noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
Archived, as of today
As obvious as the title is, I will put a little more info down here as well. All of my tumblr RP blogs are being retired. I don’t have any current plans to make any new ones, but I will not be on the old ones. If you have my discord, or my skype, and have further questions, feel free to message me there. I may pop my head in and check my inbox just in case, but otherwise I will not be on tumblr for rp anymore.
This includes:
Thank you all for all the time spent here, I enjoyed it all for the time I was around. Take care.
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
Send me “Summoning” for starter in which one muse has summoned the other, a demon, not realizing the trouble they were asking for.
requested by @an-odd-trio-archived
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
“Training, hunting, housekeeping.” Carduus said with a small strong, motioning for them to keep moving. They reached the town square, Thistle grabbing a map for Ravyn and handing it to her with a smile.
“Here you are.”
(For Umbra-Corb) She kicks a rock as she looks around humming to herself and putting a hand on her hip. "Where on earth did that portal drop me, I want a refund. Do demons do refunds..?"
Just down the road  of Twilight Town, the two brunettes were walking in tandem. Thistle looked mildly unimpressed as Carduus gave her a grand gesture as he spoke. They seemed to pause however as they took notice of the other girl, having never seen her around before. Thistle decided to take charge, motioning for Carduus to shush.
“Excuse me, miss, are you lost?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
The two chuckled softly at that, Thistle smiling at her. “Well, we’re not usually tour guides, we’re just overly helpful.” She paused, stopping and turning to Ravyn.
“Oh! You know what, we don’t really see a lot of new people so... we kinda forget too. I’m Thistle Brand, and this is my twin brother, Carduus Brand.”
Carduus grinned, giving a nod to her. “It’s a pleasure, Ravyn.”
(For Umbra-Corb) She kicks a rock as she looks around humming to herself and putting a hand on her hip. "Where on earth did that portal drop me, I want a refund. Do demons do refunds..?"
Just down the road  of Twilight Town, the two brunettes were walking in tandem. Thistle looked mildly unimpressed as Carduus gave her a grand gesture as he spoke. They seemed to pause however as they took notice of the other girl, having never seen her around before. Thistle decided to take charge, motioning for Carduus to shush.
“Excuse me, miss, are you lost?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
“Mmh, I meant no offense I assure you.” Carduus chuckled, giving her a smile and a nod.
Thistle turned a soft hue of red, smiling and gesturing to the street. “Of course. This way, we’ll take you to the town center first. Could get you a map while we’re there to help you get around.”
(For Umbra-Corb) She kicks a rock as she looks around humming to herself and putting a hand on her hip. "Where on earth did that portal drop me, I want a refund. Do demons do refunds..?"
Just down the road  of Twilight Town, the two brunettes were walking in tandem. Thistle looked mildly unimpressed as Carduus gave her a grand gesture as he spoke. They seemed to pause however as they took notice of the other girl, having never seen her around before. Thistle decided to take charge, motioning for Carduus to shush.
“Excuse me, miss, are you lost?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
World? The twins gave eachother a knowing look before Carduus gave her a grin. “Well, young lady, you’re in Twilight Town, welcome to it.” He chuckled, Thistle elbowing him lightly in the side.
“If you need someone to help you get around, we can give you a tour?”
(For Umbra-Corb) She kicks a rock as she looks around humming to herself and putting a hand on her hip. "Where on earth did that portal drop me, I want a refund. Do demons do refunds..?"
Just down the road  of Twilight Town, the two brunettes were walking in tandem. Thistle looked mildly unimpressed as Carduus gave her a grand gesture as he spoke. They seemed to pause however as they took notice of the other girl, having never seen her around before. Thistle decided to take charge, motioning for Carduus to shush.
“Excuse me, miss, are you lost?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
(For Umbra-Corb) She kicks a rock as she looks around humming to herself and putting a hand on her hip. "Where on earth did that portal drop me, I want a refund. Do demons do refunds..?"
Just down the road  of Twilight Town, the two brunettes were walking in tandem. Thistle looked mildly unimpressed as Carduus gave her a grand gesture as he spoke. They seemed to pause however as they took notice of the other girl, having never seen her around before. Thistle decided to take charge, motioning for Carduus to shush.
“Excuse me, miss, are you lost?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
Something was... definitely off, Carduus could tell from a glance that even Myde’s posture had changed. His tone had tipped him off, but everything about him now had a crooked way to it. He wasn’t sure he liked it... and something in him was starting to sense a small bit of darkness rolling off, his wielding hand itching with his keyblade summon practically at his fingertips.
No... no he would wait. He would test the waters. He wasn’t about to swing at the person he loved without actual reason. “C’mon, babe, I love you but I know you got a bad habit of being locked away in that room all day without food. Let me take care of you.”
