nobiird-blog · 7 years
“– I know the feeling,” was Wash’s response to that, always with the cryptic one-liners. He couldn’t leave it there, though, and after a long moment, he continued; “– …There’s a difference between making a place your home and making do with what you’ve got, though. A lot of the people here don’t exactly have anywhere else.”
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     His words are taken in quietly, and Jane gives a small exhalation.  "Yes, sir; I suppose you are right.” This place was getting to her, and she could feel it.  “I hope that I shall also be able to adjust... and soon.” A small blink, as if she’s clearing her head.      “And I must apologize for my bothering— with idle hands, my mind has been wandering; too often, it seems to fall to thoughts like this.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being, with an independent will; which I now exert to leave you.
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (via quoted-books)
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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Illustrations by F.D. Bedford from a 1932 edition of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
        “ if i may ? ” draco softly interjects, fidgeting uncomfortably. he used to be so good to talking to people, but now that talent has left, leaving a different side of himself in its place. “ this place must be magical. i know, it makes me sound crazy, but i have seen people come here though portals. & it would only make sense, with all of the weird occurrences going on. especially since there are those out of their own time & spaces. everyone here acts as if it is normal, though. ”
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     She doesn’t quite meet his eyes, choosing to acknowledge the quiet words with a small dip of the head before deciding what to say. Witchcraft, let alone just magic, was something she had been raised thinking it TABOO, if not sin. It amazed her still, when she went outside and was regularly witness to those who controlled the elements and could conjure objects of free will. “It is altogether a concept I am unfamiliar with, and am hesitant to accept. But I am starting to; I can find no other explanation. The question is, what is to do now?— What is to happen?”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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‘Oh, definitely,’ Wynonna agreed with a nod of her head, deciding not to comment on the strange style of speech the woman used - yet. ‘Where I come from, nothing happens without a reason. That’s what worries me, actually.’
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     She gives a small nod, the look on her face still that of pensive MELANCHOLY.      “Perhaps,” Jane says quietly after a while, and that expression seems to soften somewhat, as if its wearer was tired— “I am being too paranoid; but the more I seek traces of familiarity in this new world, the farther it seems to slip from my grasp. I am worried of what is to come. It feels as if Magnolia is holding its breath, like the calm before a furious tempest.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
“Why not?” Mercury had to ask. “What are we to Gods? You think we’re anything important to them? Gods are sadistic and cruel by nature. Infinite power yet they sit back as watch us struggle and suffer.” Folding his arms, Mercury lent against a wall as he stared skywards. He shared no love for the Gods.
“That’s beautiful. I’ll be sure to tell that to the next kid I cross who’s going through hell. Sure, the Gods gave you a miserable life, but at least you’re living it your way.” Sarcasm strong, Mercury shrugged. “If you think so highly of the Gods, lucky you. Must have been nice to not be abandoned by them.”
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     His words are sharp, and Jane hesitates. Scornfully as the opposing idea has been phrased, there is the acrid taste of truth beneath. "I should like to think, sir, that they regard us in the light of children— surely we are many, and constantly falter in goodness, but not playthings to be twisted and tossed about as if we were nothing. They may have created us, but it is not their job to hold our hand and guide us through our lives. Perhaps it is even out of their power. But this is a matter I can only guess on; I would not claim to know the truth, sir.” And neither would you. The words aren’t uttered aloud, but her eyes seem to do the speaking for her.       Lucky? His next words definitely strike a nerve, though Jane’s frustration is conveyed as quietly and coolly as she is able. “Not at all, sir. I was a mere infant when my parents died, and when my aunt cast me off. I was made the nursery scapegoat for ten years by my cousins until being sent away to a charity institution for eight, ran by a clergyman who constantly maltreated us ‘in the name of God’, and threatened us with tales of young sinners' sudden deaths. I am NOT ‘ lucky ’, sir— but I do not have so much self-pity that I curse God. Your pain must be great indeed, sir.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
She hasn’t even reached twenty yet but when she stares at you like that it’s easy to believe her eyes saw the creation of the universe without blinking once.
sheispernicious.tumblr.com (via sheispernicious)
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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“You — you strange — you almost unearthly thing! — I love as my own flesh. You — poor and obscure, and small and plain as you are — I entreat to accept me as a husband.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
“– Oui, madame, I had thought perhaps that it was a higher power at work.”
