightening than anything. She was just waiting for the other shoe to drop and end her. “Y’know… if you could just get to the smiting or else let me get out of your hair… We can just chat when I’m supposed to be back here… like, a couple days?” 
She was very curious--talking a lot, making jokes when she was very obviously nervous. Most people groveled to him, begged not to be taken, tried to bribe him or make offers as if he wasn’t the wealthiest being in the world. Hades narrowed his eyes slightly. “You talk a lot,” he mused, turning his back to her and taking a few steps back toward his throne. “I’m not going to kill you, if you think that’s what may happen.” He wasn’t sure what kind of assurance that was to her. There were things much worse than death. 
“Who were you trying to visit?” he wondered before turning back to her. “A loved one, I assume? An old lover? Parents perhaps? Or a sibling?” Those were the most common that mortals tried to come for. Though he’d only had a few in the last thousand years. 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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    ❛  mm  .  .  .   must've   lost   my   appetite.  ❜      there’s   a   PASSIVE   sense   of   frustration   built   between   each   &   every   breath   of   megara’s   words.   ❛   as   sweet   as   your   worry   towards   my   health   &   overall   well - being   is, ❜    she’ll   pause   the   beginning   of   her   satirical   remark,    giving   herself   a   breath.  ❛   i’m   afraid   i   might   already   be   on   the   brink   of   wasting   away   to   nothing,   wouldn’t   you   say  ??  ❜  
Hades rolled his eyes. He wasn’t for playing games--at least not when he didn’t feel like it. Her snide remarks weren’t welcome today. Her comment about wasting away to nothing caused him to frown more. Had he not treated her well all this time together? She did a few measly tasks for him and he provided a place to live, food to eat, let her roam Earth as long as she returned to do his bidding. And yet she was wasting away? “I could make that happen faster,” he threatened in a calm tone--his voice like silk as he let the words roll off his tongue. “If that’s what you’d like.” 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
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THAT WAS A TOUGH ONE, Malena didn’t know that she was going to be put on the spot. She shrugged little, red lips slightly opening to speak. “Maybe a Lucas, Lorenzo…Or a Rodrigo.” She answered him, eyes squinting a little, thinking of more possibilities. “Men typically do. And unfortunately, women have been blinded by said words all the time. But how could I trust you? Give me one reason why?”
He chuckled at her responses, his lips curling up into a small smile. “Lorenzo...” he mused the name for a moment, letting each syllable roll off his tongue. “I like that one. I may have to use that as an alias.” If only she knew it wasn’t a joke. He paused for a second, thinking over her question before finally holding up his hands in surrender. “I can’t give you a reason why you should trust me. We’ve just met. I can’t prove to you that I don’t lie. So any trust you put in me would have to be one hundred percent blind faith.” 
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noctvrnalx · 6 years
Persephone: How can someone say Hades is evil?? they're the most precious soft little soul
Hades:(Sending someone to tartarus)YEAH,I'M ADORABLE
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