One missed word in spell crafting made all the difference. One little mistake and He was let out again. Myde did his best he kept it at bay. The itch at the back of his mind. That fracture in the mirror made when he weaved dark magic and lost his heart. But the crack in the mirror of his mind was a chasm now. One he was beating on from the other side of. Watching the smirking face of the other him as he lost control.
Sitting in the smoking remains of the spell he’d cast that went wrong the mage looked at one hand and flexed it a bit. A grin far too wide with far too much teeth spread on his face. “Oh~?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
“Mmhm...” Carduus didn’t sound convinced, especially with the way Myde’s voice sounded... Maybe something in the spell had made it sound off? He stepped into the room, looking Myde over with concern still before sighing and returning his smile.
Reaching out, he ruffled the curly hair before leaning over to kiss the top of his head. “C’mon, maybe it’s time for a break. I’ll make you somethin to eat and we can settle down for a movie or something.”
One missed word in spell crafting made all the difference. One little mistake and He was let out again. Myde did his best he kept it at bay. The itch at the back of his mind. That fracture in the mirror made when he weaved dark magic and lost his heart. But the crack in the mirror of his mind was a chasm now. One he was beating on from the other side of. Watching the smirking face of the other him as he lost control.
Sitting in the smoking remains of the spell he’d cast that went wrong the mage looked at one hand and flexed it a bit. A grin far too wide with far too much teeth spread on his face. “Oh~?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
Not far from the room, Carduus swore he heard a something possibly a yelp or maybe a crash. He couldn’t confirm the sound, but when he glanced over he saw the smoke leaking out from under the door. Had Myde been practicing a new spell? He didn’t remember hearing anything about it... yet again, he hadn’t heard much from the man at all during the day.
Eyebrows furrowed in concern, the brunette walked over, knocking at the door before making to grab for the handle. “Hey babe, you okay in there? I’m comin’ in.” He said just before pushing the door open.
One missed word in spell crafting made all the difference. One little mistake and He was let out again. Myde did his best he kept it at bay. The itch at the back of his mind. That fracture in the mirror made when he weaved dark magic and lost his heart. But the crack in the mirror of his mind was a chasm now. One he was beating on from the other side of. Watching the smirking face of the other him as he lost control.
Sitting in the smoking remains of the spell he’d cast that went wrong the mage looked at one hand and flexed it a bit. A grin far too wide with far too much teeth spread on his face. “Oh~?”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
send me “HUG” for my muse’s reaction to yours coming up from behind and wrapping their arms around mine’s waist.
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
My character is having a flashback and they feel they can’t breathe. Send your character’s response to seeing mine clutch their throat and gasping for air.
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
(Hello! It’s Naki, the mun. This shall be reposted on all my blogs but it’s just a short announcement that I’m going on hiatus… For an amount of time that even I’m not sure of. But if you feel like rping with me and don’t mind me being slow, still, go ahead and leave an ask in my inbox or send me a tumblr IM and I’ll give you a way to contact me elsewhere. Thank you for all your time :3)
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
Send “🖐” for my muses reaction to yours roughly grabbing them by the hair.
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
"... You got what now? And didn't tell me till just now?" Thistle poured a little. "I wish I could've gotten pictures... But-" she gave him a warm smile. "I'm happy for you two. Does this mean we're planning a wedding?"
♔ Mydes just gonna pick Thistle up over his shoulder when no ones looking and put her in a sound proof bubble taking off with no explanation.
The yelp Thistle gave when she was picked up and put over his shoulder was nothing compared to the flailing she did. She gave a small ‘oof!’ when she was set down in the bubble and frowned, pounding at the surprisingly ungiving wall. “Myde I swear, you let me out right now!!”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
"... What is it?" Thistle quieted some, her expression of annoyance changing to one of concern in an instant. She looked to him, not quite sure what this could possibly be about.
♔ Mydes just gonna pick Thistle up over his shoulder when no ones looking and put her in a sound proof bubble taking off with no explanation.
The yelp Thistle gave when she was picked up and put over his shoulder was nothing compared to the flailing she did. She gave a small ‘oof!’ when she was set down in the bubble and frowned, pounding at the surprisingly ungiving wall. “Myde I swear, you let me out right now!!”
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noctus-ursine-blog · 7 years
♔ Mydes just gonna pick Thistle up over his shoulder when no ones looking and put her in a sound proof bubble taking off with no explanation.
The yelp Thistle gave when she was picked up and put over his shoulder was nothing compared to the flailing she did. She gave a small 'oof!' when she was set down in the bubble and frowned, pounding at the surprisingly ungiving wall. "Myde I swear, you let me out right now!!"
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