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     “What is to become of us? Is this some terrific FLUKE of time and place? Or is this Purgatory, wearing the mask of a pleasant village and waiting for the right moment in which it shall cast it to the floor, and punish us for our sins?”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
“– …That’s…deep.” It was unsettling, if Wash was being honest, made his scars itch and prickle almost as much as the facial hair did. “– I really wanna say that it doesn’t make sense but it does. Which, alarming.”
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     “There is no depth about it, sir. Is it not natural for one to question new terrain, especially if it is an unfamiliar place inhabited by unfamiliar, even supernatural beings? I see many who have grown very fond, and have found a new home in this—– ‘Magnolia’. But for better or for worse, I am reluctant to— unable to.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
Listening idly to the woman talk, Mercury couldn’t help but note that she sounded very poetic with her words. Almost old. MUCH older than she looked. He really couldn’t care about how much this world was ‘blowing her mind’ or this ‘higher meaning’ shit, but it was interesting to listen to her string words together anyway. “You think?” Mercury pipped up knowing full well that she hadn’t even been talking too him. “Like what, a God? Gods like toying with people for the hell of it. My guess; we’re here because someone got bored. For sick entertainment.”
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     She deliberates her response for a while, and her sober green eyes fix upon the other’s countenance. Another thing about Magnolia, the place of odds and ends— you could never really tell if what one said was literally true, and they’d simply come from a crazy world, or if they were just being sarcastic.
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     “—–I am inclined to disagree with you, sir. Perhaps we have been placed here as something to be watched, but I doubt the heavens mean to treat us as gladiators in an arena. Surely they have far more productive or honorable things to do, and even if you were to be right, we are our OWN creatures. They may corral us together, but we will dance for them only on our own accord.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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     "I cannot understand. Men, women, and children of differing times, differing places— some have even lived among the stars. For weeks, I believed that I was DREAMING. I doubted the fantastic visions which arose before my eyes, which sought vainly for familiar sights and found none.” She blinks, casts her gaze somewhere far away on the horizon.      “It feels too bizarre a phenomenon to be without a drawback or a particular meaning. There must be a reason we have all been drawn here.”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
“I’m sorry, what?”
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     “I— didn’t say anything.” Jane looks up from her stack of letters to give the other a look of puzzlement and concern. “Are you alright, miss?”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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“Perhaps,” she murmured in agreement. “I find that bit of the language here to be tricky.”
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     “Did you speak a different language, where you come from?”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”
Jane Eyre (2011) dir. Cary Fukunaga
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
Stefan’s eyebrows scrunched as he listened to the choice of words escape the female. He had been alive for over a century, and because of that, it allowed him to see vast changes within society, including language.  Though curiosity grew, he was never one to pry, after all, he had never liked it when others did the same to him. Shifting his shoulder forward, the male hastily nodded as his lips rested against one another for a brief moment before responding. Elongating his arm forward, Stefan reached for the small package that the other was holding. A genuine smile outlined his lips. “Thank you, it is much obliged. ” The words fell politely as he dipped his head in a nod, hearing a following remark. “ I’m aware. Again, thank you___” Stefan’s words halted for a moment. “ I’m not sure of your name, but neighbors aren’t always neighborly, so it is much appreciated when they are.”
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     His furrowing his eyebrows isn’t a movement that goes unnoticed; vaguely she wonders if she— or the news— has displeased him in some way, or whether that was simply a display of contemplation. But no action is made on the other’s part that would confirm the former notion, and the young woman offers him a thin pressing-together of the lips that could be taken as a smile ( she isn’t a smiling person, really ).       “Jane Eyre, sir.” Her job is done here, and the girl turns to leave.
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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“What do you think that is supposed to mean?”
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     She shakes her head, confused. “I don’t know.” Pause. “...Perhaps it is slang?”
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